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Riding Sail -- Use and Sources

  • Thread starter seanmadian
  • Start date Apr 26, 2021
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Hello all -- My boat (a 2009 Hunter 45) tends to dance quite a bit at anchor. I rigged lines to the chain and each of the bow cleats and that helped a bit. Doing some more digging, I learned about Riding Sails. My two questions for the forum are: 1. Have you tried a riding sail and if so, did it work? 2. Do you have any sources for riding sails? On the second question, I have found a "DIY" version for about $100 and ready-to-go for over $700 so quite a variance. Our boat does NOT have a backstay so anything we use will have to be rigged to the topping lift. Thank you in advance, Sean & Lori Halayah Rhea Seattle, WA  

sail sfbay

You can invest in a riding sail, I suspect the Sailrite kit is a pretty good DIY package. Or you can try out just about anything to get an idea how it would work. Even a pair of grand ma's bloomers hanging from the topping lift will give you an idea of the affect it will have. I would think about a piece of tarp folded and tied onto the boom/topping lift would be enough to give you an understanding of the function. The issue is all the free board the boats have. They function as a sail.  

I built a SailRite riding sail a few years back. It is a pretty easy afternoon project. So far it has spent about 10 years sitting on the boat in the sailbag taking up space.  

Thank you ALL for the replies.... Can't say I'll be strapping a set of Grannie's bloomers to the boom any time soon, but if the need should arise, it's a good backup. Save travels to everyone! Sean  


seanmadian said: ....(snip) I'll be strapping a set of Grannie's bloomers to the boom Click to expand



I use a FinDelta riding sail and it works great On my 38. you might want to do a search in the archives as this topic has been extensively discussed and there are some other very helpful suggestions.  

Tom J

I have used a riding sail to good effect. It is a plain sail, made by ATN I believe, and not the delta sails shown here already. I have experimented with another aspect of anchoring that has actually cut down on the swinging quite a bit, even without the riding sail. Instead of running the nylon bridle directly from the anchor chain to the bow cleats, I run the two nylon lines through the bow roller and then to the cleats. The lever arm of the bow roller ahead of the hull seems to be effective in dampening swings.  


sail sfbay said: Using your topping lift to attach a riding sail is a good plan. Sailrite sells a kit for $108 Anchor Riding Sail Kit (12.5 sq. ft.) - Sailrite You can buy one here for $455 FinDelta #2 "Classic" Anchor Riding Sail for Boats 33 to 46 Feet ( Photos of a riding rails rigged on Hunter sailboats: View attachment 193241 View attachment 193244 View attachment 193245 Click to expand


Tom J said: running the nylon bridle directly from the anchor chain to the bow cleats Click to expand


NotCook said: Making one bridle side shorter than the other, so that boat stays to one side, will stop it from sailing back and forth. Click to expand


thinwater said: BUT, you are comparing a product that is many times more effective. Not apples to apples. (I have tested them side-by-side.) Click to expand
AdamCermak said: Plus, just for more fun, I have a split back stay. Any ideas?Thanks in advance, Click to expand


Thanks for the thought. My back stays are very far apart at the cockpit/transom, so I don't know that this would work for the 381. Keep the ideas flowing, though!  

A Bimini or a spilt backstay are not really a problem for a traditional riding sail, just hoist the sail above the Bimini. Attach the tack to one leg of the backstay and run the clew line to the opposite side (a traditional riding sail should be slightly angled to keep the wind slightly off to one side). I do it this way all the time, it works great. Bit of a struggle to reach over the bimini to attach the hanks, but I can do it. No halyard is more of a problem. You can't use your main halyard if you have in mast furling. The other options I can think of are a flag halyard, or use your spinnaker halyard. I might worry about chafe if I used the spinnaker halyard for days and days. Or of coarse you could add a new halyard.  

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Use the Magic of a Riding Sail at Anchor

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How To Sail A Sailboat By Yourself | A Complete 9 Step Guide

sailboat sail riding

Until this point, you’ve always sailed with others onboard, but this time, you’re thinking of going solo. You’ve watched enough experts and have some firsthand experience, so you think you’ll fare well. Still, there are a few knowledge gaps you wish to fill in before you embark on your journey. How do you sail alone?

To sail a sailboat by yourself, make sure you follow these steps:

  • Learn everything about your boat 
  • Practice everything on tranquil seas
  • Take a safety class
  • Know some basic knots
  • Don’t sail without jacklines 
  • Have a capsizing preparedness plan
  • Let someone know where you’re going and for how long 
  • Master anchoring 
  • Never leave without a life vest or life raft 

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover all the above steps in much more detail, explaining everything you need to do to set sail solo. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll feel confident enough in your skills to safely navigate the waters by sailboat alone.

Sailing a Sailboat by Yourself: Steps to Follow

1. know your boat inside and out.

When you sailed in the past, more than likely, you divided your responsibilities among you and the other sailors onboard. For that reason, you’re very familiar with some parts of a sailboat, but maybe not all of them. Some sailors may even know all the sailboats components but never used a lot of them.

That won’t do when you’re riding solo. You now do everything there is on the sailboat. You’re the engineer, the bow-person, the navigator, the dial trimmer, and the skipper. You need to not only become comfortable with every last square inch of your sailboat, but you need to know every last secret your boat holds. When you close your eyes, you should envision the layout of your sailboat in your head. 

This may sound excessive, but it’s completely necessary. If you’re fortunate, you’ll have calm conditions on your voyage, but that’s not always realistic. You need to know how to handle your sailboat in emergencies, and that means memorizing every last part of it. This knowledge will take you far and help you feel more comfortable and confident in the idea of sailing by yourself. 

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

You know the old saying that practice makes perfect, right? It’s true. When planning your solo expedition, you want to give yourself lots of leeway. If you can space the trip out a few weeks or even months ahead of time, that will give you ample time to practice. 

After all, you can read about boating terms until you go cross-eyed, but nothing can beat first-hand experience. This is where your familiarization of your sailboat will come from. You want to spend as much time on the water as you can. It’s best to practice in the calmest conditions possible. 

Yes, as we said, the weather probably won’t be perfect every day of your voyage. However, you don’t need the added pressure of a storm when you’re trying to hoist your sails for the first time. It’s going to make it nearly impossible for you to get the job done sufficiently. 

Instead, what you can do is simulate emergency situations. For instance, time yourself on certain tasks, such as trimming, sail hoisting, mainsail reefing, and more. If you’re getting these jobs done quickly enough, then you’ll know that should you have to do them fast, like in a storm, you’ll be fine. You can do that without a single gray cloud in the sky. It’s like having a safety net, which is nice for first-time solo sailors. 

3. Enroll in a Sailing Safety Course 

In your time preparing for sailing your sailboat by yourself, you have probably learned a lot. You might think you know all there is about sailing, but trust us when we say you can always learn more. Sometimes you don’t even realize there are topics you glossed over until you get on your boat and you have no idea where to find the spinnaker pole.

To augment your knowledge and maybe even teach you a new thing or two, we recommend you take a sailing safety course. At the very least, you’ll be all caught up on the latest safety rules and regulations. Plus, like we said, there’s the opportunity to learn, and that’s always good, too. Even if the course acts like a refresher for you, you’ll have all that info in the front of your mind when you set sail.

If you’re doing any kind of offshore racing or cruising, then we suggest taking the Safety at Sea Seminars through the Cruising Club of America specifically. Here, you’ll glean lots of great safety info for offshore racing on your sailboat. 

4. Familiarize Yourself with Tying Knots

There are three general types of sailing knots. Do you know them all? Hitches can attach your line to the stanchion, piling, or cleat. Knots that connect more than one line, like a sheet bend, go by the name bends. Then your stopper knot or your bowline knot would be categorized under basic knots.

Besides those classifications, you must also learn how to tie a handful of sailing knots if you’re going to commandeer your sailboat alone. While maybe you don’t have to know all of the following by heart, get comfortable with them anyway:

  • Cleat hitch: A cleat hitch attaches your dock lines to your cleat. To make a cleat hitch yourself, take your rope and rotate it around the cleat’s base once. The line should be led until its length extends beyond the cleat. Move the line to the cleat’s first horn, making a figure eight there. Then repeat on the other horn. Tuck the line in and secure it by pulling it.
  • Rolling hitch: If your winch drums lines get jammed up, then you’ll rely on a rolling hitch. You want to begin by taking your line and securing it around a post or fixed line. Now do this again. For the third go-around, take your original line’s standing end and put the working end atop it. Go back to the secondary line, tying the original line’s working end over the turns of the secondary line. Give the standing line a tug.
  • Two half hitches: The two half hitches knot can secure many items aboard your sailboat, so learn how to do it. You can start by wrapping your line around the item in question. Attach the first hitch to the turns by taking its working end and tugging it through is standing end. Do the same thing with your second hitch. 
  • Sheet bend: Instead of square knots, try a sheet bend instead. They’re more stable, so they won’t untie under pressure. Tie your own sheet bend by making two half hitches as explained above. You want to then create a running nose between the two half hitches. 
  • Clove hitch: It should take you mere seconds to tie a clove hitch once you become familiar with it. When you want to connect your toerail, stanchion base, or lifeline to your fender whips, a clove hitch comes especially in handy. To start, take your line and wrap it once fully around the item. The line should overlap itself by the second turn. Leave no spare line, so make sure the working line is part of the knot. Give the whole thing a tug to secure it.
  • Stopper knot: Last but not least, we recommend you know the stopper knot. This will keep your line where you want it, unable to slip through your rope clutch or block. Start at the back of the line with a stopper knot. With your working knot, pull it around your hand, keeping it open as you do so. Wrap it around a second time and then push the line’s working end beneath. Release the knot from your hand, holding onto the working end and pulling so the knot will tighten. 

5. Get Your Jacklines Set up and Always Have Them Ready

In case you don’t know (although we hope you do), your sailboat’s jackline connects from your stern to the bow via wire or rope. You can attach a safety harness to the jackline so you can get across the sailboat’s deck in an emergency, such as when capsizing (more on this in a moment). 

Jacklines serve an incredibly crucial purpose, then. While it’s great to know how to tie some of the above sailor’s knots, you want to make sure that your jackline is in place above all else. Besides emergencies, they also come in handy once night falls, in fog, and during storms. 

Now, you’ll have to rig the jackline yourself, starting it at your sailboat’s bow to its stern. Make sure you do this on both the port side and the starboard. You should have your jacklines set up even if you’re not expecting bad weather. This way, should a storm roll in, you don’t have to waste valuable time stringing the jackline. It’ll be ready to go. 

6. Learn How to Come Back from Capsizing

As we’ve written about on this blog before (see here ) capsizing is something that can and likely will happen to your sailboat at some point or another. If you recall from that blog post, when sailboats heel or turn at an angle, they’re at a higher risk of capsizing. Also, the lightweight design and shape of a sailboat doesn’t do it any favors when it comes to staying upright.

You shouldn’t think of capsizing or tipping over as a “what if” scenario, then. In fact, depending on the conditions you ride in and how long you plan on sailing, you could end up capsized more than once. Unfortunately, capsizing can lead to death, so it’s very important you’re not caught off-guard. 

You need some sort of plan of attack for what to do when your sailboat capsizes. Whether you get a self-righting boat from the get-go or you learn to right your sailboat when it tips, you need to be ready. 

7. Never Sail Without Someone Knowing about It 

Woo-hoo! You’re about to set sail for your first solo trip and you couldn’t be more excited. You’ve already put in a lot of legwork, studying up on all the terms and parts of your boat, passing a sailboat safety course, practicing your sailing, and tying lots of sailor’s knots. Now you’re ready to ride the open seas on your sailboat. You feel more than prepared.

Wait, hold on. Before you embark, did you let anyone else know of your plans? We don’t just mean vaguely, but detailed information of your trip? If not, then you need to change that ASAP. This sailing communication plan can save your life. It’s ideal if the person you choose is someone with a modicum of sailing knowledge (or even some moderate knowledge), but even if they’re not as experienced as you, it’s still good to have someone aware of your plans.

You want to tell this person where you’re going, how long it should take you to get there, the day and time you’re leaving, and the day and time you estimate you’ll arrive. If that date and time passes and there’s still no sign of you, this contact of yours could try reaching out. 

You have a few means of staying in touch, even on your sailboat. Your smartphone works, but you will have to keep it charged. Also, sometimes, connectivity can be spotty since you can sail pretty far from any cell towers. You could always get a satellite phone or sailboat Wi-Fi installed on your vessel, although neither come very cheap.

