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Waszp – the new one-design foiling Moth that could make learning to fly a little less painful

Matthew Sheahan

  • Matthew Sheahan
  • September 14, 2016

As a development class, the International Moth has been a hotbed of foiling innovations over the past few years. Matthew Sheahan reports on a new accessible one-design version

Waszp on display at Foiling Week 2016, Malcesine, Lake Garda. Pic: Gilles Martin-Raget

Waszp on display at Foiling Week 2016, Malcesine, Lake Garda. Pic: Gilles Martin-Raget

If there is one class of boat that has turned more heads around the world in the last decade than any other, it must surely be the foiling Moth. Having started as more of a stunt than anything more serious, there is now no other way to race a Moth.

Fleets worldwide have grown and the experts make foiling look effortless, yet the reality is that mastering the Moth is even more difficult than carve gybing a windsurfer. Yet there is no doubt that the combination of speed, silence and extraordinary looks has been, and continues to be, a big draw.

With so few rules, the International Moth – as opposed to the ironing board-shaped British Moth – has always been at the leading edge of design and development. Famous for its laissez-faire approach, it has just a few simple rules that have resulted in some of the most radical thinking in the sport.

But not everyone is able or willing to play. For some, the pace of development got too hot when hull shapes became little more than a plank on edge. A boat that would only float the right way up if you were moving and required the balance of a cat on a fence from the helmsman was a challenge too far for many sailors.

But as we now know, there was another big hike in performance to come as the Moth took to foils. Once again, some found this a step too far, though plenty rose to the challenge and helped to create a completely new style of racing. Those who have learned to foil have left the rest of us green with envy.

One design Moth

But a new design of Moth might change all that as the long-awaited WASZP goes on sale. Conceived five years ago by Andrew McDougall, designer of the MACH2 Moth, the idea was to make a foiling Moth not only cheaper, but easier to sail.

So while the WASZP is based on the foiling Moth and conforms to the few class rules that there are, it differs fundamentally in that it is a strict one-design. But it has other advantages for the less daring.

The stern has greater volume to prevent sinking during low-speed manoeuvres and tacking. This also helps keep the boat on the foils. Pic: Gilles Martin-Raget

The stern has greater volume to prevent sinking during low-speed manoeuvres and tacking. This also helps keep the boat on the foils. Pic: Gilles Martin-Raget

For starters, the wings provide sufficient buoyancy to keep the boat the right way up when stopped, and they are also adjustable to allow you to alter the angle by which they rise towards their tips – technically called dihedral.

Setting the wings flatter, that is with less dihedral, is like lowering the stabilisers on a child’s bike. The outboard ends of the wings touch the water and support you before things go pear-shaped.

Looking like a pro

As you get more proficient at keeping the kind of balance that unicyclists take for granted, you increase the dihedral to allow you to sail the boat heeled to windward.

At this point the daggerboard T-foil is hauling you to windward while you look like a pro.

Furthermore, the mast is unstayed, making it simpler to rig and, with no shrouds to act as giant cheese wires, considerably safer when you do take a tumble. The main foil and rudder lift like conventional daggerboards so it’s easier to get on and off the beach.

Fully fledged Moths have a fixed daggerboard and rudder, which are fitted when the boat is on its side, leaving you to swim out into deeper water with the boat in tow like a dog with a stick before you can right it and sail away. The reverse process is required when coming ashore.

Clearly, this is not for everyone. With delicate, expensive carbon foils, you want to get this right from the start. Few do.

The WASZP, however, has foils that can not only be lowered progressively once you’re under way, like a Laser, but are made of alloy with injection-moulded tips, making them far more robust.

A conventional daggerboard and matching T foil rudder make life easier getting afloat and back ashore. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

A conventional daggerboard and matching T foil rudder make life easier getting afloat and back ashore. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

Worth the wait

The hull is an epoxy, glass, carbon-infused composite so it is tough, but light, weighing 48kg including foils. And although that’s around 18kg heavier than a modern Moth, the WASZP is the same weight as the RS Aero, which I know from experience is light enough to carry down to the water.

And then there’s the cost. At around US$10,000 (£7,550) it is said to be half the price of a fully tricked MACH2.

The project has been a long time coming, but now it’s here with a fleet racing at the recent Foiling Week held on Lake Garda there’s a buzz going around that it was well worth the wait.

Design features

One of the keys to the WASZP is the folding wings. Set horizontally, they act as stabilisers and can be raised as you become more proficient, using different-sized wing supports. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

One of the keys to the WASZP is the folding wings. Set horizontally, they act as stabilisers and can be raised as you become more proficient, using different-sized wing supports. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

Different sail plans for different sizes and abilities of sailor have become popular in modern single-handed dinghies. The WASZP has a choice of 5.8 sq m, 6.9sq m or 8.2sq m sails. Photo Gilles Martin-Raget

Different sail plans for different sizes and abilities of sailor have become popular in modern single-handed dinghies. The WASZP has a choice of 5.8 sq m, 6.9sq m or 8.2sq m sails. Photo Gilles Martin-Raget

A wishbone boom system, like that on a windsurfer, dispenses with a conventional boom and kicker and makes tacking easier. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

A wishbone boom system, like that on a windsurfer, dispenses with a conventional boom and kicker and makes tacking easier. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

As with the Moth, the WASZP uses a wand to control the ride height automatically using a mechanical sensor system. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

As with the Moth, the WASZP uses a wand to control the ride height automatically using a mechanical sensor system. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

