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Imbarcazione da diporto


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Compass marine 47, azimut 46 fly, monas ger 117, c-yacht compromis 999, fairline targa 53 open, cantieri del garda roar 47, vuoi vendere la tua barca.

Con più di 26.000 barche usate e più di 700 broker nautici, Boat24 ti aiuta a trovare la barca usata giusta per te. Non importa se vuoi vendere o acquistare una barca. Non importa se ti trovi davanti a un computer o se sei in giro e usi una app gratuita del tuo iPhone. Boat24 ti offre il mercato di barche che desideri. Boat24, per tutti gli amanti delle barche !

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Barche usate più recenti

Hille flamingo 410 export ohne trailer.

EUR 4.500,-

Guy Couach 1600 FLY

EUR 20.000,-

Crownline 250CR

EUR 30.500,-

Stockpaert / Jachtwerf De Fluessen

EUR 1.300,-

Valiant V - 570

EUR 18.800,-

Cantiere del Pardo Grand Soleil 40

EUR 128.500,-

Fiere di barche e boat shows

Marche popolari.

Lagoon Barca a vela

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Less is more: l'app Boat24 si concentra sull'essenziale! La ricerca dello yacht dei sogni non è mai stata così facile! Ed efficiente...

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In evidenza:.



Visibile a/in: Carrara (ITALIA) - in secca

Proprietario: FERRETTI GROUP



Visibile a/in: Carrara (ITALY) - in secca



Visibile a/in: Cantiere Ferretti Group - La Spezia

2003 WALLY  WALLY 94'

Visibile a/in: La Spezia, Italia

Dealer: Wally Brokerage



Visibile a/in:



Visibile a/in: Costa Azzura

Dealer: ABYS S.A.S.


Visibile a/in: Cannes

2013 RIVA 63' VIRTUS

Visibile a/in: Lignano Sabbiadoro

Dealer: Italian Yacht Store


Chi sceglie un’imbarcazione usata presso di noi è guidato dalla ricerca della qualità, dell'eccellenza e dello stile. Per questo gli yacht di lusso usati che abbiamo il piacere di proporvi sono frutto di un’accurata selezione operata dai nostri cantieri e dai nostri Dealer di tutto il mondo. Scegliere un usato Ferretti Group consente inoltre di usufruire di alcuni grandi vantaggi: - un servizio di vendita diretta, senza intermediari, interfacciandosi direttamente con i Dealer o con i nostri cantieri; - la costante assistenza di un team di professionisti che, grazie ad un’esperienza maturata negli anni, accompagna il cliente nell’espletamento di tutte le procedure amministrative e burocratiche successive all’acquisto di un’imbarcazione del Gruppo Ferretti;

Individuate il modello preowned che più si adatta alle vostre esigenze e contattateci per approfondirne la conoscenza. Saremo lieti di mettere a vostra disposizione 50 anni di esperienza nell'industria nautica che significano sicurezza, fiducia e affidabilità.

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sempre attivi


Hai bisogno di vendere la tua barca? Stai cercando le migliori barche usate in vendita oggi in Italia e nel mondo? Tuttobarche è il più grande portale online sulla nautica da diporto: annunci su barche in vendita, portolano online, informazioni, didattica, curiosità e news riguardanti il mondo della navigazione da diporto. Con pochi clic del mouse potrai accedere ad innumerevoli informazioni su tutto il vastissimo mondo della nautica: dove attraccare, dove ormeggiare, approfondimenti su porti e rade, itinerari e tantissimo altro ancora, su Tuttobarche c'è tutto. La nostra sezione barche in vendita è l’unica sul mercato ad essere completamente gratuita , sia per i professionisti del settore che per i privati, sarà infatti sufficiente registrarsi per inserire la propria barca in vendita. Migliaia di inserzioni di barche usate e nuove in promozione sono qui presentate con schede illustrative complete di fotografie e video, per contattare il venditore sarà sufficiente cliccare sul tasto rosso “ CONTATTA ” e, semplicemente ed in modo anonimo, il sistema spedirà un email all’inserzionista per voi. Quando inserite l’annuncio non dimenticate di inserire una descrizione completa, il maggior numero di foto della barca possibile e, se lo avete, anche un video. Più le schede sono complete e più attireranno l’attenzione degli armatori alla ricerca della loro prossima barca.

