What does Motorboat mean?

motorboat slang urban

Other definitions of Motorboat:

  • To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and making an audible "brrrr" noise, which sounds like a motorboat.

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How to use the term Motorboat :

It's doubtful she derives much pleasure other than seeing your amusement when you're motorboating.

Oh, motorboat me harder, baby! Yes, just like that!


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Order a Rap Dictionary book

  • Post author By Rap Dictionary
  • Post date April 13, 2022

Motorboat (slang)

Type: verb , slang

Pronunciation: /mow-ter- boat /

Also spelled or known as: Motor boat , Motor- boat

Related: Motorboated

What does Motorboat mean?

To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat.

Example sentence: “She let me motorboat her at the party.”

Motorboat in songs :

“If life is a woman, she’s got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ’ em ” – Watsky, IDGAF.

“See them titties , wanna motorboat it” – Childish Gambino, Dream / Southern Hospitality / Partna Dem .

“In a six, told her suck a dick , motorboat her tits ” – A$AP Rocky, Goldie.

“Wish I was big pimpin ’ on a yacht wit Hova But I’m happy that my girl lemme motorboat her” – Lil Dicky, Jewish Flow .

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What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here’s What You Need To Know)

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to motorboat someone? But what is motorboating, and what are the potential consequences of doing it? Before you start motorboating, it’s important to understand the different types and the importance of consent.

In this article, we’ll discuss motorboating in both romantic and professional settings, and offer some tips for motorboating discreetly.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about motorboating.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Motorboating is when someone puts their face between two peoples chests and makes a loud vibrating noise with their lips.

Depending on the context, motorboating someone can be seen as either funny or offensive.

The reaction a person has to being motorboated will depend on how they perceive the gesture and the relationship they have with the person motorboating them.

What is Motorboating?

Motorboating is the act of pressing one’s face into someone’s chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound.

It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture.

The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

This act has been around for many years, but recently it has become more popular as a result of a few viral internet videos.

Motorboating is often seen as a funny and harmless way to show affection.

It can be done between friends, family, or romantic partners and usually results in laughter and good-natured teasing.

In some cases, it can even be seen as a sign of endearment and a way to show appreciation.

However, it is important to remember that motorboating someone without their consent can be seen as disrespectful and inappropriate.

It is important to be mindful of the relationship between the two parties and motorboat someone only with their permission.

Different Types of Motorboating

motorboat slang urban

Motorboating is a term that has been around for quite some time, but most people don’t really know what it is.

Motorboating is a gesture of affection, usually between two people, where one person presses their face into the other person’s chest and moves their head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound.

This gesture is seen as humorous and often sexual in nature.

It is most commonly seen in popular culture, such as movies and TV shows, and is often used as a way to show affection between two people.

There are a variety of different types of motorboating that can be done.

For example, some people may choose to motorboat someone with their eyes closed, while others may choose to motorboat someone with their eyes open.

Other variations include motorboating someone with a tongue, or motorboating someone from behind.

Each type of motorboating has its own unique effects, so it is important to choose the method that best fits the situation.

Another type of motorboating is called the double motorboat, which is a combination of two different motorboating techniques.

In this type of motorboating, both participants press their faces into each other’s chests and move their heads from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound.

This type of motorboating is often used to show a greater level of affection between two people and can be a very intimate gesture.

No matter what type of motorboating is done, it is important to always be respectful of the other person and to make sure that both parties are comfortable with the action.

Motorboating someone should never be done without their consent, as this could lead to legal repercussions.

Motorboating is a fun and often humorous gesture, but it should always be done with discretion and respect.

The Potential Consequences of Motorboating

Motorboating is a gesture that can be funny, affectionate, or even provocative, depending on the relationship between the two people involved.

Depending on the situation, motorboating someone can have a variety of different consequences.

If motorboating is done between two people who are in a relationship, it can be seen as a fun and innocent way to show affection.

It can also be used as a playful tease between two people who are flirting or in a budding relationship.

However, if motorboating is done without the other person’s consent, it can be viewed as disrespectful and offensive.

Depending on the context, it could even lead to legal repercussions.

In a professional setting, motorboating can be highly inappropriate and should be avoided at all costs.

