
Average Speed of a Sailboat (Plus Top Speed)

What Is The Average Speed Of A Sailboat? | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

June 15, 2022

Going fast in a sailboat can be lots of fun. But what is the average of a sailboat? Well, let's find out.

The delight and gratification that comes from speed can be a big plus for adrenaline-seeking sailors. Well, nothing can fire up the adrenaline more than having a speedy boat ride out on the water. This is essentially why having an idea of how fast a sailboat can go is of great importance. When it comes to looking at the speed of a sailboat, it can be crucial to consider the types of activities that you'll be using your sailboat for. In fact, your sailboat should only be considered ideal if it meets the level of expectations required of it in terms of speed and activities on the water. Even with this, the speeds of sailboats can vary based on several factors. But what is the average speed of a sailboat?

The top speed of a sailboat will vary based on its size and purpose. For example, high-end racing sailboats are purposely designed to reach maximum speeds while larger and bulkier sailboats may be slower due to drag and friction. That being said, the average speed of racing sailboats is 15 knots (17 mph). On the other hand, the average speed of cruising sailboats is 4-6 knots (4.5-7 mph) and can attain a top speed of 7 knots (8 mph). In essence, cruise speeds of over 8 knots are quite normal.

Let's get into the details.

Table of contents

Measuring Sailboat Speed

The nautical measurement of speed is the knot. According to the World Sailing Speed Council, one knot is equal to about 1.15 mph. The knot measurement is dependent on the circumference of the Earth. So if your sailboat is cruising at an average speed of 1 nautical mile per hour, it means that it's cruising at a speed of 1 knot.

Modern sailboats have GPS tracking devices that can be used to measure the distance covered, as well as the speed at which the sailboat is sailing.

Factors that Determine the Speed of a Sailboat

Different types of sailboats can attain different speeds. There are several factors that can determine the speed of a sailboat. Let's take a look.

The Length and Size of a Sailboat

While the speed of a sailboat will depend on several factors such as currents, wind conditions, and many other factors as we'll discuss later, the most important thing that can influence the speed of a sailboat is its size and length. You may be asking yourself; what's the connection between the length of a boat and its speed?

Well, the ability of a sailboat to go fast depends on the harmonizing act between its length and the power that drives it. When a sailboat moves through the water, it creates a pattern of waves. These waves include one along the side of the sailboat, which produces a ridge of water at the bow and a trough at the stern.

If the length of the wave is almost equal to the length of the boat, it creates a huge ridge that shoves the sailboat back into its trough, thereby slamming it up against an almost dense wall of water resistance. This then gives the sailboat sufficient speed to lift its bow out of the water and the ability to skim above the bow waves while allowing it to overcome the resistance that the water or the waves create.

A sailboat, of course, needs a lot of power to get over the hump in the resistance curve. So a longer boat will have a higher speed than a shorter boat. This is because a longer sailboat will create longer waves across its hull and move faster. On the other hand, short sailboats tend to generate shorter waves, thereby will have reduced speeds. In essence, it's almost impossible for a sailboat to travel faster than the speed of a wave if the wave is longer than the boat.

In most cases, boat designers create extreme lengths to get boats over the mound of the wave resistance. While a lightweight boat can easily achieve this, it can leave you shorthanded in heavy winds as it can be easily pushed by the winds. Again, it may not have the stability needed to carry enough sails to get the appropriate power to sail on the water. So if the boat is light, it should at least have a double hull to at least compensate for its instability.

The Shape of the Hull

This may be hard to believe but some hulls are more efficient than others when it comes to creating the wave resistance that is needed to move the boat. Generally, hulls should be very slim and carefully shaped. Keep in mind that a sailboat that has a hull that's shaped like a fat tub will not be as fast as a sailboat with a very slim hull even if they're of the same length.

A proper indication that the hull has the ability to be faster depends on its aft or buttock lines. If a hull has a straight line from the lowest point of the hull to the transom and the transom is a little bit wide, the boat will not only be stable but will be much faster. On the contrary, a hull that curves a lot but has a narrow stern may not be that fast. In essence, hulls play an integral role in slicing through the water and do not push water aside and down.

Comparing the Speeds of Catamarans and Monohulls

Are catamaran or trimaran hulls more superior to Monohulls in terms of speed? Well, cruising on a sailboat with a cat hull will be much faster than cruising on a sailboat with a monohull by 25%-30% if the two sailboats are of the same length. A catamaran hull will not only achieve speeds of a racing monohull but will be more comfortable to sail on.

A tri-hull is even much better in the sense that they're generally designed towards the performance end of the spectrum. They will, therefore, double the speed of a racing monohull.

The only downside of a cat and trimaran hull is that they're more sensitive to loading and their performances will significantly suffer if they're loaded. On the other hand, a monohull can perfectly handle loading and this is a huge advantage is you're planning to sail with a crew. To this end, you should consider keeping your cat or tri boat as light as possible if you want to maximize speed. We all know that keeping your sailboat light is as difficult as they come but it's of importance if speed is your main goal.

Monohull (6-8 knots)

Most average sailboats are designed with monohulls. They're generally displacement hulls designed to split through the underwater. This not only stabilizes the boat but slices through the water smoothly. If you want to make a monohull sailboat much faster, you can consider raising the entire hull above the water.

Catamarans and Trimarans (9-10 knots)

Unlike monohulls, cats and trimarans are located on top of the water. This means that they'll be displacing less water, thereby making them a lot faster. The only downside is that this design will make the boat less stable, which can be a cause for concern given that safety should always come first while on the water. This is essentially why catamarans and trimarans have two and three hulls respectively. This will, however, make the boat extremely buoyant.

Waves play a critical role not just in the speed of your boat but also in the safety of your boat. We all know that waves are very unpredictable. They can be calm and gentle but can suddenly become wild, confusing, irregular, and angry.

Generally described as freaks or rogues, waves can be very dangerous. They can bully your boat and attempt to roll it over. Waves can also make your boat faster or slower. As such, waves can either positively or negatively affect the speed of your sailboat. Given that calm waves cannot be appropriate in achieving the maximum speed of your boat, the right wave condition that should enable your sailboat to move faster should overlap and interfere in the right way.

The wind is the only thing that propels sailboats. The wind will fill up the sails, which is then used to move the boat. Both true winds and apparent winds can be integral in moving the boat forward. True wind is essentially the type of wind you feel when you stand still and it's what pushes a boat. Needless to say, strong winds may move a sailboat faster than calm winds but this may depend on the wind direction.

How to Improve the Speed of Your Sailboat

Having looked at the average speed of a sailboat, as well as factors that may affect its speed, it's important to highlight how to improve the speed of your sailboat.

It's important to make sure that your sailboat is properly designed to attain maximum speed. The sailboat should also be properly maintained and serviced to work at maximum speed. Make sure that the hull and foils are clean and in perfect shapes. Here's what to do.

  • ‍ Make sure that the foils do not have seaweeds or plastic bags
  • Ensure that the hull is in tip-top shape and can hold tension
  • Make sure that the sails are in the right conditions
  • Make sure that the masts have the right stiffness

You may have a lot of difficulties reaching your targeted speed if the weight of the crew exceeds the appropriate capacity of your sailboat. This is because there will be some sort of drag and tension and this may significantly hinder the speed at which the boat travels. In essence, a lighter boat may be a lot faster than a heavier boat. This is what you should do.

  • ‍ Make sure that the weight is appropriate
  • Ensure that the boats overall weight is moving aft and out appropriately
  • Make sure that the maximum weight is not exceeded

The settings of your sailboat can either negatively or positively affect its speed. For instance, you should make sure that the mast rakes, mast step position, shroud tensions. Jib car position, vang tension, and keel position, as well as any other part of the sailboat, are perfectly set to make the boat faster.

You should compare various settings and figure out which type of settings gives you maximum speed. Here are some of the things to do.

  • ‍ Ensure that jib cars are in the right position
  • Make sure that your mainsails are in the right position
  • The vang tension should be efficient

The technique you use on your sailboat can make a difference when it comes to your speed. Techniques such as steering and trimming can be a huge speed factor, particularly when the conditions at sea are difficult. You should also have varying trimming techniques. Here are some important skills.

  • ‍ Know how to steer perfectly
  • Know how to control primary upwind
  • Know the right amount of curl to have in your kite
  • Make sure that you're pumping efficiently
  • Know how to play the jibs and genoas

These factors can be of great importance in increasing the speed of your sailboat. You can use them efficiently next time you want to be up to speed.

Bottom Line

Sailing speed is, without a doubt, one of the most favorite discussions among sailors. Most sailors often try to figure out how to make their sailboats faster or why a given sailboat is faster than another one. In essence, the average speed of a sailboat ranges between 4 knots to 15 knots but this may depend on the size and type of the sailboat, as well as other factors. This means that the average speed of sailboats is 8 knots but there several factors such as the type of the hull, waves, and wind conditions can affect the speed of your sailboat.

It's, therefore, important to know how these factors may affect your speed and what you need to do about them. For example, your sailboat may not be as fast as you may want if it's not properly prepared or maintained.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Average Speed of a Sailboat (How Fast Can a Sailboat Go?)

Written by Anthony Roberts / Fact checked by Jonathan Larson

average speed of a sailboat

You might have seen how sailing yachts seem to outpace motorized boats in a regatta, prompting you to ask about the average speed of a sailboat. Although the record holder (the Vestas Sailrocket 2) can blitz to 65.5 knots, the run-off-the-mill sailing vessel can only reach four to six knots.

Several factors influence sailboat speeds, and we will examine each in this article. Please keep reading, so you will not miss the invaluable information you will get from this post.

Table of Contents

1. Hull shape

2. sailboat length, 1. alternative measurement, 2. converting knots to kph or mph, 1. hull type, tips to improve speed, frequently asked questions, how fast can a sailing vessel go.


Regatta-competing racing sailboats can reach a top speed of about 20 knots, while custom-built high speed racing yachts can log 50 knots. As mentioned, the Vestas Sailrocket 2 blitzes the waters at a dizzying 65.5 knots (75.38 miles per hour or 121.31 kilometers per hour).

On the other hand, the average sailboat in lakes and other bodies of water can only top the speed charts at seven knots (8.06 MPH or 12.97 KPH), averaging about four to six knots (4.6 to 6.9 MPH or 7.4 to 11.1 KPH).

An 1800s or 1970s sailing ship (i.e., galleon or clipper) has about the same speed as the average modern sailboat. However, it is worth noting that the Sovereign of the Seas logged the highest velocity for a sail-powered ship at 22 knots (25.32 MPH or 40.75 KPH) in 1854.

Meanwhile, the fastest sailing dinghy is the International Moth, blasting the waters at 35.9 knots (41.3 MPH or 66.5 KPH).

So, why the variance?

Two intrinsic (within the boat itself) factors impact the speed of sailboat units. These include hull shape and vessel length.


Racing sailboats are faster than cruising yachts because of their unique hull shape differences.

A sailboat built for speed has a super-slim hull and straight buttock lines. The aft section forms a straight line between the slightly wide transom and the hull’s lowest point.

Meanwhile, sluggish sailboats have a “fat tub” hull shape, a narrow stern, and a curvy hull.


There is a scientific explanation about the impact of sailboat size (or length) on its speed. Sailing vessels create a wave pattern as they move along the water, one at the front and another at the back.

A water wave sufficient to help the boat move occurs if the sailboat’s length is similar to the length of the wave. This phenomenon “lifts” the vessel’s bow, increasing its speed while reducing water resistance.

Hence, a longer sailboat will have a greater cruising speed than short vessels because they can create longer waves.

We prepared the following table to illustrate how vessel length impacts sailboat speed. Hence, a 40 ft. sailboat will always be speedier than shorter sailing vessels (<40 feet).

15 5.19
20 5.99
25 6.7
30 7.34
35 7.93
40 8.48
45 8.99
50 9.48
60 10.38
70 11.21
80 11.98
90 12.71
100 13.4

How to Calculate the Speed


You can use an online sailboat speed calculator, input the required variables, and the system will automatically run the equation. Alternatively, you can determine your sailboat’s average speed by following this simple formula.

Average yacht speed knots = (√(LWL))x 1.34

In which “LWL” is your sailboat’s length at the waterline

Suppose you have a 36-foot sailboat that measures 26 feet at the waterline. The square root of 26 is 5.099. Multiplying this number by 1.34 will result in 6.832 or 6.8 knots.

How about a 59-foot sailing vessel with a waterline length of 47 feet? The square root of 47 is 6.86. We will get 9.19 knots after multiplying 6.86 by 1.34.

Please note that this sailboat speed is the average, provided you have clear skies, calm seas, and an ideal sailboat setup.

For example, suppose we achieved 6.8 knots with 15-knot winds and a sail setup of 50- to 120-degree true wind angle. We can expect our sailboat example to be slower if we do not achieve these conditions.


You can also determine your sailboat’s speed by sailing from one point to another. However, you might have to ascertain the distance between these two locations beforehand, and it should be in nautical miles (NM).

Why nautical miles? We are measuring sailboat speeds in knots. One knot is equivalent to one NM per hour. It is worth noting that one NM is 1.15 land-based miles, to put it in perspective.

Take the known distance between the two locations (in nautical miles) and divide the number by the time it took you to complete the journey.

For example, suppose you sailed from Buffalo, New York to Detroit, Michigan, with a distance of 186.99 nautical miles, and it took you 23 hours to complete the journey. In that case, 186.99 divided by 23 hours is 8.13 knots.

You can also take your average sailing distance per day to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your sailboat’s speed. For example, a sailboat with a 6-knot average speed can cover 144 nautical miles in 24 hours (6 x 24 = 144).

Something might be amiss if your boat sailed for 24 hours and covered less than 144 nautical miles. You might have more favorable sailing conditions if you traveled the distance in less than 24 hours.


Sailors use “knots” as the unit of measure for vessel speed. Unfortunately, ordinary mortals are unfamiliar with this metric. They are more in tune with “miles per hour” (MPH) or “kilometers per hour” (km/h or KPH).