With its unstayed mast it is easy to rig, there’s no rigging to collide with when you take a tumble and it’s easier to get back aboard after a capsize. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

With its unstayed mast it is easy to rig, there’s no rigging to collide with when you take a tumble and it’s easier to get back aboard after a capsize. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

Extruded alloy sections and the mechanical hinge systems make for a simpler and more robust system than the composite foils in a Moth. They are also cheaper to replace. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

Extruded alloy sections and the mechanical hinge systems make for a simpler and more robust system than the composite foils in a Moth. They are also cheaper to replace. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

A concave profile bow allows better response in waves for the wand while providing greater volume forward to help prevent burying the bow during a bear away. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget

A concave profile bow allows better response in waves for the wand while providing greater volume forward to help prevent burying the bow during a bear away. Pic Gilles Martin-Raget


World class foiling has never been more accessible. The WASZP is the perfect platform to enjoy one-design racing as well as a fun, friendly lifestyle where anything is possible!


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WASZP GPS Challenge

Product description

The WASZP project was conceived in 2010 and put into production in June 2016 by Andrew McDougall, designer of the world beating Mach 2 foiling Moth.

The Moth is a racing boat with very few rules and therefore has developed into a boat that is beautiful to sail on the water, but not the answer to everyone’s requirements for a sailing dinghy.

The concept was for a foiling platform that enables closer one-design racing, less complex rigging, affordable to all sailors while being accessible to a wider range of ages and weights. Creating a brand and culture that takes sailing into the mainstream.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

Product highlights

Affordability – The most affordable foiling dinghy at $USD11,900

Accessibility – Simple ordering system and agent support in over 30 countries

Durability – Boat has been engineered to take the strain of learning right through to world class racing.

Learning platform – Forgiving learning platform, most sailors with a moderate amount of dinghy experience will foil in their first session.

Closest foiling racing in the world – The one-design nature provides the closest and most exciting foiling racing in the world!

Product Features

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

Easy set-up

Simple to rig – plug and play! Can be rigged and on the water in 10-15minutes

Simple control system and layout

We have taken the best bits from a Moth and simplified them to enable an enjoyable un-complicated experience for all sailors. There are enough controls to keep the sailing entertaining. Tuning is important and there is enough to play with for the experienced sailor.

Safety while foiling

The foil design was to create a fast, stable platform with good performance. The foils are not sharp and provide the safest experience for those learning to foil for the first time. Easy to right the boat after a capsize. - No side stays to run into.

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No. of Countries

Fastest speed, boats @ euro championships, best one-design.

Sailing World’s Boat of the Year Awards

Best Foiling production boat

Foiling Week Awards (Italy)

Performance Boat of the Year (under 5m)

The 10th China Cup International Regatta

Dinghy of the Year

Yachts & Yachting (UK)

Professionally treated Many thanks for a fantastic boat and A LOT OF CREDIT to you for your "recall campaign". The boat was already close to perfect, but still you do updates free of charge "just in case". During 50 years of racing and buying different boats I have never been so professionally treated! You provide instruction films, you keep contact with us owners after the purchase and you make sure that quality is always at top level. Johan Axelson - Sweden
huge thank you Just wanted to say again a huge thank you for the absolutely exceptional Service...the parts arrived last night at the sailing club...not even 48 hours after I wrote you the first mail Sunday night!! You guys are really just brilliant...the product is superbe...initial sale is superbe and after Service is more than superbe!!! What else can I say...;-). Thanks a million. Pascal Radue -
Olympic class You deserve for your boats to be Olympic class. Not just for the experience they provide but also for the fantastic and fast support! Stuart Cerne -
Happy with my boat I bought my Waszp almost one year ago, I'm very happy with my boat! I had my first sail with another Waszp and it adds a lot of fun Pierre Dalibot - France
Wonderful customer service thank you for this wonderful customer service, we were back and forth between the Waszp and UFO and we are so happy we chose the Waszp, we love the boats and our kids love the boats. We have put nearly 30 10-15 year old's up on foils in seasonal New England in the US so its been fantastic. Mark Zagol - USA
Loving the boat I would like to say how impressed I am with the whole incident logging process and the upgrade package that has been done. Loving the boat and pretty much sail anytime the conditions suit. Even ditched the family on Xmas day to sail in the pm. Sean Paterson -
Exemplary Thanks a million for all your help and the whole super-fast building and delivery...your service is truly exemplary!!! Pascal - Singapore
Super light conditions We had real shifty and super light conditions (some gusts only at around 7 to 8 knots rest below)...even with this, my 9 year old son could get the boat to fly a few times consistently over some distance...he has only sailed Opti’s, Bytes and helmed our big boats up to now... so a real testimony how easy this boat is to sail. He weighs 36kg...As for me (around 75kg) I also got the boat up on the foils a few times...twice some distance...we used the cruiser foil and the small sail. So again a real testimony how easy the boat is to get it to fly, even more so given the fact that I think I had no more than 15 mins in total out of two afternoons as I could not get my son off the boat. Pascal - Singapore
Without coaching I had 2 excellent sailing days over the weekend, getting progressively more confident with the boat. No problems getting foiling in 10+ knots of wind, and can make progress upwind and downwind on foils. There are many crashes, but it's all part of the fun. The boat has been rock solid, so I'd say you guys have created exactly what you intended. I have no previous foiling experience, and have been sailing the Waszp entirely on my own without coaching, so the basic setup from the factory must be spot on. Jim Muir -
Now the fun begins Just a quick note to let you know delivery of WASZP was very efficient & on time. An excellent transport company. Well done all round. Now the fun begins! John Morton -
Exceeded my expectations The Waszp came just over two weeks ago. I've sailed it 7 times. EPIC is a good word to describe the sailing!!! Foiled every time but the first two sails involved lots of swimming of course. No problem foiling all the way across the lake now. Foiling gybes will take awhile but wow, so much fun!!! Everything about the boat is so solid. Thanks for taking the time to make it right. It's incredible and has totally exceeded my expectations with zero issues. Mike Dow - USA
Great experience Thank you for the support. You have been amazing. I never thought I would buy a boat over the internet but it has been a great experience. Robert Palter - Toronto
Foiling in the first 5 mins Went for the first sail last Wednesday, and it was amazing – super impressed. Putting the boat together I was concerned that it was going to be tricky to get stable flight with the wand screw control, main ride height control on the main foil, and the rudder control. Conditions were very gusty 4-12 knots... but was foiling in the first 5 mins, and super stable on the ride height. So well done!! No water in the boat after lots of capzises – impressive! Jon Bilger - New Zealand