8. Know How to Anchor Your Sailboat

If you’re sailing or cruising on a multi-day trip, then you’ve got to stop and sleep sometime. When you do, you’ll have to anchor your sailboat so you don’t lose control of it during your respite. Otherwise, you could end up lost. Your boat could also hit other vessels, crash into a shoreline, or plummet against some rocks, all of which would end your trip very fast. 

Where you choose to anchor matters. You want to make sure you’re not close to a lee shore, since sometimes even when you anchor your sailboat, it will drag a little. The place you select should also offer adequate safeguarding from both waves and wind. If you can stick your anchor in mud or sand, that’s best. It can slip off grass, seaweed, and rocks. You should drop your anchor to a depth of 30 feet, sometimes even 40 feet, but you must make sure you have the right amount of anchor rode, between 200 and 300 feet of the stuff. 

When you do finally drop your anchor, you don’t want to rush it. Stop your sailboat completely and then let the anchor go. If you do this too fast, the anchor might not settle where you want it, which is just as bad as not having anchored your sailboat in the first place. 

9. Have a Life Vest or Life Raft Onboard

As we’ve said already, when you’re sailing by yourself, you assume all duties onboard the vessel. There’s no one else looking out for your safety but yourself, so you must take your own safety very seriously. In all the hustle and bustle of preparing for your first solo sailing trip, you could forget some things. 

While that does happen, one item you must absolutely not forget is a life vest or life raft. You might even bring both since you only need one of each. If it’s a life vest you prefer, then you want to get it fitted before you set sail. The vest should fit close to your body but not to the point where it’s constricting. If you can’t maneuver freely, then the vest is too tight. If it slips right off you when you try to do anything, then it’s too loose. 

We’re not asking you to wear your life vest 24/7, but you can if you want to. You do always want to know where it is and have it within arm’s reach. If you need to put it on very quickly, it won’t be too far away. Having a life vest can be the difference between life and death in a sailboat incident, so please, never forego yours.  

Related Questions

Will a sailboat right itself.

Sailboats won’t right themselves unless you get a model that’s self-righting. These boats can flip themselves back upright without any intervention on your part. If you’re in the market for a new sailboat, then it’s recommended you get a self-righting model. That’s doubly true if you plan on sailing alone. It can be very difficult to push a sailboat upright if you’re by yourself.

Will a sinking boat pull you under?

If your sailboat begins to sink and you’re still onboard, you may wonder what the risk is of it pulling you under with it. It can happen if the sailboat gets full of water and you don’t move or swim to safety. By staying with the boat, a rip current-like situation can develop, where the force of the water pulls you down, potentially causing drowning. 

I am the owner of sailoradvice. I live in Birmingham, UK and love to sail with my wife and three boys throughout the year.

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Understanding the use of riding sail

From Practical sailor, the full article can be found here .

There are four common factors that can cause an anchor to drag, (assuming it is well designed and ideally matched to your boat): poor bottom, short scope, insufficient shock absorption, and yawing.

The effects of a boat yawing at anchor can often go unnoticed until it is too late. Constant yawing prevents an anchor from setting deeply, and because the rode tension of a boat sailing vigorously at anchor is typically 50-100 percent greater than one resting quietly, it may cause the anchor to slowly walk downwind.

Using a riding sail. A riding sail functions both by pushing the transom back in line when the boat sails to one side, and by increasing windage at the stern, steadying the pull on the rode. Traditional one-dimensional riding sails work by encouraging the boat to rest at a slight angle to the wind. These triangular panels are rigged from the backstay and sheeted to a side cleat at a 15- to 20-degree angle to the boat's centerline.

A riding sail functions both by pushing the transom back in line when the boat sails to one side, and by increasing windage at the stern, steadying the pull on the rode. Traditional one-dimensional riding sails work by encouraging the boat to rest at a slight angle to the wind. These triangular panels are rigged from the backstay and sheeted to a side cleat at a 15- to 20-degree angle to the boat's centerline. This causes the boat to ride at an angle of about 10 degrees to the wind. The stabilizing force on one tack comes from the sail, and the stabilizing force on the other tack comes from the side of the boat. Because the boat generally lies to one side, the wind load is higher, even when the sail itself is aligned with the wind. Three-dimensional Y- and V-shaped riding sails, including the Fin-Delta and V-Delta, set in alignment with the boat's centerline, providing a correcting force on either side when the boat yaws, as well as some steadying drag force even when aligned with the wind.

The weakness of anti-yawing strategies at the bow, including chain and kellets, is that they fail when they are needed most when the wind really howls. A riding sail, on the other hand, works by correcting the aerodynamic balance of the boat, in both light winds and extreme weather.

A conventional riding sail will reduce mild yawing, but its effectiveness is limited and wed not use it in storm force winds. after all, Its 19th-century technology.

sailboat sail riding

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A Beginner's Guide to Sailing a Sailboat

Key Information for Beginners and Sailors

There are many ways to learn to sail:

  • You can just jump in a boat with a friend and try to learn from experience
  • You can sign up for a formal course at a sailing school
  • You can buy or borrow a small sailboat and do it all on your own

No matter which way works best for you, it helps to understand the boat and what's involved in sailing first before you're out on the water, where suddenly you might get into trouble.

The Basic Steps of Sailing

Sailing involves both specific knowledge and skills. The following are the basic steps of learning to sail- as much as you can learn while not actually on a boat. You don't have to follow this order; skip ahead if you already know some of the basics. If you're mostly new to sailing, you might want to proceed through these steps like chapters in a manual.

  • Understand Basic Sailing Terms. To get into sailing, you have to understand the words that are used to talk about the sailboat and the skills used to sail. Start here with a review of basic sailing terms. Don't worry about memorizing everything as many of these terms and concepts will become clearer as you read on about how to do it.
  • Learn the Parts of the Boat. Before you go on the boat, it's helpful to know the words used in different parts of the boat. Even if you have an instructor, he or she won't say "Grab that rope over there and pull it," but instead will say "Haul in the jib sheet!" Review the basic boat terms you'll need to know.
  • Start an Online Course. Now you're ready to learn more about what all those parts of the boat are used for. Here you can start an online learn-to-sail course by learning more about the parts of the boat along with a lot of photos, so you'll see what to do.
  • Rig the Boat. Read to go sailing now? Hold it a minute- you have to rig the boat first by putting on sails and making other preparations. Here again are a lot of photos of what to do on a typical small sailboat used by beginners.
  • Review Basic Sailing Techniques. OK, now you have the boat ready- so what do you do now to make it go? Manage the sails to go in the direction you want by learning basic sailing techniques.
  • Discover How to Maneuver. Sailing in a set direction is reasonably easy, but eventually, you'll have to change direction. That often involves tacking and gybing. Take a moment to learn what's involved in these critical maneuvers.
  • Recover From a Capsize. Now you've got the basics down. But did anyone ever tell you that small sailboats often tip over if the wind is gusting? Be prepared and carefully see how to recover from a capsize .
  • Dock or Anchor the Boat. Now you're out there sailing and you've got the boat under control. Learn how to go faster, dock or anchor the boat and use some of the equipment you've ignored so far. Take a look at some of these additional sailing skills.
  • Practice Tying Knots.  For thousands of years, sailors have used times where it is cold or raining by doing things like tying knots. Knots are important on a sailboat and you will need to learn at least some basic sailing knots to sail at all.
  • Sail Safely. At this point, plus practice on the water, you're good to go. However, it's good to remember that water is a dangerous place. Learn the basics about sailing safety. Staying safe makes it easier to keep having fun out there.

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Quit Horsing Around

Posted by Steve Christensen | Sailing Tips

Quit Horsing Around

Use a riding sail to steady your boat at anchor

You’re all settled in for the night in that well-protected cove, when the wind picks up. What had been a nice quiet anchorage is now alive with motion as the wind causes the boats to weave back and forth on their anchor rodes. Your boat rolls and jerks from one “tack” to another, and you begin to worry about what all this motion is doing to the set of your anchor. Your nice quiet evening is now anything but restful.

Most people call this weaving back and forth “sailing at anchor.” But my favorite nickname for the activity is “horsing around” because the image it creates is so descriptive of the motion. And while the name may sound like fun, the motion it describes can lead to real problems.

Detail of riding sail 1

What causes this phenomenon? For most boats, the center of effort (or windage) of the topsides and rigging is well forward of the underwater center of lateral resistance. This means the boat is out of balance while on the hook, and doesn’t really want to weathercock. Whenever the boat drifts backward during a gust (or there is a slight change in the wind direction) the bow will fall off faster than the stern, putting the boat broadside to the wind. Once that happens, the bow continues to fall off, and the boat will “sail” away in the new direction, up to as much as 30 to 40 degrees off the wind, until brought up short by the rode.

Detail of riding sail 2

It seems as if the boat should eventually settle down, given a steady wind. But in reality, the wind is never steady in either direction or strength for very long. During the lulls, the boat is drawn forward by the weight of the rode (creating slack), only to fall back and turn broadside during the gusts.

Why all the concern? Well, at the very least, all this weaving back and forth can make things uncomfortable down below. More importantly, it is quite possible for two boats anchored side by side to get “out of phase” while sailing at anchor and actually collide. We witnessed this a few seasons ago while anchored in Bear Drop Harbor in the North Channel on a day with gusty 25-to-30-knot winds. Two nearby anchored boats began to sheer, on opposite tacks, and exactly out of phase. The boats kept getting closer and closer with each tack as the skippers looked on helplessly. A collision was avoided only when one skipper broke the cycle by letting out more rode.

By far the biggest concern of “horsing around” is the effect it has on the set of your anchor. The shock loads on the rode from coming up short on opposite tacks are practically at right angles to each other, and all this stress can eventually break the anchor free. Even if the anchor holds, the sideways motion at the bow can chafe right through a nylon rode in a few hours.

So, if you want to sleep better at anchor, you need to do all you can to reduce this sailing at anchor.

But what can you do? While we’ve never tried it, a couple of skippers we have met swear by anchoring stern-to. This places the center of effort behind the center of resistance, and keeps the boat steady. (It also looks really weird.) The downside is that some boats are not very seaworthy stern-to, and most companionways are not designed to be very weatherproof from the stern. So I would worry about being caught in a storm anchored backward, but in fair weather it seems to work quite well.

Riding, or anchor, sail at stern

The best thing you can do to reduce “horsing around” while at anchor is to use a riding (or anchor) sail. We first learned about riding sails by reading Steve and Linda Dashew’s The Bluewater Handbook. It seemed like a good idea, so we had a local sail loft make one for us, and have used it every night at anchor since. The ability of a riding sail to reduce horsing around is just amazing and has to be seen to be appreciated. On that day in Bear Drop Harbor when many of the other boats were sailing up to 40 degrees off the wind, our riding sail kept the bow of our Ericson 38 to within five degrees of the wind direction. Considering how well they work, it is surprising that you don’t see more of them being used. (We’ve only seen one other riding sail in 10 seasons of cruising the Great Lakes.)

Just what is a riding sail? It’s essentially a small and heavily built mizzen, rigged on the backstay, and sheeted forward. The added windage of the sail brings the overall center of effort well aft of the center of lateral resistance. Now when the boat drifts backward during a gust and the bow begins to fall off to one side, the effort of the wind on the riding sail quickly pushes the stern in and brings the boat back head to wind.

A riding sail should be constructed board-flat, of heavy (4- to 8-ounce) cloth, with a hollow foot and leech to reduce flutter, and a straight luff with hanks for attaching to the backstay. Adding full-length battens to the sail is also a good idea to reduce slatting in high winds. As for size, a good rule of thumb is to have the sail made about the same size as a storm jib, or from 5 percent to 10 percent of the total sail area. In fact, you can use a storm jib on the backstay as your riding sail. And for that matter, ketches and yawls can achieve the same effect by just leaving their mizzen up (perhaps with a reef or two). But since whatever you use will be left up constantly while at anchor and exposed to a lot of ultraviolet radiation, it’s a good idea to have a dedicated riding sail, and not subject your storm jib or mizzen sail to all that abuse.

How do you rig a riding sail? First, attach a pendant between the stern of the boat (the top stern rail works well) and the tack of the sail, long enough to keep the sail well clear over the cockpit. Then attach a halyard to the head and hoist the sail aloft. Finally, rig a sheet from the clew to a place on deck amidships, or – better, but more work – run a sheet to each side of the deck or cabin house. You can leave the sail flying free like this, but it will tend to slat a bit in high winds. So it’s best to attach the luff of the sail to the backstay with a number of hanks.