We mentioned that a nautical mile is slightly longer than a land-measured mile (1.15 statute miles). We also know that 1 NM per hour is 1 knot. Hence, we can multiply the “knot” value by 1.15 to determine your sailboat’s speed in MPH (miles per hour).

A mile is also longer than a kilometer (1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers). Thus, we can assume our KPH values will be higher than knots and MPH. We can multiply “knots” by 1.852 to get the value in KPH.

For example, a top speed sailboat blitzing at 50 knots has a maximum velocity of 57.5 MPH (50 knots x 1.15) or 92.6 KPH (50 knots x 1.852).

On the other hand, a 6.5-knot sailboat can only muster 7.475 MPH or 12.038 KPH.

Factors Affecting Sailboat Speed


Although we already discussed hull shape and vessel length’s influence on sailboat speed, three other factors can impact watercraft velocity.

Sailboats with at least two hulls (catamarans) are 25 to 30 percent faster than monohulls, given equal lengths.

Hence, if a single-hulled sailboat can go six knots, we can expect a catamaran to have an average speed of 7.5 to 7.8 knots (8.625 to 8.97 MPH or 13.89 to 14.45 KPH). This sailboat hull can match a racing monohull sailboat’s velocity with better comfort.

Add another hull to the catamaran (a trimaran), and you can outpace a racing monohull by doubling its velocity.

Although some sailboats have engines, most rely on wind power for propulsion. Hence, stronger winds can make a sailboat go faster by pushing against the sail. Unfortunately, wind direction can also influence vessel speed. You can go fast if the wind blows in your heading.

You might be inclined to believe that calm waters can make your sailboat go faster. Unfortunately, serene waters often mean gentle winds. And if there is not much wind to push the sail, you cannot expect your vessel to go faster.

Current, wind, and wave or sea condition is the most important factor in determining a safe vessel speed. If the water is rough, it is safer to reduce speed because bad weather can impair visibility and make it challenging to maneuver the vessel.


Here are some tips to improve sailboat speed.

  • Ensure the sailboat’s proper operating condition, especially the mast, sail, and extrusions. Check the hull and foils.
  • Be mindful of the sailboat’s maximum weight capacity, ensuring you do not exceed the rating. Moreover, the correct weight distribution can help you pilot the sailboat faster.
  • You might want to brush up on your sailing competencies, including sail control, steering, sail angling, genoa and jib control, kite curling, efficient pumping, and wind positioning.
  • Check your sailboat’s settings, including the shroud tension, mast rake, jib car position, mast step position, keel position, and vang tension.

motor sailboat speed

Sailboat speed vs wind speed: which’s faster?

A vessel sailing faster than the wind is possible with a superiorly designed and streamlined hull and the correct sail angle. Otherwise, the sailboat will only be as fast as the wind speed on the sail.

It is also worth mentioning that sailboats with multiple hulls or a planing hull can be faster than wind speeds.

How fast can a sailboat go under power?

A sailboat under power can move on the water at an average velocity of four to five knots (nautical miles per hour) or 5 MPH (8 KPH). This is not very fast but not slow either.

Are catamarans or monohulls faster?

Multihulls (i.e., catamarans and trimarans) are faster than monohulls, averaging about nine to ten knots (10.35 to 11.5 MPH or 16.69 to 18.52 KPH). On the other hand, monohulls only average six to eight knots (6.9 to 9.2 MPH or 11.11 to 14.82 KPH).

The average speed of a sailboat varies across sailing vessel types, sailboat lengths, hull shapes, and hull types. Wind and waves can also influence sailboat velocity.

Given ideal weather conditions, the average sailing vessel can cruise at four to six knots. Custom-built, high-performance racing yachts can blitz the waters at up to 65 knots. Twin-hulled sailboats are 25 to 30 percent faster than their single-hull counterparts, while triple-hulls are super-quick.

Of course, everything depends on wave and wind conditions.\

Read more : The fastest speed of a boat.


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Average Speed of a Sailboat & Factors That Affect Speed

Written by J. Harvey / Fact checked by S. Numbers

average speed of a sailboat

Sailboats have been around for a long time, and even now, when motors are common on vessels, they are still used. But have you ever wondered about the performance and average speed of a sailboat?

A sailboat average speed ranges from 4 to 6 knots or 4.5 to 7 mph and tops out at 8mph . However, many factors affect these estimates, including the type of boat and its hull . Let’s take a closer look.

Table of Contents

Sail Boat Speed

Factors that affect speed, ways to improve sailboat speed, frequently asked questions.

Sailboats have an average speed range of 4 to 6 knots and a sailboat top speed of 7 knots; however, this is an average for all types, and the numbers can change a lot based on the boat model, its hull, along with other factors.

For example, racing sailboats go much faster, up to 20 knots with custom designs reaching up to 50 knots. The fastest sailboat speed on record is 65.45 knots.

Modern ships no longer use sails, but the average sailing ship speed in the 70s was around 4 to 6 knots. This range also applies to the trading galleon that drove much of the world’s commerce in the past.

Averages aside, the fastest sailing ship speed was recorded in 1854 at 22 knots or 41 kph.

  • Depending on the sailboat’s dimension

The length of a sailboat directly affects its speed, and longer vessels tend to be faster than shorter ones. The reason is boats need to lift their hull and create speed by riding over the water. This is more easily achieved if the length of the wave is closer to the length of the craft.

Some designs make use of length to boost speeds. Though longer boats tend to be heavy and swift, that doesn’t mean lightweight crafts are slow.

On the contrary, they can be quite fast, but they are vulnerable to strong winds and unstable waters. Multi-hulls are ideal for lighter boats and will be discussed further below.

Here is a table that shows how average speeds differ as length increases. You can see that a 40 ft. sailboat is faster than any smaller vessel, and the fastest small sailboat can not outrun the bigger ones. The exception would be a racing craft.

Boat Length Speed in Knots KPH MPH
16 feet 5 9.3 5.8
26 feet 6.8 12.6 7.8
36 feet 8 14.8 9.2
40 feet 8.5 15.7 9.8
65 feet 10.8 20 12.4
  • The shape of the boat hull

Hull shape greatly affects the speed and performance of watercraft, with a slim hull and wider transom striking the ideal balance. This shape allows the boat to be faster and more stable .

A hull with a high buttock angle is not able to resist waves and is therefore slower.

  • How to measure sailboat speed

To calculate your speed in knots with a calculator, take your vessel’s LWL or length of the waterline from bow to stern in feet. Take the square root of this number and multiply it by 1.34, which is a given figure for the wave crest, related to the wake of your watercraft.

The product is the estimated average speed. In short:

√LWL x 1.34 = average sailboat or average yacht speed knots

Another straightforward method of determining your vessel’s speed is to sail between two points with a known distance in nautical miles. Divide the figure by your travel time to get your average speed in knots.

Conversion from knots to mph or km/h is also useful. One knot is equivalent to 1.15mph or 1.85 kph.


Aside from the boat’s dimensions and shape, hull type, waves, and wind also affect a vessel’s speed.

The two general hull types are the monohull and multihull.

The monohull, also known as the displacement hull, is the standard type used on most boats. These are designed to pierce through the water to reduce drag and can go even faster by lifting the bow.

The multihull is a boat with multiple hulls, as can be derived from the name, and the catamaran is a popular example with its twin hulls. Compared to monohulls of the same size, the average sailing speed of a catamaran and a tri-hull is 9 to 10 knots, which are around 25 to 30% faster compared to a monohull craft.

However, multi-hulls are sensitive to weight imbalances and are less capable of managing heavier loads.

  • Water condition

In general, bigger waves tend to accompany higher speeds. That said, waves that are too tall can be dangerous, such as in the case of breaking waves.

Sailboats use a sail, and the wind directly affects their performance. However, the direction is another important factor, since sailing downwind gives a boost in speed, while going upwind will make it difficult to move faster. Being able to utilize the wind effectively can help boost your speed.

You can also take steps to go faster; some are simple to do, but others pose more difficulty.

The first is to ensure that your boat is in good condition, which is already a given. For a sailboat, however, the condition of the sail and mast is a unique and important factor. For instance, the mast should be free of cracks and its extrusions should be secured correctly.

Weight is another important consideration and needs to be managed properly. Aside from minding your cargo weight, it is also essential to balance this weight and distribute it properly.

Proper sailing is another critical point. To reach top speed sailboat needs an operator that employs the correct technique. This includes perfect steering, wind positioning, and sail control; these take time to learn but are essential to reach maximum speed.


Sailboat speed vs wind speed: can a sailboat sail faster than the wind?

Yes. There are two ways to achieve this, and both involve reducing or eliminating drag between the vessel and the water. One is by lifting the hull using the apparent wind on the sail; the other is by foiling, which brings the boat on top of the water.

How many miles can a sailboat travel in a day?

These vessels have an average sailing distance per day of 185 km, provided that travel is continuous and downwind. If under the power of an engine, the distance traveled increases up to 241 km.

How fast does a sailboat go? Now you know the average speed of a sailboat, along with a better understanding of what affects the numbers and how to improve them.

Sailing crafts are not capable of reaching the same speeds as motorized vessels; however, they offer a very different experience that many boaters find appealing.

How do you feel about sailboats after learning about their speed? Would you try one if given the opportunity? Tell us in the comments section below.

Remember to boat safely.

  • The fastest speed of a speed boat.

motor sailboat speed

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Boating Beast

What Is the Average Speed of a Sailboat (Plus Its Top Speed)?

John Sampson

Sailing is a popular hobby and sport enjoyed by many enthusiasts around the world. The beauty of sailing lies in the challenge of mastering the wind and currents to move a boat forward. One of the fascinating aspects of sailing is its speed. Sailboats can move at varying speeds, depending on several factors. In this article, we will dive into the average and top speeds of sailboats and explore the techniques and strategies to increase sailboat speed.

Quick Facts

Sailboat Speed DynamicsDetermined by points of sail, wind direction, and boat design.
Factors Affecting SpeedWind speed, sail area, boat size and weight, water friction, and boat design.
Measuring SpeedVia GPS, handheld speedometers, speed logs, timed performance, or wind instruments.
Types of SailboatsDinghies, Catamarans, Monohulls, Cruising Sailboats, and Racing Sailboats.
Average Speed (Dinghies)8-15 knots (9-17 mph).
Average Speed (Catamarans)15-25 knots (17-29 mph).
Average Speed (Monohulls)5-20 knots (6-23 mph).
Average Speed (Cruising Sailboats)5-15 knots (6-17 mph).
Average Speed (Racing Sailboats)20-30 knots (23-35 mph).
Increasing SpeedOptimizing sail trim, balancing the boat, reducing drag, and proper maintenance.
Sailboat Top SpeedsInfluenced by wind speed, boat size and weight, sail area, and water conditions.
World Speed RecordHeld by Sailrocket 2 at 68 mph.
Pushing to LimitsRequires experience, knowledge, skill, understanding of wind and water conditions, and prioritizing safety.

Understanding Sailboat Speeds

Before delving into the average and top speeds of sailboats, you need to understand the dynamics of sailboat speeds. Sailboat speeds can be determined by the points of sail, wind direction, and boat design. Points of sail refer to the various angles at which a boat can sail in relation to the wind. These angles include upwind, close-hauled, beam reach, broad reach, and downwind (also called a run). Wind direction plays a crucial role in determining sailboat speed. A tailwind is usually faster than a headwind. The boat design also determines the speed potential of a sailboat.

When sailing upwind, sailboats move slower because they are fighting against the wind. Close-hauled sailing is the point of sail where the boat is sailing as close to the wind as possible. It is the slowest point of sail, as the boat is sailing against the wind. Beam reach sailing is when the boat is sailing perpendicular to the wind. It is faster than close-hauled sailing but slower than broad reach sailing. Broad reach sailing is when the boat is sailing with the wind behind it. It is faster than beam reach sailing but slower than downwind sailing. Downwind sailing is when the boat is sailing with the wind directly behind it. It is the fastest point of sail, as the boat is moving with the wind.

Factors Affecting Sailboat Speed

Several factors influence the speed of sailboats. Wind speed is the most significant factor affecting sailboat speed. The bigger the sails, the more power a sailboat has to move faster. Sail area also plays a crucial role in determining sailboat speed. A larger sail area means more power to move the boat. Boat size and weight also come into play, as larger boats require more power to move at faster speeds. Water friction is another critical factor that affects speed. Friction between the hull and the water can slow down a sailboat, but optimized boat design can minimize this effect.

Boat design is essential in determining sailboat speed. The boat’s hull shape, keel design, and rigging all play a role in how fast the boat can sail. The hull shape affects how the boat moves through the water, and a streamlined shape can reduce water resistance and increase speed. The keel design affects the boat’s stability and maneuverability, which can affect speed. Rigging, including the mast and sails, also plays a crucial role in sailboat speed. A well-designed rig can help the boat capture more wind and move faster.

Measuring Sailboat Speed

There are various ways to measure sailboat speed. The most common method is the use of a GPS or handheld speedometer. GPS offers accurate speed readings, while handheld speedometers are affordable and provide basic speed readings. In sailboat racing, measurements are done using speed logs attached to the boat’s hull or through timed performance over a specific distance. Sailboat speed can also be measured using wind instruments, which measure the wind speed and direction and calculate the boat’s speed based on that information.

Sailboat speed is affected by various factors, including wind speed, sail area, boat size and weight, water friction, and boat design. Understanding the points of sail and how wind direction affects sailboat speed is essential in determining how fast a sailboat can go. Measuring sailboat speed can be done using various methods, including GPS, handheld speedometers, speed logs, timed performance, and wind instruments.

A Complete Guide to Sailboats: All You Need to Know!

Types of Sailboats and Their Average Speeds

Sailboats come in different designs, shapes, and sizes, each with its unique features and capabilities. Whether you are a seasoned sailor or a beginner, choosing the right sailboat type can make all the difference in your sailing experience. Here are some popular sailboat types and their average speeds.