  • Barca a vela
  • Barca a motore
  • Tutte Barche a motore Barche a vela Big boats Gommoni Multiscafi a vela
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compro yacht usato

Ultime barche a motore in vendita

Jeanneau NC 33

Jeanneau NC 33

Data inserimento: 29/03/2024.

Jeanneau NC 33 (2021) - Condizioni Impeccabili

Merryfisher 625HB

Merryfisher 625HB



Data inserimento: 27/03/2024.






Data inserimento: 22/03/2024.

LAVI 600

data inserimento: 19/03/2024

Imbarcazione LAVI 600 è un progetto nato nel 2022 riscuotendo diverso successo nella nautica da diporto, sia per Famiglie che per gli amanti della pesca.

Smeraldo 9 open

Smeraldo 9 open

Data inserimento: 16/03/2024.



Data inserimento: 15/03/2024.

compro yacht usato

Ultime barche a vela in vendita

COMET 1000

data inserimento: 20/03/2024

Dufour Arpege

Dufour Yachts

Dufour arpege.


Urania Marine

Dissalatore, data inserimento: 13/03/2024.



Data inserimento: 11/03/2024.

Sun Odyssey 32.2 La barca presenta 2 grandi cabine doppie indipendenti, WC, doccia, timone a ruota, rollaranda e rollafiocco


Trattativa riservata

Ecoracer 30 od, data inserimento: 01/03/2024.



Mousse 99

data inserimento: 01/02/2024

Barca dalle linee filanti_Mousse 99_Una Goccia nel Mare_Metri 9.75_Anno 1985_Euro 16.950

anno 1977

Mako sailers

Data inserimento: 25/01/2024.

compro yacht usato

Ultimi gommoni in vendita


data inserimento: 26/03/2024


bsc 78 sport

Data inserimento: 06/03/2024.



Data inserimento: 04/03/2024.


Solemar Italia

Data inserimento: 09/02/2024.

Tempest 600

Tempest 600

Data inserimento: 07/02/2024.

Xtreme 31

data inserimento: 27/01/2024

Gommone Novamares 31 Motorizzato con 2 Mercury verado 250

Hai bisogno di vendere la tua barca? Sei nel posto giusto! è infatti il più grande portale online sulla nautica da diporto e in questa sezione ti sarà possibile scrivere gratuitamente il tuo annuncio se vuoi vendere la tua imbarcazione. Aggiungere un nuovo messaggio di vendita è molto semplice e intuitivo così come trovare una barca che interessa acquistare, ma per rendere ancora più appetibile il tuo annuncio, vogliamo darti alcune indicazioni generiche ma importanti che se vorrai potrai seguire.

Personalizza il tuo messaggio

Prima di tutto cerca di personalizzare il tuo annuncio , descrivendo la storia della barca e magari la motivazione per cui la vendi, in questo modo otterrai più fiducia da parte del lettore.

Definisci lo stato della barca

Puoi definirla "seminuova" se è quasi nuova, oppure "usata" specificando se essa si trova o meno in buone condizioni. Indica lo stato dei motori, l'anno di immatricolazione , quanti proprietari ha avuto - soprattutto indica se la barca è stata di un unico proprietario : aumenta l'interesse verso chi legge l'annuncio.

Cerca di essere convincente

Nel tuo messaggio deve trasparire la bontà della tua imbarcazione, perché prima di convincere qualcuno devi essere tu stesso convinto che il prodotto sia valido.

Usa un linguaggio corretto e semplice

È importante che nell’inserzione non si commettano errori di ortografia, quindi rileggete bene il messaggio prima di metterlo online. Il linguaggio poi deve essere chiaro e semplice, comprensibile a tutti.

Attira l’attenzione nelle prime righe o nel titolo

Serve ad attirare l'interesse e indurre il lettore a proseguire la lettura, è la parte più importante e deve riassumere in una riga lintero messaggio che vogliamo dare. Purtroppo non si hanno grandi possibilità di distinguersi molto se non con qualcosa di veramente originale per attirare l'attenzione. Quindi concentratevi su dettagli della barca veramente originali , sulle sue qualità reali: nel portale apparirà questo breve riassunto passando sulla foto dell’imbarcazione con il mouse.