Riding sails may not be common, but any sail loft can make one up for you. Or you can contact Sailrite, which markets a basic anchor riding sail kit with a 75-inch leech, a 58-inch luff, and a 72-inch foot (15 square feet) designed for boats over 20 feet. It costs between $68 and $73, depending upon the size of the snaps needed to fit your backstay. This kit was just upgraded to use Top Gun sailcloth, rather than Dacron. This makes the sail hold up much longer.

Our riding sail came from Kent Sails, in Mount Clemens, Mich., and is 150 inches on the luff, 124 inches on the leech, and 62 inches on the foot (26 square feet) with seven hanks along the luff.

Kent Sails designed our current riding sail with a fiberglass rod running between the backstay at the luff and the grommet at the clew. This rod does a nice job of stiffening the sail, and keeps it quiet in high winds. But more than that, this unusual design has the interesting feature of holding the clew out away from the backstay, in much the same way a wishbone boom on a sailboard holds the clew of the sail out from the mast. With the clew held out taut, you can swing the sail around on the backstay to point aft, which not only gets it out of the way of the cockpit, but has the advantage of putting the sail’s center of effort even farther from the bow, making it even more effective at keeping the boat steady.

If you already have a riding sail with hanks on the luff and would like to try this arrangement, it’s a simple matter to modify the sail to be able to point aft. All it takes is a few feet of hollow aluminum rod, a short piece of webbing, and a couple of sheet metal screws.

First lay out a line between the luff and the clew, perpendicular to the luff, and mark where the line meets the luff. Then buy a length of hollow aluminum rod that is at least 6 inches longer than this line, and slightly smaller in outside diameter than the clew grommet (so the rod will slide through the grommet). Using your sail repair kit (you do have one aboard, don’t you?) sew about 4 inches of 1-inch webbing to the side of the luff at the position you marked, with enough slack to hold the rod. (The purpose of the webbing is to keep the rod in position on the backstay.) Then cut about a half-inch-deep slot into one end of the rod so the end fits over the backstay.

The final step needs to be done with the sail hanked onto the backstay and hoisted taut. Slide the slotted end of the rod through the clew grommet, through the luff web loop, and over the backstay. Then pull the clew out taut, and mark the point on the rod where it enters the clew grommet. Remove the rod and mount a couple of sheet metal screws at that point on the rod, which will keep the clew from sliding down the rod toward the backstay. Next, cut the excess rod off about 4 inches beyond the screws.

When you now place the slotted end of the rod through the web strap, then the other end through the grommet up to the screws, and finally slide the slot over the backstay, the clew should be held out nice and taut. Finally, just rotate the whole sail aft, and add a sheet from the end of the    rod to each corner of the stern rail. Using rolling hitches for each sheet makes it easy to adjust the centering of the sail. And that’s it – you’re done.

A nice side effect of any riding sail is that it makes your boat easier to find in a crowded anchorage, as there aren’t too many boats out there with big white triangles at their sterns. (This has come in very handy when returning by dinghy from a late evening ashore and trying to find our boat by flashlight.) Our unusual aft-pointing rig is also very sociable, in that we usually have at least one sailor in each anchorage stop by to ask about it. Last summer we even had the skipper of a nearby Alberg 30 so intrigued that he spent an hour trying to construct a similar rig using his storm jib and a telescoping awning pole. At one point when things weren’t going too well and the pole fell to deck for the second or third time (there was no webbing at the luff to hold the pole in place) he good-naturedly called over, “Look what you started!”

Whether you choose the traditional forward-sheeted arrangement, or the unusual aft-pointing rig, I highly recommend you consider using a riding sail to steady your boat at anchor. Leave the “horsing around” for on shore.

Kents Sails Co. 35942 Jefferson Mount Clemens, MI 48045 810-791-2580

Sailrite 305 W. Van Buren St P.O. Box 987 Columbia City, IN 46725 800-348-2769;

Article  from Good Old Boat magazine, January/February 2000.

About The Author

Steve Christensen

Steve Christensen

Steve Christensen, a research chemist, moved from Utah to Michigan and took up sailing to replace skiing. Steve and Beth sail Rag Doll, an Ericson 38, on Lake Huron. They spend each August cruising the waters of The North Channel and dream of retirement as liveaboards someplace warm.

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Riding Turn

The Handbook of Sailing Book from Practical Sailor

Excerpted from The Handbook of Sailing

Sometimes, when winching, the coils of sheet on the barrel become crossed (known as a riding turn). This is usually a result of taking too many turns on the winch. It cannot be undone unless the tension is removed. Another line is first tied to the sheet, between the winch and the sheet lead, using a rolling hitch. The new line is then taken around a spare winch and wound in until it is taking the strain from the first winch and the riding turn can then be released. If you find that riding turns are occurring frequently, you should check the angle of then sheets to your winches.

For more hints and tips on sailing techniques for both the beginner and experienced sailor, purchase Bob Bond’s The Handbook of Sailing from Practical Sailor .


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Riding the waves: how to sail and manoeuvre

  • Riding the waves: how to sail and manoeuvre

Sailing in high waves can feel a lot like riding a roller coaster. If you don't manoeuvre correctly, you might experience jolts and juddering, endure long, tiring legs of the journey, or risk capsizing or colliding with an obstacle or the shore. However, it can also be a truly exhilarating experience, literally surfing the waves to your destination. In order to make sailing the high seas comfortable and safe, it is essential to understand how different types of waves are formed, how they behave and everything that influences them. 

Basics of sailing in waves

Every sailor should understand the behaviour of waves and be able to set up and trim the boat to make the most of them while minimising their negative effect on the ride. This is a fundamental skill that everyone who wants to ride a boat should practice and develop. It is the only way to get the most enjoyment out of sailing and to have the self-confidence to be able to sail in all conditions.

What is an ocean wave and how is it formed?

A sea wave is the movement of a mass of water set in motion by wind (aeolian waves) or ocean currents. Of course, waves can be caused by earthquakes, the eruption of an undersea volcano, a landslide, or a glacier, but these are extreme cases, so we will focus on the typical waves encountered at sea. Waves are the rising and falling movements of water, characterised by a peak (crest), the lowest point (trough) and height (the distance between the crest and the trough).

Graphic showing the characteristics of waves at sea

Wave period

Within the wave motion, the wave period is the time interval between the arrival of consecutive crests at a stationary point. The height and speed of waves depend not only on the direction and strength of the wind, but also on the water's surface area and depth. Different waves can add to or cancel each other out and have high inertia, so that they remain on the surface long after their source has disappeared. At the coast, waves tend to break and change shape. 

Sailing in waves also depends on how big a boat you are sailing on. Logically, the bigger the boat, the less trouble the waves will cause you . Objects bounce on the waves and are carried by them because they take energy from the waves. In sailing, this means that while the size of the waves is important, it also depends on the speed at which you are sailing. Because speed reduces the amount of energy that is transferred from the waves to the boat, setting it in motion and rocking it. At first glance, you may think that increasing speed in big waves is not the way to go, and in extreme conditions, a slower pace feels safer. However, it is by increasing speed that you reduce the risk of capsizing and making the boat less manoeuverable. With today's yachts, which you can typically sail in the Mediterranean and Adriatic , it is easiest to achieve consistently higher speeds when sailing downwind.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Want to learn how to pilot your boat in waves under all conditions? Sign up for a course and get your skipper's license . Experienced instructors will explain everything in detail and you'll get plenty of practice being at the helm. 

Sailing in the waves downwind

Modern boats can reach quite respectable speeds in waves when on a downwind course. However, the faster you go downwind, the more experience you need to have to manoeuvre your boat safely and reach your destination. 

Several factors come into play when steering a yacht in downwind waves. When you are surfing a wave at high speed , the rudder becomes much more sensitive than usual, and you only have to make subtle adjustments when steering. Otherwise, you risk sudden and abrupt changes in course, in the direction of the real and apparent wind and incoming waves, which can rock or even capsize the boat. The second factor is to choose the angle at which you ride the wave so that you are heading in the right direction into its trough. A good example is surfers who never ride a wave straight, but always at a perpendicular angle to its direction .

White sails of yachts against a background of sea and sky in clouds

Match boat speed to wave speed

In practice, this means that as the stern of the boat starts to rise and the nose drops down, you should ease out of the waves slightly (that is, angle the rudder to leeward, turn the boat more upwind and possibly trim the sails) to give the boat more speed. The bigger and faster the wave is, the more you need to change course so that the boat's speed is as close to the speed of the wave as possible. The moment you start to surf the wave, do not head straight down into the wave. If you do, you will very likely dig the boat's tip into the previous wave, slow down sharply, the wave will roll past you, and the direction of the apparent wind will change substantially.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Wondering what kind of winds blow in the Mediterranean and how to sail in them? Take a look at the 7 most common winds you'll find in the Mediterranean .

In addition, when a wave hits a boat , it transfers its energy to the boat , and if the boat is comparatively small in relation to the wave and moving slowly, it cause it to capsize . The ideal is to angle the boat so that it glides along the side of the wave (regardless of whether you are riding it "uphill" or riding it "downhill"  so to speak). In addition to extending the surf time on the wave, this will keep the boat at a constant speed.

Sailing in waves against the wind

Riding upwind and against waves is much more difficult and uncomfortable than riding downwind in waves. Even a slightly undulating surface can significantly reduce your speed and ability to stay on course . This can sailing quite a bit longer and you will also be less comfortable. However, if you have no choice but to sail upwind in waves, you'll want to know how to guide the boat so that you don't have to use the engine as additional propulsion. As in any situation, strategy and tactics depend on specific conditions, but the basic lessons remain the same.

A wave is created by the movement of a mass of water in a cycle — upwind at the top and downwind at the bottom. As always, you must ride the waves so that you can use their energy to your advantage and increase the speed of the boat. The general rule of thumb is that when riding a wave "uphill", you should tack the boat slightly , and on the crest of the wave when going "downhill", you should be able to ride the wave  (that is, the helm should be deflected to windward, the boat will start to turn downwind and the helmsman or trimmer should ease the sails so as not to risk capsizing the boat). This manoeuvre is done to spend as little time as possible with the boat on top of the wave while keeping a more or less straight course despite manoeuvring into the waves.

A young woman in a yellow jacket and cap holding a rope on a boat

The apparent wind also plays a role here. When you slow down as you ride up a wave, the apparent wind changes direction and allows you to climb more and tack . Conversely, when riding down a wave, the boat speeds up and the apparent wind matches your need to drop off downwind. The disadvantage of this method of sailing into waves is that frequent course changes make it difficult to set and trim the sails optimally. If the waves are not too high, just set the sails on a straight course. As long as the wind strength or direction does not change, you can be pretty sure you have the trim right. In stronger winds and bigger waves, trimming is much more challenging. If your sails are too tight or loose, you will have a hard time trimming and dropping.

YACHTING.COM TIP: You should always take into account wind direction and strength, and the accompanying waves, when you're taking the boat out for longer crossings. Check out  how to plan your sailing route properly .

How to set your sails in waves

The best way is to set the sails to have the best possible performance over the widest possible range of  different courses . This will deal with changes in boat speed and associated changes in apparent wind. If the waves are really high, the reference point for setting the sails should be based on the maximum speed you can reach at the top of the wave. In waves, you should also reef the sails much earlier than in normal conditions. Another good trick and alternative to reefing when sailing in stronger winds and bigger waves is to furl the sails , that is, to set them so that the top half near the backstay releases some of its power. It is common on racing boats in regattas to have the trimmer working with the sails constantly as the waves come up.

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When to start using the engine in waves.

If you and your boat are struggling to ride the waves, it's time to start thinking about using your engine to help you. Especially in lighter winds. While using the power of the engine makes sense when sailing upwind in waves  and gets you to your destination faster, using the engine doesn't make much sense when sailing downwind in waves. Downwind, the boat usually has enough speed and the only result will be that you will use more fuel without achieving the desired performance.

For experienced skippers, helmsmen and crew who have logged many hours at sea, riding the waves is a fun and adrenaline-filled experience. However, if you have more beginners on board or crew members who are prone to getting seasick , or if the situation is generally beyond you, there is no point in worrying and continuing your journey. In these cases, always keep a list of marinas on your route handy to fall back on in challenging conditions.

Young woman suffers from seasickness during boat holiday

Riding the waves on autopilot

Autopilot and waves don't usually get along. Of course, technology is always evolving, and new systems of auto-navigation and auto-steering of the boat are becoming more and more sophisticated, allowing them to adjust the heel, change course and even work with apparent wind. Yet no instrument can replace the experienced eye and hand of the captain or helmsman. Technology and instruments should serve as an aid rather than an all-powerful tool . Even on a boat without the latest technology, it is often easy to rely on the system's calculations instead of just following the compass. So, if you want to use the autopilot in waves, you should be sure it is flawlessly and correctly set up.