Dinghies are small sailboats primarily used for recreational sailing. These boats are easy to handle and maneuver, making them a popular choice for beginners. Dinghies usually have a single sail, which limits their speed potential. However, their lightweight design allows them to move swiftly through the water. On average, dinghies can move at speeds of 8-15 knots (9-17 mph).

One of the most popular dinghy sailboats is the Laser, which has been an Olympic class boat since 1996. The Laser is a one-design boat, meaning that all boats are built to the same specifications, ensuring fair competition. The Laser is known for its speed and agility, making it a favorite among sailors around the world.

Catamarans are two-hulled sailboats that have a wide beam, making them stable and fast. These sailboats can achieve high speeds and are popular for racing and cruising. Catamarans have a unique design that allows them to sail close to the wind, making them efficient and fast. On average, catamarans can move at speeds of 15-25 knots (17-29 mph).

The Hobie Cat is one of the most popular catamarans in the world. The Hobie Cat is a small, beach-launched catamaran that is perfect for recreational sailing. The boat’s lightweight design allows it to move quickly through the water, and its unique trampoline design makes it comfortable to sail.

Monohulls are the most common sailboat type. These boats have a single hull and can range from small recreational boats to large racing sailboats. Monohulls are versatile boats that can be used for cruising, racing, and day sailing. The average speed range of monohulls is 5-20 knots (6-23 mph).

The J/Boat is a popular monohull sailboat that is known for its speed and performance. The J/Boat is a racing sailboat that has won numerous regattas and championships around the world. The boat’s lightweight design and high-tech features make it a favorite among competitive sailors.

Cruising Sailboats

Cruising boats are designed for comfort and leisurely sailing. They are usually larger and heavier than other sailboat types and can accommodate large crews. Cruising sailboats are perfect for long-distance sailing and exploring new destinations. The average speed range of cruising sailboats is 5-15 knots (6-17 mph).

The Beneteau Oceanis is a popular cruising sailboat that is known for its comfort and luxury. The Oceanis has a spacious interior and can accommodate large crews, making it perfect for extended sailing trips. The boat’s sturdy design and reliable performance make it a favorite among cruising sailors.

Racing Sailboats

Racing sailboats are designed with performance in mind. These boats are usually lightweight and have a larger sail area than recreational sailboats, allowing them to reach high speeds. Racing sailboats are perfect for competitive sailors who want to push their limits and test their skills. The average speed range of racing sailboats is 20-30 knots (23-35 mph).

The Melges 24 is a popular racing sailboat that is known for its speed and agility. The Melges 24 is a one-design boat that is used in numerous regattas and championships around the world. The boat’s lightweight design and high-tech features make it a favorite among competitive sailors.

How to Increase Your Sailboat’s Speed

There is nothing quite like the feeling of sailing at high speeds, with the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. However, achieving maximum speed on a sailboat requires more than just a favorable wind. In this article, we will explore some tips and techniques to help you increase your sailboat’s speed and performance.

Optimizing Sail Trim

Sail trim refers to the setting of the sails in the most efficient way possible to harness the wind’s power and produce maximum speed. Proper sail trim can also improve the boat’s stability and balance. Optimizing sail trim involves adjusting the sails to the correct shape, angle, and tension.

One way to achieve the correct sail trim is to use telltales, which are small pieces of yarn or ribbon attached to the sail. By observing the telltales, you can adjust the sail’s position to achieve the optimal angle and tension. It is also essential to adjust the sails according to the wind conditions. For example, in light winds, the sails should be fuller, while in strong winds, the sails should be flatter.

Balancing the Boat

A balanced boat helps the sailboat move smoothly and efficiently through the water. Balancing the boat involves shifting the crew to counterbalance the forces applied on the sailboat, such as wind gusts and waves. Proper weight positioning can reduce drag and maximize boat performance.

When sailing upwind, it is essential to keep the weight forward to prevent the boat from heeling too much. Conversely, when sailing downwind, it is best to keep the weight aft to prevent the bow from digging into the water. Additionally, it is crucial to keep the weight evenly distributed from side to side to maintain the boat’s balance.

Reducing Drag

Drag is the resistance a sailboat encounters as it moves through the water. Reducing drag can increase speed potential. Techniques to reduce drag include using smooth hull coatings, eliminating unnecessary weight, and keeping the boat clean and free of barnacles and other marine growth.

Another way to reduce drag is to minimize the amount of exposed surface area on the boat. This can be achieved by using a smaller headsail or reefing the mainsail in heavy winds. It is also important to keep the sails properly trimmed, as a poorly trimmed sail can create unnecessary drag.

Proper Maintenance

A well-maintained sailboat operates at its full potential and can achieve higher speeds. Proper maintenance involves regular cleaning, lubrication, and replacement of worn-out parts. It is also essential to keep the sails and rigging in good condition.

Inspect the sails regularly for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed edges or holes. Replace any damaged sails promptly. Similarly, inspect the rigging for any signs of corrosion or damage. Lubricate the moving parts regularly to ensure smooth operation. Finally, keep the boat clean and free of debris to reduce drag and improve performance.

By following these tips and techniques, you can increase your sailboat’s speed and performance, and enjoy the thrill of sailing to the fullest.


Sailboat Top Speeds

Speed records for different sailboat types.

Sailboats have achieved incredible speeds over the years, with some breaking speed records. The Sailrocket 2 holds the world speed record for sailing at 68 mph. The Vestas Sailrocket 2 is a hydrofoil sailboat that uses advanced technologies to slice through the water at high speeds.

Another sailboat that has broken speed records is the Macquarie Innovation. This sailboat was designed to reach high speeds and broke the world sailing speed record in 2009 by reaching a speed of 50.7 knots (about 58 mph). The boat was built with high-tech materials and was designed to reduce drag and increase speed.

Factors Affecting Top Speed

Top speed is the fastest that a sailboat can travel and is influenced by several factors. These factors include wind speed, boat size and weight, sail area, and water conditions. In most cases, the larger the sail area, the faster the boat can go, and wind direction plays an essential role in achieving top speeds.

The weight of the boat can also affect its top speed. A lighter boat can move faster through the water and is easier to maneuver. Sailboats with hydrofoils, like the Sailrocket 2, can lift out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for faster speeds.

Pushing Your Sailboat to Its Limits

Pushing your sailboat to its limits requires experience, knowledge, and skill. It involves maximizing boat speed in various wind and water conditions while staying safe and in control. Before attempting to push your boat to its highest speeds, ensure that your boat is in top shape, and you have all the necessary safety equipment.

It’s also important to understand the wind and water conditions you’ll be sailing in. Wind direction and strength can greatly affect your boat’s speed, and understanding how to use the wind to your advantage is essential for achieving top speeds. Additionally, water conditions can affect your boat’s speed, with choppy water slowing you down and calm water allowing for faster speeds.

Finally, it’s important to practice and build up your skills before attempting to push your sailboat to its limits. Start by sailing in calmer waters and gradually work your way up to more challenging conditions. With practice and experience, you’ll be able to maximize your boat’s speed and push it to its highest limits.


Sailboat speed is influenced by several factors, including wind speed, sail area, boat size and weight, and water friction. The average speed range for different sailboat types varies and depends on boat design. You can increase your sailboat speed by optimizing sail trim, balancing the boat, reducing drag, and proper maintenance. Top speeds are influenced by wind conditions, sail area, boat size and weight, and water conditions. Pushing your sailboat to its limit requires experience, knowledge, and skill, and always remember to prioritize safety.

Sailboat FAQS

How fast can a 40 ft sailboat go.

A 40-foot sailboat can typically go around 8-12 knots (9-14 mph), depending on wind conditions and the specific design and condition of the sailboat. Speed can be influenced by factors such as hull design, sail area, and weight.

How fast can a 100 foot sailboat go?

A 100-foot sailboat can reach speeds of around 12-16 knots (14-18 mph), depending on factors like the sail area, hull design, and the wind conditions. However, larger sailboats often prioritize comfort and stability over speed, so they might not be as fast as some smaller, performance-oriented sailboats.

How far can a sailboat travel in a day?

This largely depends on the speed of the sailboat and the conditions in which it is sailing. However, if a sailboat maintains an average speed of 6 knots (around 7 mph), it can travel approximately 144 nautical miles in a day of 24 hours. Please note this is a rough estimation and actual mileage can vary significantly based on numerous factors.

What is a comfortable sailing speed?

A comfortable sailing speed is subjective and can vary depending on the type of sailboat and the conditions. However, for many cruising sailboats, a speed of 5-8 knots (6-9 mph) can be comfortable. This speed allows for a good balance of progress and safety, while keeping the ride relatively smooth and the boat easy to control.

Can one person sail a 35-foot sailboat?

Yes, a 35-foot sailboat can be handled by a single person, given that they have sufficient sailing experience and the boat is rigged for single-handed sailing. However, it’s crucial to note that single-handed sailing involves a higher level of risk and requires extensive experience and skills. It’s also important to have an autopilot system or self-steering gear on board to aid in maneuvering and navigation.

Can one person sail a 50-foot sailboat?

Sailing a 50-foot sailboat single-handed is possible, but it is considerably more challenging and requires a high level of experience and expertise. The size and weight of the boat can make maneuvers like docking and anchoring quite difficult for a single person. Additionally, the boat should be well-equipped with an autopilot system and other equipment designed for single-handed sailing. It’s always recommended to have additional crew members on larger boats for safety and assistance.

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John is an experienced journalist and veteran boater. He heads up the content team at BoatingBeast and aims to share his many years experience of the marine world with our readers.

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Sail GP: how do supercharged racing yachts go so fast? An engineer explains

motor sailboat speed

Head of Engineering, Warsash School of Maritime Science and Engineering, Solent University

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Jonathan Ridley does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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Sailing used to be considered as a rather sedate pastime. But in the past few years, the world of yacht racing has been revolutionised by the arrival of hydrofoil-supported catamarans, known as “foilers”. These vessels, more akin to high-performance aircraft than yachts, combine the laws of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to create vessels capable of speeds of up to 50 knots, which is far faster than the wind propelling them.

An F50 catamaran preparing for the Sail GP series recently even broke this barrier, reaching an incredible speed of 50.22 knots (57.8mph) purely powered by the wind. This was achieved in a wind of just 19.3 knots (22.2mph). F50s are 15-metre-long, 8.8-metre-wide hydrofoil catamarans propelled by rigid sails and capable of such astounding speeds that Sail GP has been called the “ Formula One of sailing ”. How are these yachts able to go so fast? The answer lies in some simple fluid dynamics.

As a vessel’s hull moves through the water, there are two primary physical mechanisms that create drag and slow the vessel down. To build a faster boat you have to find ways to overcome the drag force.

The first mechanism is friction. As the water flows past the hull, a microscopic layer of water is effectively attached to the hull and is pulled along with the yacht. A second layer of water then attaches to the first layer, and the sliding or shearing between them creates friction.

On the outside of this is a third layer, which slides over the inner layers creating more friction, and so on. Together, these layers are known as the boundary layer – and it’s the shearing of the boundary layer’s molecules against each other that creates frictional drag.

motor sailboat speed

A yacht also makes waves as it pushes the water around and under the hull from the bow (front) to the stern (back) of the boat. The waves form two distinctive patterns around the yacht (one at each end), known as Kelvin Wave patterns.

These waves, which move at the same speed as the yacht, are very energetic. This creates drag on the boat known as the wave-making drag, which is responsible for around 90% of the total drag. As the yacht accelerates to faster speeds (close to the “hull speed”, explained later), these waves get higher and longer.

These two effects combine to produce a phenomenon known as “ hull speed ”, which is the fastest the boat can travel – and in conventional single-hull yachts it is very slow. A single-hull yacht of the same size as the F50 has a hull speed of around 12 mph.

However, it’s possible to reduce both the frictional and wave-making drag and overcome this hull-speed limit by building a yacht with hydrofoils . Hydrofoils are small, underwater wings. These act in the same way as an aircraft wing, creating a lift force which acts against gravity, lifting our yacht upwards so that the hull is clear of the water.

motor sailboat speed

While an aircraft’s wings are very large, the high density of water compared to air means that we only need very small hydrofoils to produce a lot of the important lift force. A hydrofoil just the size of three A3 sheets of paper, when moving at just 10 mph, can produce enough lift to pick up a large person.

This significantly reduces the surface area and the volume of the boat that is underwater, which cuts the frictional drag and the wave-making drag, respectively. The combined effect is a reduction in the overall drag to a fraction of its original amount, so that the yacht is capable of sailing much faster than it could without hydrofoils.

The other innovation that helps boost the speed of racing yachts is the use of rigid sails . The power available from traditional sails to drive the boat forward is relatively small, limited by the fact that the sail’s forces have to act in equilibrium with a range of other forces, and that fabric sails do not make an ideal shape for creating power. Rigid sails, which are very similar in design to an aircraft wing, form a much more efficient shape than traditional sails, effectively giving the yacht a larger engine and more power.

As the yacht accelerates from the driving force of these sails, it experiences what is known as “ apparent wind ”. Imagine a completely calm day, with no wind. As you walk, you experience a breeze in your face at the same speed that you are walking. If there was a wind blowing too, you would feel a mixture of the real (or “true” wind) and the breeze you have generated.

The two together form the apparent wind, which can be faster than the true wind. If there is enough true wind combined with this apparent wind, then significant force and power can be generated from the sail to propel the yacht, so it can easily sail faster than the wind speed itself.

motor sailboat speed

The combined effect of reducing the drag and increasing the driving power results in a yacht that is far faster than those of even a few years ago. But all of this would not be possible without one further advance: materials. In order to be able to “fly”, the yacht must have a low mass, and the hydrofoil itself must be very strong. To achieve the required mass, strength and rigidity using traditional boat-building materials such as wood or aluminium would be very difficult.