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Waszp presentation

The Waszp is a small dinghy inspired by the Moth Foiler . Simpler, less expensive, the Waszp aims to erase the exclusive character of its cousin. Thus, the boat is of simpler design, the Waszp is built with simpler materials (fiberglass, aluminum). The boat is more robust, less expensive: more accessible.

Of course, these compromises make the Waszp a slightly less powerful boat, but that is relative when you consider that it is a foiler that can exceed 20 knots on the water if it is well handled.

The Waszp class is growing fast because it fills a gap, in fact, to foil solo on a boat allowing high level racing, there are hardly any other boats than the Moth and the A-Class, which are rather elitist. The Waszp therefore offers a programme that opens up possibilities for many sailors.

In terms of size, the Waszp is quite forgiving and will allow airborne sailing for male and female coxswains from 50 to 90 kg.

Waszp second hand market

The boat is rare on the second hand market but with a little patience, it is possible to find a second hand Waszp. The new boat costs 15000€, the second hand ones can be found from 8000€.

Some figures of the Waszp sailing dinghy  :

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Used Waszp price table

Advert titleBuilderYear Price

-2019 9500€

-2022 13700€

Erplast2020 12000€

-2017 10500€

McConaghy Boats2022 15500€

-2018 9500€

US WASZP Class Association

Welcome to the us waszp class association.

Our mission is to provide fun and exciting WASZP racing across the United States. The WASZP is a n affordable, modern, durable, easy to learn and race class that brings a new definition of fun to the sailing world.  The WASZP delivers a platform for beginner foilers to advanced racers, with rig sizes providing options for 80-225lb sailors. The class rules will enforce no substitution on core hull parts, rig of foils, everyone will have the same WASZP supplied equipment, and no sneaky add on upgrades to get race ready.


Upcoming events.

As of 2022 all WASZP USA events are listed on RaceHub !

🇺🇸 SEE WASZP USA Events on RaceHub

🇨🇦 see waszp can events on racehub, join the class.

The Waszp has taken the US by storm.  With sailors scattered all across the country, fleets are growing in size, and more and more people are learning to foil.



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Class Contact Information

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One-Design Class Type: Foiling

Was this boat built to be sailed by youth or adults? Both

Approximately how many class members do you have? 75+

Photo Credit:Waszp Games 2017 – Martina Orsini

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Photo Credit:

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

About Waszp

The Waszp is a singlehanded, one-design foiler. Designed by Andrew McDougall, the Waszp offers affordable foiling on a robust boat. The class has a place for everyone; there is a large contingent of sailors who race the boat at a high level while other sailors keep the boat at their local yacht club and go for a rip around the bay!

Boats Produced: 1000+

Class boat builder(s):

McConaghy Builders

Approximately how many boats are in the USA/North America? 175

Where is your One-Design class typically sailed in the USA? List regions of the country:

Toms River, NJ Charleston, SC Newport, RI San Francisco, CA Oyster Bay, NY Miami, FL Honolulu, HI

Does this class have a spinnaker or gennaker? No

How many people sail as a crew including the helm?  1

Ideal combined weight of range of crew:  140-200 lbs

Portsmouth Yardstick Rating:   N/A

Boat Designed in  2016

Length (feet/inches): 11′

Beam: 7’5″

Weight of rigged boat without sails: 100 pounds

Draft: 4’6″

Mast Height: 17’6″

Tuning Guides

Class rules (pdf doc).

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February 17, 2017 by Sail1Design Editor Leave a Comment

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waszp foiling sailboat for sale

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The foiling sensation of the WASZP!

The WASZP is the most eagerly awaited and talked about one-design dinghy in generations. Various sailors during test flights have managed to foil after only a few minutes in the boat and come away enthusing about how much fun they had.

The WASZP is a one-design foiling dinghy. Every boat is produced to the same tight specification, meaning it’s down to the sailor to squeeze the speed out of the boat. Designed to minimise barriers to foiling, anyone from teenager to adult, male or female, can jump in a boat and have fun.

Currently the UK are fortunate to boast the WASZP 2021 European Champion, Matt Beck and 2019 World Champion Rory Hunter. With the class growing weekly, there is a wealth of knowledge across the country to help get you started. Why not take a look at the current worldwide rankings on  Racehub ?

waszp foiling sailboat for sale


The waszp is supplied as a complete package with everything you need to get started on your foiling journey. all you have to decide on is the colour combinations of hull, tramps and sail, which waszp rig size is right for me.