YACHTING.COM TIP:  If you are sailing downwind in waves and you know that the boat will accelerate as it comes down from the crest of the wave into the trough, set the autopilot to follow the  true wind  direction. When riding waves upwind, the autopilot may actually maintain a better course than the person at the helm. In this case, it is worth setting the autopilot for  apparent wind  because the course changes are much smaller .

Tame the waves and enjoy a sailing adrenaline rush

Sailing in the waves has its own set of challenges that need a certain amount of skill and feel for steering the boat, as well as knowledge of navigation and navigational aids. However, if you grasp the fundamentals and understand the different sorts of waves and how they behave, riding the waves can be an unforgettable experience. As is always the case at sea, you need to be well prepared, assess your experience and strengths correctly, and don't put yourself at any unnecessary risk.

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Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

Faq: how to sail in big waves.

OASIS Sailing Club ready to launch its Opening Day celebration

Pictured are the Oasis Sailing Club's two 34-foot Catalina sloops named Oasis V and Oasis VI respectively.

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The Oasis Sailing Club will usher in the start of the sailing season on Friday when it holds its 37th annual Opening Day ceremony.

“It’s a longstanding yachting and sailing tradition to have an opening day. It’s usually quite formal, with the officers and everyone dressed in their blue blazers and white slacks,” said Laura DeSoto, who serves as secretary for the club in Newport Harbor.

“We laugh here in California because we sail all year long and, obviously in the Midwest or the Great Lakes or the East Coast, Opening Day has a little bit of a different meaning in that truly when they open the yachting season. But, here, we’re so fortunate in Southern California.”

DeSoto said all the local harbor’s yacht clubs typically host opening ceremonies around April and invite each other’s commodores to attend.

In addition to the ceremony, which includes a welcome speech from the Commodore Stan Espenship, and words from other dignitaries, members of the public will also be able to see an on-water display by the Orange County Harbor Patrol. The event begins at 10:30 a.m. with registration and the ceremony will being promptly at 11 a.m. It will be held at the Balboa Yacht Basin at 829 Harbor Island Drive.

DeSoto said the club will also be organizing tours of the club’s two Catalina sloops — Oasis V and Oasis VI — for interested attendees and prospective club members.

There will also be informational displays, a lunch and an open house. DeSoto said she is aware sailing often feels out of reach for people, but that she was hopeful the open house and ceremony would bring attention to the club, where membership is $65 a month.

“[The Oasis Sailing Club] is this gem that’s probably not as well known. If you own a boat, forget it. But, we’re fortunate that the Friends of the OASIS Senior Center and the city help. It’s really to make sailing accessible, but you don’t have to be a senior to be a part of the club,” DeSoto said. “It’s an amazing resource that people don’t know about.”

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Lilly Nguyen covers Newport Beach for the Daily Pilot. Before joining the Pilot, she worked for the Orange County Register as a freelance reporter and general assignment intern. She earned her bachelor’s in journalism at Cal State Long Beach. (714) 966-4623.

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PhD defence Jacolien Wubs (RUG)

On 14 October 2021, Jacolien Wubs (RUG) will defend her PhD thesis ‘To Proclaim, to Instruct and to Discipline: The Visuality of Texts in Calvinist Churches in the Dutch Republic’ De defence will take place at the University of Groningen. The supervisors are Prof. dr Raingard M. Esser and Prof. dr Justin E.A. Kroesen.

PhD defense Alexander Boeschoten @ RUG

Alexander Boeschoten, PhD at Nikhef, will defend his thesis Monday 26 June 2023 at 9.00 at the University of Groningen.

“Precision measurements in diatomic molecules: a route to a permanent electric dipole moment”

The universe can be successfully described in terms of elementary particles. The Standard Model of particle physics unifies their properties and interactions and describes almost all physical phenomena we observe. However, cosmological observations and theoretical arguments indicate that the Standard Model is incomplete. It needs to be extended with new yet unknown particles. The NL-eEDM experiment searches for indirect effects of these new particles by measuring the permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the barium monofluoride molecule. An EDM leads to an interaction of the molecule with the electric field that violates both parity and time-reversal symmetry. Despite many attempts, an EDM has not been observed yet in any system. However, the upper limits set by experiments become stronger every time.

To improve the limit on EDMs, both high precision and high accuracy in experiments searching for EDMs are needed. In this thesis, we present a theoretical description of the NL-eEDM experiment required to interpret the measurement outcomes and evaluate its accuracy. Besides, we develop a new measurement method to measure the accuracy without compromising the precision of the EDM. We successfully applied this method in the NL-eEDM experiment. We demonstrate that parameters, such as the electric field, can be measured up to the precision required for a limit on the EDM.

Precision measurements in diatomic molecules: a route to a permanent electric dipole moment ( pdf )

The PhD defense will take place on Monday 26 June 2023 at 9.00 at the Academiegebouw RUG, Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP Groningen.

You can watch the PhD defense ceremony here online.

More information on the website of the University of Groningen.

Supervisor: prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans Co-supervisor: dr. L. Willmann

contact: Alexander Boeschoten

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Bottom-up and online populism in contemporary China: An understanding beyond the West

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rug groningen phd defense

All PhD ceremonies from April 12, 2024 to August 09, 2024. Results 1 - 20 / 123. Exploring natural product biosynthetic potential in diverse microbial ecosystems. PhD ceremony: Ms Y. (Yunhai) Yi. When: April 15, 2024 09.00 a.m. Where: Academy building RUG.

This module will help you prepare for your defense by discussing both practical issues surrounding the PhD defense and actual experiences by recently graduated PhDs. During the module, the official procedures before/during/after the defense will be discussed, such as: Furthermore, former PhD's will share their experience of the doctoral defense.

The PhD defense will take place on Tuesday 10 October 2023 at 15.30 in the Academiegebouw RUG, Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP Groningen. More information on the website of the University of Groningen. Supervisor: prof. dr. A. Pellegrino . Actueel.

The PhD defense will take place on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 11.00 in the Academiegebouw RUG, Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP Groningen. The defense will be broadcasted online: link. More information on the website of Groningen University. Supervisor: prof. dr. K.H.K.J. Jungmann Co- supervisor: dr. L. Willmann. Contact: Thomas Meijknecht

Description. Examiner (opponent) in PhD defense. Thesis title: Scaffolding and Cooperative Learning: Effects on Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Knowledge in English as a Foreign Language. Period. 2-Jul-2015. Examinee. Examination held at. University of Groningen.

University of Groningen founded in 1614 - top 100 university. Close. Menu and search; Contact; My University; Student Portal

PhD defense held at the Academic Building, Aula room, on October 18, 2016.

On 14 October 2021, Jacolien Wubs (RUG) will defend her PhD thesis 'To Proclaim, to Instruct and to Discipline: The Visuality of Texts in Calvinist Churches in the Dutch Republic' De defence will take place at the University of Groningen. The supervisors are Prof. dr Raingard M. Esser and Prof. dr Justin E.A. Kroesen.

PhD defense of Liwen Zhang "Emotion, self and psychopathology- neural correlates of emotion regulation and self-reflection in mood disorders and schizophrenia", Groningen, Nethderlands. Awarded date: 26-Sept-2016: Awarded at event; Event title: PhD Defense : Location: Academy Building, Groningen, Netherlands Show on map:

The PhD defense will take place on Monday 26 June 2023 at 9.00 at the Academiegebouw RUG, Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP Groningen. You can watch the PhD defense ceremony here online. More information on the website of the University of Groningen. Supervisor: prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans.

Appendix 7: Protocol for the defence ceremony

PhD Defense committee. Jonkers, I. (Member of Assessment Committee) Groningen Institute for Gastro Intestinal Genetics and Immunology (3GI) Activity: Examination, teaching and supervision › Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic. Description Neurodevelopment, brain vasculature and schizophrenia. Period: 6-Mar-2023 ...

PhD defense (Event) Roggenkamp, M. (Member of PhD Examining Committee) Law on Energy and Sustainability; Activity: Examination, teaching and supervision › Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic. ... the University of Groningen research portal data protection policy.

Description. Dealing with Differences: layman's talk for PhD Defense. layman's talk for PhD Defense. Period. 3-Oct-2014. Event title. PhD Defense. Event type.

Description. I was one of the members of the jury of Lucia Carrtero's PhD defense. Period. 25-Oct-2019. Examination held at. Univ Pompeu Fabra, Pompeu Fabra University. Degree of Recognition. International.

Description. Examiner (opponent) in PhD defense. Thesis title: Facets of native-likeness: First-language attrition among German emigrants to Anglophone North America. Period. 1-May-2017. Examinee. Examination held at. University of Groningen.

29 June 2023 | 14.30hrs | Academy building RUG Chinese populism exhibits unique features that distinguish it from populism observed in democratic settings. Notably, Chinese populism encompasses two distinct forms: communist populism and online bottom-up populism, each operating in its own distinct manner. Communist populism is propagated through the party-state system, mobilizing against ...

The Groningen Graduate Schools (GGS) is the overarching organization for all PhD Programs at the University of Groningen. The GGS coordinates the ten Faculty Graduate Schools that are responsible for the training and supervision of all PhD candidates in their respective faculties.. Our goal is to provide an inclusive and stimulating environment for PhD candidates by facilitating:

The Young Academy Groningen and PhD/i invite you to participate in our full-day symposium 'Presenting Interdisciplinary Research' on the 24th of May. The symposium is dedicated to the experiences with rewards and challenges of profiling yourself as an interdisciplinary researcher.


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Home » Home » WATCH: NASA Next-Generation Solar Sail Boom Technology Ready for Launch from New Zealand

WATCH: NASA Next-Generation Solar Sail Boom Technology Ready for Launch from New Zealand

By NASA information center  //  April 15, 2024

will launch aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket

ABOVE VIDEO: NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System seeks to advance future space travel and expand our understanding of our Sun and Solar System.

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(NASA) – Sailing through space might sound like something out of science fiction, but the concept is no longer limited to books or the big screen. In April, a next-generation solar sail technology – known as the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System – will launch aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket from the company’s Launch Complex 1 in Māhia, New Zealand.

The technology could advance future space travel and expand our understanding of our Sun and solar system.

Solar sails use the pressure of sunlight for propulsion, angling toward or away from the Sun so that photons bounce off the reflective sail to push a spacecraft.

This eliminates heavy propulsion systems and could enable longer-duration and lower-cost missions. Although mass is reduced, solar sails have been limited by the material and structure of the booms, which act much like a sailboat’s mast. But NASA is about to change the sailing game for the future.

The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System demonstration uses a twelve-unit (12U) CubeSat built by NanoAvionics to test a new composite boom made from flexible polymer and carbon fiber materials that are stiffer and lighter than previous boom designs. The mission’s primary objective is to successfully demonstrate new boom deployment, but once deployed, the team also hopes to prove the sail’s performance.

Like a sailboat turning to capture the wind, the solar sail can adjust its orbit by angling its sail. After evaluating the boom deployment, the mission will test a series of maneuvers to change the spacecraft’s orbit and gather data for potential future missions with even larger sails.

“Booms have tended to be either heavy and metallic or made of lightweight composite with a bulky design – neither of which work well for today’s small spacecraft. Solar sails need very large, stable, and lightweight booms that can fold down compactly,” said Keats Wilkie, the mission’s principal investigator at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.

“This sail’s booms are tube-shaped and can be squashed flat and rolled like a tape measure into a small package while offering all the advantages of composite materials, like less bending and flexing during temperature changes.”

After reaching its Sun-synchronous orbit, about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) above Earth, the spacecraft will begin unrolling its composite booms, which span the diagonals of the polymer sail. After approximately 25 minutes the solar sail will fully deploy, measuring about 860 square feet (80 square meters) – about the size of six parking spots. Spacecraft-mounted cameras will capture the sail’s big moment, monitoring its shape and symmetry during deployment.

sailboat sail riding

With its large sail, the spacecraft may be visible from Earth if the lighting conditions are just right. Once fully expanded and at the proper orientation, the sail’s reflective material will be as bright as Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.

“Seven meters of the deployable booms can roll up into a shape that fits in your hand,” said Alan Rhodes, the mission’s lead systems engineer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. “The hope is that the new technologies verified on this spacecraft will inspire others to use them in ways we haven’t even considered.”

Through NASA’s Small Spacecraft Technology program, successful deployment and operation of the solar sail’s lightweight composite booms will prove the capability and open the door to larger scale missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

This boom design could potentially support future solar sails as large as 5,400 square feet (500 square meters), about the size of a basketball court, and technology resulting from the mission’s success could support sails of up to 21,500 square feet (2,000 square meters) – about half a soccer field.