Dettagli generali

È importante inserire in modo chiaro la scheda generale dell’imbarcazione. Da inserire sempre: cantiere, modello, lunghezza, larghezza, pescaggio, motori, numero cabine, anno di costruzione, prezzo.

Inserisci i dettagli del veicolo

Nella scheda dell’imbarcazione inserisci accuratamente tutti i dettagli dell’imbarcazione, le dotazioni standard ed extra. È utile comunicare molti particolari e dettagli per coloro che sono veramente interessati e continueranno a leggere oltre le prime righe.

Solo positività!

Suggerisci al lettore che vuole comprare le caratteristiche migliori della tua imbarcazione e non indicare – a meno che non sia necessario informare preventivamente l’acquirente – informazioni che possano influenzare negativamente il lettore.

Indicate sempre il prezzo . A meno che non vogliate assolutamente trattare, consigliamo di aggiungere la dicitura "prezzo trattabile" che dà uno stimolo all’acquirente a contattarvi.

Barche usate in vendita

Sagemar Sagene 38 fly

Sagemar Sagene 38 fly

11,24 mt x 3,90 mt 2 x 370 HP Diesel Cummins

Eccellente fisherman con ottimi spazi sia interni che esterni. Grande pozzetto, 1 cabina matrimoniale a prua, 1 cabina letti in piano, doppi servizi, ampia dinette con cucina a...

Italia, Liguria

Dehler 36 sq 3 cabine

Dehler 36 sq 3 cabine

10,85 mt x 3,50 mt 1 x 29 HP Diesel volvo

Barca in eccelente stato di conservAZIONE


Baia 54 aqua

Baia 54 aqua

17,00 mt x 4,75 mt 2 x 1050 HP Diesel MAn

Hanse 411

12,35 mt x 4,05 mt 1 x 54 HP Diesel YAnmar

Hallberg-Rassy 45

Hallberg-Rassy 45

14,12 mt x 4,33 mt 1 x 100 HP Diesel Volvo penta

Rada 24 , pilota, log, eco, vento, striemntazioni complete con ripetitore alcarteggio, fish founder boiler, doppio riscaldamento webasto, gruppo elettrogeno. winch elettrico, ...

Jeanneau Sun odyssey 42.2

Jeanneau Sun odyssey 42.2

12,50 mt x 4,10 mt 1 x 75 HP Diesel Yanmar

Barca di indiscussa qualità. Molto robusta e pronta per crociera d'altura .Trattamento epossidico della carena, sostituzione di tutte le prese a mare e passa scafi, tubi wc, ...

Menorquin 120

Menorquin 120

11,90 mt x 3,90 mt 2 x 240 HP Diesel Yanmar

STrumentazione completa : Pilota , RAdar vhf RAymarine, plotter gps , ecoscalndaglio, verricello elettrico, impianto antiincendio, autoclave, , doppio frigo , forno microon...

Gozzo Cabinato

Dehler 36

10,85 mt x 3,50 mt 1 x 30 HP Diesel volvo Penta

elica di prua, log, eco, gps, vhf, pilota automatico, Plotter gps, AIS, stazione meteo fax , stereo con cd, boiler , pompe di sentina elettriche e manuali. Affare! VENDUTA

Sunseeker Predator 68

Sunseeker Predator 68

19,50 mt x 5,50 mt 2 x 1360 HP Diesel MAN

Esemplare di Predator 68 . La barca si tratta di un esemplare 2002 con total refittinfg 2023 versione 3 cabine 3 toilette -crew cab . L'esempalre e stato totalmente riammoder...


Dufour 385 gl

Dufour 385 gl

11,72 mt x 3,93 mt 1 x 40 HP Diesel volvo

Impianto 220volts - Prese 220volts in dinette e cabine - 2 batterie servizi ed 1 motore Frigo - Boiler 220volts e motore - Carica batterie - Radio stereo CD - Sprayhood 201...

Elan E 3 320

Elan E 3 320

9,55 mt x 3,22 mt 1 x 20 HP Diesel Volvo

Barca praticamente nuova . Veesione in Vinilestere bulbo piombo a T set di vele con doppio frullino

Princess V65 ht

Princess V65 ht

20,00 mt x 4,60 mt 2 x 1300 HP Diesel man

Bellissimo e Stupendo Princess V65 Ht . BOOK FOTOGRAFICO SU RICHIESTA ! Questa unita con costruzione 2002 e unico esemplare 4 cabine , la nostra agenzia conosce la barca in t...

