Yachtcharter Barcelona

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Costa Brava und Costa Daurada, mit einer Yachtcharter Barcelona bieten sich gleich zwei sehenswerte Küstenabschnitte Spaniens zu einem Besuch an. Zuvor können Sie noch das Flair der durch zahlreiche Künstler geprägten Metropole erleben und durch die kleinen Gassen oder über die bekannte Rambla flanieren, in eines der zahlreichen Cafés oder Restaurants der Stadt einkehren oder zur Abwechslung ein Spiel des Traditionsvereins der Stadt im Camp Nou anschauen. Für Familien und Segelbeginner eignet sich die Küste um Barcelona sehr gut, um entspanntes Segeln zu genießen. Blauwassersegler kommen mit einer Überfahrt nach Mallorca oder Menorca auf ihre Kosten.

Klima: mediterran mit Temperaturen zwischen 20 und 30 Grad Winde: Tramontana, Scirocco, Mistral Segel-Saison: April bis September

Beliebte Yachten | Barcelona

Oceanis 35.1, sun odyssey 54 ds.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Ein weiterer Künstler, welcher die Stadt Barcelona geprägt hat oder welcher durch die Stadt geprägt wurde, ist Picasso. Im Viertel La Ribera unweit des Port Olimpic zeigt das Museu Picasso überwiegend frühe Werke des Künstlers, gespickt mit einigen Werken späterer Schaffensphasen. Vom Hafen aus gelangt man mit der Hafenseilbahn in die Jardins de Mossèn Costa i Llobera. Nachdem man aus der Seilbahn heraus bereits einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Stadt genießen konnte, bieten auch die Gärten, welche auf Wüstenpflanzen spezialisiert sind, immer wieder einen schönen Blick über die Stadt und das Meer. Von hier aus ist es nicht weit zum Font Magica. Besonders lohnenswert ist es abends zu diesem größten Springbrunnen Barcelonas zu kommen. Hier findet regelmäßig eine Lichtshow mit Wasserspielen und Musik statt. Natürlich bietet Barcelona auch neben diesem Schauspiel eine große Bandbreite an abendlichen Unternehmunsmöglichkeiten. Ein gutes Essen in einem der vielen Restaurants, einen Sangria oder Cava in einer der gemütlichen Bars der Stadt trinken und dem bunten Treiben um einen herum zuschauen. Hat man genug von all der Kunst, Kultur und den Eindrücken der Stadt, kann man sich in Barcelona auch an einen der Strände zurückziehen. Vom Puerto Barcelona aus die Küste hinauf zieht sich eine Reihe von Sandstränden. Etwa der Platja la Barceloneta, ein beliebter Strandabschnitt, an welchem sich oft auch viele Tänzer, Musiker und Sandbildhauer einfinden, sodass es immer etwas zu schauen gibt. Die Strände Nova Icària und Nova Mar Bella sind beides ruhigere Strände und damit sehr familienfreundlich. Am Platja Nova Icària finden sich sogar Spielplätze und eine Tischtennis-Platte, sodass auch neben dem Badespaß keine Zeit für Langeweile bleibt.

Segeln entlang der Costa Brava – Entspannen mit der Familie oder ein Tauchgang in außergewöhnlichem Artenreichtum

So schön und eindrucksvoll die Stadt auch ist, eine Yachtcharter Barcelona hat noch weitere Highlights zu bieten. Setzen Sie die Segel in Richtung Costa Brava, der wilden Küste an Spaniens Nordostende. Mit einem Zwischenstopp in Mataró, um die Ruinen einer römischen Villa aus dem 1. Jh. v. Chr. zu besichtigen, oder direkt in einem Tagestörn erreichen Sie mit Blanes die südlichste Stadt der Costa Brava. Hier lockt ein Besuch im Botanischen Garten, Jardí Botànic Marimurtra, mit exotischen Pflanzen und einem schönen Ausblick auf das Meer. Auch der Besuch der Castell de Sant Joan verspricht einen guten Überblick. Der Aufstieg auf die Burg aus dem 13. Jahrhundert ist fast schon ein Muss bei einem Besuch von Blanes. Egal in welche Richtung Sie blicken, Sie werden mit schönen Eindrücken belohnt. Vielleicht entdecken Sie ja auch Ihre Yacht im Hafen liegend von hier oben. Die Strandpromenade der als besonders familienfreundlichen Urlaubsdestination ausgezeichneten Stadt strahlt mit ihren vielen kleinen Cafés eine entspannende Atmosphäre aus. Die Strände sind seicht und das Wasser kristallklar und mit allerhand Einrichtungen wie Duschen, Toiletten und Rettungsschwimmern ausgestattet. Windsurfen, Wasserski, Parasailing und Tretboot fahren sind weitere Aktivitäten, zu welchen sich Ihnen hier die Möglichkeit bietet. Weiter die Costa Brava entlang Richtung Palamós liegt Tossa de Mar. Sein historischer Altstadtkern steckt in den Mauern einer Festung aus dem 12. bis 14. Jahrhundert und ist nicht nur vom Meer aus ein lohnenswerter Anblick. Das alte Fischerstädtchen bietet mit seinem Fischereimuseum ein interessantes Ausflugsziel. Wassersportfans finden nahe L'Estartit mit dem vorgelagerten Naturpark der Medes-Inseln hervorragende Tauchbedingungen und in Roses einen bekannten Spot für Windsurfing. Die ganze Costa Brava entlang finden sich immer wieder kleinere Buchten mit einsamen Stränden. Die Küstenlinie ist auch für weniger erfahrene Segler gut zu segeln und die Windverhältnisse moderat. Auch Familien finden hier einen angenehmen Törn, mit regelmäßigen Ankermöglichkeiten und kleinen Highlights auch für die kleinen Segler.

Costa Daurada oder gar ein Blauwassertag

In Richtung Südwesten wartet auf Ihrer Yachtcharter Barcelona die Costa Daurada auf Sie, bekannt für ihre ruhigen seichten Sandstrände. Das schöne Städtchen Sitges ist von Barcelona aus das nächstgelegene. Kleine enge Gässchen zwischen strahlend weißen Häusern. Ein wenig Hippieflair und weltoffene Menschen, mit denen es sich in einer der kleinen Bars leicht ins Gespräch kommen lässt. Mehrere kleine Strände bieten nicht nur Erholung am Meer. Es werden unter anderem Kajaks zum Mieten angeboten, aber auch zum Kitesurfen, Wakeboarden oder Wasserskifahren bieten sich Möglichkeiten. Golffans finden mit einem großen Platz vor Ort die Möglichkeit für sportliche Aktivität. Noch etwas weiter die Küste Richtung Südwesten liegt mit Tarragona die Hauptstadt dieses Küstenabschnittes. Tauchen Sie ein in die römische Blütezeit des 2. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts. Besuchen Sie das Amphitheater nahe des Hafens oder das Aquädukt de les Ferreres. Naturliebhaber finden im Naturpark des Ebro Deltas etwas über 300 Vogelarten in ihrem natürlichen Habitat. Hier gibt es auch viele Aussichtspunkte, an welchen sich auf einer Wanderung durch die unvergleichbare Flora des Deltas verweilen lässt.

Wen es nach etwas Blauwassersegeln dürstet, der hat auf einer Yachtcharter Barcelona auch dazu die Möglichkeit. Eine Überfahrt zu den Baleareninseln Mallorca oder Menorca mit seiner Hauptstadt  Mahón ist machbar. Checken Sie zuvor sorgfältig die Wetterbedingungen und begeben Sie sich dann auf See mit der Möglichkeit zwischendurch sogar Delfinen zu begegnen.

Für Ihre Yachtcharter Barcelona bietet sich ein Segelgebiet so vielfältig wie die Stadt selbst. Für jeden Segler ist etwas dabei und mit der Costa Brava und der Costa Daurada vor der Haustüre haben Sie die Qual der Wahl, aber auf jeden Fall einen gelungenen Urlaub.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Yachtcharter Barcelona – Segel setzen mit 1aYachtcharter!

Blog | barcelona.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Spanien – Finden Sie Ihr Revier!

…in Cambrils und allem, was man sich wünscht, in Barcelona. Man kann direkt von Barcelona aus starten oder ruhiger von den etwas südlich gelegenen kleineren Städten Sitges und Cambrils. Südlich…

Sant Andreu de Llavaneres (32 km)

Sitges (36 km), blanes (59 km), tarragona (86 km), palamós (93 km), mittelmeer west, top-destinationen, 1a yachtcharter gmbh.

segelyacht charter barcelona

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Yachtcharter Segelboot Barcelona - Segelyacht mieten Barcelona

Yachtcharter barcelona - top 10 charteryachten in barcelona:.