Time to jump on the weighing scales! If you are new to the class, you need to have a look at the weight ranges for each rig size.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

WASZP X – rider weight 30-45kg

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

WASZP X 6.9 – rider weight 40-60kg

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

WASZP 8.2 – rider weight 60kg+

The WASZP Package Includes

Hull Complete, inc foils, tramps, rig size options WASZP X, 6.9 or 8.2 sqm, 2 piece Carbon mast inc padded bag, Adjustable Alloy boom, Ride height adjuster, GPS mount, Foil covers, Trolley, Boat cover.

Looking for something specific for your Waszp?

You can browse through the various categories below or try the search function which may be quicker if you know exactly what you are looking for. Not sure what you are looking for? You can drop us a photo to [email protected] or call us on 01324 861 756 and we can let you know what it’s called!



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waszp foiling sailboat for sale


82cm -87cm 89cm-95cm 97cm-102cm 107cm-112cm 117cm-122cm 127cm-132cm
66cm – 70cm 71cm – 76cm 77cm – 85cm 86cm – 95cm  96cm – 105cm 106cm – 114cm
78cm -84cm 85cm-90cm 91cm-97cm 98cm-103cm 104cm-109cm 110cm-116cm
58cm – 69cm 64cm – 70cm 71cm – 76cm 77cm – 83cm  84cm – 90cm 91cm – 97cm
82cm – 90cm 90cm – 96cm 97cm – 102cm 103cm – 108cm  109cm – 115cm 116cm – 122cm
US Mens 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
4.5 5.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
36.5 38.5 40 41 42.5 44 45 46 47.5
23.5 24 25 26 27 28 28.5 29 30
9.2″ 9.4 9.8 10.2 10.6 11 11.2 11.4 11.8

Zhik Kids PFD

XXXS 60 – 80 30- 40 35n
XXS 80 – 85 30 – 40 35n

Zhik Adult PFD

XS 85 – 90 35- 45 35n
S 90 – 95 40 – 60 40n
M 95- 105 60 – 70 45n
L 105 – 115 70+ 50n
XL 115 – 125 70+ 50n

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

XS 33-36″ 28-30″ 27.5″
85-92cm 71-76cm 69.5cm
S 36-38″ 29-31″ 28.5″
92-97cm 74-76cm 72.5cm
M 38-40″ 31-33″ 29.5″
97-102cm 79-84cm 75cm
L 41-43″ 34-36″ 30.5″
102-109cm 86-91cm 77.5cm”
XL 43-46″ 36-38″ 31.5″
109-119cm 91-97cm 80cm
2XL 46-49″ 38-41″ 32″
119-125cm 97-104cm 81.5cm
3XL 49-51″ 41-44″ 32-34″
126-130cm 104-112cm 81-86cm
4XL 51-53″ 44-48″ 32-34″
131-134cm 112-122cm 81-86cm

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

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WASZP Complete

Please choose an option:

Special 5 boat Deal, Save over $2000 on Airfreight price.  If you are prepared to pay a deposit and wait until we are able to bring in 5 WASZP in one shipment with a special price of 22,900.  Grab yours now.  The current price to bring one in by Sea is 23,900.

Over 50 WASZP's now in New Zealand!!!  -  THE MAGIC OF FOILING!!!

- Choose your own coloured Hull, Sails & Wings

Order your WASZP now to secure your place in this exciting new one design class. 

The New Waszp has the benefits of all of the developments over the last 3 years including the new Foil. 

22c02097e4438bd2f2f3fe4a6a3ab0e1_ XL


Waszp Race 2

Wings can get set flat to give more stability when you are learning and once you are confident and consistently enjoying the rush of flying, moving to race mode lifts the

wings to a 17 degree angle, allowing more advanced foiling techniques such as windward heel.

As the wings are further from the water this induces extra drive from the horizontal foils and increased righting leverage.

This increases speed and height upwind significantly.

In race mode the sky is the limit. Choose to hit the water for the pure thrill or get ready to race.

Tramp_colours WINGS

To deliver the promise of foiling for beginners through to advanced racers the orientation of the wings of the WASZP needed to be flexible to change the amount of stability

provided to the sailor.

An affordable, modern, durable, easy to learn and race class that brings a new definition of fun.

A choice of three rigs provides options for 40 to 100 kilo sailors.

Waszp Beginner 2

In beginner mode the wings are locked down to a horizontal position.

This provides the most stable platform for learning to foil as the wing buoyancy is lowest to the water.

It also reduces the need for active balancing to keep the boat upright.

Movement around the boat is also easier on the flat surface.

Beginner mode allows the sailor to concentrate on learning the balance and trim positions to initiate and sustain foiling

The WASZP project was conceived in 2010 by Andrew McDougall, designer of the world beating Mach 2 foiling Moth.

The Moth is a racing boat with very few rules and therefore has developed into a boat that is beautiful to sail on the water, but not the answer to everyone’s requirements for a sailing dinghy.

Waszp Storage 2

 In storage mode the wings are folded vertically upwards.

This reduces the hull width to just over 1.4 m including the trolley.

The sail, mast and boom can all fit neatly inside the slot between the wings for storage.

Further gains can be made if the boats are parked top to tail.

The concept was for a foiler similar to a Moth, but answered all the sticking points that stop people buying a Moth

The WASZP delivers a platform for beginner foilers to advanced racers.