Italia, tirreno centrale

Menorquin 120

STrumentazione completa : Pilota , RAdar vhf RAymarine, plotter gps , ecoscalndaglio, verricello elettrico, impianto antiincendio, autoclave, doppio frigo , forno microonde...

Italia, liguria

Dehler 41 cr

Dehler 41 cr

12,45 mt x 3,90 mt 1 x 56 HP Diesel Yanmar

Elica di prua, riscaldamento webasto, winch elettrici, luci a led, elettronica complete, bimini e spray hood. gruetta,

Jeanneau Sun odyssey 440

Jeanneau Sun odyssey 440

13,00 mt x 4,29 mt 1 x 57 HP Diesel YANMAR

Proprietario unico MAI CHARTER, 3 cabine 2 bagni, elica di prua, 1 winch elettrico gps, vhf, passerella, barca pari al nuovo leasing in corso ( possibilità per italiani subent...

  • Stai cercando Fisherman ? Accedi alla sezione Fisherman per consultare e valutare tutte le offerte disponibili e sempre aggiornate.

Skagen 50

16,00 mt 2 x 480 HP Diesel Yanmar

barca in eccellentistao di conservazione. Super accessoriata. VENDUTA

Raffaelli Yachts Typhoon day t 90

Raffaelli Yachts Typhoon day t 90

10,85 mt x 3,62 mt 2 x 300 HP Diesel CAT

850 ore di moto, gps, pilota automatico, cuscineria a prua e poppa, barca molto in ordine rina 2025

Francia, menton

Syltala yacht Nauticat 33

Syltala yacht Nauticat 33

9,99 mt x 3,25 mt 1 x 93 HP Diesel FORD LEHMAN

Motorsailer di ottima qualita' tenuto da amatore, ponte in teck nuovo 2020, sartiame nuovo 2019, premistoppa con giunto volvo 2021, alternatore nuovo 2022, invertitore revision...


Francia, Menton

Conam 58 sport

Conam 58 sport

18,00 mt x 450,00 mt 2 x 715 HP Diesel volvo penta

Engine Volvo Penta D12 715 hp cr Engine hours approximately 600. non mancano accessori importanti come : ht elettrico -swimming plat form - clima pozzetto -bow e stern trust ....

Robalo 1820

Robalo 1820

5,51 mt x 2,26 mt 1 x 115 HP Benzina Mercury

Mercury 115 CV 4 tempi luglio 2018. Timoneria idraulica Seastar 2018. Fisherman dalle ottime doti marine, eccellente per la pesca. Fishfinder/Chartplotter GPSMAP Garmin X721 X...

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Questi annunci di imbarcazioni usate in vendita sono stati inseriti dai rispettivi venditori.

Barca in vendita



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150 anni

Pre-Owned by Cranchi Yachts

Pre-Owned by Cranchi Yachts

Cerca le migliori occasioni tra le barche usate proposte e garantite dalla rete di dealers Cranchi Yachts.

E26 Classic / CPO1557

E26 Classic

E26 Classic / CPO1567

E30 Endurance

E30 Endurance / CPO1585


ZAFFIRO 34 / CPO1385

T36 Crossover

M44 HT / CPO1428

T43 Trawler

M44 HT / CPO1629


E52F Evoluzione / CPO1414

E52F Evoluzione

E52F Evoluzione / CPO1446

T53 Trawler

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Moscú, villas y casas de lujo en venta - Propiedades exclusivas en Moscú