Segelboot Oceanis 38 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 38 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 38 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Yachtversicherung
  • Kinderrettungsweste
  • Endreinigung
  • Skipper (Verpflegung nicht inbegriffen)

Segelyacht Oceanis 43 chartern in Barcelona

Segelyacht Oceanis 43 chartern in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 43 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Yacht Oceanis 30.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Yacht Oceanis 30.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 30.1 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Segelboot Sun Odyssey 49 Performance chartern in Marina de Badalona

Segelboot Sun Odyssey 49 Performance chartern in Marina de Badalona

  • Sun Odyssey 49 Performance [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Komfort Paket (Endreinigung, Außenbordmotor für Beiboot)

Yacht Sun Odyssey 440 chartern in Port Balis

Yacht Sun Odyssey 440 chartern in Port Balis

  • Sun Odyssey 440 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Standard Sicherheitsausrüstung
  • Buchungspauschale
  • Komfort Paket (Endreinigung, Bettwäsche, Handtücher, Außenbordmotor für Beiboot)

Segelboot Oceanis 35 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 35 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 35 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Yacht Oceanis 45 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Yacht Oceanis 45 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 45 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Cockpitkissen

Yacht Oceanis 381 chartern in Barcelona

Yacht Oceanis 381 chartern in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 381 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Segelboot Oceanis 35 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelyacht Sun Odyssey 54 DS chartern in Port Olimpic Marina

  • Sun Odyssey 54 DS [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Segelboot Oceanis 46.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 46.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 46.1 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Charter Paket

Sun Odyssey 39 DS Segelyacht Charter Barcelona

Sun Odyssey 39 DS Segelyacht Charter Barcelona

  • Sun Odyssey 39 DS [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Beiboot mit Motor
  • Kautionsversicherung

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segelyacht charter barcelona

Yacht Charter Barcelona

Spain's rebellious second city, Barcelona is the major cosmopolitan and political capital of Catalonia.

LADY M - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Build year : 2019
  • Length : 77 ft
  • Boat type : Motor Yacht

ELLEN - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2001
  • Length : 132 ft
  • Boat type : Sailing Yacht

KINGFISHER V - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2


  • Build year : 2021
  • Length : 67 ft
  • Boat type : Catamaran

YCM 120 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Riviera, Corsica, Sardinia, Spain, Balearics, Caribbean 2

  • Build year : 2006
  • Guests : 10
  • Berths : 10
  • Length : 120 ft

FIVE STARS - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2005
  • Length : 92 ft

Fourteen - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2007
  • Length : 85 ft

Build your own unique trip!

TWO OCEANS - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Caribbean Virgin Islands (BVI) 2

  • Build year : 2023
  • Length : 55 ft

BLUE M - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics | Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2016
  • Length : 70 ft

SYLENE - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2022
  • Length : 78 ft

BLUE GOLD - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Guests : 11
  • Berths : 11
  • Length : 101 ft

CONTE STEFANI - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Europe (Spain, France, Italy) 2


  • Guests : 12
  • Berths : 12
  • Length : 114 ft

CIUTADELLA - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 1

  • Build year : 1967
  • Length : 84 ft

DORTOKA - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Length : 39 ft

OLIVIA - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Length : 44 ft

Ammonite  - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2012

BIANCA - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Length : 72 ft

MIM OCEAN TWO - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Caribbean Virgin Islands (BVI) 2


PARODIA II - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Build year : 2004

The city, close to the base of the Pyrenees, is large enough that it has its own underground railway network, by which you can hide from the fearsome summer heat as you explore the multitude of attractions at the surface.

Some highlights worth a visit:

  • Las Ramblas, a long pedestrianised street that is best explored in the evening while nibbling on tapas and sipping sangria. What you will see and find there will remain with you for times to come!
  • The Gaudi Monument, (Sagrada Familia) a cathedral that is so complex, construction is set to be completed in 2026, over 140 years since the first stone was laid!
  • The Platja (beach) from where you can watch the world go by as you sunbathe and drink in the atmosphere of this stunning city - one of many beautiful beaches you will find on a Barcelona yacht charter.
  • Parc Güell, a monumental garden where the architect Gaudi's mind went wild and is said to have 'perfected his style' - now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • And of course for those on a Barcelona yacht charter especially, the Olympic Port. This was rebuilt ahead of the 1994 Olympics and is the largest of the seven marinas in the city where you may begin your sailing holiday.

This list is far from exhaustive! As you roam the city you will get the buzz for one that never really sleeps and there's always something going on. It is one of the most popular city destinations in Spain and you will soon see why. There's something for everyone, and everyone will soon be immersed in the parts you enjoy and may want to spend just a little more time there!

Explore Barcelona By Renting A Yacht

Barcelona is the gateway to the Costa Brava, and you can also island-hop the Balearic Islands from here.

The Mediterranean Sea coast of the 'Costa Brava' literally translates to 'Wild Coast', in a large part due to the sometimes fearsome north wind, the Tramontana that can get very feisty even in the summer. The further east you head the closer to the Pyrenees you are, and this is where the cold air falls from that creates the wind. It means you need to be ready to put a double reef in, though there is accurate forecasting that will inform you whether you may need to do so.

Heading east on your chartered yacht on a tour of the Costa Brava you can get to Cadaques and the spectacular Cap de Creus. Masters of modern art Salvador Dali and Picasso used to hang out in Cadaques for its scenery and clarity of light - the light caused by the Tramontana blasting all the rubbish out of the air! On such a trip, do pay a visit to Girona - the mediaeval capital of Catalonia and still a beautiful city with its old town and university today.

Barcelona is also a gateway to the Balearic Islands. Over a couple of days sailing you can head down the coast and then out to the islands of Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca. These three islands are part of the same island chain but are very different to one another. Ibiza is for hippies, party people and families. Majorca's capital Palma is almost as good as Barcelona. Menorca is quieter than the other two islands but has plenty of unspoilt beauty none the less.

As ever, whether on a luxury yacht charter or bareboat charter the choice is down to you. Perhaps you could go on a couple of sailing holidays and explore firstly the east and then the south-west?

How To Get To Barcelona

There are two airports you will see advertised as Barcelona. Barcelona Airport itself is an hour's train ride from the city centre (thanks to security you must now change trains midway through the journey) but Girona-Barcelona also advertises as Barcelona - this is a two hour trip by bus from Barcelona. The flights and travel often work out significantly cheaper via Girona thanks to the popularity of Barcelona Airport itself.

Barcelona Airport

This is an international airport with airlines all over the world flying into it. It has its own train station so it makes sense to take a train to Barcelona Sants train station and then take a bus or taxi onto the marina.

Girona-Barcelona Airport

Girona-Barcelona Airport has airlines from across Europe serving it, and gets busy in the summer with charter flights.

Girona is a significant distance from Barcelona, and its name is a slick piece of advertising. Even with an added few hours to your overland journey from Girona to Barcelona however you will often find that the cost of travel is significantly cheaper to the main city.

Marinas In Barcelona

There are seven marinas in the metropolitan Barcelona area, with Port Olimpic having 740 berths and Marina Badalona with 649, but the five others having around 160-250 berths each. Each marina has charter companies working into it that offer super yacht, luxury yacht charter , catamaran charter , motor yacht and monohull sailing yacht charter boats on a bareboat, skippered or crewed yacht charter basis.

Port Olimpic:

Berth Characteristics:

Max Length 35m (114.5 Feet)

Max Draught 4m (13.1 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, ATM, bar, restaurant, shipyard, waste and waste water collection.

Marina Vela Barcelona:

Max Length 100m (328 Feet)

Max Draught 6m (19.6 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, showers, WiFi, bar, restaurant.

Port Forum:

Max Length 80m (262.4 Feet)

Max Draught 8m (26.2 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, market, shipyard, waste and waste water collection, rent-a-car.

Real Club Nautico de Barcelona:

Max Length 35m (114.8 Feet)

Max Draught 8m (36.2 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, showers, bar, restaurant

OneOcean Port Vell:

Max Length 190m (623 Feet)

Max Draught 9m (29.5 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, pharmacy, market, shipyard, waste and wastewater collection, rent-a-car.

Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona:

Max Length 20m (65 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, bar, restaurant

Marina de Badalona:

Max Length 60m (196 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, laundry, market, shipyard, waste and wastewater collection, rent-a-car

Suggested Sailing Routes From Barcelona

Sailing from Barcelona on your boat rental you have two main choices of popular destinations - exploring the Costa Brava or the Balearic Islands by sailing boat or motorboat. Here we look at a week-long trip up to Cadaques and then a two week trip to the Balearic Islands.

7 Days - Cadaques and Cap de Creus: Cadaques is a charming harbour with water and air so clear you could forget this is the 21st Century. The art town is the halfway point of a trip where you can explore Sitges, Girona and the Bay of Roses as you go. The scenery of the Pyrenees falling into the sea here will astound you - but do be aware of the katabatibc winds that can fall from above like bombs! Definitely a route for the more experienced sailor on a bareboat charter...

14 Days - tour of the Balearic Islands: Over 14 days heading west from Barcelona this is an opportunity to visit the important city of Valencia further down the coast before heading offshore and on to the Balearic Islands. If you spend 2-3 days per Balearic island you will have time to take in the various sights and sounds of Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca in their riot of different vibes. The winds are gentler on this route as for the best part of the trip you are out of the way of the Tramontana and can enjoy some very good sailing conditions with little in the way of the feisty north wind bothering you.

Best Times To Hire A Yacht In Barcelona

The sailing season in Barcelona is best from May to October. The major party towns heat up to full frenzy in June to August, and so do the prices. It is very much down to what you want from a sailing holiday in the region - if partying all night is on the cards, the top DJs will hit the region in that time and you will have quite a memorable time. If the quiet life is what you seek, then do try to get out during term time - the sea is still warm in September and October, though the infamous Tramontana starts to be more frequent at this time of year, as it eases off in early May.

Sailing Weather In Barcelona

The Tramontana tends to build from September and eases away in May, though this can blow fiercely for several days at a time even in midsummer.