“The Sun will continue burning for billions of years, so we have a limitless source of propulsion. Instead of launching massive fuel tanks for future missions, we can launch larger sails that use “fuel” already available,” said Rhodes.

“We will demonstrate a system that uses this abundant resource to take those next giant steps in exploration and science.”

Because the sails use the power of the Sun, they can provide constant thrust to support missions that require unique vantage points, such as those that seek to understand our Sun and its impact on Earth.

Solar sails have long been a desired capability for missions that could carry early warning systems for monitoring solar weather. Solar storms and coronal mass ejections can cause considerable damage on Earth, overloading power grids, disrupting radio communications, and affecting aircraft and spacecraft.

Composite booms might also have a future beyond solar sailing: the lightweight design and compact packing system could make them the perfect material for constructing habitats on the Moon and Mars, acting as framing structures for buildings or compact antenna poles to create a communications relay for astronauts exploring the lunar surface.

“This technology sparks the imagination, reimagining the whole idea of sailing and applying it to space travel,” said Rudy Aquilina, project manager of the solar sail mission at NASA Ames. “Demonstrating the abilities of solar sails and lightweight, composite booms is the next step in using this technology to inspire future missions.”

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hanse electric sailboat

Hanse 410

  • Model Range

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Design for the future. The Hanse 410.

Step into the future with the Hanse 410, where fashionable sailing harmonizes with eco-conscious values. The optimized hull design of this 41-foot yacht, featuring chines at the bow and stern, ensures a sleek waterline, providing the Hanse-typical uncompromising performance and ease while sailing. For the first time, the Hanse 410 introduces an optional electric propulsion system, boasting a remarkable range of up to 55 nautical miles. For even greater independence, a fuel cell delivers emission-free energy. Or, turn to the proven power of solar technology to keep essential appliances running on board without burning any fuel. The exclusive Sustainable Performance Sail (SPS) by Elvstrøm Sails is even made from recycled polyester, not only environmentally friendly but also fast on the water. Up to three expansive cabins and a welcoming salon, offer a genuine sanctuary with abundant space for relaxation. Cook in style on the waves! Experience a splash of gourmet in our galley, featuring ample storage, roomy workspace, and superior refrigeration. The Hanse 410 redefines elegance on the seas. With its class-first dual cockpit tables, there's an abundance of space and luxury seating, amplifying the sheer joy of a wind-driven journey.

Technical Specification

Hanse 410

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Sail Universe

E-Motion Rudder Drive, an electric engine with… the Propeller installed into the Rudder

E-Motion Rudder Drive

Hanse Yachts introduces E-Motion Rudder Drive – an interesting propulsion type, with a special folding propeller….

An electric engine and a folding propeller have been installed into the rudder shaft, replacing the combination of diesel engine and sail drive. As a result, the propeller thrust is in line with the rudder position. This enables turning in the smallest circles or rotating around your own keel; it could be a perfect solution for maneuvering in narrow ports.

Making 4.5 knots with calm seas, the new Hanse 315 equipped with four lithium-ion batteries has a range of up to to 30 nautical miles – enough for all European inland waters and many coastal waters. At lower speeds, the range is significantly increased. The Rudder Drive can also be used with two batteries if a shorter range is required. The maximum speed is 6.1 knots – nearing the maximum speed of the diesel version.

The quiet Rudder Drive is also lightweight: 100 kg less than the diesel saildrive option. The Rudder Drive does not require a hole through the hull, lowering the resistance while sailing. The electric drive’s simplicity means less maintenance, as well.

E-Motion Rudder Drive: watch the video


From a standstill position, the yacht immediately starts to turn without having to pick up speed first. In addition, you enjoy all benefits of an electric engine. It will be the future?

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Dear Carlos, no we don’t sell it. We are a News Magazine. You have to contact Hanse Yachts (

Best regards!

Nice, the space the engine takes is a lot. This would be great for smaller boats.

What provides the power? Diesel driving dc generator for the dc motor?

Yachting World

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Yachting World cover

Hanse 460 review: First in a new range

  • David Harding
  • January 26, 2023

The Hanse 460 is the first in a new range of Hanses. From new designers, she is already a big hit, with over 200 sold and a European Yacht of the Year win to its name. David Harding reports

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Product Overview

Price as reviewed:.

For some of us, sailing has always been about the functional and fundamental. We enjoy sailing for sailing’s sake. But today people want so much more from a boat and, in many respects, today’s yachts undoubtedly offer a lot more and the Hanse 460 attempts to do just that.

What you might loosely call the mainstream European builders of family cruising yachts have been following this path for some time, making each generation of designs bigger and plusher than the last. For Hanse in particular, it has been a rapid evolution from the small, basic and functional to the large and luxurious.

This latest Hanse is the first to be designed by Berret-Racoupeau. After the earliest models, which used the moulds of discontinued, slim-hulled Scandinavian designs, every Hanse has been designed by Judel/Vrolijk in what became one of boatbuilding’s most enduring and successful partnerships.

In line with modern trends, each new wave of Hanses has been higher, wider and more voluminous than the last. Founder Michael Schmidt never lost sight of the performance side, however. For all their growing girths and towering topsides, Hanse has always made boats that sail – competitively-priced, high-volume cruisers but with easy handling (self-tacking jibs were used from the early days) and better performance than many of the alternatives.

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The single rudder is light and responsive on the helm. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

The Hanse 460 is different. Very different. The first model from a new alliance with the French designers, it promptly won the European Yacht of the Year as the best Family Cruiser for 2022. A Hanse 510 version now follows.

The big question was whether Hanse had managed to do something different while retaining the qualities that its owners had traditionally sought.

At a glance, the Hanse 460 looks sleeker and sportier than earlier models; more angular, with a reverse rake to the bow and a pronounced knuckle running to about half-way aft. In Hanse tradition there are no hard-angled chines but, in this case, a pronounced soft chine towards the stern. In plan view you see full forward sections which, combined with the broad stern, generous freeboard and ample beam, hold the promise of enormous interior volume.

hanse electric sailboat

The 460’s generous and uncluttered cockpit. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

At the other end, a moulded bowsprit projects the anchor clear of the stem and provides an attachment point for an outer forestay which can carry a reaching headsail. Large windows in the topsides help to break up the high freeboard.

Scale those topsides and you’re faced with an expanse of wide, flat deck and coachroof. Moulded bulwarks edge the side decks to help keep feet where they belong should you venture forward when the boat’s heeled. Otherwise what stands out is the uncluttered appearance – lines are led aft beneath separate mouldings – and the plethora of deck hatches hinged every which way, including one that opens to reveal a large bow locker.

There was certainly nothing to complain about in the performance and handling department. We slipped along very nicely on a flat sea in 12-14 knots of wind, clocking around 7.5 knots with the apparent wind at just under 30°, and tacking through around 80° by the compass.

hanse electric sailboat

Moulded bowsprit keeps anchor clear of the stem and provides attachment for the optional outer forestay. Photo: Andreas Lindlahr/EYOTY

Enjoyable sailing

Weather helm was slight and the load on the wheels increased relatively little if I tried bearing away with the sheets pinned in, the single rudder providing plenty of grip. Provoked in the opposite direction, she coped well when pinched mercilessly and also when thrown into tight spins, only stalling briefly.

At least in the flat water and modest breeze we encountered, the cockpit worked well. In any wind and seaway you would be pleased to have the optional second table to port as a bracing point. At the helm stations you have a comfortable perch outboard of the wheel or, for energetic downwind sailing when you might need both hands, behind it. The Jefa linkage is light and direct, giving a good feel from the rudder. On the starboard side you can wind down the bifurcated backstay when extra headstay tension is needed.

hanse electric sailboat

Hanse 460 is from Berret-Racoupeau. Photo: Andreas Lindlahr/EYOTY

Today’s cockpits are no longer just places from where you control the boat. Controlling the boat in itself is so much easier anyway, especially if – as most owners of the Hanse 460 will – you upgrade to electric winches, electric in-mast reefing and electric furling for the genoa on the outer forestay.

Other push-button options are for the hinge-down bathing platform and the cockpit tables (either side or both), which can be lowered to create large lounging areas. Alternatively there are fixed tables, as we had on the port side. A wet-bar can be added between the helm seats. It’s all part of making the cockpit a multi-function space in which every part can serve a variety of purposes. Cockpit stowage is in the form of a half-depth locker each side and – a first for Hanse – a dedicated liferaft locker right aft to starboard. With the electric-lowering option for the starboard table comes an extra moulded seat pod, which provides readily-accessible shallow stowage forward of the starboard helm and would be good to have for that reason alone.

hanse electric sailboat

Portlights and windows flood the saloon with natural light. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

Moving about the deck and cockpit, and from one to the other, is easy in good weather. The wide open spaces let you simply stroll around – or lounge if you’re so inclined. Then again, they tend to present more of a challenge when a boat’s bouncing and heeling.

Lifestyle choices

Externally, the hull lines clearly differentiate the 460 from her earlier stablemates, but down below it’s a world apart. It’s certainly a more classy finish than we’ve seen before from Hanse; restrained in tone and a level above what we have become used to. Berret-Racoupeau is one of relatively few yacht design studios to have its own interior-design division.

hanse electric sailboat

Stateroom forecabin has generous stowage above and below the bed. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

A host of interior layouts is available, from three to five cabins, up to four showers and from six to 10 berths. About the only constant is the presence of twin double cabins in the stern. Otherwise you can have different arrangements in the bow (cabins and heads) and amidships with a long or short linear galley and a bunk cabin or utility room to starboard where our boat had a chart table and heads compartment.

Details include backrests that hinge down in the saloon to provide trays and drinks-holders. You can press a button to lower the table, press another to pop up the TV from its central pod, and settle in for the evening.

Down here it’s all about sight-lines, integrating the different areas so no one feels left out, and ensuring that, as in the cockpit, every part of the layout performs multiple functions. In practice it creates a thoroughly pleasant and remarkably light environment.

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Sometimes you come across a boat that makes you realise not only that yacht design has changed irrevocably, but also why it has changed and why it’s not going back. The Hanse 460 is unquestionably such a boat. How the crew lives aboard and moves around, both above and below decks, has clearly been thought about in the context of modern lifestyles. And this boat exudes style. If you like the fundamental design, you will be able to tailor many of the options and details to suit your tastes. A yacht like this is unlikely to slice to windward in heavy weather as comfortably as, say, a first-generation Swan 46, but most people aren’t really interested in that these days. I suspect the new Hanse will prove to be a pretty quick and competent all-rounder nonetheless. Simple sailing? The technology is not remotely simple any more. But with the Hanse 460, the sailing itself is simple and can still be a lot of fun.

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Technology cooperation for new sailing yacht drive

Rudder Drive, the new electric propulsion system for sailing yachts developed by Torqeedo together with the large-scale boat builder Hanse Yachts and rudder manufacturer Jefa, combines outstanding maneuverability and minimal weight with a powerful emission-free motor.

The core of this innovative concept is the proven and specially adapted Torqeedo Cruise 4.0 with folding propeller, designed in to the rudder blade itself. The streamlined system replaces the combustion inboard or saildrive and removes the need for a separate thruster on the new sailing yacht Hanse 315 e-motion rudder drive, which debuts at the end of October.

Outstanding maneuverability

Due to the unique rudder placement of the 4 kW (8 horsepower equivalent) Torqeedo electric motor, the motor can apply efficient, directional thrust. The Jefa rudder blade’s range of motion was extended to a total of 100 degrees. Demanding maneuvers can now be accomplished without a separate thruster. While motoring, the yacht can spin on its own axis – both forward and in reverse. While docking, the stern can easily be maneuvered into the proper position. This is highly useful in windy conditions or in narrow slips.

Exceptional endurance with minimal weight

Power generation while sailing

With integrated Torqeedo fast chargers, the emission-free version of the Hanse 315 is fully charged in just three hours. The batteries can be recharged at the dock or during sailing when the Rudder Drive’s folding propeller is used to generate power. Torqeedo is the only manufacturer of electric boat propulsion systems offering industrial engineering, complete system integration and ISO 9001 certified serial production in Germany.

World launch at the Hanseboot Hamburg

For the first time, the new propulsion system will be presented installed in the Hanse 315 e-motion rudder drive at the International Boat Show Hanseboot 2016 in Hamburg. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Hanse Yachts booth (hall 6, booth C108) on Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 2 pm.