This is where modern advanced composite materials such as carbon fibre come in. Production techniques optimising weight, rigidity and strength allow the production of structures that are strong and light enough to produce incredible yachts like the F50.

The engineers who design these high-performance boats (known as naval architects ) are always looking to use new materials and science to get an optimum design. In theory, the F50 should be able to go even faster.

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Sail Away Blog

Discover How Fast a Sail Boat Can Really Go – Ultimate Speed Guide

Alex Morgan

motor sailboat speed

Sailing is a thrilling and captivating activity that allows individuals to harness the power of the wind to propel themselves across the water. The speed at which a sailboat can travel depends on various factors, making each sailing experience unique. Understanding these factors and the classes of sailboats can provide insight into just how fast a sailboat can go.

The introduction provides a brief overview of sailboats and highlights the main factors influencing their speed. These factors include wind strength and direction, sail area and design, hull design and weight, as well as water conditions. The interplay of these elements determines the performance and speed capabilities of a sailboat.

One of the critical determinants of a sailboat’s maximum speed is its hull speed, which is determined by the length of the waterline. The sailboat class and design also play a role in determining its speed potential. Different sailboat classes cater to various preferences and conditions, ranging from dinghies and small sailboats to keelboats and cruisers, to performance racing sailboats.

To showcase the pinnacle of sailboat speeds, world records have been set in both monohull and multihull categories. The fastest monohull sailing speed record and the fastest multihull sailing speed record represent astounding achievements in sailboat speed and engineering.

Key takeaway:

  • Wind strength and direction, sail area and design, hull design and weight, and water conditions all influence the speed of sail boats.
  • Hull speed and sail boat class and design are major factors determining the maximum speed of a sail boat.
  • Sail boats can be classified into dinghies and small sail boats, keelboats and cruisers, and performance racing sail boats, with each having different characteristics and speeds.

Factors Influencing the Speed of Sail Boats

When it comes to sailboats, speed is the name of the game. In our exploration of what factors influence their velocity , we’ll dive into wind strength and direction , sail area and design , hull design and weight , and water conditions . Prepare to set sail as we uncover the secrets behind how these elements shape the fastest sailboats on the water.

Wind Strength and Direction

Wind strength and direction are critical factors that have a significant impact on sail boat speed. It is important for sailors to consistently monitor the wind conditions and make necessary adjustments to their sails accordingly. To understand the effects of different wind strengths on sail boat speed, refer to the table below:

No wind or very light wind (0-5 knots) Sail boat moves slowly or may not move at all
Light to moderate wind (6-15 knots) Sail boat achieves a moderate speed
Strong wind (16-25 knots) Sail boat reaches high speeds with good control
Very strong wind (26-40 knots) Sail boat experiences challenging conditions and may need to reduce sail area or change course
Gale force wind (41-47 knots) Sail boat faces extreme conditions and may need to seek safe harbor
Storm force wind (48+ knots) Sail boat is unable to safely sail and should not be on the water

In order to maximize performance, understanding wind patterns and their impact on sail boat speed is absolutely crucial. Favorable winds can greatly enhance the speed of a sail boat, while unfavorable wind conditions may require strategic maneuvering. Sailors must possess knowledge and adaptability in order to leverage favorable wind conditions and adjust their strategies when encountering challenging winds.

Sail Area and Design

The sail area and design of a sailboat are significant factors that directly impact its power and speed. The sail area refers to the total surface area of all the sails on the boat, and it determines how much wind the boat can catch. A larger sail area allows the boat to catch more wind, resulting in increased speed. Sail area is typically measured in square feet or square meters .

The design of the sails is crucial in optimizing the performance of a sailboat. Different types of sails, such as mainsails , jibs , genoas , and spinnakers , are each specifically designed for different wind conditions and points of sail. The design takes into account factors such as the shape, size, and material of the sails. Well-designed sails efficiently convert wind energy into forward motion, improving the boat’s speed.

When sailors choose or optimize sails for their sailboats, they must carefully consider the sail area and design. Matching the sail area and design to the boat’s size, weight, and intended use greatly impacts its performance on the water. By maximizing the sail area and employing well-designed sails, sailors can achieve higher speeds and enhance their overall sailing experience.

Hull Design and Weight

Hull design and weight play a crucial role in determining the speed of a sailboat. The streamlined shape of the hull reduces drag, enabling more efficient movement through the water. A lighter hull contributes to faster speeds since less energy is required to propel the boat forward.

The hydrodynamics of the hull are influenced by its shape. A narrower displacement hull provides stability but is primarily designed for lower speeds. In contrast, a wider and flatter planing hull lifts the boat out of the water, allowing for faster speeds to be achieved.

Achieving proper weight distribution on the sailboat is vital for maintaining balance, stability, and speed. It is necessary to optimize the placement of heavy components such as the keel or ballast to ensure optimal performance.

The choice of materials for the hull has a direct impact on its weight and consequently its speed. High-performance sailboats often utilize lightweight materials like carbon fiber , which help reduce weight and increase speed.

Fun Fact: The fastest recorded sailboat speed of 68.01 knots (78.36 mph or 126.2 km/h) was achieved by the trimaran “ Vestas Sailrocket 2 ” in November 2012.

Water Conditions

Water conditions significantly impact sail boat speed. The table below highlights the factors related to water conditions and their impact on sail boat performance.

Choppy or rough waves created by strong and opposing winds Slows down sail boat navigation through waves
Long-period waves generated by distant storms or winds Can boost sail boat speed if aligned with sailing direction
Flow of water in a specific direction Favorable current enhances sail boat speed, while opposing current slows it down
Rise and fall of water levels caused by gravitational forces Strong tidal currents can either push or create resistance for the sail boat
Degree of warmth or coldness of the water Extreme changes in water temperature may affect water density and flow, impacting sail boat performance

Understanding and adapting to water conditions is essential for sail boat enthusiasts to optimize speed and performance. Monitoring and adjusting sail boat tactics based on prevailing water conditions is key to achieving optimal speed and efficiency.

What Determines the Maximum Speed of a Sail Boat?

Curious about the maximum speed of a sail boat? Let’s dive into what determines this exhilarating feat! In this section, we’ll uncover the factors that influence a sail boat’s top speed. From the impact of hull speed to the significance of sail boat class and design, we’ll unveil the mysteries behind these elements and how they contribute to the ultimate velocity on the water. Get ready to set sail on a fascinating exploration of sail boat speed!

Hull speed is the maximum speed that a sailboat can achieve based on its hull design. It is determined by the waterline length. Hull speed is calculated using a formula: the square root of the waterline length multiplied by a constant factor. For example, a boat with a waterline length of 30 feet would have a hull speed of approximately 7.7 knots .

The hull speed is influenced by the boat’s displacement, which is the weight of the water the boat displaces as it moves. As the boat reaches its hull speed , the bow wave created by the boat’s movement becomes larger, causing increased resistance and limiting further acceleration.

To go faster than the hull speed , sailboats use techniques such as planing or combining sail power and wave surfing . These methods are not applicable to all sailboats and may require specific design features.

Understanding hull speed can help sailors make informed decisions about their boat’s capabilities and optimize their sailing performance. Achieving maximum speed requires favorable wind conditions , proper sail trim, and skilled helmsmanship.

Sail Boat Class and Design

When it comes to sail boat class and design, several factors can influence the performance and speed.

1. Sail shape and size: The design of the sails impacts how efficiently the boat can catch and utilize the wind.

2. Hull design: The design affects the overall speed and stability. Factors such as hull shape, length, and weight distribution significantly impact performance on the water.

3. Rigging: The system of ropes and wires controls the position and shape of the sails. The design and setup influence speed and maneuverability.

4. Weight distribution: The distribution of weight affects balance and stability. Proper weight distribution helps optimize performance and speed.

What are the Different Classes of Sail Boats?

Curious about sail boats? Let’s dive into the thrilling world of different sail boat classes! From dinghies and small sail boats to keelboats and cruisers , each class brings its own unique charm. Get ready to feel the adrenaline rush as we explore the fastest performance racing sail boats, and hold onto your seat as we uncover the world record speeds achieved by these incredible vessels. Prepare to be amazed by the feats of engineering and the sheer power of sail boats in this captivating section!

Dinghies and Small Sail Boats

Dinghies and small sail boats are well-loved for their versatility and maneuverability in the world of sailing and racing. These lightweight sail boats are specifically designed to accommodate one to two people . They are commonly utilized for training purposes or for leisurely sailing in tranquil bodies of water such as lakes or sheltered bays.

One of the key advantages of dinghies and small sail boats is their ease of handling . Their smaller size enables swift and seamless maneuvers , making them suitable for both novice and seasoned sailors. Their compact nature makes them a more cost-effective and convenient option for transportation when compared to larger sail boats.

Dinghies and small sail boats are available in various classes , each characterized by its own distinctive design and performance traits. For example, the Optimist class is highly favored among young sailors due to its stability and simplicity . In contrast, the Laser class is renowned for its agility and speed , making it a beloved choice among competitive sailors.

While dinghies and small sail boats may not reach the same high speeds as larger racing sail boats, their responsiveness and nimbleness contribute to an exhilarating sailing experience for recreational sailors. Whether you prefer a leisurely cruise or wish to participate in a local regatta , these compact sail boats offer an exciting and thrilling adventure suitable for all skill levels.

Keelboats and Cruisers

  • Keelboats and cruisers are two popular sailboat classes with unique features and characteristics.
  • Keelboats , which are larger sailing vessels, have a fixed keel for added stability.
  • Cruisers , on the other hand, are designed specifically for comfortable extended journeys and offer spacious interiors and various amenities.
  • Both keelboats and cruisers are commonly used for recreational sailing, coastal cruising, and offshore passages.
  • These sailboats are ideal for families or groups who seek both leisurely and adventurous trips.
  • One of the notable qualities of keelboats and cruisers is their versatility, allowing them to handle different weather conditions and waters.
  • With their smooth and stable sailing performance, they provide an enjoyable experience for sailors.
  • Many modern keelboats and cruisers come equipped with advanced navigation and safety equipment, ensuring a safe and pleasurable time on the water.

Performance Racing Sail Boats

To maximize the speed of performance racing sail boats , it is essential to have advanced sail design , lightweight construction , optimized hull and keel design , efficient rigging , and a skilled crew .

These factors work together to achieve the highest possible speeds on the water. Aspiring racers should focus on improving their sailing techniques, understanding racing strategies, and investing in top-quality equipment to compete at the highest level.

Performance racing sail boats are finely tuned machines designed for speed. The combination of sail design , hull construction , keel design , rigging , and crew skills ensures that these boats are capable of reaching impressive speeds on the water.

Whether you’re a professional racer or a sailing enthusiast, experiencing the exhilaration of sailing on a performance racing sail boat is unforgettable.

World Record Speeds for Sail Boats

The table below showcases the impressive achievements of sail boats in terms of world record speeds:

Vestas Sailrocket 2
L’Hydroptère DCNS
Paul Larsen’s Sailrocket 2
Spindrift 2

These remarkable sail boats have pushed the boundaries of sailing and set astounding world records. The Vestas Sailrocket 2 , with its incredible speed of 65.45 knots in 2012 , currently holds the world record. The Hydroptère and L’Hydroptère DCNS achieved speeds of 56.3 knots and 51.36 knots, respectively, showcasing the impressive capabilities of these sail boats. Additionally, Paul Larsen’s Sailrocket 2 reached a speed of 59.23 knots, further demonstrating the potential for speed in the world of sailing. The Spindrift 2 also achieved a noteworthy speed of 44.81 knots.

These world record speeds highlight the advancements in sail boat technology and the skill of sailors who constantly push the limits. It is fascinating to witness the evolution of sail boats and their continuous quest for higher performance on the water.

As technology and sailing techniques continue to advance, it will be intriguing to see if these world record speeds can be surpassed. Sail boat enthusiasts can look forward to even more exhilarating achievements as sailors strive for greater speed on the waves.

Closing Thoughts on Sail Boat Speed

Sail boat speed is significantly influenced by wind conditions, boat design, and sail trim. A sail boat that is well-designed has the potential to achieve impressive speeds. The maximum speed that a sail boat can reach depends on its type and size. Racing sail boats that are high-performance are capable of reaching speeds exceeding 30 knots , while smaller cruising sail boats typically sail at speeds ranging from 5 to 10 knots . Factors such as the weight of the boat and the proficiency of the crew can also impact sail boat speed. Lighter boats and skilled sailors have the ability to achieve higher speeds. When sailing, it is crucial to strike a balance between speed, control, and comfort. Safety should always be given the highest priority over speed. Enhancing sail boat speed necessitates consistent practice, experience, and constant adjustment of techniques. Sailors should possess an understanding of and optimize the factors that contribute to a sail boat’s performance. With knowledge, practice, and appropriate conditions, sailors can experience the exhilaration of sailing at optimal speeds .

Some Facts About How Fast Can A Sail Boat Go:

  • ✅ Sailboats have an average speed range of 4 to 6 knots and a top speed of 7 knots. (Source: Boating Basics Online)
  • ✅ The fastest recorded sailboat speed is 65.45 knots. (Source: Boating Basics Online)
  • ✅ Monohull sailboats typically travel between six and eight knots, while catamarans and trimarans can reach speeds of nine to ten knots. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ The length of a sailboat directly affects its speed, with longer vessels being faster. (Source: Boating Basics Online)
  • ✅ Sailboats can sail faster than the wind by reducing or eliminating drag between the vessel and the water. (Source:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how fast can a monohull sailboat go.

A monohull sailboat can typically travel between six and eight knots, while racing yachts can reach speeds up to 15 knots.

2. What is the average speed of a sailing ship?

In the 70s, the average sailing ship speed was around 4 to 6 knots, but modern sailboats can cruise at an average speed of 4-6 knots.

3. Can a sailboat exceed its maximum hull speed?

No, exceeding maximum hull speed is not recommended for displacement hulls. In certain conditions, such as sailing downwind with a favorable current, a sailboat can exceed its hull speed.