The NE breeze common to coastal Mediterranean France dominates the Costa Brava in summer, cool relief from the summer heat. It never really gets above 17 knots or so so there will be some boisterous sailing but never more than is fun. You will see more precipitation towards the beginning and end of the sailing season (May and October) but the temperatures rarely stray below 15-17 degrees during those times. In the height of summer (July/August) it isn't as hot as mainland Spain, though you will see the odd few days in the 30+ C range. For Northern Europeans and those from other cooler climates this makes for fantastic sailing!

What should I consider when hiring a Yacht or Boat?

The main points to consider are what is your budget, have you got the necessary sailing experience and qualifications to manage the boat if it's not going to have a skipper, whom you are taking sailing, where exactly you wish to go and what will the weather be like on the proposed dates of your trip.

What are the Marinas in Barcelona?

There are seven main marinas in Barcelona, with the two largest being Port Olimpic and Marina de Badalona. The five smaller are Marina Vela Barcelona, Port Forum, Reil Club Nautico de Barcelona, OneOcean Port Veil, and Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona

When are the best times to hire a boat in Barcelona?

The high season is in July and August. Locals flee the heat of the city and tourists replace them. Things get expensive and restaurants competitive. The city and sailing destinations nearby tend to relax a bit, become more friendly and cheaper outside of the peak season. If you can take a F7 gale from time to time (or certainly run for port safely) then it may make sense to go in May or September when the air is warm and the ports less busy.

Do you have to pay a deposit when hiring a Yacht in Barcelona?

You will typically pay 50% upfront on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

What happens if my Yacht breaks down?

If you are at sea and in danger, call MAYDAY on VHF Ch16 or ring the coast guard on your phone if you have reception. If you have a mechanical fault and can make it to or are on a mooring you will be able to phone a help line number given by the boat charter company.

Frequently asked questions

You will typically pay 50% up front on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

You should consider do you have the experience to handle the yacht charter or boat hire before you book and where do you want to go along with what the weather will be like. Bring warm weather and cool weather clothing if it looks like the weather can be cool as well as warm and remember at sea it can be cool on most evenings.

If you want to sail without a skipper then you will need relevant qualifications like RYA Day Skipper/International Certificate of Competence (ICC)/ASA 104 Bareboat certificate or the US Sailing Certificate. For small 'day boats' or if you choose to have a skippered on board your yacht charter you typically don't require licences.


Welcome to Boat Charter BCN

Welcome to Boat Charter BCN, the Luxury Yacht Charter specialist in Barcelona City.

The yachts range from 20m to 30m in size (60 to 100ft), are fully crewed and are available for day charters, weekends and week charters around Barcelona and Sitges, Costa Brava, Mallorca and Ibiza. They can accommodate from 8 to 10 guests for an overnight charter and up to 12 for a day charter. We offer basic packages that include anchoring off the beach in Barcelona and enjoying the boat and its toys while sunbathing, swimming off the aft, having lunch or having a small party on board.


Boat Charter BCN specializes in offering fully crewed yachts for charter based out of Barcelona year round.

Our clients are looking for a certain level of luxury and comfort on board, being served the food of their choice plus having all the amenities and toys found on any of these engineering wonders designed for sheer pleasure.


Boat Charter BCN also has a brokerage branch, please visit us at:


The Aruba Mod.38 is a brand-new day cruiser that can carry up to 10 guests for a day charter.

This beautiful boat is equipped with many features like a gyro stabilizer, 2 fridges, an ice maker, a grill, a Fusion Bluetooth stereo system with 8 speakers and a subwoofer and awnings for the bow and aft tables. The aft table can also be turned into a solarium.

The Aruba Mod.38 has one master cabin, a bathroom with shower and a coffee station in the salon, she is equipped with air conditioning as well. The cruising speed is 22 knots with a top speed of 30 knots. She comes with optional toys such as snorkeling gear, paddle boards or even a Seabob.


Our itineraries depend on the length of the charter, from half a day to a full week. We recommend staying in the Barcelona area or Sitges for a day charter, visiting the beautiful coves along the Costa Brava for a weekend charter or exploring one of the Balearic Islands for 5 days or longer. Our Concierge Services will help you plan the perfect trip, including making reservations at suggested restaurants and getting VIP tables at the best clubs in Sitges, Costa Brava and Ibiza.


segelyacht charter barcelona

Our First Class Concierge Services help you plan in advance just about any activity surrounding your charter in the location where the yacht may take you. We offer VIP Reservations for FC Barcelona matches, restaurants, designer stores, clubs, spas, vineyards, limo transfers and helicopter tours in Barcelona, Ibiza and the Costa Brava.

Our Partners

  • CDLC Barcelona - Considered one of the best Night Clubs in Europe, sponsored by Dom Pérignon.
  • Ikibana - One of the trendiest restaurants in Barcelona with a Japanese/Brazilian fusion cuisine in three different locations.
  • Velissima - This Osteria Italiana offers classic Italian food with live entertainers overlooking the yachts at the new Marina Vela near the W Hotel Barcelona.
  • Tracatrá Barcelona - Tapas, Rumbas y Flores and many more.

"Dream big and enjoy the little things"

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Catamarans in Barcelona

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Activities and experiences

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Come aboard our exclusive BlueMagicCat catamarans , unique in Barcelona, with professional crew . Relax and enjoy the services included on board. In addition, the catamaran offers multiple possibilities to enjoy the sea for you to live an unforgettable experience .

In our tours you will find a great variety of experiences : company incentives, bachelor/bachelorette parties, celebrations, sunsets, regatta tracking… And much more!

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We offer a variety of extras to personalize your activity and are open to all kinds of suggestions to make your experience even more special .


Give the gift of a magical tour with one of our boats.  The lucky winner will be able to enjoy the gift whenever he/she wants!

Port Olímpic de Barcelona

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Barcelona guide

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Guide to Barcelona

A city that inspires artists, chef’s and discerning travellers the world over

Famed for its enchanting architecture, fabulous dining and bountiful culture, the seaside city of Barcelona is a superyacht stop-off you’ll never forget.

Barcelona’s location alone is idyllic, situated on the north-eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula overlooking the blue of the Mediterranean Sea. It is watched over by the Serra de Collserola mountain range between the rivers Besòs and Llobregat with the towering 512 m (1,680 ft) high Tibidabo mountain providing an amazing backdrop as well as fantastic views over the city. If you need to escape the hustle and bustle of the city for a few hours then the peaks are engulfed by the beautiful Collserola Natural Park which is the biggest metropolitan park in the world.

As the capital of Catalonia and with colourful architectural treasures spanning more than 2,000 years, Barcelona is a city that needs no introduction but one where you can enjoy unlimited experiences. Magnificent temple columns allude to its ancient history while the winding lanes of its Gothic Quarter express its charismatic edge. Keep exploring and at every turn you’ll be greeted with the spectacular creations of the renowned Gaudi and his contemporaries, to make this a truly memorable yacht charter destination.

The beauty of Barcelona has long been an inspiration to artists the world over and it now hosts two museums dedicated to the works of Picasso and Joan Miró, both of whom fell in love with the city. Its masterpieces are not just confined to art and architecture however – the city’s gastronomic delights are just as celebrated and its restaurant scene is now one of the most talked about in the Mediterranean . From Galician seafood taverns, avant-garde Japanese restaurants, a full spectrum of fun and fine dining options will keep your time ashore packed full of flavour.

To find out how a superyacht vacation in this city could satisfy the needs of your family and friends, get in touch with your preferred charter broker after taking a look at all of the crewed yachts available for charter in Barcelona .

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Basílica de la Sagrada Família

One of Barcelona's most iconic landmarks

Casa Milà (La Pedrera)

Immerse yourself in architectural splendor


A legacy of creativity


A Nightlife Extravaganza

Featured Yachts in Barcelona

To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we’ve selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in Barcelona.

Alfa Nero yacht charter in Barcelona

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Yacht Charter Barcelona

Spain's rebellious second city, Barcelona is the major cosmopolitan and political capital of Catalonia.

Oceanis 30.1 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

Oceanis 30.1

  • Build year : 2021
  • Length : 31 ft
  • Boat type : Sailing Yacht
  • Mainsail : Full battened
  • Genoa type : Furling

Oceanis 38 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

  • Build year : 2016
  • Length : 38 ft

Bavaria 56 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Sitges Port d'Aiguadolç 2

  • Build year : 2015
  • Length : 55 ft
  • Mainsail : Furling

Oceanis 38 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Sitges Port d'Aiguadolç 2

  • Build year : 2014
  • Guests : 10

Oceanis 43 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

  • Build year : 2009
  • Berths : 10
  • Length : 43 ft

Oceanis 38.1 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

Oceanis 38.1

  • Build year : 2022

Sun Odyssey 54DS - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

Sun Odyssey 54DS

  • Build year : 2006

Build your own unique trip!

ELLEN - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2001
  • Length : 132 ft

BREIZILE ONE - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2


  • Build year : 2024
  • Length : 66 ft
  • Boat type : Catamaran

MANTA - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Length : 78 ft
  • Boat type : Power Catamaran

KINGFISHER V - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2


  • Length : 67 ft

MARES - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2018
  • Length : 42 ft

YCM 120 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Riviera, Corsica, Sardinia, Spain, Balearics, Caribbean 2

  • Length : 120 ft
  • Boat type : Motor Yacht

FIVE STARS - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2005
  • Length : 92 ft

HAZE - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Length : 85 ft

Oceanis 35.1 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

Oceanis 35.1

  • Length : 34 ft

Fourteen - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2007

Oceanis 46.1 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Spain Catalonia Costa Brava Barcelona Barcelona Port Olimpic 2

Oceanis 46.1

  • Guests : 12
  • Berths : 12
  • Length : 48 ft

The city, close to the base of the Pyrenees, is large enough that it has its own underground railway network, by which you can hide from the fearsome summer heat as you explore the multitude of attractions at the surface.