PDF Download

Pictures: Hanse 315 e-motion rudder drive motoring, Rudder Drive renderings

Published by Torqeedo GmbH Friedrichshafener Str. 4a 82205 Gilching Germany

Reprinting free of charge. 1 copy requested.

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Exalto Emirates LLC is Torqeedo’s new sales partner in the United Arab Emirates.

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Nominee Spotlight: Hanse 510

  • By Andrew Parkinson
  • October 5, 2023

The Berret-Racoupeau-designed Hanse 460 turned heads as a 2022 Boat of the Year nominee with a fresh take on comfort and volume but with an eye better sailing performance. The second model in the new range designed by the Berret-Racoupeau team, the Hanse 510 is set to make its US premiere at the 2023 Annapolis Sailboat Show—again as a Boat of the Year contender. From what our editors saw at the model’s recent showing in Cannes, the 510 is expected to be a formidable opponent in its category during CW ’s Boat of the Year judging.

Bow of the Hanse 510

As for dockside demeanor, this new range’s calling card appears to be a marked chine on the bow and an inverted bow to optimize sailing performance. According to the designers, attention was also paid to refining the hull shape to maximize interior space. The result is an easy-on-the-eyes 51-footer that values smooth sailing and fast, comfortable cruising.

According to the builder, the Hanse 510 offers unrivalled volume in the 50-foot class, courtesy of an optimized hull design. Chines at the bow and aft further allow for a slim waterline, ensuring prime performance and easy sailing.

The 510 is equipped with a large, practical dinghy garage, capable of holding an inflated dinghy of up to 8.8 feet; and the optional, newly developed Hanse Smart Tender System makes launching that dinghy as simple as “driving a car out of the garage.” Convenience and style dominate the interior. Even the crew cabin gets in on the volume action, as it’s much more than the typical (read: small) crew sleeping space—it is a room worthy of staying a while. The options list is lengthy, and the boat can be highly customized to meet owners’ needs.

Hanse 510 rear

“Expectations were high after the outstandingly successful Hanse 460, which has been awarded European Yacht of the Year,” says Hanjo Runde, CEO of HanseYachts. “The new Hanse 510 is the logical and consistent further development of the new concept. With her impressive volume, tremendously dynamic lines and countless options, she is redefining the 50-foot class. It is an easy to sail and enormously spacious private retreat.” 

The key talking points of the 510 are numerous. A hydrodynamic design with a slender waterline promotes better hull speed. Chines fore and aft allow for a wider hull and more interior space. The reverse, wave-piercing bow makes the yacht pitch less in strong winds, while the pronounced bow chines keep the foredeck as dry as possible. On deck, the strategically placed helm position promotes total control of the Hanse 510 in any situation, with all navigation and performance information easily accessible, as well as all lines and even the electric winches on the port side. An optional hardtop shades the entire cockpit including the steering positions, and it blends seamlessly with the boat’s silhouette. It is also available in several colors and accommodates special lighting and solar panels. A fixed windscreen is another option. 

Hanse 510 at anchor

The novel dinghy garage is capable of holding a dinghy of up to 8.8 ft without having to deflate it. Combined with the optional automatic comfort stairs and the newly developed Hanse Smart Tender System, a single crew member can safely and comfortably deploy the dinghy, including engine, in minutes.

Another novelty on the Hanse 510 is the easy-to-open life raft storage space in the cockpit. Situated just in front of the companionway, it’s easily accessible and has space for standard 8-person life raft containers. An optional wet bar with grill and sink is hinged at the stern so as not to absorb precious cockpit space. 

The boat comes rigged with a self-tacking jib, and all lines run back to the cockpit for simple sail handling of the 710 sq. ft. mainsail and various headsails. The jib is 570 sq. ft. and the reacher measures 1,011 sq. ft., set up using a Solent-style rig on the custom bowsprit. Air draft of the deck-stepped mast is just over 77 feet above the waterline. Optional electric furling systems and winches make light work of handling halyards and sheets for the optimum in performance, short-handed sailing. The standard boat comes with a single, 80 hp saildrive, although an upgraded, optional 110 hp diesel is also available.

Hanse 510 interior

Within the interior, 14 well positioned opening hatches and eight opening windows and portholes permit maximum light and ventilation below deck. A long list of layout options are said to be available for the interior arrangement, from an “owner’s yacht” with a best-in-class sized master cabin, to a “charter yacht” with 10 berths, three bathrooms and an additional skipper cabin. The galley can be fully adapted to the owner’s needs as well: In addition to various refrigerator and freezer options, there is room for a wine cooler, dishwasher and a three-burner gas cooker plus an oven in the longitudinal pantry, which can be customized with a vast choice of colors and materials. Another option is a fully equipped navigation area with a forward-facing seat and a large salon table. The extensive options list, ranging from a washing machine in the utility room to flatscreens in the master cabin and salon, is crowned by the Flagship Package, which includes highest-end fabrics and materials, not to mention a “hidden” bar behind the folding backrest in the salon.

At its core, the Hanse 510 emphasizes a roomy cockpit, large but manageable sail plan, and overall performance that is easily managed by a couple, but perhaps what really sets the Hanse 510 apart from other sailboats in its class is the limitless level of customization the builder is willing to offer. The Hanse 510 also comes with a CE rating of A-12, so it is well suited for those who want to venture longer distances. 

Hanse 510 Specifications

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The NKD Sailor

Electric Sailboats

For prospective buyers, here is a list of new sailboats that at the time of writing have an electric motor in their specifications , either in the standard configuration or as an option. (Updated 19.1.2022)

Please comment or send me an email ( [email protected] ) if you find errors or omissions.

Alva Yachts

  • Ocean Sail 72 , 135 kW electric motor
  • Ocean Sail 82 , 135 kW electric motor

Arcona Yachts

  • Arcona 345 , Oceanvolt
  • Arcona 385 , Oceanvolt
  • Arcona 415 , Oceanvolt 15 kW
  • Arcona 435 , Oceanvolt
  • Arcona 465 , Oceanvolt

Domani Yachts

  • Design S30 , Torqueedo Cruise 24V e-saildrive
  • Design S32L , Torqueedo Cruise 48V e-saildrive, 4kW

Elan Yachts

  • Elan E3 , Oceanvolt 8 kW.
  • Elan E4 , Oceanvolt 8-10 kW.
  • Elan E5 , Oceanvolt 10-15 kW.
  • Elan E6 , Oceanvolt 15 kW or Oceanvolt 10 kW twin.
  • Elan i40.1 , Oceanvolt 10-15 kW.
  • Elan i45.1 , Oceanvolt 15 kW.
  • Elan i50.1 , Oceanvolt 15 kW twin.
  • Elan GT5 , Oceanvolt 15 kW or Oceanvolt 10 kW twin.
  • Elan GT6 , Oceanvolt 15 kW twin.

Hanse Yachts

  • Hanse 315 , Torqeedo e-motion rudder drive ,

Jeremy Rodgers Limited

  • Contessa 32 new build , Beta/Hybrid-Marine ,

Salona Yachts

  • Salona 33 , Oceanvolt 8 kW.
  • Salona 35 , Oceanvolt 8 kW.
  • Salona 38 , Oceanvolt 8 kW.
  • Salona 41 , Oceanvolt 10 kW.
  • Salona 46 , Oceanvolt 15 kW ( also with 2 x 10 kW ).

Spirit Yachts

  • SPIRIT 44CR(E) , Oceanvolt 15 kW.

Viator Marine

  • Viator Explorer 42 DS , 2 x Bellmarine DriveMaster 15kW 48V
  • Viator Explorer 54 DS , 2 x ISCAD V50 50kW 48V
  • WALLYNANO MKII , Oceanvolt 6 kW.

Antares Catamarans

  • Antares 44 Hybrid , Hybrid Marine 40 HP Yanmar Parallel hybrid system

DNA Performance Sailing

  • DNA G4 , Oceanvolt 6 kW.

HH Catamarans

  • HH44 , 2 x BETA 30 + 2 x 10 kW parallel hybrid drives
  • OC44 , 2 x BETA 30 + 2 x 10 kW parallel hybrid drives
  • HopYacht 30 , 2 x 6 kW E-propulsion pod drive .

Independent Catamaran

  • IC36 Independence , 2 x Oceanvolt 6 kW.

ITA Catamarans

  • ITA 14.99 , 2 x Oceanvolt 15 kW with 1 x 15 kW generator.

Lady Hawke Catamarans

  • LH 33 Comfort Eco , 2 x Oceanvolt 6 kW

Maverick Yachts

  • Maverick 440 Hybrid , 2 x Oceanvolt 15 kW

Open Waters Yachts

  • Open Waters ESC40 , 2 x 10 kW electric motors
  • Outremer , 2 x Oceanvolt 10 kW.

SeaQuest Catamarans

  • SeaQuest 46 , 2 x Oceanvolt 15.1 kW

Slyder Catamarans

  • Slyder 49 , 2 x 22 kW electric motors
  • Slyder 59 , 2 x 25 kW electric motors

Sunreef Yachts

  • Sunreef 50 Eco Yacht , 2 x 40 kW electric motors
  • Sunreef 60 Eco Yacht , 2 x 70 kW electric motors
  • Sunreef 70 Eco Yacht , 2 x 90 kW electric motors
  • Sunreef 80 Eco Yacht , 2 x 160 kW electric motors
  • Sunreef 100 Eco Yacht , 2 x 270 kW electric motors

Vaan Yachts

  • VAAN R4 , 2 x Torqeedo FP10 10 kW saildrive (standard), 2 x Oceanvolt 15 kW (option)
  • VAAN R5 , 2 x Torqeedo Deep Blue saildrive 25 kW or 2 x Oceanvolt 15 kW
  • Windelo 50 Adventure (also Yachting and Sport versions), 2 x Bellmarine 20 kW electric motors.
  • Windelo 54 Adventure (also Yachting and Sport versions), 2 x 24 kW Bellmarine electric motors.

The little (electric) engine that could: The Port of San Diego unveils the nation’s first all-electric tug boat

The 82-foot, all-electric eWolf tug boat, dockside at the Port of San Diego.

The 82-foot eWolf expects to eliminate 3,100 metric tons of carbon dioxide

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The nation’s first all-electric tug boat has docked at the Port of San Diego and expects to begin emissions-free operations in about a month.

Operated by Crowley Maritime Corporation , the 82-foot eWolf will escort ships entering and leaving the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal using electric power instead of diesel fuel, helping slash greenhouse gas emissions at the port and its neighbors in Barrio Logan and National City.

For the record:

1:58 p.m. March 13, 2024 This story has been updated to show the correct amount of government funding that went to the project.

“This is a big deal,” said port chairman Frank Urtasun at a news conference Monday. “This is new technology.”

Capable of speeds of up to 12 knots, the eWolf is powered by a 6.2 megawatt-hour main propulsion battery and two electric drives. The tug has thrust — also known as bollard pull in the parlance of the shipping industry — of 76.8 short tons, which is more powerful than the diesel-powered counterparts at the port.

Constructed in Alabama, the eWolf is equipped with two small generators for emergency use that allow the boat to travel longer distances at a reduced speed.

“Like an electric car, you step on the gas and it jumps,” said Paul Manzi, vice president of Crowley Shipping, based in Jacksonville, Fla. “All of the attributes that you have with an electric motor operation in a car or in an electric truck, you see here in the (eWolf) at massive scale. And it’s extremely quiet so when it pulls away from the dock you literally won’t hear any noise.”

The tug boat’s electricity will come from a charging station that is part of a microgrid facility equipped with two energy storage containers. Battery modules in each container have storage capacity of nearly 1.5 megawatt-hours.

Interconnected with the help of San Diego Gas & Electric, the charging station at the port is designed to allow the vessel to recharge quickly and reduce peak loads on the electric grid.

Operators plan to charge the eWolf overnight so it can perform its chores during daytime hours.

“This technology has individually been around for a while, but it hasn’t necessarily been integrated and optimized to all work together — and that’s kind of our role,” said Bruce Strupp, vice president at ABB Marine & Ports , the company that designed the boat’s propulsion system. “Some of the technology is our technology, some of it’s third-party technology, but we integrate it all together.”

The electric tug boat is expected to begin commercial operations at the port in mid- to late-April, depending on the completion of the charging station.

The all-electric eWolf tugboat at the Port of San Diego

Officials at Crowley did not release the eWolf’s price tag Monday, saying only that it cost about twice as much as a conventional diesel-powered tug boat of comparable size.

But, Manzi said, the company expects the eWolf’s maintenance and operating costs will be “dramatically lower” than what’s spent on a diesel-powered tug boat because the electric model has fewer moving parts.