  • Length: 3.35m
  • Width Packed: 43cm
  • Width Folded: 1m
  • Width Sailing: 2.25m
  • Draft launching: 20cm
  • Draft ‘low riding’: 1m
  • Draft foiling: You choose!
  • Overall weight: 48 kilos fully rigged with foils
  • Minimum foiling cruise wind speed: 5 knots
  • Minimum lift off wind speed: 7 knots
  • Top speed: 24 knots+
  • Fun factor: Massive


Everything you need to foil.

  • Complete WASZP - hull, wings/tramps, foils, control systems and rigging
  • Choice of 5.8, 6.9 or 8.2 sq.m rig
  • 2 piece carbon mast
  • Adjustable aluminium boom
  • Ride height adjuster
  • Foil Covers


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Get into foiling on a budget! Waszp Moth cheaper than Laser!


There's been talk in the Moth fleets for years about designing a really cheap foiling Moth that lowers the barrier to entry for sailors wanting to fly, and thanks to an Aussie designer, it's happening in 2016.

Andrew McDougall started designing Moths as a kid, back when they were scow hulls and Dacron sails. After taking when he describes as a short break from sailing (16 years!) to focus on his sail company KA Sails (who were making windsurfing sails), he returned to the Moth scene just as things started getting interesting, later designing the Bladerider Moth, which was developed into the Mach 2.3. Throughout this summer, he's been working on a new project named the Waszp. A far cry from his world dominating Mach 2 boats, the Waszp is designed for entry level foilers and promises to deliver a fully foiling, competitive Moth for the same price as a new Laser!!!

Featuring a list of cost saving measures as long as the foils themselves, the Waszp uses aluminium hydrofoils, Dacron desctions in the leading edges of the sails and a unique boom design that's obviously borrowed from windsurfing. It will also use daggerboard style foils and rudder, so the boat can be trolleyed down the beach/ramp just like a Laser, sailed off into deeper water and then the sailor can drop the foils once it's deep enough. The result of all those cost saving measures, is a little white hydrofoiling Moth that's perfect for learners, for less than $15,000 delivered.

The plan is to start up a one design class for the Waszp, and considering the interest so far and the fact that they're Australian designed, all it's going to take is for someone to draft up the rules and a strong fleet will begin to grow in Australia. Move over Laser, there's a new kid coming to the block!

Check out the promo footage of the Waszp, a budget foiling laser that's hitting Australian shores soon…

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Posted 2024-07-01 13:30

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Foiling Waszp Sailboat for sale - $10,000 (Westport)

Foiling Waszp Sailboat for sale 1

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Foiling Waszp Sailboat for sale - boats - by owner - marine sale -...

2019 Waszp # 2723 for sail. The boat has won the 2019 U.S. Nationals and placed at nearly every major championship since, mostly recently finishing 2nd at the 2023 U.S. Nationals. The boat has been...

Posted 2024-06-29 11:20

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Foiling Sailboat Waszp - $6,300 (GLOUCESTER)

Foiling Sailboat Waszp 1

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updated: 2024-07-17 09:38

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Foiling Sailboat Waszp - boats - by owner - marine sale - craigslist

Sail faster than the wind. The Waszp is the largest class of foiling sailboats for a reason. This boat has won a US national championship and an international championship. Contact me for details.


NEW Product – The WASZP_X – The Ultimate Junior Foiler

Launch – VIDEO:

On the back of the extremely successful 2021 European WASZP Games and return to international competition, we are proud to announce the WASZP_X will join the swarm and be part of the WASZP family.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

The WASZP_X is the latest product out of the WASZP factory. This boat will provide the start point of the most affordable and accessible foiling pathway in the sport, minimising the total customer lifetime spend over the sailing journey. The class will use the same hull as the WASZP with the following differences:

  • 5.8m sail to suit smaller sailors – (recommended weight 30-45kgs)
  • 6.9m sail to progress in the class – (recommended weight 45-65kgs)
  • Lightweight rig for easy righting and stability when sailing
  • Curved wingbars increase stability and make capsize recovery easier for smaller sailors
  • Easy and affordable transition through the pathway to the senior WASZP Class.
  • Recommended minimum sailor weight of 30-35kg
  • Recommended age 11-14+
  • Added safety features to create a forgiving environment for kids to learn to foil.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

Existing Infrastructure

Using all the current WASZP Racehub infrastructure, the WASZP_X will be able to mobilise a global racing circuit extremely quickly. We intend to include the WASZP_X class at the 2022 International WASZP Games in (Lake Garda, Italy) as its own class. After this event, we aim to include the WASZP_X at future major events as a stand-alone event prior to the Senior WASZP Class 8.2m. We have many coaches in the WASZP class already, and the opportunity for them to coach the juniors before their own regatta means we keep more coaches actively racing and motivated.

What won’t change is the senior WASZP Class. Kids will be able to transition into the WASZP senior class. If they need to use a 6.9m rig to bridge that process, initially they will be permitted to race with the 6.9m rig within the senior class with standard WASZP class wingbar configuration. We hope this encourages smooth transition and allows smaller senior sailors to have a 6.9m in their kit bag for those windy training days and mixed local (tier 3 & 4) events.

With agent support in more than 30 countries, the global reach of the WASZP brand is incredible. All our agents are set up and ready to connect the dots on this foiling pathway. Along with this, we now complete the circle from youth to senior sailing on one platform – creating an economical overall lifetime spend for a WASZP sailor.