4. How can I improve the speed of my sailboat?

To improve sailboat speed, it is important to maintain the hull’s condition and tension, remove seaweed and debris, reduce unnecessary weight, and employ proper sailing techniques.

5. What factors affect the speed of a sailboat?

Factors that affect the speed of a sailboat include hull type, water conditions, wind direction and speed, and the weight and overall condition of the boat.

6. How far can a sailboat travel in a day?

The distance a sailboat can cover in a day depends on its cruising speed. On average, a sailboat can cover around 100-180 nautical miles per day at a speed of 4-6 knots.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

What is the Average Speed of a Sailboat? ANSWERED: Measurement, Hulls & Speed Factors

Sailboats are not the best choice of transportation when speed is an essential factor. The average speed of the typical monohull sailboat is between six and ten knots. Of course, many factors affect this speed, and some boats are designed to be faster than others. And of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, and some of today’s fastest racing sailboats can fly along at speeds over 50 knots!

Table of Contents

Measuring boat speed – what’s a knot, types of boat hulls, how do you calculate displacement hull speed, factors affecting the speed of a sailboat, ways to design a faster sailboat, knots and nautical miles.

The speed of boats and ships is measured in knots or “nautical miles per hour.” This is slightly different than the standard MPH you may use in your car. For example, a nautical mile (nm) equals 6,076 feet, whereas a statute mile is equal to 5,280 feet. So one nautical mile is equivalent to 1.15 statute miles. 

Why do boats use nautical miles? The nautical mile is born from the lines of latitude (also called parallels) drawn across the globe by map makers. Each degree of latitude is the same distance from the next one. Each degree contains 60 minutes, and each minute is exactly equal to one nautical mile.


Finally, it’s also important to realize that there are many ways to measure the velocity of a boat through the water. The simplest method is to use what is commonly called a knot log. In the old days, this was a calibrated string that trailed behind the boat. It was marked by (you guessed it) knots in the string. You let out the string, and the faster the boat was traveling, the more knots passed over the side. So, by counting the knots over a specific time, say ten seconds, you could estimate boat speed through the water. 

Today, boats don’t typically carry knot logs. Instead, the modern equivalent is an electrical instrument with a spinning water wheel mounted in the hull. The tiny wheel spins faster as the boat travels faster and it sends the boat’s speed to the instruments. 

GPS also provides speed information by telling the captain their SOG (speed over the ground) and VMG (velocity made good). Speed over ground is usually about the same as the boat speed measured by the water wheel – except that SOG is measured across the earth’s surface. So if the boat is being affected by a 2-knot current in the opposite direction, the boat speed may indicate 6 knots while the SOG will show 4 knots. 

SOG is the most important speed for calculating trips because it is the actual speed you’re moving to get to Point B. Another way to describe this is VMG (velocity made good). This is the amount of your total speed that is getting you to your next waypoint or destination. If you’re tacking into the wind and not headed directly towards the finish line, your VMG will be significantly less than your SOG. 

What is the Average Speed of a Sailboat_Where you make it

There are three main types of boat hull – displacement, semi-displacement, and planing. 


Displacement hulled vessels sit down low in the water. This is the classic ship—it just pushes the water out of the way to get where it’s going.

Displacement hulled vessels are limited in the speed at which they can travel. The faster they travel, the larger the bow wave they push up in front of them. The water is pushed up at the bow and then again at the stern. The difference between the bow and the stern waves creates a suction that only increases as power increases. That means that it’s very hard under most circumstances to go any faster.

This concept is known as the hull speed of a vessel—it’s a speed limit that the vessel cannot exceed. The only want to make a boat go faster is to increase the distance between the bow wave and the stern wave—another way of saying that the only want to build a faster boat is to build a longer boat. 

Nearly all monohull sailboats have displacement hulls. A displacement hulled vessel may not move very fast, but it is very efficient and takes very little power for its given weight. 


If a boat is designed to do it, it can be pushed fast enough to sit up on top of its bow wave. It’s still sitting low in the water, but it can surf that wave just a little and break the stern wave’s suction. This takes an awful lot of power—more than most sailboats can muster—but it is commonly used in large trawlers and powerboats.

Finally, if a boat has a sleek, flat-bottomed hull and enough power, it can blast over the top of the bow wave and ride on top of the water. This is what go-fast boats and many fishing boats do, along with high-powered dinghies and ski boats. 

It takes an enormous amount of power to get a boat on plane, and the amount of power goes up as the vessel’s weight goes up.

What is the Average Speed of a Sailboat_Where you make it

The formula for figuring out the hull speed of a displacement hull in knots is 1.34 times the square root of the vessel’s waterline length in feet – or HS=1.34*√LWL.

If math isn’t your thing, here’s an online calculator . If you crunch some numbers, here are some examples you might come up with. 

  • 20 feet LWL, 6.9 knots
  • 30 feet LWL, 8.4 knots
  • 40 feet LWL, 9.8 knots
  • 50 feet LWL, 10.9 knots
  • 60 feet LWL, 11.9 knots

It is important to remember that the length at the waterline (LWL) is typically less than the length overall (LOA). Therefore, if a vessel has long overhangs, waterline length is reduced. 

For the typical monohull sailboat, the hull speed represents the upper end of its performance. But there are plenty of other factors, and getting up to the speed happens much faster for some vessels than it does for others.

Amount of Wind

If a sailboat is trying to sail, but there is no wind—there’s very little chance of it getting to its hull speed. So one of the most significant factors affecting how quick a sailboat is is how well it sails in “light airs.” 

Most cruising sailboats can’t get up to their hull speed until the wind is at a steady 12 to 15 knots. As a general rule of thumb, most of these boats move at roughly half the true wind speed. So a wind of 15 knots moves a boat at about 7.5 knots, and if the wind is only 7 knots, it can typically only make 3.5 knots.

Point of Sail

Even then, they can only do it at certain points of sail. Most boats’ fastest point of sail is when the wind is “on the beam” or coming from the side. This is the most efficient aerodynamically for the sails to work. Sailing dead downwind is one of the least efficient.

Type of Sail Being Flown

Sailing in light winds requires light wind sails. These are typically larger than the boat’s regular cruising sails and made from lighter, more efficient fabric. 

Most people are familiar with the spinnaker used for downwind sailing. These large and colorful sails are built out of lightweight material so that a light wind can fill them easily. They can be huge, enough to move a heavy boat in light winds. There are also Code Zeros and gennakers, each of which is a different type of light air sail designed to help boats go faster on calm days.

These sails don’t make the boat go faster, per se. Because they’re built light, you can’t safely fly them with an apparent wind speed over about 15 knots. So what they do is allow a boat to sail when there isn’t enough wind for their regular sails to work.

Amount of Drag

Skin-friction drag comes from the water flowing over the hull. If the bottom of a boat is allowed to become fouled with barnacles and marine growth, it will create more drag. That means that it will be slower than a boat with a perfectly smooth bottom. 

There are also other sources of drag to think about. For example, many sailors replace their standard propellers with feathering or folding ones, which produce less drag while sailing.

Rough seas are a fast boat’s worst enemy. The action of pounding through lump seas causes the boat’s speed to stop and start, and as a result, it will have difficulty maintaining a fast speed. In these cases, the average speed is used for planning purposes because the speed climbing “uphill” will be slow while the speed surfing down waves will be ridiculously fast. 

What is the Average Speed of a Sailboat_Where you make it

We already know that one way to go faster is to buy a longer boat. So how else can the speed of a boat be made faster? Here are three ways.

Modern Hull Designs

Old-school designs typically had larger underwater profiles like full-keel designs. Compared to modern race-inspired boats, which feature spade rudders and deep fin keels, the shape of these boats creates much more drag. The result is that modern designs sail faster in light winds. 

Another factor that affects the speed of a boat is the shape of the hull itself, not just the keel. The deeper a hull is, the harder it is to get it to push over the bow wave, even a little bit. As a result, a flat and shallow bottomed sailboat can surf down waves and skip over its bow wave, given enough wind. 

It’s this simple design philosophy that has so affected cruising sailboat design over the last few decades. As a result, most cruising boats have become mirrors of racing boats from years past—round, flat bottoms and fin keels. 

Most cruising multihulls are displacement hulls like monohull sailboats, yet they can often sail much faster than their hull speeds. Why? They take advantage of a tiny loophole in the rules.

Multihulls use very narrow hulls, which can often cruise at speeds much faster than your standard displacement hull. For example, a catamaran can usually sail 20 or 30 percent faster than a monohull of the same size. 

Catamarans and trimarans also go fast by being lightweight. It takes less power to move a lighter object, so they can move much faster in light winds by keeping these boats light. In addition, multihulls do not require lead or iron ballast for stability as monohulls do. 

If built for performance, their structures and hulls are commonly made from high-tech materials like carbon fiber. Where monohull cruisers load their boats down with gear and supplies, multihull owners are typically much more careful about the weight they carry on board if they want to maintain their speed advantage.

Foiling Sailboats

The latest trend in the world of sailboat racing is the foil. These boats, both monohulls and multihulls, use underwater wings called hydrofoils to raise the hulls completely out of the water. Once “flying” on the foil, they are no longer bound by standard boating physics. 

For example, in the 2020 America’s Cup yacht races, foiling monohulls were used. The AC75 Class race boats are 75 feet long and able to reach speeds of over 50 knots. These new technologies make it possible to sail at up to three times the true wind speed. 

motor sailboat speed

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

motor sailboat speed

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The Sailboats Calculators below will enable you to calculate the main Sailboat Ratios, using data that you can retrieve from the Boat table or your own data.

We will be adding more calculators along the way and more in-depth explanations of how they work and what they can help you with., hopefully you will enjoy them and find them useful to search or understand the characteristics of your or any given sailboat ..

OceanWave Sail Calc

SA/D range of values

16 to 18 Heavy offshore cruisers 18 to 22 Medium cruisers 22 to 26 Inshore cruisers, racing boats 26 to 30+ Extreme racing boats


A Ballast/Displacement ratio of 40 or more translates into a stiffer, more powerful boat that will be better able to stand up to the wind.


The lower a boat’s Displacement/Length (LWL) ratio, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed.

less than 100 = Ultralight;

100-200 = Light;

200-275 = Moderate;

275-350 = Heavy;

350+ = Ultraheavy;

Comfort Ratio:

This is a ratio created by Ted Brewer as a measure of motion comfort. It provides a reasonable comparison between yachts of similar size and type. It is based on the fact that the faster the motion the more upsetting it is to the average person. Consider, though, that the typical summertime coastal cruiser will rarely encounter the wind and seas that an ocean going yacht will meet.

Numbers below 20 indicate a lightweight racing boat;

20 to 30 indicates a coastal cruiser;

30 to 40 indicates a moderate bluewater cruising boat;

40 to 50 indicates a heavy bluewater boat ;

over 50 indicates an extremely heavy bluewater boat.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam^1.33), where displacement is expressed in pounds, and length is expressed in feet.

Capsize Screening Formula (CSF):

Designed to determine if a boat has blue water capability. The CSF compares beam with displacement since excess beam contributes to capsize and heavy displacement reduces capsize vulnerability. The boat is better suited for ocean passages (vs coastal cruising) if the result of the calculation is 2.0 or less. The lower the better.

Hull Speed Calculator

Hull speed calculator is a simple calculator that determines a vessel’s hull speed based on the length of the vessel’s waterline.

Boat Speed Calculator

The boat speed calculator calculates the top speed of a boat based on the boat’s power and her displacement. If you try to understand how fast a boat can go, this calculator will help you answer that. The boat speed calculator utilizes a constant known as Crouch constant which differs based on the type of the boat.  


Bn – bruce number:.

The Bruce Number is a power-to-weight ratio for relative speed potential for comparing two or more boats. It takes into consideration the displacement and sail area of main and jib. 100% fore-triangle only, no overlapping sails.

Chris White, “The Cruising Multihull”, (International Marine, Camden, Maine, 1997), states that a boat with a BN of less than 1.3 will be slow in light winds. A boat with a BN of 1.6 or greater is a boat that will be reefed often in offshore cruising.

Derek Harvey, “Multihulls for Cruising and Racing”, International Marine, Camden, Maine, 1991, states that a BN of 1 is generally accepted as the dividing line between so-called slow and fast multihulls.

BN = SA^0.5/(Disp. in pounds)^.333

Kelsall Sailing Performance (KSP):

Another measure of relative speed potential of a boat. It takes into consideration “reported” sail area, displacement and length at waterline. The higher the number the faster speed prediction for the boat. A cat with a number 0.6 is likely to sail 6kts in 10kts wind, a cat with a number of 0.7 is likely to sail at 7kts in 10kts wind.

KSP = (Lwl*SA÷D)^0.5*.05

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Boat Speed Calculator

Table of contents

The boat speed calculator determines the top speed of a boat based on the boat's power and displacement . If you wonder how fast a boat can go, this calculator will help you answer that. The calculator also utilizes a constant known as Crouch constant which differs based on the type of the boat.

The formula for the top speed of a boat is used by designers to perform preliminary design analysis of the hulls. This helps in keeping the cost of building a boat in check (visit the boat loan calculator for more). Read on to understand how to calculate the speed of your yacht using Crouch's formula and to know how much horsepower do I need for my boat?

What is boat speed — Calculating using Crouch's formula?

The speed of the boat, in simple words, is how fast it can go. However, unlike land vehicles, this speed is not a ratio of distance and time. The speed of a boat having an engine to deliver P horsepower and displacing D pounds is written as:

where S is the boat speed and C is the Crouch constant. The above equation is known as Crouch's formula.

Note: The formulation and value for the Crouch constant are specific for units such as the speed in miles per hour and displacement in pounds.

💡 Our tools can convert units automatically, but if you'd like to learn how to do these conversions yourself, then our speed conversion and torque to hp calculator could come in handy!

What is displacement?