Guía de lujo

Moscú es la capital de Rusia. En el curso de su larga historia, la ciudad fue muchas veces conquistada y quemada, pero siempre resurgió de sus cenizas. Hoy Moscú es un importante centro económico político y científico de Rusia y es también un polo de atracción para la aristocracia. Los inmuebles de lujo en Moscú son sinónimo de lujo extremo y de elegancia y la calidad de un bien se mide por su superficie: siendo una de las ciudades más caras del mundo, tener un amplio inmueble es considerado como símbolo de un verdadero estatus social. En los últimos años, el sector inmobiliario moscovita ha sabido adaptarse con éxito a la demanda cada vez más exigente de los compradores internacionales con poder. Si estás en busca de una casa de lujo, no te pierdas las zonas centrales de la ciudad como las calles de Ostozhenka y Yakimanka, en el interior de Sadovoe Koltso o en las otras zonas de élite. Como alternativa, el nuevo y modernísimo barrio en rápido crecimiento, Moscow City, ofrece la posibilidad de adquirir áticos exclusivos, apartamentos de alto standing además de inmuebles comerciales importantes. Moscú dispone de algunos de los inmuebles más prestigiosos y espectaculares del mundo entre estos, son increíbles los esplendidos áticos con vistas panorámicas, situados frecuentemente en Tverskaya y Arbat o en la zona de las “Sparrow Hills”. Estas propiedades de alta gama lejos de las miradas seducen a los ricos inversores, a los nobles y a los representantes mas importantes de las cultura gracias su total privacidad. Los alrededores las villas de lujo representan una valida alternativa para aquellos que buscan una ubicación privilegiada en el aglomerado Moscú (Bravikha, autopista Novorizhskoe y Rublevo-Uspenskoe) pero también inmuebles sofisticados con un gran tamaño. No es casual que los VIP más influyentes hayan elegido éste como su domicilio.

Homes for Sale


Moscow concert attack: More than 60 reported dead; ISIS claims responsibility

This live blog has ended. For the most recent updates, please click here .

What we know about the Moscow concert attack

  • Men in camouflage broke into a Moscow concert hall and opened fire, shooting an unknown number of people, Russia’s prosecutor general said.
  • The terror group ISIS has claimed responsibility but did not provide proof of the claim, which was made on ISIS-affiliated news agency Amaq on Telegram.
  • Russia's Investigative Committee said that more than 60 people are dead after the attack at Crocus City Hall. Officials have said more than 100 others were injured.
  • A fire also started inside Crocus City Hall, a large concert venue northwest of central Moscow. Firefighters have evacuated about 100 people from the basement of the building and efforts are underway to rescue people from the roof, Russian emergency officials said.
  • Russia officials said they were investigating the attack as a terrorist act.
  • A popular rock band was scheduled to play what appeared to be a sold-out show at the venue, which has a maximum capacity of more than 9,000 people.

Three children among those killed, state media reports

compro yacht usato

Chantal Da Silva

Three children were among the more than 60 people killed in yesterday's attack at Crocus City Hall, Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Health.

Officials have warned that the death toll connected to the deadly incident may increase as the investigation continues.

Xi sends condolences to Putin

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday after a deadly shooting at a concert hall near Moscow, saying China opposes all forms of terrorism and strongly condemns terrorist attacks.

China firmly supports the Russian government’s efforts to maintain national security and stability, Xi said, according to CCTV state television. 

Moscow bloodshed comes two decades after some of worst attacks in Russia

compro yacht usato

Phil Helsel

The shooting attacks in Moscow are the latest in a series of deadly terror attacks in the country since the 2000s.

In 2004, militants from Chechnya and elsewhere took hostages at a school in Beslan in southern Russia.

The militants demanded a withdrawal from Chechnya. Hostages were kept in a gymnasium, and 334 died — half of them children — when gunfire and explosions erupted when it was stormed. Hostages’ families were critical of the rescue operation. Russian prosecutors later cleared authorities .

Two years prior, in 2002, Chechen separatists attacked the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow and took more than 700 people hostage. Russian forces used gas, and 129 hostages died. The attackers were killed.

More recently, in 2017 a suicide bomber from Kyrgyzstan killed 15 people as well as himself in an attack on a St. Petersburg subway. In 2013, two bombers killed a combined 34 people in attacks on a railway station and a trolleybus in Volgograd.

The group Islamic State, also known as ISIS, claimed responsibility for the attacks Friday at the Crocus City Hall venue.

Putin wishes victims well, deputy prime minister says

President Vladimir Putin is thinking of those injured in today’s attack and thanked doctors, a Russian government official said according to state media.

State media TASS reported that “Putin wished all those injured in the emergency at Crocus City Hall to recover and conveyed his gratitude to the doctors, Golikova said,” referring to Tatiana Golikova deputy prime minister for social policy, labor, health and pension provision.

More than 60 dead, and death toll could grow, Russian agency says

Russia’s Investigative Committee said Saturday that more than 60 people have died in the attack, and warned the number may increase.

smoke fire terror attack

“The bodies of the dead are being examined. It has been previously established that more than 60 people died as a result of the terrorist attack. Unfortunately, the number of victims may increase,” according to the Investigative Committee, which is a federal state agency.

Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs and the security agency FSB are continuing to investigate, the committee said in a statement, and weapons and ammunition have been found.

U.S. warned Russia about planned terrorist attack in Moscow, NSC says

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Monica Alba

The United States shared information about a potential terrorist attack in Moscow with Russia’s government earlier this month, a spokesperson for the National Security Council said.

The U.S. Embassy in Russia on March 7 warned U.S. citizens to avoid crowds and said it was monitoring reports that extremists might attack large gatherings in Moscow.

“Earlier this month, the U.S. Government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow — potentially targeting large gatherings, to include concerts — which prompted the State Department to issue a public advisory to Americans in Russia,” NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson said.

“The U.S. Government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy,” Watson said.

Putin recently dismissed ‘provocative’ warning about potential attacks

In remarks that aired three days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West of “provocative statements” about potential terror attacks in Russia, and dismissed them.

Putin Russian Election Moscow

“I’ll remind you of recent, let’s say directly, provocative statements of certain official Western structures about potential terror attacks in Russia,” Putin said.

“All of this looks like obvious blackmail and an attempt to intimidate, destabilize our country,” he said before the state security agency FSB.

Putin in those remarks did not specify a country or warning. The U.S. embassy in Russia on March 7 warned U.S. citizens to avoid crowds .

“The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours,” the U.S. embassy warned.

Guards at concert hall didn't have guns, state news says

The Associated Press

Guards at the concert hall didn’t have guns, and some could have been killed at the start of the attack, Russian media reported.

Some Russian news outlets suggested the assailants fled before special forces and riot police arrived.

Reports said police patrols were looking for several vehicles the attackers could have used to escape.

U.S. had been gathering intelligence that ISIS could attack Russia

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Ken Dilanian

The U.S. had been gathering intelligence for months that ISIS could mount a mass casualty attack in Russia, two U.S. officials confirmed to NBC News.

That information led to a March 7 warning issued by the U.S. embassy in Russia about possible extremist attacks, including at concerts, urging people to stay away from large gatherings, one of the officials said.

That official said the claim of responsibility today by ISIS appears to be genuine, though no final assessment had been made about who was responsible.

Some Moscow concertgoers filmed events as they unfolded Friday night, when gunmen opened fire inside a theater and people ran to take cover in fear for their lives.

Witness says gunfire was first thought to be construction noise

A witness to today’s armed attack on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall told a state news agency that they first mistook the gunfire for sounds of an installation being dismantled.

“First, we started hearing typical loud pops, but it was impossible to understand that they were gunshots. We thought that something was falling, as exhibitions were being dismantled at that moment, and someone seemed to be dropping something large,” Mikhail Semyonov told TASS .

“Then, the bangs were getting more and more frequent. Suddenly, there was a scream, and the bangs started to be heard as bursts. Then it became clear that it was shooting,” he said.

ISIS claims responsibility for attack but does not provide proof

The terror group Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack in Moscow.

The group, also known as ISIS, did not provide any proof of its claim, which came from ISIS-affiliated news agency Amaq on Telegram.

The group’s members have carried out a number of terror attacks, including the 2015 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people.

Children among the victims, Russia's children commissioner says

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Yuliya Talmazan

Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, said children were among the victims of tonight's attack.

"Information about their condition is regularly updated," Lvova-Belova said on Telegram. "Any additional assistance will be provided immediately."

She later told Russia 24 TV channel that at least two children had been injured, including one boy with a gunshot wound.

Earlier, Russian officials released a preliminary casualty toll of at least 40 people dead and more than 100 injured.

France, U.K., Germany condemn attack

Officials from France, the U.K. and Germany were among those who expressed their condolences to the victims of the attack at the Crocus concert hall.

"The images of the terrible attack on innocent people in Crocus City Hall near #Moscow are horrific," Germany's Foreign Office said on X . "The background must be investigated quickly. Our deepest condolences with the families of the victims."

"We condemn the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow," the U.K.'s embassy in Russia said . "This is a terrible tragedy."

Meanwhile, France's foreign ministry called for "full light" to be shed on "these heinous acts."