Support – Coaching & Family-friendly atmosphere

The WASZP_X will grow into a go-to class for junior sailors as federations worldwide begin to adopt foiling as an alternative pathway. We have already seen coaching & program accessibility is increasing. This allows families to securely invest in a competitive foiling platform without the lifetime expense seen in other classes.

The WASZP_X is the perfect way for a family to get into foiling, with different rig sizes catering for all ages, boys & girls equally, it allows parents to go sailing with their kids utilising the same core platform.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

Testing & Development

The WASZP_X has been tested by kids for kids. The platform has spent the last three months down at Indented Head (near Melbourne, Australia), being put through rigorous testing by talented Opti brothers Callum, aged 11 and Aidan, aged 13. Aidan is the current Australian Optimist Champion and jumped into the WASZP_X and completed a foiling gybe the 2 nd time on the boat. The feedback has been incredible and has helped us shape the product, complementing what we already know works. 

As seen with the Simmons family, Callum (11) can sail on the 5.8m rig, then swap over with Aidan (13), either using the 5.8m or 6.9m rigs. Then when all is said and done, why can’t mum and dad have a go? Nothing is stopping this from being used across the family – however, good luck getting the boat off the kids 😉.

Callum expresses “I love swapping in and out of the boat with Aidan. On the water, we just swap in and out from our Opti, while dad is in a kayak”.

For Aidan, it is all about developing his skills and progressing through the WASZP class alongside his traditional pathway ambitions “I would love to go to the Olympics, but being able to sail the WASZP and progress through to top-level racing around the world looks so much fun”.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale

Progression and Partnerships

We envisage the global partnerships in place with SailGP, and the INSPIRE youth racing circuit will be the starting point to get more kids foiling earlier. This will lift the overall standard by the time they reach their late teens and move into senior sailing on the WASZP 8.2. 

Link to SailGP INSPIRE Program for more information www.waszp.com/sailgp

The WASZP lifestyle and culture is what ties this together – a genuine sailing home for anyone wanting to join the fun of the WASZP. WASZP has proved time and time again to be an innovator in how the class is managed and events are created. WASZP forms one of the most exciting global event circuits, and we cannot wait to add the WASZP_X to the family!

How to purchase is simple, there are 2 (3) options:

Purchase a WASZP_X 5.8m Kit $ AUD2,050.90 + Tax/shipping/duties

Purchase a WASZP_X 6.9m Kit $AUD2,676.75 + Tax/shipping/duties

Purchase a new WASZP_X Complete with either 5.8m/6.9m rig $USD10,900 + Tax/shipping/duties

What’s in the kit?

WASZP_X 5.8m/6.9m Sail
WASZP_X 5.8m/6.9m Mast Bottom
WASZP_X Front Wing Bars
WASZP_X Rear Wing Bars
Wing Support Rear Down

We will have 50 kits ready to ship out in mid-September, either as individual kits or with new WASZP_Xs. We will continue to communicate once you have placed your deposit about where you are in the queue and when you can expect to receive your kit.

Buy a second-hand boat and add a kit

  • If you can find yourself a 2 nd hand WASZP, you can purchase one. Pricing varies from $USD6-10,000, depending on age and condition
  • You can then head to our website and place a deposit of $AUD100 on a kit
  • This locks in your spot in the queue
  • If you have a local agent in your area, we will then collate the orders and send them out to the agent
  • If you do not have an agent in your region, we will ship directly from the appropriate location to keep freight costs to a minimum.

Buy a new WASZP_X

  • You can then head to our website and place a deposit of $AUD300 on a boat
  • If you do not have an agent in your region, we will ship directly from the appropriate location. For example, if you are in Europe (no agent), we will ship out from our EU WASZP Hub.

waszp foiling sailboat for sale


waszp foiling sailboat for sale

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2426 Blaine Rd, Moscow, ID 83843

  • 5,100 sqft 5,100 square feet
  • 10 acre lot 10 acre lot

Photo of property at 2426 Blaine Rd, Moscow, ID 83843

Interested in selling your home?

Single Family

Property Details

Property features.

  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bedrooms On Main Level: 4
  • Primary Bedroom Level: Main
  • Bedroom 2 Level: Main
  • Bedroom 3 Level: Main
  • Bedroom 4 Level: Main
  • Total Bathrooms: 3
  • Full Bathrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms On Main Level: 3

Interior Features

  • Bath-Master
  • Bed-Master Main Level
  • Flooring: Carpet, Laminate, Vinyl

Heating and Cooling

  • Cooling Features: Central Air
  • Fireplace Features: Wood Burning Stove

Garage and Parking

  • Attached Garage: Yes
  • Covered Spaces: 3
  • Garage Spaces: 3
  • Parking Features: Attached
  • Parking Total: 3

Exterior and Lot Features

  • Fencing: Full, Wire
  • Lot Description: 10 - 19.9 Acres, Partial Sprinkler System, Irrigation Sprinkler System
  • Lot Size Acres: 10.0
  • Lot Size Dimensions: 1312x346
  • Lot Size Square Feet: 435600

Homeowners Association

  • Association: No
  • Calculated Total Monthly Association Fees: 0

School Information

  • Elementary School: West Park and Russell Elementary Schools
  • Elementary School District: Moscow School District #281
  • High School: Moscow
  • High School District: Moscow School District #281
  • Middle School: Moscow
  • Middle or Junior School District: Moscow School District #281