The displacement for a boat is defined as the volume of water displaced . The volume is then converted to weight. This property of a ship is an application of Archimedes' principle . In other words, the displacement of a boat is its weight. This weight is usually measured in tonnes or pounds. For instance, a modern US Navy Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier displaces about 100,000 tons at its full load, whereas a 17th-century fishing boat displaces only about 13 tons. The tonnage of the ship varies as per its class and purpose.

Keep reading about Archimedes' principle at our Archimedes' principle calculator and find out if an object sinks or floats in a liquid!

Crouch constant

The Crouch constant depends on the type of boat . The constant is applicable to a wide variety of boats, from runabouts to high-speed racing boats. It does not take the hull length into account. The table below has the value of the Crouch constant for different types.


Boat types


Cruisers, average runabouts, passenger vessels


Light high-speed cruisers, High-speed runabouts


Racing boats




Racing catamarans, Sea sleds

How to calculate boat speed using this calculator?

Follow the steps below to calculate boat speed:

Step 1: Enter the shaft horsepower value, P .

Step 2: Insert the boat's displacement , D .

Step 3: Choose the Crouch constant , C from the list of boat types , or you can directly enter the value.

Step 4: The boat speed calculator will now return the value of boat's top speed.

Example of using the boat speed calculator

Calculate the speed of a racing hydroplane having an engine that delivers 3000 hp and displaces 6800 pounds of water.

To calculate boat speed :

Step 1: Enter shaft horsepower value P = 3000 hp .

Step 2: Insert the boat's displacement , D = 6800 lbs .

Step 3: Choose the Crouch constant , C from the list for hydroplanes, i.e., C = 220 .

Step 4: Using the Crouch's formula: S = √(P / D) × C = √(3000 / 6800) × 220 = 146.13 mph i.e., the speed of the hydroplane is about 146.13 miles per hour.

Alternatively, you can also run this calculator backward to know how much horsepower I need for my boat to achieve a certain speed. Say you want a top speed of 150 miles per hour for your 6,000 lb hydroplane. You can then:

Step 1: Enter top speed value S = 150 mph .

Step 2: Insert the boat's displacement , D = 6000 lbs .

Step 4: The calculator will use Crouch's formula to return the horsepower value as: Power = (P / C)² × D = (150 / 220)² × 6000 = 2789 hp

Therefore, you need an engine to deliver about 2800 hp to take your boat as fast as 150 mph .

How do I calculate a boat's top speed?

To calculate the boat speed:

Divide the power delivered by the boat to the displacement.

Find the square root of the result from step 1.

Multiply by the Crouch constant.

S = √(P / D) × C

What is Crouch's formula?

Crouch's formula is the equation to find the top speed of a boat based on its power P and tonnage D . The speed of the boat, S is given by the equation.

What is the value of Crouch's constant for a racing boat?

A racing boat has the value of Crouch constant around 210 .

What is the value of Crouch's constant for runabout boats?

An average runabout has the value of Crouch constant around 150 whereas it can go up to 190 for high-speed runabouts .

Shaft horsepower (P)

Boat displacement (D)

Crouch's constant (C)

How to Calculate Outboard Motor Size for Sailboats

It seems so complex to pick the right engine size for your sailboat. I was done with complex calculations and tried to make it easier here.

How to pick the right outboard motor size for your sailboat? To get the right amount of horsepower needed to efficiently propel a sailboat, divide the displacement of the boat (in lb) by 550. You need approximately 1 HP per 550 lb of displacement or 4 HP per 2200 lb. Most sailboats don't need a motor with more than 30 HP.

In this article, I'm talking about small outboard engines for sailboats. We're talking about displacement hulls here, so in other words: keel boats. They need more power than flat bottoms.

But they're not powerboats - so it's not our mission to go fast. It's our mission to get decent speed, good control over the boat, and the best possible fuel efficiency. Without breaking the bank of course.

Sunset in calm waters from a boat with small outboard motor

On this page:

How to pick the right motor size, other factors that are important for size, why is the right motor size important, is there a max hp for sailboats, in conclusion, related questions.

Sailboats need way smaller engines than powerboats. That's great news (unless your ultimate goal is speed), because it's cheaper to buy, cheaper to drive, and cheaper to maintain.

The amount of power you need is related to the hull displacement of your boat.

I like to use the simple formula:

HP = displacement (lb) / 550

So 1 HP for every 550 lb displacement, and 4 hp per 2200 lb.

Here, HP is the amount of horsepower you need to reach the maximum hull speed. This is in optimal conditions. So you have smooth water, no windage, a clean and polished hull, and so on.

If you want to get it absolutely right, you also need to correct for propellor size. And of course, a lot of other factors come into play (more on that later). But generally, these engine sizes will work with the following weights:

Weight HPs Typical boat length
1,000 lb 1-2 HP 18'
2,000 lb 4 HP 20'
3,000 lb 6 HP 22'
4,000 lb 8 HP 24'
5,000 lb 9 HP 26'
6,000 lb 11 HP 26'
7,000 lb 13 HP 27'
8,000 lb 15 HP 28'
10,000 lb 18 HP 30'
12,000 lb 22 HP 32'
15,000 lb 28 HP 36'
18,000 lb 34 HP 40'

That sounds about right to me. But remember that these are all rough estimates: I just try to give you a ballpark figure. There is no one formula to get an exact number. The hull design, sailing conditions, and your personal preference are all very important.

If you're serious about getting a new engine, I definitely recommend to get advice from an expert . But you know, salespeople always recommend the Turbo version. Remember that you don't have to overpower a sailboat. Usually you don't need anything over 30 HP. So at least you now know what will work on average.

What is hull displacement?

  • Hull displacement is the weight of the boat, or the amount of water the boat displaces.
  • Maximum hull displacement is the weight of the boat when it's fully loaded, including crew.

The weight of the boat is the same as its displacement, because the weight of any object is exactly equal to the weight of the water it displaces (aka: pushes aside). This is called Archimedes Principle.

The weight slightly differs in saltwater from freshwater, because saltwater is heavier. In saltwater, the boat gets a bit lighter. So in theory you can use a smaller engine for a bluewater boat, but in practice this is offset by the stronger current and wind.

How to find the displacement of your boat?

Most manufacturers simply give you the displacement of your boat. If you can't find any data, because, for example, you own an old boat, you can weigh your boat on a truck scale. You can also haul it out and measure it (which is painstaking work).**

Tip: if you're gonna weigh your boat, simply drive it onto a truck scale, and retract the weight of the trailer from the total weight.

Of course, it's not so simple. This formula gives a rough estimate. But for me this was way clearer than all that black magic that I get when I ask people what size engine I should get.

Let's look at the things this formula doesn't take into account.

You need more HPs You need less HPs
4-stroke engine 2-stroke engine
smaller propellor larger propellor
gas (less torque) diesel (more torque)
multihull (high windage) monohull
long distances or against wind just in and out marina
bluewater sailing lakes and inland sailing
wooden boat fiberglass boat

2-strokes are more powerful than 4-strokes. Two-stroke engines fire once every revolution and four-strokes fire once every other revolution. This makes the 2-stroke twice as powerful. They provide more torque at a higher RPM. But they also wear more quickly. The 4-stroke will last you a lot longer, and its also more fuel efficient.

The right propellor size is just as important as having enough horsepower. With a smaller prop diameter, it has to work harder to generate the same propulsion as a larger diameter. But you can't just go larger always. The prop affects the RPM of your engine, and you have to get in the right range (more on this later). You also have to check the maximum diameter that fits your boat.

Diesels have more torque, because the compression rate is higher than that of gasoline engines. So if you consider a diesel, you can do with less HPs.

High windage hulls (multihulls) need a bit more. A multihull (or larger hull in general) suffers from more friction because of the larger surface. So the engine needs to work a little harder.

If you sail longer distances under power , or against the wind it's a good idea to get a larger engine (but not too large). This helps you to save on fuel since you have lower RPM. Especially if you sail offshore or on open sea. The engine needs to work harder due to stronger wind and current.

If you're just sailing in and out of the marina under power, you may need less HP.

Smooth hull designs need less HPs than bulky hull designs, like the classic wooden clippers and crabbers for example.

It matters to get the right size outboard motor for a couple of reasons.

First of all: smaller engines are cheaper, so you save money on buying the engine.

Secondly: smaller engines use a lot less fuel, so you save money on using the engine.

Thirdly: smaller engines are cheaper to maintain: so you save money on maintenance.

So why not get the smallest engine and get the best fuel economy? There are a couple of advantages to getting a (slightly) bigger engine:

  • More power means more control (easier to stop the boat, in case you need to)
  • Finding the sweet spot might actually reduce fuel consumption

The sweet spot

To perform optimally, an engine should get up to speed. The problem with an overpowered boat is that the engine won't rev up to 80 - 90% of the RPM. This kills fuel efficiency and also the cooling system won't operate optimally.

  • The optimal cruising RPM of the engine is about 85-95% of the maximal RPM
  • You should reach cruising RPM at hull speed, so your engine should be at about 90% RPM

The propeller size is very important for the RPM. If your prop diameter is too wide, the engine can't get up to speed and struggles to build power. Bad for fuel economy, bad for the engine, and bad for performance.

On the other hand, if your prop is too small, you don't make use of the engine's full power.

If you struggle to get to high RPM, your prop is too large. If your engine is constantly in the red, you're underpropped.

So don't go too big on the prop, but also don't go too small. The easiest way to get it right is to check the engines manual and see what the manufacturer recommends.

You can definitely go too big on a sailboats engine. An overpowered yacht doesn't make any sense. True, it can look cool, but it can't feel cool. Every displacement hull has a maximum hull speed. That means that it cannot go any faster than the max speed. So if your engine can cruise at that speed, it's not getting any better.

The problem with displacement hulls is that they displace the water, or in other words: they push the water in front of them. They cannot move any faster than they can push away the water. And because the resistance increases as speed increases, there's an absolute, physical speed limit for each keelboat.

That's why powerboats have to get out of the water to reach top speed.

Fun fact: the longer your boat, the higher the hull speed. Want to know the maximum hull speed for your boat? You can find it in this article .

So, you can't go faster than your maximum hull speed, so a 50+HP engine is kind of ridiculous. Bear in mind that a large engine also has the following disadvantages:

First of all: larger engines are more expensive, so you spend more money when buying the engine.

Secondly: larger engines use a lot more fuel, so you spend more money when using the engine.

Thirdly: larger engines are more expensive to maintain: so you spend more money on maintenance.

Also, if your engine is too big, it doesn't reach the optimal cruising RPM, so your fuel economy also gets really bad FAST.

I suggest getting the smallest possible engine that gets you to maximum hull speed while it's at roughly 90% of the RPM. As long as it gives you enough control and good handling, it will get you there. If you give up on going fast, you can actually get really good fuel economy and your engine will last you probably 20 years.

If you want to go fast, a sailboat is not the right one for you. You should instead get a powerboat.

I'm just kidding. Read my 13 Reasons Why Sailing is Better Than Powerboating here .

Do sailboats have motors? Most sailboats are power assisted boats, which means they have a small auxiliary engine to cruise in light air. When a sailboat is sailing under engine power, it is considered a motorboat and it doesn't have right of way.

Thanks for answering my questions.

Taylor Bishop

Thanks for explaining how you can figure out what size you need for an outboard motor. You mentioned that you should find the displacement by weigh a boat on a truck scale. I’m interesting to learn if you need to regularly weigh it in case the hull displacement could change or if it will always be consistent.

Shawn Buckles

Hi MitI, you’re welcome, my pleasure.

Hi Taylor, my pleasure.

You don’t need to weigh your boat regularly, as the hull displacement will stay consistent. You could literally see the hull displacement as the amount of space your hull takes up in the water. So as long as you don’t make any major changes to the hull shape or ballast of your boat, you should see no differences in displacement.

Roger S Johnson

How do you measure for shaft size, most outboard motors are for flat bottom and say measure to the bottom of the boat, most sailboats tapper to the aft. Where do you measure for a tapered bottom sail boat?

Will a 5 horse Honda 4 stroke be ok for a 25 foot Pearson Commander sail boat. Thanks for your time Luke

I think it would be Luke.

Great post, thanks for the info. A naive question from a soon-to-be sailor: I’m considering buying a 28 ft sailboat, with 2500 kg (ca. 5500 lbs) displacement. The engine is in pretty good condition, but is old and the original one (from 1977!), so I am also thinking of an alternative scenario in which it fails. I know that in my area replacing an inboard engine will cost double the price I’m putting down for the boat, and since I’m on a budget, that simply won’t be an option and outboards seem to be cheaper. So the question is: is it possible to put an outboard engine on all boats? Is there some factor that would make it impossible to mount an outboard engine on the boat? Thanks!

Garth Powelson

What is minimum length that a sailboat can go without an outboard. Does a 29’ “require by law” to have engine?

Hello Mr. Buckles, Thanks for the informative article. I’m looking to get the smallest possible outboard for my 1.5 ton displacement fiberglass monohull Hood 23’ sloop. Can I get away with a 4HP?!? What size prop would I need?!? (I’m only going to use it when there is NO wind, and, if I can stay 4HP or below, I am not required to register my vessel—which is pretty cool, so here’s hoping!)

Thanks again, Ship

Hi, I’ve got a older Pearson 39’ . I’m looking to remove the old 40 ho westerbeke and go electric. Unsure of what hp is going to be needed?

emilio h javier

i am purchasing a catalina 22 ft. i have in mind a 4 HP motor. what would be the length of the shaft.

I am considering buying a 25 ft sailboat with a 7200 lb displacement. The boats top speed is listed at 7knots per hour but the diesel motor does not work. The owner has a 9.9hp outboard that can be purchased with the boat. Is 9.9hp enough to power the boat to at least 5 to 6 knots per hour? Thanks. Rick

What weight outboard would be too much for a 20’ Santana, displacement 1,350 lbs? I don’t want too much weight at the back. I want the boat to be seaworthy.