In some cases, it may violate the employer’s code of conduct or even lead to a hostile work environment.

For example, if an employee motorboats a coworker, it could be seen as sexual harassment and result in disciplinary action.

Ultimately, motorboating someone should be done with discretion and respect.

It is important to be aware of the potential consequences before engaging in such an activity.

If motorboating is done without the other person’s consent, it could have serious legal and professional repercussions.

On the other hand, if it is done in a respectful and consensual manner, it can be a fun and playful way to show affection.

Motorboating and Consent

motorboat slang urban

Motorboating someone without their consent is never acceptable and can lead to serious legal repercussions.

It is important to ensure that the person you are motorboating is comfortable and willing to partake in the act before proceeding.

When motorboating someone, it is important to remember that it is an intimate act and should never be taken lightly.

Consent should always be sought before motorboating someone and both parties should be comfortable with the act.

In some cases, motorboating someone without their consent can be seen as sexual assault.

For this reason, it is essential to be aware of the laws in your region regarding motorboating and sexual assault.

In some areas, motorboating someone without their consent could be considered a criminal act.

It is also important to remember that even if the other person has agreed to the act, it is still possible for them to change their mind at any time.

Respect their wishes and stop the motorboating immediately if they are not comfortable.

Motorboating in a Romantic Relationship

When it comes to motorboating in a romantic relationship, there are both positive and negative consequences to consider.

On one hand, motorboating can be a fun and silly way to show affection and flirt with ones partner.

It can be seen as a playful and lighthearted gesture that can help to break the ice and bring some levity to a relationship.

Additionally, motorboating can be a form of sexual foreplay, which can increase the intimacy between two people.

On the other hand, motorboating can be seen as inappropriate or even disrespectful in some cases.

It is important to always have respect for your partner and their wishes – motorboating should not be done without their consent.

Additionally, motorboating can also be seen as a sign of disrespect or a lack of intimacy if done too frequently or in a negative or mocking manner.

It is important to be aware of the dynamics of the relationship and the feelings of both parties before engaging in motorboating.

Motorboating in a Professional Setting

motorboat slang urban

Motorboating someone in a professional setting is a risky move and should be avoided at all costs.

While motorboating can be seen as a humorous and often sexual gesture, it is highly inappropriate in a professional environment.

Doing so could be seen as disrespectful and offensive and could lead to legal repercussions if done without the other person’s consent.

It is important to remember that motorboating someone in a professional setting can be misconstrued as sexual harassment.

Depending on the relationship between the two parties, it could have serious repercussions for the perpetrator, ranging from a reprimand up to potential legal action.

Even if the other person is a friend or colleague, motorboating them in a professional setting is still a bad idea.

Before engaging in any kind of potentially inappropriate behavior, it is important to consider the potential consequences.

For example, if you motorboat someone in a professional setting, you may be creating an uncomfortable and hostile work environment for those around you.

Additionally, it could also put you at risk for termination, suspension, or even legal action.

At the end of the day, it is important to respect the boundaries of those around you and to exercise discretion when engaging in any kind of potentially inappropriate behavior.

Motorboating someone in a professional setting is never a good idea and should be avoided at all costs.

Tips for Motorboating Discreetly

Motorboating someone should always be done with respect and discretion.

Before you motorboat someone, make sure that they are comfortable with the gesture and have given their consent.

Respect their wishes if they decline or ask you to stop.

If you are unsure of the other persons reaction, start by asking if they would like to be motorboated.

If you are in a relationship with the person, it is important to make sure that your motorboating is consensual.

Talk to your partner about what they are comfortable with and respect their wishes.

If you are not in a relationship, it is best to avoid motorboating altogether, as it can be seen as disrespectful and offensive.

When motorboating someone, try to be discreet.

Do not do it in public or in front of children.

Make sure that the person is comfortable with the gesture and that you are not making them feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.

Finally, make sure to be aware of the legal implications of motorboating someone without their consent.

Depending on the situation, it may be considered sexual harassment or even assault.

Respect the other persons boundaries and be aware of the potential consequences of motorboating someone without their consent.