Other Property Info

  • Annual Tax Amount: 4671.66
  • Source Listing Status: Closed
  • Tax Exemptions: Home Owner Exempt
  • County: Latah
  • Directions: From Moscow, West on HW8 Troy Rd 0.4 mi, R on Lenville Rd. 1.7 mi, R on Blaine Rd. 1.5 mi, L on Blaine Rd 0.6 mi, 1.3 miles on your left. Or Use GPS.
  • Tax Year: 2022
  • Ownership: Fee Simple
  • Source Property Type: Residential
  • Parcel Number: RP39N05W279603
  • Property Subtype: Single Family w/ Acreage
  • Source System Name: C2C

Building and Construction

  • Total Square Feet Living: 3510
  • Year Built: 1977
  • Above Grade Finished Area: 3510
  • Above Grade Finished Area Source: Public Records
  • Above Grade Finished Area Units: Square Feet
  • Below Grade Sqft Area Source: Public Records
  • Below Grade Sqft Area Units: Square Feet
  • Building Area Total: 5100
  • Construction Materials: Concrete, Frame
  • Levels: Single with Below Grade
  • Living Area Source: Public Records
  • Living Area Units: Square Feet
  • Property Age: 47
  • Roof: Composition
  • Water Source: Well


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ProviderCurrent estimateEstimate for Jul 2023Change Since Jul 2023
Collateral Analytics$957,000$1,022,000-7%

Our home values come from independent valuation providers, whose solutions are used by many financial institutions, insurance companies, and real estate agents. Each valuation provider applies a unique approach and methodology resulting in a range of values that consumers can use as a starting point for discussions with a real estate agent.

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Neighborhood, facts about 2426 blaine rd.

Commute time: Add a commute

is located in neighborhood in the city of Moscow, ID.

Check out other home values in Blaine Rd, Moscow, ID.

  • $399,900 Median listing price
  • N/A Median sales price
  • 60 Median days on market
  • $233 Median price per sqft

Nearby neighborhoods in Moscow, ID

  • Lincoln Heights Median listing: $447,500
  • Opportunity Median listing: $422,448
  • Dishman Median listing: $365,000
  • East Spokane Median listing: $409,000

Nearby Home Values

AddressEstimateBedBathSq FtLot (Sq Ft)
This Home : 2426 Blaine Rd$1,168,501435100435600

Recently Sold Homes Near 2426 Blaine Rd

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  • 2,231 sqft 2,231 square feet
  • 0.79 acre lot 0.79 acre lot

See 2426 Blaine Rd, Moscow, ID 83843, a single family home. View property details, similar homes, and the nearby school and neighborhood information. Use our heat map to find crime, amenities, and lifestyle data for 2426 Blaine Rd. The property-related information displayed on this page is obtained from public records and other sources.While such information is thought to be reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties labeled Not for Sale are classified as such either because we do not have a record of such properties currently being for sale or because we are not permitted, by contract, law, or otherwise, to designate such properties as currently for sale. For the most accurate and up to date status of this or any other property, please contact a REALTOR®.

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  1. 2016 One Design Waszp Foil Racing Sailboat for sale

    waszp foiling sailboat for sale

  2. The WASZP_X, the ultimate junior foiler

    waszp foiling sailboat for sale

  3. Waszp Foiling Sailboat #2272

    waszp foiling sailboat for sale

  4. The WASZP_X, the ultimate junior foiler

    waszp foiling sailboat for sale

  5. WASZP_X 5.8m

    waszp foiling sailboat for sale

  6. Single-handed sailing dinghy

    waszp foiling sailboat for sale


  1. Down the Hatch Waszp Wipeout

  2. AWSI 2024 Ozone Wing Foiling preview

  3. Waszp Fun

  4. Is foiling expensive? #waszp #switchonedesign #foilingmoth

  5. foilstyle madness!

  6. 2018 Australian WASZP Nationals


  1. WASZP

    World-class foiling has never been easier. The WASZP is the perfect platform for enjoying one-design racing and a fun, friendly lifestyle. Home; About; Showroom; Pathway; Class Culture. Events; ... BOATS ENTERED @ WASZP GAMES 2024. TESTIMONIALS. SAILGP INSPIRE. This has been one of the most special weeks of my life. Zac Bloomeley. SAILGP ...

  2. Waszp

    But a new design of Moth might change all that as the long-awaited WASZP goes on sale. Conceived five years ago by Andrew McDougall, designer of the MACH2 Moth, the idea was to make a foiling Moth ...

  3. WASZP

    The WASZP project was conceived in 2010 and put into production in June 2016 by Andrew McDougall, designer of the world beating Mach 2 foiling Moth. The Moth is a racing boat with very few rules and therefore has developed into a boat that is beautiful to sail on the water, but not the answer to everyone's requirements for a sailing dinghy.

  4. Used Waszp sailing dinghies boat for sale, second hand : price/buying

    In terms of size, the Waszp is quite forgiving and will allow airborne sailing for male and female coxswains from 50 to 90 kg. Waszp second hand market. The boat is rare on the second hand market but with a little patience, it is possible to find a second hand Waszp. The new boat costs 15000€, the second hand ones can be found from 8000€.

  5. Showroom

    The WASZP_X provides the start point of the most affordable and accessible foiling pathway in the sport, minimising the total customer lifetime spend over the sailing journey. The class uses the same hull as the WASZP (8.2m) senior class, in addition to a new stable platform wingframe and smaller rigs, to complete the foiling pathway.

  6. HOME

    Our mission is to provide fun and exciting WASZP racing across the United States. The WASZP is an affordable, modern, durable, easy to learn and race class that brings a new definition of fun to the sailing world. The WASZP delivers a platform for beginner foilers to advanced racers, with rig sizes providing options for 80-225lb sailors. The ...