The entire project — the vessel as well as the charging station — received four grants that added up to $13.67 million, with two grants of $10.9 million from the San Diego Air Pollution Control District, one grant of just over $2 million from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and $750,000 from the federal government’s Maritime Administration.

In 2020, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order that directed state agencies to transition off-road vehicles — including tug boats — and equipment to 100 percent zero emissions by 2035.

By replacing one of the port’s diesel-powered tugs, the eWolf is expected to eliminate the consumption of about 35,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year. In its first 10 years of use, the electric tug boat is expected to reduce about 3,100 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the port and its surrounding areas such as Barrio Logan and National City.

“We’re trying to be good neighbors and trying to be able to help to reduce emissions here to help the electrification movement,” Urtasun said, adding that the port has spent about $130 million on various electrification projects.

Last year, the Port of San Diego became the first in North America to install a pair of all-electric cranes to load and off-load heavy cargo. Each 262 feet high, the cranes replaced an older crane that ran on diesel fuel. Together, the cranes expect to help the port reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 47 metric tons per year.

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EJET Eco-Friendly Electric Motor & Drivetrain Yacht Tenders: New Model Announced

Boat engineering and design company EJET Electric Yacht Tenders has announced the development of its latest electric motor 9X yacht tender model.

hanse electric sailboat

Ljubljana, Slovenia - March 21, 2024 —

Much like their highly acclaimed 4X tender, the upcoming 9X model sports EJET’s proprietary electric motor and drivetrain, going in line with founder Žiga Jarc’s mission of providing sustainable transportation options for yacht owners and guests. Both models will be available in the summer, with the 9X build slated for initial testing in July.

For more information, please visit

The announcement follows EJET’s recent appearance at the Boot Düsseldorf Boat Show. Having received the International Boat Industry’s Rising Star Award, the company revealed the development of its larger 9X model with the aim of promoting environmental responsibility within the boating industry.

Designed to be lightweight and compact without sacrificing output or speed, the new tender will be powered by a 220 kWh battery and a 300 kW motor, with an option to upgrade to 340 kW, ensuring 98% efficiency and making it suitable for sports such as water skiing. The boat’s V-shaped hull has been adjusted to accommodate EJET’s custom electric powertrain and is capable of withstanding turbulent waters and inclement weather conditions. Each boat is built with standard hydraulic steering mechanisms, along with the company’s military-grade jet system, allowing for easy maneuvering, reversing, and sudden stops in both low- and high-speed scenarios.

The 9X model will also feature a digital interface, which boaters will be able to use to select different driving modes and dynamics, view real-time GPS navigation and system data, and access the smart audio Bluetooth system. Additionally, amenities such as a hydraulic bathing platform, an electric grill, an ice maker, and a refrigerator will all be available as upgrade options for all 9X tenders.

About EJET Electric Yacht Tenders

Founded in 2016 by Žiga Jarc, EJET began with the goal of developing a zero-emissions electric yacht tender that did not compromise performance or safety. The company has since become a pioneer in electric propulsion systems and remains committed to future innovations in the boating industry. EJET tenders are currently the only products on the market with custom electric drivetrains.

EJET Electric Yacht Tenders, under the leadership of founder Žiga Jarc, is actively engaged in the development of its proprietary electric propulsion technology. The initiative is part of the company's broader commitment to innovation in high-performance, long-range powertrain technology for the marine industry. This effort underscores EJET's focus on delivering solutions characterized by their lightweight and compact design, high power output, and exceptional motor efficiency of up to 98%. With a specific emphasis on extending battery life, the company aims to set new benchmarks for what is achievable in electric propulsion within the boating sector.

“We built the company and the brand on three pillars: driver-centric experience, sustainability with clean electric power, and advanced electric propulsion technology,” says Ziga Jarc. “We cooperate with the best nautical partners to create unforgettable experiences for our customers.”

Interested parties can learn more by visiting

Contact Info: Name: Žiga Jarc Email: Send Email Organization: EJET Electric Yacht Tenders Address: 16C Mokrška ulica, Ljubljana, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia Phone: +386-41-688-998 Website:

Release ID: 89125030

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What candela’s electric hydrofoiling passenger ferry means for sustainable transportation.

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The all-electric-powered Candela P-12 ferry flies over the water on hydrofoils

I would never say “I told you so,” but…now that Candela , the world’s leading producer of all-electric-powered hydrofoiling boats, has just closed the largest funding round in the company's history, I might be bold enough to say…”I’m not surprised.”

That’s because I’ve been closely following the development of this wonderfully smart company’s hydrofoiling boats since I test flew a P-7 near their small and efficient shop in Stockholm in 2021. So, I’m really not surprised they just raised over $25 million to expand production of their game-changing P-12 ferry. And since yacht building powerhouse Groupe Beneteau is a key partner in the largest fundraising round Candela has ever completed it appears Candela’s brand of tech-controled hydrofoiling is about to go global.

“Our investment perfectly aligns with Groupe Beneteau‘s ecological transition objectives, scaling up innovative solutions for more sustainable boating and unparalleled experiences,” says Bruno Thivoyon, CEO of Groupe Beneteau, the world's largest boat manufacturer (15 factories, 9 brands, and more than 8,000 yachts built annually) with a total revenue of over $1.5 billion in 2023. “Candela’s technology, enabling significantly more efficient electric vessels, will transform waterborne transport into its next sustainable phase.”

A Candela P-8 and P-12 underway near Stockholm, Sweden

“We couldn’t be more excited about having Groupe Beneteau on board,” says Gustav Hasselskog, Founder and CEO of Candela. “As the leading global boat company, their trust is a stamp of approval for our technology to transform waterborne transportation. We’re excited for the possibilities ahead."

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The new investment round will help to scale up production to meet demand for the recently launched Candela P-12, the world’s first electric hydrofoil ferry. The P-12 is the first fast and long-range electric ferry on the market. Its efficient hydrofoil technology cuts lifetime emissions by 97.5% compared to diesel vessels, while simultaneously allowing operators to save up to 50% in operating costs. Since it generates minimal wake, the P-12 has been granted exemptions from speed limits, as for example on its maiden route in Stockholm, where it from July will cut travel times in half compared to road transport and legacy diesel vessels.

And it’s pretty obvious Hasselskog and company are on the right track. According to some projections the market for electric vessels is expected to be worth $14.2 Billion USD in 2030.

“We’ve spent years developing the technological maturity, and now we’re fit for scaling to commercial vessels. As in any industry, the fastest-scaling company will dominate the market,” says Hasselskog.

The Candela P-8 and P-12 hardly make a ripple as they fly over the water on computer-controlled ... [+] hydrofoils

Other backers in the round include longtime investors EQT Ventures , Ocean Zero LLC , and Kan Dela AB. The new investment brings total funding since Candela’s inception to over $75 million.

“EQT Ventures has steadfastly backed Candela's vision to accelerate the shift towards fossil fuel-free lakes and oceans since 2021. The launch of Candela's P-12 vessels signifies a watershed moment in sustainable transport", says Lars Jörnow, Partner at EQT Ventures.

The only question is: when will we see a P-12 ferry here in the US?

Bill Springer

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Candela’s electric ferries multiply as the startup lines up $25M in new funding

hanse electric sailboat

Electric boat maker Candela is approaching cruising speed with $25 million in new funding and the first commercial deployment of its new P-12 ferry in New Zealand. The company has global ambitions for its highly efficient boats and has completed and delivered dozens of them — which is a lot in this industry!

Candela has been slowly upping the size of its vessels for years, starting with the considerably smaller C-7 and C-8 (noting the length in meters) — of which, as of this week, they have now produced a total of 70. The P-12, a ferry design that can handle up to 30 passengers, made its debut late last year .

Just last week, the P-12 was given its first assignment: ferry people around New Zealand’s Lake Manapōuri , a scenic destination but also, more importantly, the site of the country’s largest hydroelectric power station. And now staff at that station can get to work via clean-running boat rather than driving, which the companies estimate will save around 240 tons of emissions per year. It’s a start, and it will help keep the lake clean and quiet.

International interest in these boats is also evident in the participation of Groupe Beneteau, a more than century-old boating company that makes thousands of vessels yearly, in the funding round. Groupe Beneteau CEO Bruno Thivoyon expressed in the press release that investing in Candela makes sense as part of the company’s “ecological transition objectives, scaling up innovative solutions for more sustainable boating.”

Many legacy boating companies are embracing electric engines and next-generation tech; I spoke with the head of another major manufacturer, Brunswick’s Dave Foulkes, at CES about it. He said that the collaborations are fruitful because the small, growing companies need the income and reach, while the larger ones need ready-to-deploy tech. Like any other industry, you have to know when to buy and when to build, and big boating companies are happy to buy — or invest.

Candela’s boats use hydrofoils with electric engines mounted on the bottom to effectively fly above the surface of the water once they get past a certain speed, vastly reducing energy consumption — historically and understandably a sticking point for electric boating. The approach does necessitate a powerful autopilot to keep it balanced, and despite their assurances, I wonder about how they’d handle log collisions, but overall the advantages seem to outweigh the drawbacks.

I drove one over the summer in Seattle (watching closely for logs, rather common in Elliott Bay) and wished they would replace the gas-chugging fast passenger ferries with P-12s. Candela isn’t the only one pursuing this market, either; Navier is also attempting to woo coastal communities with the draw of quiet, energy-efficient transit and is currently shuttling Stripe employees around the Bay Area . And while Zin Boats has been quiet for some time, they are also nailing down markets for the next version of their vessel.

The $25 million round was led, as mentioned, by Beneteau, with participation from EQT Ventures, Ocean Zero LLC, and Kan Dela AB.

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Moscow metro - spirit of a city (e.p).

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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hanse electric sailboat

Apr 24, 2018. Hanse's E-motion electric rudder drive represents a true breakthrough in auxiliary propulsion for saiboats. When news that Hanse Yachts had launched a new form of electric-powered yacht first broke in the winter of 2016, it was widely reported. After all, Hanse is one of the world's biggest builders of sailing boats, so this ...

For the first time, the Hanse 410 offers optional electric propulsion with an enormous range of up to 55 nautical miles. This means that even without wind, most destinations can be reached in a climate-friendly way. Hanjo Runde, CEO of HanseYachts : " This innovative electric drive is an important step towards making our product range even ...

The E-MOTION RUDDER DRIVE is a revolution in Yachting.The Hanse 315 e-motion rudder drive was developed in cooperation with the partners Jefa and Torqeedo an...

Hanse 410. Step into the future. Redefining elegance on the seas, her optimized hull featuring chines at the bow and stern provides the uncompromising performance and easy sailing typical for Hanse. Optional electric propulsion and other sustainability features minimise her environmental footprint. And up to three expansive cabins and the ...

The world's third largest boatbuilder, Hanse Yachts, is perhaps the most advanced - offering its entry-level Hanse 315 with an electric rudder-drive option. The system takes up less space than ...

For the first time, the Hanse 410 introduces an optional electric propulsion system, boasting a remarkable range of up to 55 nautical miles. For even greater independence, a fuel cell delivers emission-free energy. Or, turn to the proven power of solar technology to keep essential appliances running on board without burning any fuel.

Its innovative hull shape ensures unrestricted performance. With its unprecedented 51-foot dimensions, the Hanse 510 offers the largest dinghy garage in its class. The spacious cockpit is the perfect place to relax with family and friends. From the generous owner's cabin to the salon to the comfortable crew cabin, this yacht offers exquisite ...

Oct 31, 2016. In Hanse's innovative Rudder Drive system, a Torqeedo electric motor embedded in the boat's rudder provides propulsion. The system will make its debut on the new Hanse 315 e-motion. It was developed by Hanse in conjunction with fellow German company Torqeedo, a leader in electric propulsion, and Jefa, the Danish steering ...

Hanse Yachts introduces E-Motion Rudder Drive - an interesting propulsion type, with a special folding propeller….. An electric engine and a folding propeller have been installed into the rudder shaft, replacing the combination of diesel engine and sail drive. As a result, the propeller thrust is in line with the rudder position. This enables turning in the smallest circles or rotating ...

How it works the new electric propulsion system created by Hanse Yachts and Torqeedo.

Hanse returned to Berret-Racoupeau, who also designed the 460 (a Top 10 Best Boats 2023 winner), to create the 510, and the result can leave you lingering over the lines. Starting with an aggressive, wave-piercing reverse bow, the relatively flat sheer and low deckhouse give this boat a fast, agreeably sharkish look even sitting still, despite ...