Some highlights worth a visit:

  • Las Ramblas, a long pedestrianised street that is best explored in the evening while nibbling on tapas and sipping sangria. What you will see and find there will remain with you for times to come!
  • The Gaudi Monument, (Sagrada Familia) a cathedral that is so complex, construction is set to be completed in 2026, over 140 years since the first stone was laid!
  • The Platja (beach) from where you can watch the world go by as you sunbathe and drink in the atmosphere of this stunning city - one of many beautiful beaches you will find on a Barcelona yacht charter.
  • Parc Güell, a monumental garden where the architect Gaudi's mind went wild and is said to have 'perfected his style' - now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • And of course for those on a Barcelona yacht charter especially, the Olympic Port. This was rebuilt ahead of the 1994 Olympics and is the largest of the seven marinas in the city where you may begin your sailing holiday.

This list is far from exhaustive! As you roam the city you will get the buzz for one that never really sleeps and there's always something going on. It is one of the most popular city destinations in Spain and you will soon see why. There's something for everyone, and everyone will soon be immersed in the parts you enjoy and may want to spend just a little more time there!

Explore Barcelona By Renting A Yacht

Barcelona is the gateway to the Costa Brava, and you can also island-hop the Balearic Islands from here.

The Mediterranean Sea coast of the 'Costa Brava' literally translates to 'Wild Coast', in a large part due to the sometimes fearsome north wind, the Tramontana that can get very feisty even in the summer. The further east you head the closer to the Pyrenees you are, and this is where the cold air falls from that creates the wind. It means you need to be ready to put a double reef in, though there is accurate forecasting that will inform you whether you may need to do so.

Heading east on your chartered yacht on a tour of the Costa Brava you can get to Cadaques and the spectacular Cap de Creus. Masters of modern art Salvador Dali and Picasso used to hang out in Cadaques for its scenery and clarity of light - the light caused by the Tramontana blasting all the rubbish out of the air! On such a trip, do pay a visit to Girona - the mediaeval capital of Catalonia and still a beautiful city with its old town and university today.

Barcelona is also a gateway to the Balearic Islands. Over a couple of days sailing you can head down the coast and then out to the islands of Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca. These three islands are part of the same island chain but are very different to one another. Ibiza is for hippies, party people and families. Majorca's capital Palma is almost as good as Barcelona. Menorca is quieter than the other two islands but has plenty of unspoilt beauty none the less.

As ever, whether on a luxury yacht charter or bareboat charter the choice is down to you. Perhaps you could go on a couple of sailing holidays and explore firstly the east and then the south-west?

How To Get To Barcelona

There are two airports you will see advertised as Barcelona. Barcelona Airport itself is an hour's train ride from the city centre (thanks to security you must now change trains midway through the journey) but Girona-Barcelona also advertises as Barcelona - this is a two hour trip by bus from Barcelona. The flights and travel often work out significantly cheaper via Girona thanks to the popularity of Barcelona Airport itself.

Barcelona Airport

This is an international airport with airlines all over the world flying into it. It has its own train station so it makes sense to take a train to Barcelona Sants train station and then take a bus or taxi onto the marina.

Girona-Barcelona Airport

Girona-Barcelona Airport has airlines from across Europe serving it, and gets busy in the summer with charter flights.

Girona is a significant distance from Barcelona, and its name is a slick piece of advertising. Even with an added few hours to your overland journey from Girona to Barcelona however you will often find that the cost of travel is significantly cheaper to the main city.

Marinas In Barcelona

There are seven marinas in the metropolitan Barcelona area, with Port Olimpic having 740 berths and Marina Badalona with 649, but the five others having around 160-250 berths each. Each marina has charter companies working into it that offer super yacht, luxury yacht charter , catamaran charter , motor yacht and monohull sailing yacht charter boats on a bareboat, skippered or crewed yacht charter basis.

Port Olimpic:

Berth Characteristics:

Max Length 35m (114.5 Feet)

Max Draught 4m (13.1 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, ATM, bar, restaurant, shipyard, waste and waste water collection.

Marina Vela Barcelona:

Max Length 100m (328 Feet)

Max Draught 6m (19.6 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, showers, WiFi, bar, restaurant.

Port Forum:

Max Length 80m (262.4 Feet)

Max Draught 8m (26.2 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, market, shipyard, waste and waste water collection, rent-a-car.

Real Club Nautico de Barcelona:

Max Length 35m (114.8 Feet)

Max Draught 8m (36.2 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, showers, bar, restaurant

OneOcean Port Vell:

Max Length 190m (623 Feet)

Max Draught 9m (29.5 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, pharmacy, market, shipyard, waste and wastewater collection, rent-a-car.

Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona:

Max Length 20m (65 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, bar, restaurant

Marina de Badalona:

Max Length 60m (196 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, laundry, market, shipyard, waste and wastewater collection, rent-a-car

Suggested Sailing Routes From Barcelona

Sailing from Barcelona on your boat rental you have two main choices of popular destinations - exploring the Costa Brava or the Balearic Islands by sailing boat or motorboat. Here we look at a week-long trip up to Cadaques and then a two week trip to the Balearic Islands.

7 Days - Cadaques and Cap de Creus: Cadaques is a charming harbour with water and air so clear you could forget this is the 21st Century. The art town is the halfway point of a trip where you can explore Sitges, Girona and the Bay of Roses as you go. The scenery of the Pyrenees falling into the sea here will astound you - but do be aware of the katabatibc winds that can fall from above like bombs! Definitely a route for the more experienced sailor on a bareboat charter...

14 Days - tour of the Balearic Islands: Over 14 days heading west from Barcelona this is an opportunity to visit the important city of Valencia further down the coast before heading offshore and on to the Balearic Islands. If you spend 2-3 days per Balearic island you will have time to take in the various sights and sounds of Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca in their riot of different vibes. The winds are gentler on this route as for the best part of the trip you are out of the way of the Tramontana and can enjoy some very good sailing conditions with little in the way of the feisty north wind bothering you.

Best Times To Hire A Yacht In Barcelona

The sailing season in Barcelona is best from May to October. The major party towns heat up to full frenzy in June to August, and so do the prices. It is very much down to what you want from a sailing holiday in the region - if partying all night is on the cards, the top DJs will hit the region in that time and you will have quite a memorable time. If the quiet life is what you seek, then do try to get out during term time - the sea is still warm in September and October, though the infamous Tramontana starts to be more frequent at this time of year, as it eases off in early May.

Sailing Weather In Barcelona

The Tramontana tends to build from September and eases away in May, though this can blow fiercely for several days at a time even in midsummer.

The NE breeze common to coastal Mediterranean France dominates the Costa Brava in summer, cool relief from the summer heat. It never really gets above 17 knots or so so there will be some boisterous sailing but never more than is fun. You will see more precipitation towards the beginning and end of the sailing season (May and October) but the temperatures rarely stray below 15-17 degrees during those times. In the height of summer (July/August) it isn't as hot as mainland Spain, though you will see the odd few days in the 30+ C range. For Northern Europeans and those from other cooler climates this makes for fantastic sailing!

What should I consider when hiring a Yacht or Boat?

The main points to consider are what is your budget, have you got the necessary sailing experience and qualifications to manage the boat if it's not going to have a skipper, whom you are taking sailing, where exactly you wish to go and what will the weather be like on the proposed dates of your trip.

What are the Marinas in Barcelona?

There are seven main marinas in Barcelona, with the two largest being Port Olimpic and Marina de Badalona. The five smaller are Marina Vela Barcelona, Port Forum, Reil Club Nautico de Barcelona, OneOcean Port Veil, and Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona

When are the best times to hire a boat in Barcelona?

The high season is in July and August. Locals flee the heat of the city and tourists replace them. Things get expensive and restaurants competitive. The city and sailing destinations nearby tend to relax a bit, become more friendly and cheaper outside of the peak season. If you can take a F7 gale from time to time (or certainly run for port safely) then it may make sense to go in May or September when the air is warm and the ports less busy.

Do you have to pay a deposit when hiring a Yacht in Barcelona?

You will typically pay 50% upfront on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

What happens if my Yacht breaks down?

If you are at sea and in danger, call MAYDAY on VHF Ch16 or ring the coast guard on your phone if you have reception. If you have a mechanical fault and can make it to or are on a mooring you will be able to phone a help line number given by the boat charter company.

You will typically pay 50% up front on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

You should consider do you have the experience to handle the yacht charter or boat hire before you book and where do you want to go along with what the weather will be like. Bring warm weather and cool weather clothing if it looks like the weather can be cool as well as warm and remember at sea it can be cool on most evenings.

If you want to sail without a skipper then you will need relevant qualifications like RYA Day Skipper/International Certificate of Competence (ICC)/ASA 104 Bareboat certificate or the US Sailing Certificate. For small 'day boats' or if you choose to have a skippered on board your yacht charter you typically don't require licences.

We are confident that our prices are the most competitive and transparent in the market.

We won't charge any booking fees when you make a booking with us.

We have the highest number of verified and vetted boats available on the market.

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Barcelona Superyacht Charter

Superyachts for charter in barcelona.