Final Thoughts

Motorboating is a fun and often humorous way to show affection, but it must be done with discretion and respect.

Depending on the relationship between two parties, motorboating someone can have a variety of consequences, including legal repercussions if done without consent.

If you choose to motorboat someone, be sure to practice consent, use discretion, and be aware of the potential consequences.

Now that you know what happens if you motorboat someone, it’s up to you to decide if this is something you would like to experience or share with someone else.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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  • 1.1 Pronunciation

English [ edit ]

Pronunciation [ edit ], noun [ edit ].

motorboating ( uncountable )

  • The act of travelling in a motorboat .
  • ( slang ) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

Verb [ edit ]

  • 2010 , Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You , page 183 : (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are suh-weet! Can you imagine climbing behind that caboose and hanging on to those milk-bags? Dog #2: I'd be motorboating them for hours.
  • 2011 , Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi , A Shore Thing , page 120 : "Mmmm," he mumbled, his face between her boobs, motorboating .
  • 2012 , Alex Langley, The Geek Handbook: Practical Skills and Advice for the Likeable Modern Geek , page 56 : PROBLEM: You accidentally touched your platonic galpal on the boob. SOLUTION: Apologize quickly, making it clear that it was just a slip of the hand. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE: Try to “break the tension” by motorboating your friend's breasts.

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What Is Motorboarding

Feb 15, 2023

Charlotte Miller

What Is Motorboarding?

Are you curious to know what is motorboarding ? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about motorboarding in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is motorboarding ?

Motorboarding is a slang term used to describe a dangerous and illegal activity where a person, typically a man, places their face between a person’s breasts while riding a motorcycle. This activity is often associated with sexual harassment and assault and can cause serious physical harm to both the motorcyclist and the person being motorboated.

It is important to remember that any sexual activity should always be consensual and safe for all parties involved. Engaging in non-consensual sexual activity is not only illegal but also a violation of basic human rights. It is also crucial to prioritize safety and responsible behavior when engaging in any activity, including those involving vehicles.

Therefore, I strongly advise against participating in motorboating or any other dangerous and non-consensual activity. Instead, let us promote respectful and healthy relationships that prioritize safety, consent, and mutual respect.

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What Is Motor Boarding?

(slang) The act of placing one’s head between a woman’s breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one’s lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

What Does Motorboat Mean In Slang?

Assuming you mean the slang usage rather than the use of a boat with a motor. It means the activity of putting one’s face between a woman’s breasts, and rocking turning one’s head rapidly from side to side while making a noise like a motorboat.

What Does Motor Boat Mean?

: a boat propelled usually by an internal combustion engine.

What Causes Motorboating In Radio?

As with all electronic oscillation, motorboating occurs when some of the output energy from an amplifying device like a transistor or vacuum tube gets coupled back into the input circuit of the device (or possibly into an earlier stage of the amplifier circuit) with the proper phase for the positive feedback.

Is Motorboating A Sport?

motorboating, the sport of navigating a motor-powered vessel on the water. It is done on either fresh- or saltwater and may be competitive or recreational. The first successful motorboat traveled (1887) a few yards on the Seine River in Paris.

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I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

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Motorboard Mean

What Exactly Is Motorboarding

What Is Radio Motorboarding

What Is Motorboarding

What is motorboarding slang?

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Slang for motor-boating.

As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " motor-boating " are listed above. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to " motor-boating " (perhaps tenuously). This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works.

You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). Hopefully the related words and synonyms for " motor-boating " are a little tamer than average.

The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary . These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary.

Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. bae ). Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk , @HubSpot , and @mongodb .

Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia .

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Have you ever been called someone's 'moot'? The social media slang's meaning, unpacked

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The way we speak with one another has changed drastically over the last several decades, propelled largely by the digital age . Thanks to social media, words that once meant one thing now mean something else entirely.

For centuries, " moot " was used to describe something that was "open to question" or "subjected to discussion," according to Merriam-Webster. But today, the word, which is also a legal term of art , has a different context and usage in online spaces.

Has someone ever called you their "moot?" Here's the 411 on the slang term.

What does 'moot' mean?

" Moot " is short for "mutual follower," according to Dictionary.com. The slang refers to the users who follow you back on a social media platform and engage with you on a frequent and consistent basis.