Controlling the boat in itself is so much easier anyway, especially if - as most owners of the Hanse 460 will - you upgrade to electric winches, electric in-mast reefing and electric furling ...

World launch at the Hanseboot Hamburg. For the first time, the new propulsion system will be presented installed in the Hanse 315 e-motion rudder drive at the International Boat Show Hanseboot 2016 in Hamburg. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Hanse Yachts booth (hall 6, booth C108) on Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 2 pm. PDF Download.

Hanse 315. Voted European Yacht of the Year right after its launch, the Hanse 315 is the epitome of what makes a yacht great. With its perfect sailing characteristics and easy handling, the 31-foot entry-level model is easy to maneuver. Two staterooms, a spacious salon with L-shaped pantry and the largest cockpit in its class provide true comfort.

Hanse. Hanse is a yacht brand that currently has 310 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 95 new vessels and 215 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers mainly in the following countries: United States, Germany, Spain, Greece and Croatia. The selection of models featured on YachtWorld spans a spectrum of sizes and lengths ...

The Berret-Racoupeau-designed Hanse 460 turned heads as a 2022 Boat of the Year nominee with a fresh take on comfort and volume but with an eye better sailing performance. The second model in the new range designed by the Berret-Racoupeau team, the Hanse 510 is set to make its US premiere at the 2023 Annapolis Sailboat Show—again as a Boat of the Year contender.

Hanse Yachts. Hanse 315, Torqeedo e-motion rudder drive, Jeremy Rodgers Limited. Contessa 32 new build, Beta/Hybrid ... (also with 2 x 10 kW). Salona 46, also known as the "almost perfect electric sailboat" in this Sailing Uma video. Picture from Spirit Yachts. SPIRIT 44CR(E), Oceanvolt 15 kW. Viator Marine. Viator ...

The nation's first all-electric tug boat has docked at the Port of San Diego and expects to begin emissions-free operations in about a month. Operated by Crowley Maritime Corporation, the 82 ...

Boat engineering and design company EJET Electric Yacht Tenders has announced the development of its latest electric motor 9X yacht tender model. Ljubljana, Slovenia - March 21, 2024 — Much like ...

Check out this Used 2024 Hanse 418 for sale in Newport, RI 02840. View this Cruisers and other Sail boats on ... all while enjoying the elegance and style of the very well-designed HANSE Yachts 418. Feel right at home on the open seas with the trademark fast hull line and impressive sail plan, crafted by the world-renowned yacht ...

The all-electric-powered Candela P-12 ferry flies over the water on hydrofoils. Candela. I would never say "I told you so," but…now that Candela, the world's leading producer of all ...

Boat Review: Hanse 315. The baby of the Hanse 5 series, the 315, looks surprisingly serious at the dock. She's got an almost predatory look, even compared to any 50-footers that might be in the area—which seems funny until she gets out on the water and kicks some booty. Between her easy-sailing rig that cuts down on tacking drama and her ...

Electric boat maker Candela is approaching cruising speed with $25 million in new funding and the first commercial deployment of its new P-12 ferry in New Zealand. The company has global ambitions ...

Hanse 458. The new Hanse 458 is the yacht for all of those who set trends. With a pioneering design and the most thrilling performance in its class. With an exquisite interior and an exceptionally diverse range of customization options. The Hanse 458 caters to the highest demands on contemporary style and quality of life.

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BETA GIDA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

It has been over a year since first being introduced to Limerick based 4-piece Moscow Metro* through their wonderful debut double-A side containing the tracks "Spirit of a City" and "Cosmos" for free, which sounded near perfect in spite of the band only being together for a few months at the time of recording. Now fast-forward 12 months, and as a result of the initial love for the band, they ...

Known as the "Motor City of Russia." Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.. Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant. Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Local band Moscow Metro (featuring Barry McNulty, Sean Corcoran, Dylan Casey & Alan Holmes) will perform on the Cosby Stage at 12.55pm on Saturday at the Electric Picnic.


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  1. Rest Easy with a Riding Sail

    Traditional one-dimensional riding sails work by encouraging the boat to rest at a slight angle to the wind. These triangular panels are rigged from the backstay and sheeted to a side cleat at a 15- to 20-degree angle to the boats centerline. This causes the boat to ride at an angle of about 10 degrees to the wind.

  2. Riding Sail -- Use and Sources

    Using your topping lift to attach a riding sail is a good plan. Sailrite sells a kit for $108 Anchor Riding Sail Kit (12.5 sq. ft.) - Sailrite. You can buy one here for $455 FinDelta #2 "Classic" Anchor Riding Sail for Boats 33 to 46 Feet ( Photos of a riding rails rigged on Hunter sailboats:

  3. Use the Magic of a Riding Sail at Anchor

    Sailboats up to 35' = 12.5 sq. ft. riding sail Sailboats 35' to 50' = 20 sq. ft. riding sail 4. Hoist Away on Your Backstay. Make a pendant that attaches to the deck near the backstay. Have your sailmaker make the pendant from wire rope with eyes in each end, or you can use low-stretch line (Dacron, Spectra) as a pendant. Hoist the riding ...

  4. Anchor Riding Sail / Steadying Sail Demonstration The Anchor Riding Sail or Steadying Sail reduces swinging at anchor. You'll appreciate an Anchor ...

  5. Make Your Own Over-the-Boom Riding Sail

    Delighted with the performance of the over-the-boom riding sail, we decided to make our own. To measure, we outlined the proposed sail area with -inch rope and measurer the resulting edge lengths. The rope ran from starboard stern cleat, over the boom (raised 30 degrees) to the port cleat, and then forward about 75 percent of the length of the ...

  6. How To Sail A Sailboat By Yourself

    To sail a sailboat by yourself, make sure you follow these steps: ... That won't do when you're riding solo. You now do everything there is on the sailboat. You're the engineer, the bow-person, the navigator, the dial trimmer, and the skipper. You need to not only become comfortable with every last square inch of your sailboat, but you ...

  7. Learn To Sail with the American Sailing Association

    Learn to Sail. Your dream to learn to sail is close to becoming reality. Find a school, take a course and set off on your new adventure. ASA has everything you need to sail confidently and safely and you can start right now. We have compiled a list of tools and resources that will help you learn the basics of sailing before you get out on the ...

  8. Riding Sails to Tame Those Anchor-Dancing Boats

    The Sailrite Kit. Sailrite offers two riding sail kits for those wanting to try their hand at sailmaking. The smaller kit (for boats up to 35 feet, or so) is 12.5 square feet in area and costs $82, while the larger kit (for boats to 50 feet) is 20.25 square feet and runs $99. For the test boat, a heavy-displacement Union 36, we purchased the ...

  9. Viking Anchors

    Using a riding sail. A riding sail functions both by pushing the transom back in line when the boat sails to one side, and by increasing windage at the stern, steadying the pull on the rode. Traditional one-dimensional riding sails work by encouraging the boat to rest at a slight angle to the wind. These triangular panels are rigged from the ...

  10. A Sail for Riding

    Most boats don t behave as well when anchored with rope rode as they do when lying to chain. They tend to sheer about much more, especially in wind-against-tide scenarios, which is bad for your nerves and those of your neighbors. One way of coping with this is to set a riding sail on the backstay to help keep the bow pointed into the wind.

  11. Learn How to Rig and Sail a Small Sailboat

    First, spread out the sail and identify each of its corners. The "head" is the top of the sail, where the triangle is the most narrow. Attach the jib halyard shackle to this corner, making sure the shackle is closed and secure. Then follow the front edge of the sail (called the "luff") down to the next corner.

  12. 10 Steps to Sail a Sailboat for Beginners

    Take a look at some of these additional sailing skills. Practice Tying Knots. For thousands of years, sailors have used times where it is cold or raining by doing things like tying knots. Knots are important on a sailboat and you will need to learn at least some basic sailing knots to sail at all. Sail Safely.

  13. Quit Horsing Around

    Our riding sail came from Kent Sails, in Mount Clemens, Mich., and is 150 inches on the luff, 124 inches on the leech, and 62 inches on the foot (26 square feet) with seven hanks along the luff. Kent Sails designed our current riding sail with a fiberglass rod running between the backstay at the luff and the grommet at the clew.

  14. Riding Turn

    Practical Sailor has been independently testing and reporting on sailboats and sailing gear for more than 50 years. Supported entirely by subscribers, Practical Sailor accepts no advertising. Its independent tests are carried out by experienced sailors and marine industry professionals dedicated to providing objective evaluation and reporting about boats, gear, and the skills required to cross ...

  15. Sailing Terms: Sailboat Types, Rigs, Uses, and Definitions

    May 10, 2021. Sailboats are powered by sails using the force of the wind. They are also referred to as sailing dinghies, boats, and yachts, depending on their size. Sailboats range in size, from lightweight dinghies like the Optimist dinghy (7'9") all the way up to mega yachts over 200 feet long. The length is often abbreviated as LOA (length ...

  16. Learn to read the sea and the waves like an experienced sailor

    Sailing in waves against the wind. Riding upwind and against waves is much more difficult and uncomfortable than riding downwind in waves. Even a slightly undulating surface can significantly reduce your speed and ability to stay on course. This can sailing quite a bit longer and you will also be less comfortable.

  17. How to Sail a Spinnaker

    I join up with my friend Sam, a retired Air Force pilot and retired Delta pilot. We go out on his boat, a Catalina 22, for a step-by-step guide to rigging an...

  18. How To Sail: Docking Technique

    Docking can be incredibly challenging and result in lots of damage to your boat, to other boats and to docks. Watch the video to see some simple tips to do t...

  19. This is what CRUISING on a sailboat looks like

    This is what CRUISING on a sailboat looks like | BOAT LIFE ⛵ We've being living and cruising on our sailboat for years and that's pretty much what it looks ...

  20. OASIS Sailing Club ready to launch its Opening Day celebration

    The Oasis Sailing Club will usher in the start of the sailing season on Friday when it holds its 37th annual Opening Day ceremony. "It's a longstanding yachting and sailing tradition to have ...

  21. Sailing Enjoys Solid Weekend with Pair of Top-3 Performances

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Harvard Sailing continued its season-long trend of solid performances on the water, recording a pair of top-3 finishes this past weekend in the New England area. The top-ranked coed team turned in a runner-up effort at the Thompson Trophy Team Race, while the No. 8 women's squad logged a third-place finish at the NEISA ...

  22. Two More Regatta Wins

    Meanwhile, in Connecticut, Stanford secured an impressive regatta win at the Thompson Trophy, sailing to a 20-1 record. Among the field of eight teams were Harvard, Brown, Boston College, and Tulane. "This is the second weekend this season we won two events simultaneously, and for such a small team, this is especially impressive.

  23. fast catamaran boats for sale

    40' MTI. ( (SOLD)) Luxury 2009 40 MTI with the Tilt Trailer.$399K This boat is a one-owner powerboat used only in freshwater. Powered with two Mercury 700s stage 3 motors with original 150 HR this boat is nice. "Don't miss out" For viewing please make an appointment with us @ (928)208-8460..... These powerboats use the following propulsion options: outboard engine.

  24. Yedaiah Logistics Group

    2, Stroitelny Lane, Elektrostal , Moscow. +7 (499) 390 35 04. [email protected]. Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00 Closed on Weekends. London - United Kingdom. 128 City Road , London EC1V 2NX. +44 20 4577 1271. [email protected]. Mon - Fri: 9:30 - 17:00 Closed on Weekends.

  25. WATCH: NASA Next-Generation Solar Sail Boom Technology Ready for Launch

    The mission's primary objective is to successfully demonstrate new boom deployment, but once deployed, the team also hopes to prove the sail's performance. Like a sailboat turning to capture ...

  26. One Piece Odyssey Is Finally Sailing To Nintendo Switch

    Bandai Namco has announced that One Piece Odyssey, the turn-based RPG set in the hugely popular Shōnen Jump manga series One Piece, is coming to Nintendo Switch on 26th July 2024. One Piece ...

  27. cal yacht club rowing

    California Yacht Club was established in 1922 and boated its' first competitive rowing team back in the 1930's. In 1977, after a long hiatus, Stan Mullin, Ken Jacobs and Charles Hathaway reactivated rowing at the Club. CYC rowers now number about 60, and represent all abilities, ages and motivations.... Adult Rowing - California Yacht Club CYC is a great place for adults of all ages and skills ...

  28. hanse electric sailboat

    The boat comes rigged with a self-tacking jib, and all lines run back to the cockpit for simple sail handling of the 710 sq. ft. mainsail and various headsails. The jib is 570 sq. ft. and the reacher measures 1,011 sq. ft., set up using a Solent-style rig on the custom bowsprit.