Public events across Russia called off after attack

Several regional leaders across Russia, including in the annexed Kherson region of Ukraine, have canceled public events this weekend over security considerations after the deadly concert attack in Moscow.

Shortly after the attack, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin canceled all sports, cultural and other public events in Moscow this weekend. State news agency TASS also quoted Russia's cultural ministry as saying that mass and entertainment events in federal cultural institutions have been canceled in the coming days.

Zelenskyy adviser speaks out about attack

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s adviser denied that Ukraine was involved in the deadly Crocus concert hall attack.

“Ukraine certainly has nothing to do with the shooting/explosions in the Crocus City Hall (Moscow Region, Russia),” Mykhailo Podolyak wrote on X. “It makes no sense whatsoever.”

No evidence has emerged to suggest Ukraine may have been involved, but Ukrainian officials may be trying to pre-empt accusations, as some Kremlin hawks have already started pointing at Kyiv. 

Asked whether the shooting was at all tied to the war in Ukraine, U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said: “There is no indication at this time that Ukraine, or Ukrainians, were involved in the shooting, but again, this just broke. We’re taking a look at it, but I would disabuse you at this early hour have any connection to Ukraine.”

Videos posted to social media appear to show chaos inside Moscow's Crocus City Hall during and after a terrorist attack.

Some videos include what sound like gunshots and show men with rifles, as concertgoers frantically try to exit the venue.

State Department issues warning to Americans in Moscow

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Jason Abbruzzese

The State Department said that the U.S. Embassy in Moscow is aware of the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall and that U.S. citizens should avoid the area and follow the instructions of local authorities.

"The U.S. government’s ability to provide routine or emergency services to U.S. citizens in Russia is severely limited, particularly in areas far from the U.S. embassy in Moscow, due to Russian government limitations on travel for U.S. embassy personnel and staffing, and the ongoing suspension of operations, including consular services, at U.S. consulates in Russia," the State Department said in a message posted to its website .

'What a nightmare in Crocus,' Widow of opposition leader Alexei Navalny condolences about concert attack

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny who died in prison last month, expressed her condolences about the attack Friday.

"What a nightmare in Crocus," Navalnaya wrote on X. "Condolences to the families of the victims and quick recovery to the injured. Everyone involved in this crime must be found and held accountable."

320 firefighters, 3 helicopters working to put out fire

Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations said the number of rescue crews responding to the attack is growing and now includes more than 320 firefighters, 130 emergency vehicles and three helicopters dumping water on the burning concert venue.

Moscow regional governor says 40 dead, more than 100 injured

Moscow Regional Governor Andrei Vorobyov said on Telegram that at least 40 people are dead and more than 100 injured in the terrorist attack, confirming figures previously reported by Russian state news.

Putin informed about concert venue attack 'in the first minutes,' Kremlin spokesperson says

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said President Vladimir Putin was informed about the shooting at the Crocus concert hall "in the first minutes" of the attack, Russian state news agency RIA reported.

The president is receiving information about what is happening and the measures being taken through all relevant services and is giving necessary instructions, Peskov said according to RIA.

Russian journalist was inside concert venue when gunmen entered

Russian news agency RIA Novosti said on Telegram that one of its reporters was inside the venue when gunmen entered and began shooting concertgoers.

The journalist said that at least three unmasked gunmen in camouflage entered the hall a few minutes before 8 p.m. Moscow time. They shot people point-blank and threw incendiary bombs, according to the journalist.

Russia's foreign ministry spokesperson calls incident 'bloody terrorist attack'

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for Russia's foreign ministry, called the Friday night incident at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow a "bloody terrorist attack" as she called for "strong condemnation" from the international community.

"Now, as the Russian authorities have stated, all efforts are being devoted to saving people," Zakharova said. "The entire world community is obliged to condemn this monstrous crime!"

U.S. national security spokesperson says embassy has told Americans to avoid large gatherings in Moscow

Kyla Guilfoil

National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby addressed the attack in Moscow at a White House press briefing Friday afternoon, calling it a “terrible, terrible shooting attack.”

“The images are just horrible and just hard to watch and our thoughts obviously are going to be with the the victims,” Kirby said.

Kirby added that the U.S. embassy has notified all Americans in Moscow to avoid large gatherings, concerts, shopping malls, etc., and “stay put where they are” for their safety.