For example, someone who follows you back on Instagram and is always sliding into your DMs, liking your photos and commenting on your posts is your "moot." The term identifies the user without calling them by name .

Its root "mutual follower" was first used on X, formerly known as Twitter in 2007. Starting in 2017, "moot" was popularized by K-pop fans, Dictionary.com reports. Since then, its usage has spread beyond these fandom communities.

The plural form of "moot" is "moots."

How to use 'moot'

Here is how to use "moot" in a conversation:

  • "Checking in to see how my moots are doing?"
  • "My moot loves TWICE 's new album."
  • "Did you see that TikTok breaking down the ' Who TF Did I Marry' series ?" "Yeah, my moot sent it to me."

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A replacement for traditional motors could enhance next-gen robots

Researchers at Stanford have designed a spring-assisted actuator – a device that can accomplish dynamic tasks using a fraction of the energy previously required.

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Energy-recycling actuator prototype. (Image credit: Erez Krimsky)

Whether it’s a powered prosthesis to assist a person who has lost a limb or an independent robot navigating the outside world, we are asking machines to perform increasingly complex, dynamic tasks. But the standard electric motor was designed for steady, ongoing activities like running a compressor or spinning a conveyor belt – even updated designs waste a lot of energy when making more complicated movements.

Researchers at Stanford University have invented a way to augment electric motors to make them much more efficient at performing dynamic movements through a new type of actuator, a device that uses energy to make things move. Their actuator, published March 20 in Science Robotics , uses springs and clutches to accomplish a variety of tasks with a fraction of the energy usage of a typical electric motor.

“Rather than wasting lots of electricity to just sit there humming away and generating heat, our actuator uses these clutches to achieve the very high levels of efficiency that we see from electric motors in continuous processes, without giving up on controllability and other features that make electric motors attractive,” said Steve Collins , associate professor of mechanical engineering and senior author of the paper.

Springing into action

The actuator works by harnessing the ability of springs to produce force without using energy – springs resist being stretched out and try to rebound to their natural length when released. When the actuator is, say, lowering something heavy, the researchers can engage the springs so that they stretch, taking some of the load off the motor. Then, by locking the springs in the stretched-out position, that energy can be stored to assist the motor in another task later on.

The key to engaging and disengaging the springs quickly and efficiently is a series of electroadhesive clutches. Each rubber spring is sandwiched between two clutches: one that connects the spring to the joint to assist the motor and one that locks the spring in a stretched position when it’s not being used.

These clutches consist of two electrodes – one attached to the spring and one attached to the frame or motor – that slide smoothly past each other when they aren’t active. To engage a clutch, the researchers apply a large voltage to one of its electrodes. The electrodes are drawn together with an audible click – like a faster, stronger version of the static electricity that makes a balloon stick to the wall after you rub it on carpet. Releasing the spring is as simple as grounding the electrode and dropping its voltage back to zero.

“They’re lightweight, they’re small, they’re really energy efficient, and they can be turned on and off rapidly,” said Erez Krimsky, lead author of the paper, who recently completed his PhD in Collins’ lab. “And if you have lots of clutched springs, it opens up all these exciting possibilities for how you can configure and control them to achieve interesting outcomes.”

The actuator built by Collins and Krimsky has a motor augmented with six identical clutched springs, which can be engaged in any combination. The researchers ran the design through a series of challenging motion tests that included rapid acceleration, changing loads, and smooth, steady movement. At every task, the augmented motor used at least 50 percent less power than a standard electric motor and, in the best case, reduced power consumption by 97 percent.

Go to the web site to view the video.

Video showing and explaining the new actuator. Accompanies: Krimsky, E., Collins, S. H. (2024) Elastic Energy-Recycling Actuators for Efficient Robots, Science Robotics .

Motors that can do more

With significantly more efficient motors, robots could travel further and accomplish more. A robot that can run for a full day, instead of only an hour or two before needing to recharge, has the potential to undertake much more meaningful tasks. And there are plenty of unsafe situations – involving toxic materials, hazardous environments, or other dangers – where we would much prefer to send a robot than risk a person.