Browse a unique selection of Barcelona Superyacht Charters and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew’s services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Barcelona is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle Barcelona tides.

segelyacht charter barcelona

34m | RMK Marine | 2006

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34.2m | Royal Huisman | 2000

segelyacht charter barcelona

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Katina yacht for charter

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Enquire On Barcelona Yacht Charter


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Alquiler de barcos y experiencias en el mar

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Yacht rentals in Barcelona

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Private Yacht Charter Gobbi Atlantis 315 Full Day (8 hours)

Private yacht sunseeker camargue 50 ht.

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Private Yacht Charter Sunseeker Camargue 50 HT Full Day (8 hours)

Alquiler de barcos y experiencias en el mar

Private Yacht Charter Sunseeker Camargue 50 HT 8 hours (Sitges Tour + Lunch included + drinks + snorkel + paddle surf)

Frequently asked questions about hiring a yacht in barcelona.

We are delighted that you are interested in chartering a yacht in Barcelona but we know that there may be some doubts before making your reservation. Don’t worry! We are here to help you and answer all your questions:

How much does it cost to charter a luxury yacht?

What requirements do i need to rent a yacht, what services are included in the price, what is the minimum age to board a yacht, how many people can we fit in the same boat, can i customize my yachting experience, can i bring my own food and beverages on board, what is recommended to bring with me for my yacht rental in barcelona, can i change my reservation, what happens if the weather is bad, what happens if weather conditions worsen during my yacht charter.

Questions and doubts about yacht charter in Barcelona

The privilege of sailing on a Yacht in Barcelona

Yachts are synonymous with luxury and exclusivity. They are the perfect boats for those who are looking for a navigation with maximum comfort. In addition, they have powerful engines to reach all your destinations in a short time.

If what you want is to sail with the maximum possible elegance, rent your yacht in Barcelona for a romantic getaway, a family experience or a celebration with your friends.

Yachts equipped with premium amenities for your charter

All our boats have luxurious spaces such as leather sofas, comfortable cabins, solariums and are equipped with the latest nautical technology.

Moreover, we know that the meaning of luxury is not only the appearance, it is a complete experience. Therefore, you will have an exquisite service with pristine facilities, delicious snacks and drinks and an expert skipper who will make sure that every detail of your experience is taken care of to the maximum.

Premium amenities on yacht charter in Barcelona

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Barcelona Sailboats


Private luxury yacht rental in barcelona.

The super  yacht charter in Bacelona  is ideal for lovers of comfort and exclusivity. Due to its great comfort and power you can feel the speed sailing on the waves, enjoying the breeze and the sun of Barcelona in the most luxury way.

This beautiful Mochi Craft 85 is 26 meters lenght (85 feet) is called Leigh yacht and is located in Port olímpic of Barcelona.

The advantage of the luxury super  yacht charter in Barcelona  is that thanks to its great power and agility, it allows us to move from one beach to another quickly, being able to visit more places and enjoy more time in the swimming time, snorkeling, etc. And all this with the comfortable and luxury yacht of Barcelona.

With this  luxury yacht charter in Barcelona  of 8 hours we will leave the Port Olímpic of Barcelona towards the sea to set course for the destination that we choose with the client. Depending on the weather and the state of the sea, one course or another will be advantageous. If we choose northeast, we will sail along the coast enjoying the wonderful skyline of the city of Barcelona from the Barceloneta neighborhood, passing through Vila olímpica, Bogatell beach, Mar Bella, Diagonal Mar, the Forum harbor to the beautiful beach of Montgat where if the climate allows it and customers like it, we will anchor to take a dip into the mediterranean sea.

You will have the possibility to visit Sitges from the sea which is amazing or sail to the north direction to the costa brava.

With a capacity of up to 12 passengers, this spectacular Leigh yacht will allow you to enjoy the views of the city from the sea in full comfort.

segelyacht charter barcelona

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Good option for your money, don't pay attention to the last review, people don't understand that when renting a boat - food and drinks cannot be included, this is not a tourism package)

Hire a boat with or without skipper in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

with SamBoat. Choose from a wide selection of sailboats, motorboats, RIBs, catamarans, yachts and canal boats. We offer a huge range of boats to hire from 50€/day. With the best offers, SamBoat helps you to find the ideal yacht charter for the perfect vacation.

Boat rental in Barcelona

The beautiful, culturally rich city of Barcelona also has perfect climate the majority of the year lending itself to being a prime spot to sail. The winters are mild and the summer temperatures are warm, but always the right for navigating with the average annual temperature at16.5°C. With this temperature, any time of the year is good for traveling to Barcelona!

There is as much to be discovered in the waters as there is in the inner city. Take advantage of the beach with a day boat rental in Barcelona and explroe numerous museums, and copious amounts of restaurants and tapas bars. Stop at the historic neighborhood of Las Ramblas and sample some of the delicious culinary delights. When the night arrives, a party atmosphere is instantly felt. Bars, discos, concerts all come to life in the heart of the city.

Near Barcelona, there are wonderful coves that are perfect to discover by sea. Hire a boat in Barcelona and make sure to explore the area properly. If you have no experience sailing, you can rent a boat with a skipper to fully take in the sights or go without a skipper and sail along the coast of Barcelona. Discover the Costa Brava or the Costa Dorada to the south. With the full mediterranean charm and being situated perfectly between sea and mountains, the area is best discovered by boat. This city has been at the center of several international events such as the Olympic Games in 1992 and and the 2004 Universal Forum of Cultures. These events just confirm the significance and stance as an important cultural, financial, tourist, and commercial center. The unique aspect of Barcelona is that it draws from its history, but also incorporates aspects of a truly modern city.

Best time to sail in Barcelona

When chartering a yacht in Barcelona, the weather follows that of the Mediterrenean. Typically the high season starts in May and will go typically into late September. During this period, the winds are typically calm and the weather is nice and warm. Like any highseason, the downside is that there will be plenty of tourists, which will cover the beaches. The good thing is that a boat will allow you to access the beaches and coves only accessible by boat. 

Price and Boat Availability 

If your looking to charter a yacht, you will have to book well in advance for the high season. If you're looking to book outside of the May to September period, then the timing will be much different. Usually with the high demand, we suggest looking into a boat starting in November to ensure that you get the boat you would like to sail in. By March, about 45% of the fleet is already booked so planning well in advance is a good choice. For yacht charters, the price for a catamaran rental in Barcelona is on average 500€ a day, you can also hire a sailboat in Barcelona , it's a bit cheaper at 300€ a day on average. 

If you're looking to go out for a day with a motorboat or rib, your planning period can be a bit less. For motorboats, the price range will be a bit different. Since the range can be from fishing boats to luxury yachts, the best option is to plan out your project and sort by your necessities. 

Do you need a license to rent a boat in Barcelona? 

When renting a boat in Barcelona, there are different factors that will dictate whether you need a license or not. If you're renting  a motorboat with more than 15hp and more than 4 meters in length, you will need a license. For sailboats, if the boat is bigger than 5 meters, you will need a license as well. 

When chartering a yacht in Spain, it is recommended to have your ICC, but it is not mandatory. In general, you will need to present your license as well as a document stating your previous experience in regards to destination and type of boats. 

If you do not have a license, you can easily rent a boat with a skipper. If you are looking to increase your knowledge of sailing or want to have a stress free vacation, then this is the perfect option. Another great aspect of hiring a skipper is that they are very knowleadgeable of the region. In Barcelona, you can be assured that the skipper will know the best routes and will also show you some of the hidden gems of the region. 

There are many other destinations that may interest you where your can rent a boat in Costa Brava , and around the region:

- Hire a boat in Palamos

- Rent a boat in Empuriabrava

- Charter a yacht in Roses

Information about boat rental in Barcelona

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Yacht mieten in Barcelona

  • Boot mieten
  • Yacht mieten

Miete Motoryacht Mulder Design Hessen Barcelona

Mulder Design - Hessen | 12 Personen  (1998)

Ab 7.420 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Sanlorenzo SX76 Barcelona

Sanlorenzo - SX76 | 12 Personen  (2019)

Ab 9.075 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht AZIMUT 46 Barcelona

AZIMUT - 46 | 11 Personen  (2007)

Ab 1.300 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Astondoa 96 Barcelona

Astondoa - 96 | 11 Personen  (2009)

Ab 8.220 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht AZIMUT AZIMUT 53 Barcelona

AZIMUT - AZIMUT 53 | 10 Personen  (2022)

Ab 357 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Berwick Fairmile Trawler Barcelona

Berwick - Fairmile Trawler | 6 Personen  (1962)

Ab 3.000 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Azimut 68S Barcelona

Azimut - 68S | 12 Personen  (2007)

Ab 3.900 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Aicon 72SL Barcelona

Aicon - 72SL | 12 Personen  (2006)

Ab 4.250 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Hatteras 61 Cockpit Motoryacht Barcelona

Hatteras - 61 Cockpit Motoryacht | 10 Personen  (1984)

Miete Motoryacht FILIPPETTI S55 Barcelona

FILIPPETTI - S55 | 11 Personen  (2021)

Ab 5.500 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Maiora 20 Barcelona

Maiora - 20 | 10 Personen  (1994)

Miete Motoryacht Falcon Falcon 80 Barcelona

Falcon - Falcon 80 | 12 Personen  (1993)

Ab 1.930 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht AZIMUT 46 Barcelona

AZIMUT - 46 | 11 Personen  (2004)

Ab 2.500 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Custom Trawler 60' Barcelona

Custom - Trawler 60' | 12 Personen  (2012)

Ab 1.700 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht ASTONDOA 82 Barcelona

ASTONDOA - 82 | 12 Personen  (2001)

Ab 4.840 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht Astondoa 58 GLX Barcelona

Astondoa - 58 GLX | 11 Personen  (2001)

Ab 2.900 € pro tag.