  7. Waszp

    The Waszp is a singlehanded, one-design foiler. Designed by Andrew McDougall, the Waszp offers affordable foiling on a robust boat. The class has a place for everyone; there is a large contingent of sailors who race the boat at a high level while other sailors keep the boat at their local yacht club and go for a rip around the bay!

  8. Pathway

    The WASZP 8.2, which is the senior end of the class is now well established with over 1,500 boats racing around the world. We are now introducing the WASZP_X to the mix, enabling younger sailors to experience the thrill of foiling on a stable and forgiving platform and to progress through the three transitions Junior/Youth/Senior at a cost of ...

  9. Waszp

    The Boat: The Waszp is a one design foiler, that was created by Andrew McDougall, designer of the world beating Mach 2 foiling Moth. Recently, it was just named 2017 Best One-Design by Sailing Worlds Boat of the Year Awards. The Waszp and the Moth are similar in their concepts, but for a couple reasons, the Waszp hits a market of different ...

  10. WASZP

    The WASZP is a one-design foiling dinghy. Every boat is produced to the same tight specification, meaning it's down to the sailor to squeeze the speed out of the boat. Designed to minimise barriers to foiling, anyone from teenager to adult, male or female, can jump in a boat and have fun. Currently the UK are fortunate to boast the WASZP 2021 ...

  11. WASZP

    One design foiler with wings. Draft is "low riding." Available with smaller sail: 6.9 sqm / 74.27 sq ft. Over 1,237 have been built to date (Sep 2022). Photo courtesy of Adam Hunt.

  12. WASZP

    The current price to bring one in by Sea is 23,900. Over 50 WASZP's now in New Zealand!!! - THE MAGIC OF FOILING!!! - Choose your own coloured Hull, Sails & Wings. Order your WASZP now to secure your place in this exciting new one design class. The New Waszp has the benefits of all of the developments over the last 3 years including the new Foil.

  13. Get into foiling on a budget! Waszp Moth cheaper than Laser!

    Waszp Moth cheaper than Laser! Sailing. "The Waszp is designed for entry level foilers and promises to deliver a fully foiling, competitive Moth for the same price as a new Laser!!!" A new Moth is being developed by an Australian designer, which promises a competitive boat for less than $15,000. That's small change for a foiler!

  14. Foiling Waszp Sailboat for sale

    Foiling Waszp Sailboat for sale. -. $10,000. (Westport) 2019 Waszp # 2723 for sail. The boat has won the 2019 U.S. Nationals and placed at nearly every major championship since, mostly recently finishing 2nd at the 2023 U.S. Nationals. The boat has been rigged and tuned to perfection, with every upgrade available.

  15. Waszp foiling sailboat

    Waszp 2087, raced in 2018/19 season. Stored under cover in private club. Regretful sale as I am moving. -1x boat cover -1x carbon mast -2x 8.2m sail [one is BRAND NEW] - 1x White Hull - 1x Beach...

  16. Foiling Sailboat Waszp

    model name / number: 2556. year manufactured: 2020. Sail faster than the wind. The Waszp is the largest class of foiling sailboats for a reason. This boat has won a US national championship and an international championship. Contact me for details. post id: 7761522648.

  17. The WASZP_X, the ultimate junior foiler

    The WASZP_X is the latest product out of the WASZP factory. This boat will provide the start point of the most affordable and accessible foiling pathway in the sport, minimising the total customer lifetime spend over the sailing journey. The class will use the same hull as the WASZP with the following differences:

  18. Sailboats

    Waszp - Foiling Dinghy. Warwick, Bermuda Sailboats June 9, 2024. Wazsp singlehanded foiler. New Mar 2021 - white hull/black tramps. Good condition, and everything works. Comes with a numbered 8.2m sail, bags, and fiberglass shipping container. Has been stored inside when not used. Everything you need to go sailing.

  19. WASZP Hydrofoiling Sailboat $7,900

    Waszp Hydrofoiling Sailboat in great condition. Fully set up and rigged. ... CA > Buy & Sell > Boats For Sale in Orange County, CA > WASZP Hydrofoiling Sailboat $7,900. WASZP Hydrofoiling Sailboat $7,900. View larger image. Ad id: 2905233563222843; Views: 168; ... (youtube flying UFO foiling) check out the videos. It's amazing.The UFO is a simp ...

  20. pullman-moscow boats

    Boats for sale in Pullman / Moscow. see also. 6/8 person raft. $200. Moscow 2005 skeeter zx1775. $11,000. 1984 Unicraft 17' welded Aluminum Boat. $4,000. Moscow 20 ft alumaweld striker. $47,000. benton Maxum Boat for sale. $9,500. 16ft StarCraft. $4,850. Deary 2003 Bayliner 175 ...

  21. Boats for sale in Moscow, Idaho

    Clarkston, WA. $5,000. 1990 Ercoa/Mercury dlx captain/40 hp 4 stroke. Renton, WA. $6,500. 1992 Wellcraft eclipse. Lewiston, ID. New and used Boats for sale in Moscow, Idaho on Facebook Marketplace. Find great deals and sell your items for free.

  22. Yachts for Sale in Moscow

    Every yacht for sale in moscow listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

  23. 2426 Blaine Rd, Moscow, ID 83843

    2426 Blaine Rd, Moscow, ID 83843 is for sale. View 50 photos of this 4 bed, 3 bath, 5100 sqft. single family home with a list price of $1250000.