“This has implications for assistive devices like prosthetics or exoskeletons as well,” Krimsky said. “If you don’t need to constantly recharge them, they can have a more significant impact for the people that use them.”

Currently, it takes a few minutes for the actuator’s controller to calculate the most efficient way to use the combination of springs to accomplish a brand new task, but the researchers have plans to shorten that timeframe considerably. They envision a system that can learn from previous tasks, creating a growing database of increasingly efficient movements and using artificial intelligence to intuit how to effectively accomplish something new.

“There are a bunch of little control and design tweaks we’d like to make, but we think that the technology is really at a place where it’s ready for commercial translation,” Collins said. “We’d be excited to try to spin this out from the lab and start a company to begin making these actuators for the robots of the future.”

Collins is a member of Stanford Bio-X , the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance , and the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute ; and a faculty affiliate of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence .

This work was funded by the National Science Foundation.

To read all stories about Stanford science, subscribe to the biweekly   Stanford Science Digest .

Boomer Slang: 26 Terms You Should Know

Boomers may appear old-fashioned, but they had some surprisingly aggro slang to toss around.

By Jake Rossen | 7:59 AM EDT

‘Listen to me! I’m old and know things!’

If your generational group is Gen Z , Millennials , or Gen Alpha, you might consider Baby Boomers to be a little uptight. Born between 1946 and 1964, Boomers are retiring, kicking back, and shaking their heads at the cultural divide. But they weren’t always so square: Boomers contributed a lot to the conversation, including a significant amount of slang . While some of these terms are synonymous with the 1960s , 1970s , and 1980s , others have taken on a timeless quality. Before you say “OK, Boomer,” check out some of the popular phrases and colloquialisms your Boomer relatives coined—many of which are still in use today.

Jonesing (Jonesin’)

Mellow and harsh one’s mellow, yuppie and yuppiedom, male chauvinist pig and gender gap, bells and whistles, smart-ass, fuckwit, and numbnuts, knuckle sandwich and face-plant, ‘roids and ‘roid rage, leaf peeper, granny glasses.

Boomers who needed a recreational drug fix were said to be “ jonesing for it.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term as “a physical craving for any addictive substance.” In the 2000s, social commentator Jonathan Pontell suggested a new generational group called “Generation Jones” to denote Boomers who were born between 1954 and 1965, arguing that Boomers arriving later had different cultural experiences than earlier members—and that they were possibly jonesing for achievements they had yet to fulfill.

A man in a car is pictured

If Boomers encountered a particularly troublesome person or persons, they dubbed them “aggro,” short for aggressive . Green’s Dictionary of Slang traces the term back to 1969, where it was used to describe violence at soccer matches in the UK.

A woman's hand is pictured

When someone had no job, relationship, or moneymaking prospects, Boomers might say they “had zilch going on.” The OED dates the first use of zilch back to 1925, when it was used on college campuses to refer to an imaginary wind instrument. By 1958, it meant “inferior, unsatisfactory; dull, unexciting,” and came to its current meaning—“not any”—by 1969. According to the OED, the etymology of zilch is unclear, but it may come from Joe Zilch , “a name used for an unknown or inconsequential person.”

A man is pictured

Anyone who was flat on their back owing to fatigue, drinking, drugs, or just plain boredom was said to be “zonked” or “zonked out,” phrases that were being used as slang as early as the late 1940s. Zonked was derived from the verb zonk , which initially meant “to hit, strike, or knock,” according to the OED, before taking on meanings related to either being knocked or passed out.

A group of fake celebrities is pictured

The OED dates the first use of the slang term wannabe —a noun or adjective dropped to chastise someone for aspiring to be something other than who they were— back to 1976 . The word picked up steam in the 1980s, when Boomers who idolized Madonna and other pop stars adopted their fashion sense and were declared “Wanna-Bes.”

In the 1970s, anyone loose and relaxed was said to be “mellow.” (The slang phrase harsh one’s mellow , on the other hand, referred to interrupting the good vibes.) Mellow dates back to the 1400s, when it was used to describe a soft, ripe fruit. It later indicated a pleasant or gentle characteristic.