Miete Motoryacht EXPLORER 92 Barcelona

EXPLORER - 92 | 50 Personen  (2008)

Miete Motoryacht Sunseeker 58 Predator Barcelona

Sunseeker - 58 Predator | 11 Personen  (2000)

Ab 2.200 € pro tag.

Genießen Sie Ihren nächsten Urlaub an Bord einer luxuriösen Yacht in der pulsierenden Stadt Barcelona. Fahren Sie mit Ihrem Yachtcharter die spektakuläre Küste der Stadt entlang und erleben Sie einen einzigartigen Perspektivenwechsel gepaart mit Komfort und Luxus. Mit einem Yachtcharter in Barcelona genießen Sie die Aussicht auf goldene Strände und die phänomenale Skyline von Barcelona. Teilen Sie diese unvergesslichen Momente mit Ihrer Familie und Ihren Freunden. Ihr Kapitän und die Crew der Yacht werden Sie zu den exklusivsten Orten bringen und sicherstellen, dass in Spanien zu Ihrem persönlichen Glücksmoment werden.

Wie ist das Klima in Barcelona?

Was kann ich mit einer yacht in barcelona erleben.

Mieten Sie eine Yacht in Barcelona und genießen Sie einen entspannten Urlaub am und auf dem Meer, tanken Sie Sonne an Deck Ihrer Yacht oder genießen Sie einen kühlen Drink, während Sie den Sonnenuntergang bewundern. Die Crew wird dafür sorgen, dass Sie sich rundum wohl fühlen und es Ihnen an nichts fehlt.

Welches sind die wichtigsten Häfen in Barcelona?

Sie können Ihren Yachtcharter in Barcelona am Port Olímpic starten. Dieser Hafen hat neben einer ausgezeichneten nautischen Infrastruktur weitere Vorteile, denn er liegt sehr zentral, ist leicht zugänglich und bietet erstklassige Restaurants sowie Bars und Clubs in unmittelbarer Nähe.

Wie komme ich am besten nach Barcelona?

Motor yacht in der nähe von barcelona mieten.

In Barcelona stehen zahlreiche Boote zur Miete zu Verfügung. Sehen Sie weitere Boote in der Umgebung.

Mieten Sie einen anderen Bootstyp in Barcelona

Sie interessieren sich für ein motor yacht in Barcelona? Sehen Sie sich weitere Boote an, die Sie auf unserer Webseite mieten können

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segelyacht charter barcelona

  • Barcelona Card
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  • Freizeitpark PortAventura
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  • Formel 1 und MotoGP Spanien
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  • Tickets Spotify Camp Nou - Tickets für das Stadion des FC Barcelona
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Exklusive Segelyacht-Charter (private Touren)

Mit der yachtcharter ist ihre gruppe beim segeln unter sich, skipper inklusive.

Yachtcharter mit Skipper ab Barcelona

Yachtcharter mit Skipper ab Barcelona

Mit einer exklusiven Yachtcharter haben Sie die Segelyacht exklusiv für sich. Mit an Bord ist der Skipper - Sie benötigen also keinen Segelschein.

Genießen Sie Ihren AUsflug auf das Wasser: die frische Luft, die wärmende Sonne, je nach Buchung kühle Getränke und Snacks. Chillen Sie mit einem ganz besonderen Blick auf die Skyline von Barcelona. Oder Sie gehen baden oder nehmen das Steuer selbst in die Hand. Entlang der Küste von Barcelona bekommen Sie garantiert einen ganz besonderen Blick auf die Stadt.

Highlights der Segelyacht-Charter

  • Die Yacht ist exklusiv für Sie, erfahrener Skipper inklusive
  • Segeln oder Baden gehen
  • Besondere Perspektive auf Barcelona
  • Ganzjährig - auch im Herbst und Winter - möglich

Segelyacht-Charters (private Touren)

Private Luxusyachtkreuzfahrt

  • Deutschsprachige Tour buchbar. Private Gruppe bis 11 Personen.
  • Genießen Sie ein einzigartiges Segelerlebnis an Bord einer privaten 15-Meter-Yacht entlang der Mittelmeerküste von Barcelona mit einem professionellen Skipper
  • Snacks und Getränke enthalten, Sicherheitsausrüstung, Handtuch und Decken
  • Musik an Bord
  • Dauer ca. 2 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Preise & Verfügbarkeit anzeigen

Segeltour mit Freunden auf einem privaten Boot

  • Private Gruppe bis 7 Personen
  • Sehen Sie die Skyline von Barcelona, sonnen Sie sich und genießen Sie eine Flasche Cava
  • Flasche Cava enthalten
  • Dauer ca. 3 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Private Segelbootsfahrt

  • Private Gruppe bis 9 Personen
  • Freuen Sie sich auf ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit Freunden, Familie oder Arbeitskollegen bei einer tollen Segeltour
  • Enthalten: Cava, Weißwein, Rosé, Bier (2 - 3 pro Person), Softdrinks, Mineralwasser und Kaffee, Frisches Obst der Saison und Snacks, kostenloses Wlan, Portable Lautsprecher mit Bluetooth-Verbindung, Schnorchel-Ausrüstung

Private Segeltour

  • Private Gruppe bis 2 Personen
  • Genießen Sie eine private Luxus-Segeltour für 2 Personen. Segeln Sie auf einem Luxus-Boot mit aufmerksamem Personal und einem fantastischen Blick auf Barcelonas Skyline im Hintergrund.
  • Enthalten: Flasche Sekt

Preise & Verfügbarkeit anzeigen

Privates Segelerlebnis ab Port Olimpic

  • Private Gruppe bis 11 Personen
  • Fahren Sie von Port Vell ab und bewundern Sie die historischen Monumente und die Küste Barcelonas aus der Perspektive des Mittelmeers
  • Lebensmittel (Vorspeisen mit Cracker, Salami, Käse und Oliven)
  • Getränke (alkoholfreie Getränke, Bier, Cava, Wermut, Weißwein, Sangria)

8-stündiges exklusives Segelerlebnis

  • Genießen Sie eine private Kreuzfahrt auf einer Luxus-Segelyacht mit einem professionellen Skipper. Fahren Sie von Port Vell ab und sehen Sie die historischen Monumente und die Küste Barcelonas aus der Perspektive des Mittelmeers.
  • Dauer ca. 8 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Exklusives 6-Stunden-Segelerlebnis

  • Genießen Sie ein exklusives Erlebnis auf einer 12-Meter-Segelyacht mit einem professionellen Skipper. Entspannen Sie mit einem Getränk und Snacks, während Sie die Küste von Barcelona erkunden. Täglich ab Port Vell.
  • Dauer ca. 6 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Lassen Sie sich die kühle Brise um die Nase wehen und sich von der Sonne verwöhnen. Der Skipper geht auf Ihre Wünsche bzgl. der Fahrtroute soweit möglich ein.

Viel Spaß mit der Yachtcharter

Yachtcharter vs. offene Tour

Private Yachtcharter

  • Yacht für sich alleine
  • Meist Verpflegung enthalten
  • Charter für 2 bis 8 Stunden
  • Skipper kann auf Wünsche eingehen

Offene Segeltörns

  • Zusammen mit anderen Gästen
  • Neue Leute kennenlernen
  • Preis pro Person
  • Touren von 1,5 - 2 Stunden

Enthaltene Leistungen

  • Ein erfahrener Skipper ist immer dabei. Yachtcharter bedeutet nicht, dass Sie die Yacht mieten und dann alleine Segeln.
  • Sicherheitsausrüstung
  • Haftpflichtversicherung
  • Gebühren für Hafen etc.
  • Toiletten befinden sich an Bord
  • Je nach Leistung Getränke, Essen, Handtücher, Decken, Musik
  • Weitere Leistungen siehe auf den Buchungsseiten

Welche Yacht chartern?

Das Angebot an Yachtcharter ist riesig. Je nach Gruppengröße ist die Charter einer ganzen Yacht oftmals günstiger als für die ganze Gruppe eine offene Tour zu buchen. Welche Charter Sie buchen sollten, hängt auch von der Gruppengröße ab: es gibt Charters für 2, 7, 9 und 11 Personen. Auch bieten einige Charters einen deutschsprachigen Skipper an. Englisch können sie neben Spanisch aber alle. Und letztendlich wie lange Sie auf das Meer möchten. Die Charters fangen bei 2 Stunden an, es gibt aber auch für 3, 4, 5, 6 und 8 Stunden.

Warum eine Yacht chartern

Eine Yacht zu chartern ist ein ganz exklusives Erlebnis. Mit Motorunterstützung fährt der Skipper aus dem Hafen heraus und dann geht es mit Windkraft umweltfreundlich an der Küste vor Barcelona entlang. Bei geeigneten Bedingungen können Sie auch im Mittelmeer baden gehen.

Auf See werden Sie mit Ihrer Gruppe eine schöne und unvergessliche Zeit erleben.

Hier exklusiv eine Segelyacht chartern

(Klicken Sie auf die Produktbilder, um Preise und Verfügbarkeiten anzuzeigen)

Ihr Hotelzimmer in Barcelona buchen. Alle Kategorien. Apartments, 1-5*-Hotels, Hostels.



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Yacht & Catamaran Charter in Corsica, France

We can help you find the perfect yacht or catamaran to sail from Corsica!