Russian media says 40 dead, more than 100 injured at concert attack

Russian law enforcement officers stand guard near the burning Crocus City Hall

TASS, Russia's state-owned news agency, and RIA Novosti are reporting that Russia's FSB security agency has put the preliminary casualty count at 40 dead and more than 100 injured by a terrorist attack on a Moscow-area concert venue.

NBC News has not confirmed those casualty numbers.

Roof of concert venue at risk of collapse, Russian media says

Russian news agency RIA Novosti said on Telegram that the roof of the building near the concert venue's stage has begun to collapse.

Video posted to Telegram by RIA Novosti showed fire continue to blaze inside the venue.

Moscow area governor says more than 70 ambluances at scene of attack

Andrei Vorobyov, Moscow's regional governor, said on Telegram that more than 70 ambulances have been dispatched to the scene of concert venue attack.

“Everything is being done at the scene to save people," he wrote in the Telegram message. "The Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) has been deployed. There are over 70 ambulance carriages near Crocus, doctors provide the necessary assistance to all victims."

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Nigel Chiwaya

Russia’s prosecutor general office says number of victims still being determined

Russia's prosecutor general said on Telegram that officials are working to determine how many people have been killed or hurt in the concert attack.

“On behalf of Igor Krasnov, the prosecutor of the Moscow region has gone to the scene of the incident at Crocus City Hall to coordinate the actions of law enforcement agencies," the prosecutor general's Telegram account posted. "Tonight, before the start of the event in the concert hall in Krasnogorsk, unknown men in camouflage clothes broke into the building and started shooting."

"The number of victims is being determined, a fire started in the entertainment center building, and citizens are being evacuated."

Moscow's mayor cancels weekend events

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Telegram that he was canceling all public events in Moscow this weekend.

"I have taken the decision to cancel all sports, cultural and other public events in Moscow this weekend," he said. "I ask of you to treat this measure with understanding."

Popular rock band was to play sold-out venue that can hold 9,500

Tim Stelloh

A popular rock band was scheduled to play what appeared to be a sold-out show at the Moscow concert hall where there were reports of gunmen in combat fatigues opening fire.

Picnic, formed in 1978, was to play at Crocus City Hall, west of central Moscow.

The multilevel facility in Krasnogorsk has a maximum capacity of 9,527 people. Booking sites show the event was sold out.

Russia's aviation agency says additional security added to Moscow airports

The Russian aviation agency Rosaviatsiya said that additional security measures are being introduced in Moscow airports

"Due to increased security measures, we ask passengers to arrive at Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Zhukovsky airports in advance," the agency said on the Telegram messaging app.

Moscow's emergency ministry says it is working to extinguish fire

Moscow’s emegency ministry said it was working to extinguish a fire that began at the music venue.

The ministry said about 100 people were evacuated from the building, and it was working to rescue people from the roof.

Russian media says state security taking action

Russia's news outlet RIA Novosti said that the country's security agency, the FSB, is taking measures to respond to the shooting at a concert hall near Moscow.

Videos posted by Russian media show men with rifles moving through area

Extended rounds of gunfire could be heard on multiple videos posted by Russian media and Telegram channels. One showed two men with rifles moving through a concert hall. Another one showed a man inside the auditorium, saying the assailants set it on fire, with incessant gunshots ringing out in the background.

Andrei Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region, said he was heading to the area and set up a task force to deal with the damage. He didn’t immediately offer any further details.

Russian media reports said that riot police units were being sent to the area as people were being evacuated.

Russian news outlets report gunman opened fire at Moscow concert hall

Several gunmen in combat fatigues burst into a big concert hall in Moscow on Friday and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people, Russian media said.

Russian news reports said that the assailants also used explosives, causing a massive blaze at the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow. Video posted on social media showed huge plumes of black smoke rising over the building.

Russia’s state RIA Novosti news agency reported that at least three people in combat fatigues fired weapons. The state Tass news agency also reported the shooting.

U.S. warned of imminent Moscow attack by ‘extremists,’ urges citizens to avoid crowds

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Patrick Smith

U.S. citizens in  Moscow  had been warned to avoid large gatherings earlier this month because of heightened fears of a terrorist attack.

The U.S. Embassy in the Russian capital said it was “monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.”

U.S. citizens should avoid crowds, monitor local media for updates and “be aware of your surroundings,” it said in a brief  online update .

Read the full story here.


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