A yuppie is pictured

In the money-hungry 1980s, Boomers who were chasing a cookie-cutter domestic and professional life were called “young urban professionals,” often shortened to yuppies . Yuppiedom was used to refer to the yuppie category or, as the OED puts it, “the condition or fact of being a yuppie.”

Early Boomers who experienced the trippy ‘60s began using the phrase peace out , which reminded departing parties to keep a cool, mellow vibe. It was sometimes abbreviated to just peace . Both valedictions experienced renewed popularity in the 1990s rap music scene, which also made use of peace up .

A woman holding a wig is pictured

Wig out means “to lose one’s composure.” According to Merriam-Webster, it all goes back to the Middle French perruque , or periwig , which was later shortened to wig . By the 1960s, wig became a euphemism for mind . If you were losing your grip, you were therefore wigging out. And it’s not the only term wig gave us: The phrase blowing one’s wig , or getting upset, was common in the 1930s .

A man is pictured being nervous

In the 1970s, when the earliest Boomers would have been in their twenties and thirties, they might have expressed nervousness by saying they “had the yikes.” Yikes soon took on use as an exclamation of astonishment, as in, “Yikes, that guy is really wigging out.” It's possible yikes stemmed from yoicks , a command used by fox hunters in the 1700s to order their dogs into action.

This harsh label for sexist men in the 1970s was an evolution of male chauvinist, a phrase that served as shorthand for those who favored outdated gender prejudices. Boomers also put gender gap in circulation to describe the gulf between sexes.

A man with dirty hands is pictured

Decades before the grunge music scene of the 1990s, Boomers were using grunge to describe bad dates, weird, sticky substances , and anything else they deemed unpleasant.

Bells and whistles are pictured

This colloquialism was used to reference special features and extras, particularly in the nascent world of computers in the 1970s. Use of bells and whistles could be complimentary or it could mean that a product had a bunch of unnecessary gimmickry. It likely spun out of the literal bells and whistles that accompanied the arrival of passenger or supply trains in the early 20th century.

A beer is pictured

Boomers on college campuses in the 1970s referred to their precious cans of beer as “brewskis.” Suds , another slang term for hops, is much older, dating back to the late 1800s.

Someone being a little too clever or intrusive for their own good was dubbed a smart-ass in the 1960s. U.S. Boomers probably adopted it from the UK’s smart-arse , which Green’s dates to 1958.

You can also thank Boomers for the enduring application of fuckwit , which likely evolved from nitwit or dimwit , as well as numbnuts .

A fist is pictured

If you delivered a punch in the mouth to a deserving agitator, Boomers said to be you were administering a “knuckle sandwich.” If you did a good enough job, your victim may have done a face-plant on the ground; younger Boomers popularized that phrase in the early 1980s.

The explosion of professional bodybuilding and performance enhancers in the 1970s gave way to gym rats abbreviating steroids to ‘roids . Younger Boomers also gave rise to the phrase 'roid rage in the 1980s to describe temperamental fitness addicts experiencing hormonal swings.

A person is pictured walking through leaves

New England-area Boomers devised this slightly provocative phrase to describe tourists who came north during the fall to enjoy the seasonal colors. (“Prospects for weekend ‘leaf peepers’ seem extremely good,” the Bennington Banner noted in 1965.) Don’t confuse it with Peeping Tom , slang for a voyeur. The Tom part of the term might refer to a sailor named Thomas, who (per 13th century legend) was said to have been struck blind (or possibly dead) after seeing Lady Godiva riding through town naked.

A woman is pictured with eyeglasses

Oversized, pointy, or otherwise out-of-fashion spectacles were dubbed “granny glasses” beginning in the 1960s. Today, Boomers aren’t so much making fun of them as wearing them. Such is the circle of life.

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  • cabin cruiser
  • dragon boat
  • rubber dinghy
  • While you can take a motorboat, many people prefer to take the original Venetian taxi, the famous gondola.  

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  1. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound. n. The sound produced when doing a motorboat.

  2. Urban Dictionary: motorboated

    a face shaken in boobs, as evidenced in wedding crashers, and in superpoke on facebook

  3. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

    Urban Dictionary, our modern beacon of slang enlightenment, has an entry for 'motorboat' dating back to 2003. While it's challenging to pinpoint the exact year the term first cropped up, it's clear it's been part of our vernacular for at least a few decades, quietly bubbling under the surface before making a splash in popular culture.