Corsica yacht and catamaran charter

Sailing from Corsica

If you're after beautiful white sandy beaches, turquoise blue seas, magnificent rugged landscapes, unspoilt countrysides, historic old towns, sunshine and sailing, then why not head to our base at Propiano in beautiful Corsica? The birthplace and home sailing ground of Napoleon Bonaparte, Corsica has long been a popular place for sailing, with reliable winds (which can arrive from almost any direction), and plenty of spectacular places to see - including the breath-taking town of Bonifacio, which sits atop huge limestone cliffs, and the delightful old town of Porto Vecchio - amongst so many other places.

The sun shines, the sea, wind and sailing are superb, the food is delicious, the locals are welcoming, and there's plenty of well appointed marina's and secluded anchorages to spend the night. If you're looking for somewhere beautiful to sail, then get yourself to Corsica! We can help you find and book your ideal yacht or catamaran, with one of our trusted Charter Partners - just get in touch or search in the pink box with live prices and availability !  

Must See if you're Sailing from Corsica

 SAILING RATING:  Intermediate - The French Riviera is a splendid place to sail and explore, but winds can be somewhat unpredictable, and with hot stormy weather a couple of times a year, there is some risk that you'll encounter stronger winds than you would like.  Peak season is July & August, but you can sail here from March to October.

 MUST-SEE:  Our full suggested itinerary is further down the page, but we'd highly recommend taking in the amazing medieval clifftop village of Bonifacio , the idyllic island of Cavallo , and the picture-postcard old town of Porto Vecchio .

 WHAT WE CAN OFFER:  We have a great range of yachts and catamarans available for charter from our trusted Charter Partners, all available bareboat or Skippered. We can also arrange a Hostess, Personal Chef and other crew.

 GETTING THERE:  The Marina is around an hour from either airport. We can organise transfers for you - a 4 person taxi is c. €160 - 180.

 WHY BOOK WITH US?  We only work with the very best professional charter operators , who we have met, know, and trust to give you the same outstanding customer service as you'll get from PlainSailing.com.  

 WHAT NEXT?  Use the pink box to search for yachts or catamarans with LIVE pricing & availability - if you have any other questions or requests, get in touch via Live Chat, the Contact Form , or by phone.

The sun shines, the sea, wind and sailing are superb, the food is delicious, the locals are welcoming, and there's plenty of well appointed marina's and secluded anchorages to spend the night. If you're looking for somewhere beautiful to sail, then get yourself to Corsica! We can help you find and book your ideal yacht or catamaran, with one of our trusted Charter Partners - just get in touch or search in the pink box with live prices and availability !  

 SAILING RATING:  Intermediate - The French Riviera is a splendid place to sail and explore, but winds can be somewhat unpredictable, and with hot stormy weather a couple of times a year, there is some risk that you'll encounter stronger winds than you would like.  Peak season is July & August, but you can sail here from March to October.

 MUST-SEE:  Our full suggested itinerary is further down the page, but we'd highly recommend taking in the amazing medieval clifftop village of Bonifacio , the idyllic island of Cavallo , and the picture-postcard old town of Porto Vecchio .

 WHAT WE CAN OFFER:  We have a great range of yachts and catamarans available for charter from our trusted Charter Partners, all available bareboat or Skippered. We can also arrange a Hostess, Personal Chef and other crew.

 GETTING THERE:  The Marina is around an hour from either airport. We can organise transfers for you - a 4 person taxi is c. €160 - 180.

 WHY BOOK WITH US?  We only work with the very best professional charter operators , who we have met, know, and trust to give you the same outstanding customer service as you'll get from PlainSailing.com.  

 WHAT NEXT?  Use the pink box to search for yachts or catamarans with LIVE pricing & availability - if you have any other questions or requests, get in touch via Live Chat, the Contact Form , or by phone.

Why book with PlainSailing.com?

Suggested sailing itinerary, wind & weather conditions, marina details, sample prices   -   corsica sailing itinerary  -   wind & weather  -   marina details.

CL- 41O-18-F

6-day Sailing Itinerary from Corsica

Corsica is renowned for it's beautiful but rugged landscape, fine beaches, and turquoise seas - and you can find them in almost any direction you choose to sail. It's quicker to sail anti-clockwise around the island, though it's a voyage of 240 nautical miles, so probably a bit ambitious if you're only on a one week charter.

From Propiano, our recommended route is to along the South coast of Corsica, taking in the cliff-top town of Bonifacio, and the ancient winding streets of Porto Vecchio, as well as some simply stunning beaches and bays along the way. You could also hop over to the Maddalena islands just off Sardinia, which are beguiling - though be aware that you'll need to pay for a license to sail there. Finally, you can also sail northwards to the capital of Corsica, Ajaccio, which is a beautiful old town. When you're sailing in the harbour, it's crazy to think that Napoleon has been here, doing the exact same thing.

Corsica - 6 day sailing itinerary

It’s a six-day itinerary because you’ll check-in in the late afternoon on the first Saturday, and will need to get provisions and everyone one board, and get familiar with the boat, so you likely won’t be sailing until Sunday morning. You’ll also need to return the boat to the home marina on the Friday evening, so that they can check the boat is all in one piece. You can stay on-board for Friday night, before formally checking out first thing on Saturday morning.

118 nM over 6 days works out at about 20 nM a day, which is roughly 4 hours or so of sailing – giving plenty of time to explore the start or finish points each day, to have a lazy meal somewhere, or to stop en-route to dive in or play.  


Figari is a small and welcoming village with a cute town centre and a reputation for making the finest wines in Corsica. They have been making their own wine for over 2,500 years here – so they know what they are doing! – and it is well worth sampling a glass or two, for scientific purposes.  


We’re sailing south-eastwards, with the wind behind us, past the ever-impressive Bonifacio town (but don’t worry, we’re coming back to get a closer look later on), and onwards to the island of Cavallo. You might never have heard of it, but it is known as the ‘Mustique of the Med’ and this small island is particularly popular with A-list celebrities who want to get away from it all.

It is, however, possible that you might have seen part of Cavallo before though – the Romans were so impressed with the quality of the marble here that they shipped vast quantities of it back to Rome, where it was used for their grandest statues.  

Porto Vecchio

To get there, we’re sailing northwards. There’s no real prevailing summer winds here - the wind could arrive from any angle, and it changes if you get closer to the coastline. If you stay out at sea a little, then it gives you time to appreciate the cliffs and mountains of Corsica. The island has the second highest mountain in the Med (after Mount Etna on Sicily).  


It’s a bit of a hike up from the marina to the cliff-top, but totally worth the effort to for the outstanding views and the chance to get up close to the citadel and meander around the medieval old town. If your legs are feeling up to it, you can head down L’Escalier du Roi d’Aragon which are a set of 187 steps which have been carved out of the ancient rock – legend has it that they were built overnight so that the King of Aragon, after arriving late at night, could climb to the town for breakfast!  


From Bonifacio, we’re turning back into the wind and tacking our way up to Tizzano, for a different kind of natural beauty. Tizzano is a quiet village at the end of a long unspoilt sandy bay, with fine beaches, sand dunes, turquoise seas, and very welcoming locals. It’s a wonderful place to relax away from crowds of tourists.  


It’s only a short hop north and eastwards around the coastline to return to Propiano, going into the prevailing wind, and then finishing with the wind behind you. There’s a fuel berth in the marina which is where you need to head to refuel the boat (charter boats are usually chartered on a full-to-full basis), before mooring up for one final time.

Propiano isn’t exactly a party city, but the bars and restaurants will be lively enough on a Friday night, and you should be able to spot some other sailors who you can share tales of your epic week with.

You’ll need to check-out on Saturday morning, before heading to the airport and returning to the ‘real’ world. Hopefully you’re returning at the head of a happy crew, and leaving with better friends than you arrived with. If you’ve already decided to do this all again next year then head to PlainSailing.com and see where else we can charter you a boat. Safe Travels!  

Sailing Conditions

France Sailing - Wind Conditions

In general, winds arrive from the North-west, which makes it easier and faster to circumnavigate the island in an anti-clockwise direction, which is the traditional route if you want to go all the way around.

You'll likely find the strongest winds at the cape at the North of the island, and in the Bonifacio strait (between Corsica and Sardinia) - check the forecasts first as the winds can reach very high speeds - often it is fairly mild in summer, but it can be particularly strong the in winter season.

Corsica - Average Temperature

Marina Details - Propiano

The Port de Plaisance in Propiano (also called the 'Porto Valincu' by locals) is located on the South-west coast of Corsica, and has space for 429 boats. It's right in the centre of town, so shops, restaurants and bars are all within eye-sight of the marina, and, being well sheltered from winds arriving in practically all directions, it's a comfortable place to stay. As you'd expect, the marina has water, fuel and electricity on tap, as well as wifi and a launderette.

If you need a place to rest your head before your charter begins, then we recommend the Hotel Beach and Hotel Le Lido , which are both very close to the marina (and the beach).


Blogs about Sailing in Corsica


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  • Battery solution for electric sailboats
  • Four options for electric drive propulsion sailboat
  • Electric BLDC Sailboat Motor
  • Best electric drive system for sailboats
  • Marine biodegradable plastic in 2020
  • Plastic ocean pollution during Sailing in Barcelona
  • A guide for Single use biodegradable plastic in Restaurants
  • Public awareness on plastic pollution in the Mediterranean
  • Micro plastics in nature a full circle
  • What have biodegradable plastic and Marlboro lights in common?
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Barcelona Luxury Yacht Charter sailing

BarcelonaSail offers high end Yacht charter and superyacht charter services in Barcelona Spain.