I have not seen this amount of BS in years :) I’m not a marine engineer, yet physicist & avation engineer. You even can’t tell the difference between mass of the vessel and diplacement :D Fcking genius.

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motor sailboat speed

32m motor yacht One & Only joins the market

The 32-metre Azimut motor yacht One & Only has joined the market with Josh Marshall of IYC . 

The 2020-built Azimut was built in GRP and has only ever had one owner since new. VAT and US customs charges have also been paid, making her a rare find on the market of second-hand yachts for sale . 

Salvagni Architetti and Stefano Righini are behind the interior and exterior design respectively. Natural light is a cornerstone of the design language, with full-height windows in the saloon and in the owner's suite, which sits on the main deck. Accommodation is for 10 guests in a total of five cabins. Cool tones like cobalt and lilac work alongside touches of orange and yellow. 

The 223GT yacht has ample outdoor areas, including a sizeable foredeck seating area positioned on a sloped bow. A flybridge crowns the yacht and volunteers a bar, dining area and loose furniture that's primed for soaking up the sun. A beach club is found on the lower deck and there is a garage with space for a Williams JetTender. 

One & Only has a cruise speed of 20 knots and top speed of 26.5 knots. 

She is asking $8,999,000.

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Police find body of missing man after boat capsizes on Somerset Dam

A helicopter hovering over a large expanse of water. There is a boat far below.

The body of a 45-year-old Clagiraba man has been found by police after a boating incident on Somerset Dam, north-west of Brisbane, on Sunday morning.

Authorities were called around 9am after reports a boat had capsized.

A search-and-rescue operation was launched, with support provided by the Queensland Fire Department, water police, the Rescue500 helicopter and police divers.

The boat and the man’s body were located in the water by police divers just before 4pm.

Police are investigating the cause of the incident and are appealing to anyone with vision or information to contact police.

A report will be prepared for the coroner.

Four white cars and five white boats on the edge of a dam. People, including police mill around them. Shot from above.

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Chicago to Mackinac sailboat race: Storm snaps masts, tosses sailor into Lake Michigan

A fast-moving summer storm Saturday night on Lake Michigan left carnage in its path after three huge sailboats snapped masts and a fourth boat had to rescue a man after he fell overboard, all in the middle of the night under total darkness during the first day of the Chicago to Mackinac race .

“It was about 11:30 Eastern Time and we outpaced a couple storms. The team was getting ready … when a squall hit us. The wind picked up from about 18 knots to over 30 knots and shifted 80 degrees,” Skip Dieball, 53, of Wilmette, Illinois, a tactician racing on the 52-foot Usual Suspects, said on Sunday. “Sometimes in the daytime, you can see some of the shifts coming, the wind pattern on the water. But it was so dark we couldn’t see anything. We told each other we would prepare early. We were, and it just came really fast.”

Disaster was averted after Madcap, a Santa Cruz 52 owned and skippered by John Hopkins, responded to a man overboard report from Callisto, a J/125 owned and skippered by Jim Murray. Both boats resumed racing the 333-statute-mile (289-nautical-mile) race without injury.

In addition to Usual Suspects, owned by Eric Wynsma, masts broke on the 65-foot Sagamore owned by Laura and Tone Martin, along with the 45-foot Sapphire, owned by Robert Radway. No injuries were reported, according to Laura Muma, communications director for the Chicago to Mackinac race.

Despite being on high alert to take down sails, the demasting events were intense.

‘Loud as the loudest thunder’

As soon as the mast snapped, Dieball said the crew started doing a head count to be certain all 13 sailors were still onboard. The rig could have come down on the crew if they had been in their normal stations, but they were scattered. While the mast “broke violently,” Dieball said, “it did not come down violently.”

The race boat, with its custom carbon fiber mast, strong and light but brittle, is designed for high-performance racing and often used in America’s Cup races.

When the mast broke, it sounded like a “crack of thunder” immediately overhead, Dieball said. “It’s as loud as the loudest thunder.”

When the mast settled, the crew had to rapidly assess next steps. The biggest fear is that the broken mast will bang against the boat and puncture a hole, Dieball said. A mast on a boat that size can be 60 or 70 feet tall, he said.

“Part of your safety equipment is having cutting devices that get the mast away from the boat. The mast had broken in three different spots and it was time to start cutting things away,” Dieball said. “Carbon fiber, in many ways, is sharper than steel. We had to make sure no one was in a spot where one of the pieces would actually cut them.”

So sailors took out cutting tools and knives they’re required to carry as part of the racing protocol — and sliced away rigging as fast as possible, letting material sink into the water.

‘Survival mode’

Skipper Eric Wynsma, a real estate developer from Grand Rapids, had three of his grown kids racing, too. This was his 25th Chicago to Mackinac race.

“We were just in survival mode,” Dieball said, cutting away for about 30 minutes. “After the (storm) cell went through, the wind died off. So it wasn’t like we were battling elements. We were into the race about nine hours, finishing about a third of the course, and we returned to Muskegon.”

After stabilizing the situation, the Usual Suspects crew contacted the U.S. Coast Guard and reported debris in the water. The race boat didn’t need assistance once the rigging was cut away, Dieball said. They made certain nothing was wrapped around the propeller and Usual Suspects spent the next three hours motoring back, arriving about 5 a.m.

No one was freaking out, Dieball said. “It was all business.”

The costly damage prevents Usual Suspects from racing the Bayview Mackinac race from Port Huron to Mackinac, which starts Saturday.

Fast Tango fights DeTour

Tim Prophit , of St. Clair Shores, owner and skipper of the 40-foot Fast Tango, didn’t get slammed by the storm, but his nine-member crew prepared by making sail changes and reefing the main sail for better control.

“All of a sudden, the waves felt different, a different pattern, a different height. And the temps dropped,” he said Sunday while racing. “We were paying very close attention to the weather.”

Fast Tango won its class and placed second overall in the Chicago to Mackinac race last year, and was the overall winner in the Port Huron to Mackinac race.

This year, Fast Tango is battling the 34-foot DeTour, owned by Chuck Stormes, of Grosse Pointe Farms, no stranger to winning class and overall trophies.

Christy Storms said early Sunday afternoon she couldn’t look at the tracker to see how her husband was doing. It made her crazy. She didn’t know there had been a storm, she said, thank God, or she would have been worried sick.

“This is the first year I’ve been trying to not stalk him,” she said. “It’s tough looking every minute. It just makes me crazy.”

Family members are known to sleep with their phones under their pillows, call and text each other every hour through the night until the race is finished.In years past, Christy Storms said, “it was like crack. It just make me so anxious.”

So, she went online, noticed he was doing great, took a snapshot of the tracker, put her phone down and went to bed with their 11-year-old dog Striker.

Early Monday, Prophit confirmed that Fast Tango won first in class against 11 competitors. They crossed the finish line in 41 hours, 59 minutes, 47 seconds.

Chaos on other boats, too

Following the storm, 15- to 20-knot southerly winds continued to propel the 247-boat fleet north, Muma said in the race update.

While mast loss made headlines with sailing reporters, other boats had serious issues that went unreported. And they kept going, hoping for the best.

Mark DenUyl, of Marysville, Michigan, owner and skipper of the 34.5-foot Good Lookin’, watched his carbon fiber bowsprit snap in half during the high winds right about 11:30 p.m. Saturday. Now it’s held together with electrical tape and sail tape.

Crew member Brennan Churchill, 22, texted his dad at home in Kimball, Michigan, with an update on the damaged equipment used to extend the sail, so it captures more wind.

“He knew better than to tell his mother,” Tracy Heany Churchill said Sunday. “He knows I go into freakout mode.”

Ron Churchill always sails with his son, who won his first Mackinac race at age 15, but Ron couldn’t leave work as a senior operations manager for a natural gas storage facility to do both the Chicago and Port Huron races to Mackinac.

“I feel like I’m lost right now. I just feel like I’m supposed to be there,” Ron Churchill said Sunday.

Brennan Churchill described the boat tipping so far to one side that the crew was in waist-deep water, his father said. “Everybody stayed on the boat. Water was washing over them.”

The sudden gust of wind created such force that it likely flexed and snapped, he said. As a result of the damage, the crew held steady until daylight to try and figure out what to do, Churchill said. “They did a good job with just staying composed and keeping the boat moving well.”

On Monday morning, Good Lookin’ crossed the finish line in third in class against a dozen other J/105 boats despite damage to critical equipment.

Cara DenUyl and her 19-year-old daughter, Riley, woke up at 5:30 a.m. Monday to watch online the Good Lookin’ finish. “It was a nail-biter. It was close between second and third. They were in second place at 2 a.m. Sunday, when that storm hit. Then they fell back all the way to seventh place. At the time, we didn’t know the storm had hit. Somehow they got everything fixed enough to keep going, thankfully. I feel relief that they made the podium.”

‘Breathtaking’ speed

With storms come great wind. Or, in sailor speak, great air.

Winn Soldani, race chair of the Chicago to Mackinac race, said this weekend’s storms brought “epic” conditions that weather models predicted, which is important for safety.

“We’re watching boats going 20 knots, or about 23 mph, and it’s breathtaking,” Soldani told Shifting Gears from the finish line near the Mission Point hotel on Mackinac Island on Sunday.

“When the squalls hit, the wind changed direction very rapidly, from out of the south to out of the west, at 33 to 35 mph,” he said. “Some of these sails are the size of tennis courts. They’re huge. So this changes pressure on the mast.”

That’s what causes masts to snap, Soldani said. Strict safety protocols protect the 2,200 sailors racing this year, and that’s why they’re required to wear special tracking devices on their bodies at all times.

Storm winds create record-setting conditions

As a result of the strong winds, this race broke the speed record.

The 80-foot Maverick finished in 22 hours, 24 minutes, 23 seconds, breaking a record set 22 years ago by 66 minutes, 11 seconds. 

Sanford Burris, of Kirtland, Ohio, sailed with his sons and friends on the carbon fiber Andrews 80 they have spent the past three years upgrading, according to Muma. The 20-person crew included Rodney Keenan, founder of Evolution Sails.

“The team celebrated briefly as the Maverick team crossed the race to Mackinac finish line between Mackinac Island and the Round Island lighthouse … and then kept on sailing,” said the Chicago to Mackinac news release.

Maverick is one of 25 sailboats registered for this year’s “Super Mac” race, a combination of the Chicago Mackinac and the Bayview Mackinac races, which means they will continue into Lake Huron, heading south to Port Huron, for a total of 565 statute miles (495 nautical miles).

More: Star Line Mackinac Island Ferry Co. sells to Florida billionaire

Phoebe Wall Howard, a Free Press auto reporter for nearly seven years, now writes a column on car culture, consumer trends and life that will appear periodically on  and in print. Those columns and others will appear on her Substack at  Contact her at [email protected].

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Alaska officials say they’re working to speed up investigations of police shootings

two men stand by a lectern

State officials say they’re working to improve the speed of their investigations into police shootings — as public pressure mounts for the release of body camera footage of the incidents.

So far this year, officers have shot nine people during responses, killing six of them. Five of those shootings involved Anchorage police. 

At a meeting with reporters Wednesday, Deputy Attorney General John Skidmore said the release of body camera footage should come after an investigation by the state Office of Special Prosecutions, in order to follow due process. But he acknowledged that those state investigations are taking a long time. 

“I’ll be the first one to tell you that I think that our process of reviewing these cases has had some problems,” Skidmore said. “There are cases that we’ve reviewed that it has taken us in the Department of Law far too long to review.”

Right now, the state is still reviewing eight police shootings, including one from November of last year , to determine if use of force was justified. In some cases, Skidmore said, they’re waiting on ballistic and police reports, as well as autopsies. 

To help with the delays, Skidmore said the Office of Special Prosecutions has more than doubled its number of prosecutors from three to seven. It’s also working with law enforcement agencies to get reports from them faster. 

“I would always seek to talk with them first and to encourage them to come up with processes to help them get information to us faster,” Skidmore said. “I think that will work. I’m very optimistic about that. But if it didn’t work, are there other things that can be done? Yes, there are.”

READ MORE: After a spree of Anchorage police shootings, advocates call for a citizen review board

Skidmore said the state has investigated police shootings since 2009, and has records from 2010 on. Since then there have been 148 police shootings in the state, and Skidmore said zero of them have led to an officer being charged with a crime. That includes two of the shootings this year that left two men wounded: 22-year-old Kaleb Bourdukofsky in Anchorage and 25-year-old Victor Jack in Wasilla. 

“We have found officers are not discharging their firearms unless it was authorized by statute,” Skidmore said. “Now, that statute, that’s a pretty broad authorization when they’re allowed to do that. I’m not making any bones about that; that is a broad authorization. But those are the laws in the state of Alaska. And we haven’t found anyone to violate them yet.”

Under state statute, deadly use of force is authorized for officers when they reasonably suspect a person has committed a felony use of force against someone, is attempting to escape while armed with a firearm, or might “otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.”

Skidmore said while he understands frustrated community members’ calls for transparency, that must be balanced with protecting people’s individual due process rights.

a portrait of a man outside

Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Wesley Early covers Anchorage life and city politics for Alaska Public Media. Reach him at  [email protected]  and follow him on X at  @wesley_early . Read more about Wesley  here .


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sailboat motoring speed

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i have a catalina 30, with a atomic 4, that motors at 4.5 knots max. my friends sailboats cruise at 5-6 knots. they have longer boats, with larger keels, but with less horsepower. i thought it was all the gear i had for cruising but now that it is off it is still maxing out at 4.5 knots. under sail the speed is fine, but id like to be able to keep up when motoring. any help would be appreciated.  