  4. What Is a Motorboat Urban Dictionary? (Here's All You Need To Know)

    A motorboat urban dictionary is an online resource that provides definitions for slang words and phrases that are popular in urban communities. Created to be an accessible reference for those who wish to stay up-to-date with the latest slang, the motorboat urban dictionary is designed to provide users with definitions of words related to music ...

  5. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    The amount of motorboating you can do to a woman, preferably on a scale of 1 to 10.

  6. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    A slang term for the act of pushing your face between breasts, rocking your head back and forth, and blowing outward, simulating the noise of a boat's motor. Other definitions of Motorboat: To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and ...

  7. Slang for motorboating (Related Terms)

    Slang for motorboating. As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " motorboating " are listed above. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "motorboating" are: flapjacking, schooner, yachting, motorbate, and mud bogging. There are 125 other synonyms or words related to motorboating listed above.

  8. Motorboat

    To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat. Example sentence: "She let me motorboat her at the party.". Motorboat in songs: "If life is a woman, she's got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ' em " - Watsky, IDGAF. "See them titties, wanna motorboat it ...

  9. Urban Dictionary: capsized motorboat

    When you turn someone over and place your face in between the cheeks of someone's ass, and motorboat their ass.

  10. Motorboating

    Motorboating is a slang term used to describe the act of placing one's face between a person's breasts and making a vibrating sound by blowing air outward forcefully.. In a more detailed explanation, motorboating refers to an action where an individual playfully puts their face between someone's breasts and proceeds to blow air through their lips, causing a vibrating noise and sensation.

  11. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    Orginally called a "vince vaughn", the motorboat is another name for a mix of Southern Comfort and Mountain Dew Code Red.

  12. What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here's What You Need To Know)

    Motorboating is the act of pressing one's face into someone's chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound. It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture. The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

  13. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    Motorboat farts are long lasting, drawn-out flatulence sounding like a distant boat engine.

  14. Motorboat slang word

    1 Answer. Hello Mila! Assuming you mean the slang usage rather than the use of a boat with a motor. It means the activity of putting one's face between a woman's breasts, and rocking turning one's head rapidly from side to side while making a noise like a motorboat.

  15. motorboating

    The act of travelling in a motorboat.· (slang) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.··present participle and gerund of motorboat 2010, Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You, page 183: (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are ...

  16. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    Today, I will address the question of what it means to "motorboat" someone. Please note that this term is slang and may not be suitable for all audiences. To put it simply, motorboating refers to the act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips while moving the head from side ...

  17. Slang for "broken motorboat" (Related Terms)

    The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban ...

  18. What Is Motorboarding?

    Motorboarding is a slang term used to describe a dangerous and illegal activity where a person, typically a man, places their face between a person's breasts while riding a motorcycle. This activity is often associated with sexual harassment and assault and can cause serious physical harm to both the motorcyclist and the person being ...

  19. Definitions of motorboat

    motorboat. ) noun: (nautical) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard), but especially a small one. verb: To ride in a motorboat. verb: (slang, intransitive, transitive) To press one's face between (another person's breasts); to press one's face between the breasts of (another person).

  20. Urban Dictionary: All words on March 19, 2024

    © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice

  21. Slang for motor-boating (Related Terms)

    The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban ...

  22. What does 'moot' mean? A primer on the online slang term.

    Here's the 411 on the slang term. " Moot " is short for "mutual follower," according to Dictionary.com. The slang refers to the users who follow you back on a social media platform and engage with ...

  23. New, efficient motor alternative for next-gen robotics

    At every task, the augmented motor used at least 50 percent less power than a standard electric motor and, in the best case, reduced power consumption by 97 percent.

  24. 26 Bits of Boomer Slang

    Suds, another slang term for hops, is much older, dating back to the late 1800s. Smart-Ass, Fuckwit, and Numbnuts Someone being a little too clever or intrusive for their own good was dubbed a ...


    MOTORBOAT meaning: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.