BarcelonaSail offers a unique opportunity for those wishing to cruise in absolute style and comfort. With huge deck spaces, an original mosaic tiled swimming pool and jacuzzi. Three public lounges. Gym.

Charter a superyacht and sail to Monaco in two days while laying on your private pool.

The yacht charter and superyacht charter is possible from 1 day. Working together with the best in the field we have access to yachts over 100 meter. Please contact us for details.

A selection of super yachts that may be available for you.


Barcelona Yacht, D28 Experience

  • € 650.00


Premium Motor Boat Experience

  • € 1,875.00

Azimut (1)

Barcelona Yacht, Azimut Experience

  • € 1,100.00

For short duration yacht charter tours in Barcelona check our  large group boat tour  page.

These yachts offer facilities which one would expect in any five star hotel. Cal us for your corporate incentives, wedding anniversaries, special birthdays, or just to cruise and relax.

Our discreet handling and transparent operations make it easy and comfortable working with us.

How much does a super yacht cost? That depends on the seize of the yacht the location of the yacht. Many yachts move around and are not always available for charter in Barcelona. Popular locations are Barcelona, Ibiza, Mallorca and Monaco.


  1. Barcelona yacht charter

    Barcelona Grand Prix. Each May the Spanish Grand Prix returns to the city, offering a high-octane way to start off your yacht charter in Barcelona. Taking place at the Barcelona-Catalunya Circuit just a 30 minute drive from OneOcean Port Vell, a number of VIP ticket options mean you can enjoy the action in style.

  2. Yachtcharter Barcelona

    Yachtcharter Barcelona. Wer an Barcelona denkt, dem fällt wahrscheinlich als erstes die beeindruckende Architektur, besonders geprägt durch Antoni Gaudi mit seinem Lebenswerk der Sagrada Familia und dem Park Güell ein. Ihre Yachtcharter Barcelona lässt Sie diese atemberaubende Metropole vom Meer aus erleben.

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    19 Segelboote in Barcelona verfügbar ⚓ Segelyacht Charter mit/ohne Skipper mieten Segelboot chartern für den Segelurlaub in Barcelona! Barcelona Segelcharter ONLINE BUCHEN!

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    Barcelona Yacht Charter Guide. Barcelona is a city that does have it all. In the idyllic setting overlooking azure Mediterranean waters, the city has inspired artists and sculptors for centuries and continues to do so. The result is a city where stunning architecture and galleries filled with iconic pieces meet contemporary installations and avant-garde restaurants.

  5. Yacht charter & boat hire in Barcelona

    Yacht Charter Barcelona . Spain's rebellious second city, Barcelona is the major cosmopolitan and political capital of Catalonia. The city, close to the base of the Pyrenees, is large enough that it has its own underground railway network, by which you can hide from the fearsome summer heat as you explore the multitude of attractions at the surface.

  6. Private boat trips & Boat rental by hour in Barcelona

    Private trip in a luxury catamaran - 3 hours (max. 12 persons) From: 1.350,00€. BOOK YOUR TRIP NOW. A very good value, affordable (subjective) sail boat experience in Barcelona. If you are group of 5 or more, then a one could hire a private sail boat and get ... read more. ARUN Thundyill Saseendran.

  7. Boat Charter BCN

    Welcome to Boat Charter BCN, the Luxury Yacht Charter specialist in Barcelona City. The yachts range from 20m to 30m in size (60 to 100ft), are fully crewed and are available for day charters, weekends and week charters around Barcelona and Sitges, Costa Brava, Mallorca and Ibiza. They can accommodate from 8 to 10 guests for an overnight ...

  8. Home

    Buy a boat in Charter Management! → Buy your dream boat from the renowned brands Beneteau and Excess Catamarans. → You will have up to 6 weeks of sailing guaranteed, or even more depending on the programme you choose. → Forget about maintenance, mooring and insurance costs.

  9. Home

    Catamarans inBarcelona Up to 12 persons From 13 to 30 persons Activities and experiences Come aboard our exclusive BlueMagicCat catamarans, unique in Barcelona, with professional crew. Relax and enjoy the services included on board. In addition, the catamaran offers multiple possibilities to enjoy the sea for you to live an unforgettable experience.

  10. Yacht Charter & Superyacht charter in Spain Barcelona

    The yacht charter and superyacht charter is possible from 1 day. Working together with the best in the field we have access to yachts over 100 meter. Please contact us for details. A selection of super yachts that may be available for you. For short duration yacht charter tours in Barcelona check our large group boat tour page.

  11. Barcelona Yacht Charter Guide

    Barcelona's location alone is idyllic, situated on the north-eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula overlooking the blue of the Mediterranean Sea. It is watched over by the Serra de Collserola mountain range between the rivers Besòs and Llobregat with the towering 512 m (1,680 ft) high Tibidabo mountain providing an amazing backdrop as well ...

  12. Yacht charter & boat hire in Barcelona

    Marinas In Barcelona. There are seven marinas in the metropolitan Barcelona area, with Port Olimpic having 740 berths and Marina Badalona with 649, but the five others having around 160-250 berths each. Each marina has charter companies working into it that offer super yacht, luxury yacht charter, catamaran charter, motor yacht and monohull ...

  13. Barcelona Superyacht Charter

    Superyachts for Charter in Barcelona Browse a unique selection of Barcelona Superyacht Charters and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew's services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Barcelona is renowned for, creating ...

  14. Find your next sea experience

    Charter Barcelona Port Olímpic - Moll de Mestral 1506-1507 local BRUTAL, 08005 Barcelona. Catamaran Charter Astilux Alexa 37 Full Day (8 hours) 5 (3 Reviews) €2,600.00 From €2,490.00 8 hours - €20.00. JetScoot Port Fòrum - Jet Ski, Parasailing & Boats Rental, Barcelona, Spain. Boat rental V2 without license 2h ...

  15. YACHT rental BARCELONA with skipper for hours and days

    Charter Barcelona Port Olímpic - Moll de Mestral 1506-1507 local BRUTAL, 08005 Barcelona. Yacht charter private yacht Gobbi Atlantis 315 2 hours. 5 (3 Reviews) Live a luxurious private sailing experience on the Gobbi Atlantis Yacht, and discover the coast of Barcelona ... 2 hours. 2 hours. Boat rental.

  16. Luxury yacht hire Barcelona

    LUXURY YACHT CHARTER- 8 HOURS. 6000€ - Included: Boat, crew and insurance. Very nice experience. The boat was amazing, very clean and we had it all for ourselves. Joan was an incredible host, very kind. Price/quality ratio is excellent. Thank you very. Best luxury yacht rental by hour with crew (captain and sailors/waiters) in Barcelona.

  17. Boat Rental Barcelona & Yacht Charter

    Rent the boat you need in Barcelona with or without a skipper. Compare listings in seconds and book the best deals at sea with SamBoat. ... Charter advisor +44 1227 479900 +1 727-349-3776. Request a quote Excellent TrustScore 4,7 | 1734 reviews. All our reviews Bénéteau Oceanis 43 ...

  18. Yacht mieten in Barcelona

    Charter-Typ (Bareboat, mit Skipper, mit Crew) Mit oder ohne Skipper . Bootstyp . Motor . Motorboot . RIB . Jet-Ski . Hausboot . Boot ohne Führerschein . Motoryacht . Segel . Segelboot . Katamaran . Gulet . Segelyacht . Tagespreis . 0 - 1200+ € ... Mieten Sie eine Yacht in Barcelona und genießen Sie einen entspannten Urlaub am und auf dem ...

  19. Yacht Charter Barcelona

    The most popular sailboat destinations in Barcelona are: Sailing yacht rental Port Olimpic; Sailing yacht rental Marina Vela Barcelona; Sailing yacht rental Port Vell; Catamaran charter in Barcelona. A catamaran charter in Barcelona usually costs 600 € per day. For instance, the most popular 8-berth catamaran Lagoon 440, costs 700 € per day ...

  20. Yacht & Catamaran Charter in Barcelona, Spain

    The boat also needs to be back in Barcelona on Friday evening (but you can stay on-board overnight and then check-out and disembark on Saturday morning) - so it's a six day tour. Day 1. Barcelona to Castelldefels - 17 nM. Bienvenidos Capitan!

  21. Segelyacht Charter mit Skipper

    1/6 Yachtcharter mit Skipper ab Barcelona. Mit einer exklusiven Yachtcharter haben Sie die Segelyacht exklusiv für sich. Mit an Bord ist der Skipper - Sie benötigen also keinen Segelschein. Genießen Sie Ihren AUsflug auf das Wasser: die frische Luft, die wärmende Sonne, je nach Buchung kühle Getränke und Snacks.

  22. Yacht & Catamaran Charter in Corsica, France

    6-day Sailing Itinerary from Corsica. Corsica is renowned for it's beautiful but rugged landscape, fine beaches, and turquoise seas - and you can find them in almost any direction you choose to sail. It's quicker to sail anti-clockwise around the island, though it's a voyage of 240 nautical miles, so probably a bit ambitious if you're only on a ...

  23. Yacht Charter BarcelonaSail

    From. € 1,100.00. For short duration yacht charter tours in Barcelona check our large group boat tour page. These yachts offer facilities which one would expect in any five star hotel. Cal us for your corporate incentives, wedding anniversaries, special birthdays, or just to cruise and relax. Our discreet handling and transparent operations ...