Rich Stidger

Rich Stidger

It's the same story- prop pitch The A4 should run at 3000 rpm at rated horsepower. If you can turn more than, say 3300-3400 rpm then your prop probably needs to be bigger. Bigger could be in diameter(if you have room to swing it) or in pitch. I had an A4 (with direct drive) on my 30' Morgan and had a low motoring speed with a 12x6 2-blade prop. I changed to a 12x7 and picked up some speed. I wish I could give you the particular details, but this was 15 years ago.  

motoring thanks for the reply, rich. i thought it could be the prop. not sure if i should go with a larger two blade or go with a three blade?  

Based upon my experience with a 3-blade I would go with a 3-blade if you are willing to suffer the drag. I never had a 3-blade on my A4 but on my Hunter it is great! But be sure to check the rpm so you get the corect prop. Like any other marine engine, you don't want to lug the engine. A good prop shop should be able to tell you exactly what props to use based upon your hull shape, displacement, engine, and transmission drive ratio.  

Tim C350 April IV

Motor Slow, but how does it Sail? Another thought on this (in addition to my thoughts on the Ask a Catalina Owner Forum): How does it sail with respect to your buddy's? Will she sail over 4.5 knots? That would be a dead giveaway that there is something going on with your drivetrain - prop or engine rpm, etc. If she sails close to hull speed in a nice breeze, then something is wrong in the mechanicals. If she sails about the same speed as when you motor, then start as I suggested and check your bottom, (as you suggested) how much stuff you are carrying, the calibration of your knotmeter. Note that while a 3 bladed prop might seem like a good idea - for a motorboat - remember that you are a sailboat and that 3 bladed prop is added drag (read slower) under sail. Good Luck! Tim Brogan April IV C350 #68 Seattle  


RPM / Prop What you need to do is note the cruising speed and the max engine RPM. If the engine is turning up what it's supposed to ( RE:3000 or whatever it's max output is rated at ) then you need to find out what prop you have on the boat. Next step is to find a GOOD prop shop in your area. They will be able to tell you what you need to do. But if you go in there without knowing your max RPM, and your current prop you are wasting time. These are the two constants.  

Talk to other C30 owners All the advice so far is good but before you trust a prop shop to make their best guess at what you need talk to other owners of your boat and engine to find out what works for them. That approach solved a similar problem for me. There must be a Catalina web site you can access. BTW, don't be scared off from going to a 3 blade. I now have one and the extra speed and power for motoring is great, and I have never really noticed any hit in sailing performance. Kevin  

Thanks for the replies. I did all my testing with a freshly cleaned bottom, using a GPS, and without a current/wind. The boat sails great reaching maximum hull speed, well over the motoring speed. The only thing I can think of is either the motor isn't making maximum RPM or the prop is hindering the engine performance. I don't have a RPM guage, but I just gave the engine a full tune up. I will make sure the engine is making maximum RPM though, before I spend the money on a prop. Thanks again Ethan  

Catalina 30 with A4 and 2 bladed prop I just hauled my C30 TR with Atomic4 on Monday. After 2 years in the water, the two bladed prop produced no thrust so I had to get towed to the lift. The prop and shaft looked like popcorn balls were growing on them but bottom was clean due to good anti foul paint from 2 years ago. Once pressure washed nthe shaft and prop, scraped the residue from barnicles off the prop and bottom sprayed clean (total of 45 minutes). I easily made 4.5-5.0 knots on the way home at about 66% throttle (no RPM Tach so I go by sound). There was more throttle there, just felt comfortable at 4.5 knots. This has been the norm after a hull cleaning for me. That is a lot of mass to push through the water and I never worry about keeping up motoring it is sailing that tells the tale.  

Clean prop I was amazed at how much difference a clean prop makes. A few barnacles is all that it takes to kill your speed.  

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Better Boat

Average Boat Speeds: Pontoon, Cruiser and Sail Speed Examples

Average Boat Speeds: Pontoon, Cruiser and Sail Speed Examples

How fast do boats go on average?

Is a fast boat the exception or the rule for average boat speeds? 

What horsepower can you realistically expect from the average boat purchase?

Well, these questions can be answered in lots of different ways.

The fastest boat speed record ever was 317.6 MPH. It   was achieved by a man named Ken War who was using a speedboat he named the  Spirit of Australia . To be fair, though, when that boat made its water speed record run back in 1978, it was powered not by a propeller but by a jet engine. Most boats don't go quite that fast (and we're thankful for that). 

Motorboats designed primarily for speed - known as rum-runners in decades past and often called cigarette boats (due to their slender shape) or simply go-fast boats today - can achieve speeds up to 90 MPH with relative ease over calm flat waters.

Even that's quite a bit faster than the average boat speed, and unless you're considering a career in smuggling  (which we don't recommend, by the way), it's probably quite a bit faster than you need to travel over the water.

So, let's talk about average recreational boat speed statistics that are a bit more practical.

Why Boat Speed Matters

Going fast in a boat can be lots of fun.

The enjoyment that comes from speed is a huge plus for adrenaline-seeking boaters. That's one reason why knowing how fast a boat goes is important.

It's also important to consider boat speed when you're getting a boat for water activities. Think about the types of activities for which your ideal boat will be used. You should even consider whether you live in, or want to enjoy your boat in,  high-altitude areas .

Even then, desired speeds can vary. The best speed for a towing activity such as  water skiing  can vary from 10 MPH to 35 MPH. Lower speeds are better for younger skiers and certain trick-skiing activities, and the higher speeds are for more experienced water skiers completing slaloms or jumps. 

As you can see, some action-loving boaters might need a craft with plenty of potential for speed to soar over those saltwater waves .

The fisherman who likes to slowly troll through calm waters or toss out a line and  an anchor, on the other hand, might do well enough with a boat that only cruises along at a top speed of 15 MPH.

If you use your boat for long trips, then balancing speed and fuel efficiency is important.

How you're going to be using your boat should inform the ideal average and top speed ratings of the boat you ultimately buy.

Don't just go looking for a super fast boat that you might not ever really take advantage of. What a waste that would be!

Average Pontoon Boat Speeds

The trusty, stable pontoon boat can travel a good deal faster than many people think.

Pontoon boat speeds  can surpass 30 MPH  under the right conditions. A few pontoon boats can even reach the 35 MPH mark thanks to larger engines and great conditions.

The G3 Suncatcher pontoon boat , with a 90 HP motor, can easily go more than 30 MPH .

A 20-foot Bass Buggy with a 60 HP engine, on the other hand, will only go around 15 MPH .

A middle-of-the-road option in terms of average pontoon boat speed is the 21-foot Triton pontoon boat  and its 90 HP engine. This boat's combination of speed and strength gives it a top boat speed of around 25 MPH even   when you have a few friends aboard weighing it down.

Average Cruiser Speeds

For cruiser-style motorboats that are in the price range of many American families, let's discuss a few options that give a good sense of average powerboat speed.

The Marlow-Pilot 32 has a relatively slow top cruising speed of 16 MPH , but its range at moderate speeds is the more remarkable thing about the vessel. It can travel more than 800 miles without re-fueling.

If you want a motorboat with a bit more speed, such as what a sport fisherman might need, consider the stats of the Pursuit SC 365i Sport Yacht . It can come close to 50 MPH at top speed and cruise comfortably in the 30 MPH range.

Finally, if you're wondering how fast larger motorboats go, the 40-foot Carver C40 Command Bridge cruises along at 30 MPH with ease and is suitable for use during multi-day trips.

Average Sailboat Speeds

Most people use sailboats because they savor the practice of harnessing the wind, not because they expect to go all that fast.

The average cruising sailboat, such as a celebrated Island Packet 420 , will sail along at an average speed of between 8  and 12 MPH  under most decent circumstances.

The world speed record of a sailboat is a bit faster than that, at just over 75 MPH . That breakneck speed was achieved by the  Vestas Sailrocket 2   in 2012.

And just for your interest, have you ever wondered how fast Columbus's ships sailed ? Experts agree that ships of the late 15th century likely cruised along at just under 4 knots and a likely top speed of 8 knots. That's an average boat speed of somewhere between 4 and  9 MPH . 

Featured Boat Care Product

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Check Price on Amazon  - Better Boat Fabric Waterproof spray protects Bimini tops, canvas, upholstery and nylon from the inevitable spray of water. You can even use it on shoes, bags, luggage and car covers. 

Average Boat Speed and Fuel Consumption

Going fast in a motorboat is lots of fun but it can also be very expensive.

To help get a picture of the direct relationship of average boat speed to fuel used, let's select the Formula 240 Bowrider motorboat as our example. This affordable and capable 24-foot speedboat is a common favorite for American families.

At a steady cruising speed of 7 MPH, the 240 Bowrider consumes about 3 gallons of fuel per hour. At twice that speed, around 15 MPH, it consumes over twice the amount of fuel, burning up around 7 gallons per hour.

Double that speed again and the boat consumes 11 gallons of fuel at around 30 MPH. The Bowrider can go well over 45 MPH.

Many powerboats offer relative fuel efficiency at their mid-range speeds, so puttering along at only a few miles per hour isn't necessary for fuel savings. You can cruise at an enjoyable clip and still conserve fuel.

Laws About Boat Speed

It's generally rather easy to figure out the speed limit when you're driving on a road. All you have to do is look for the posted speed limit sign. Knowing boat speed regulations laws is a bit trickier.

The limits aren't always posted and can change based on a myriad of factors, including the type of waterway, time of day (or night), type of boat and more.

And what's more, a boat speed limit is rarely a specific numerical figure.

Once you're out on the open water of a sea, ocean or large lake, it's safe to assume you can take your boat up to its top speed provided you can see the way ahead of you is safe and clear.

Closer to shore - on a river, in the bay or in other such areas - you have to be a bit more cautious.

Generally, you must watch out for "no wake zones," which are enforced in many places, including near docks and marinas, in canals and near the shore in many cases.

To remain in compliance with a No Wake Zone rule, a boat must travel slow enough that it doesn't produce a swell large enough to threaten others in the area (including other boaters, swimmers, animals and so forth).

Most motorboats produce a noticeable wake at speeds greater than 5 MPH. Yes, navigating the way through a no wake zone can be an exercise in patience. But the rules regarding boat speed were designed to help keep all people out on the water safe, from the family enjoying a trip in their pleasure yacht to the fisherman casting a line off of his sit-on-top kayak.

Keep these considerations in mind when you're choosing your boat and taking it out for a spin to test its full speed.

motor sailboat speed

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Electric boats

Electric boat.

  • Flux Marine
  • Scout Boats

Flux Marine unveils 100% electric center console boat with a hull from Scout and DC fast charging

Avatar for Scooter Doll

Outboard motor and battery specialist Flux Marine has introduced a new center console boat package to its lineup to help further electrify the industry. The package combines Flux’s 100% electric propulsion system with a hull from Scout boats to deliver a vessel that can travel 30 mph and replenish on a DC fast charger.

Flux Marine is a company based in Bristol, Rhode Island that specializes in all-electric outboard motors and marine-grade batteries to power them. Additionally, Flux offers customers boat packages that implement its propulsion technology onto existing vessels.

To date, the company has unveiled an all-electric dual console boat option that includes a Scout Dorado 215 hull and a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) package with the help of Highfield. Today, Flux Marine has announced a third entry in its new electric boat lineup, which once again includes a hull from Scout Boats.

Check out the Electric Scout 215 XSF.

Scout electric boat

Flux to sell Scout 215 XSF electric boat later this year

Flux shared details of its new electric boat package today, which consists of a 21′ 6″ center console hull from Scout that is powered by its own electric outboard motor and a 84 kWh marine-grade lithium-ion battery pack.

The result is a 100% electric day boat with room for nine passengers designed for cruising and coastal fishing at sea. The Scout 215 XSF offers a top power output of 150 hp (112 kW) and 100 hp (72 kW) of continuous power. It can cruise at 25 mph, reach a top speed of 30 mph, and offer a top range of up to 30 miles (26 knots) at cruising speeds. Per Flux Marine CEO Ben Sorkin:

The idea behind Flux Marine is to provide a better, more efficient method of boat propulsion. Our 100 hp outboard hits the sweet spot, capable of propelling a 22 ft boat like the Scout XSF for almost any activity on the water. Our goal is to evoke excitement and innovation while ensuring users feel comfortable with what’s powering their boat.

A huge bonus in the all-electric Scout XSF center console boat is its ability to charge via AC or DC plugs when docked. Flux says the vessel can recharge from 20-80% in 7.5 hours on an AC plug (110-, 220-, or 240-volt) or as quickly as 1.5 hours using a DC fast charger.

In addition to the powertrain and battery pack, Flux has integrated the Scout boat with its own designed throttle, UI, and mobile companion app. Flux’s software will help future boat owners monitor and manage their speed and range from the helm, complete with live updates on an integrated Garmin chartplotter.

The all-electric Scout XSF center console boat starts at $120,000 and joins the Scout Dorado 215 and Highfield RIBs in the lineup. All are set to go on sale directly to consumers later this year.

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Electric boats

Scooter Doll is a writer, designer and tech enthusiast born in Chicago and based on the West Coast. When he’s not offering the latest tech how tos or insights, he’s probably watching Chicago sports. Please send any tips or suggestions, or dog photos to him at [email protected]

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motor sailboat speed

A beginner’s guide to the Goodwood Festival of Speed

Kirk Bell

  • The Goodwood Festival of Speed is a hillclimb, but much more
  • Goodwood Festival of Speed gets a theme each year
  • The weather at the Goodwood Festival of Speed can change on a dime

Auto enthusiasm spreads far beyond our borders. It’s a worldwide phenomenon, with car shows, races for old cars and new, gatherings, and clubs anywhere you go.

The U.K., however, has two of the best car events on the automotive calendar. Both are held in southeast England on the Goodwood Estate of the Duke of Richmond. I’ve experienced the Goodwood Revival on several occasions, but this year marked my first taste of the Goodwood Festival of Speed . Below, I break down what this event is, how it works, and how you can enjoy it.

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

What is the Goodwood Festival of Speed?

It’s a hillclimb racing event , but it’s more than just that. Unlike Revival, which is only for race cars from the 1930s to the 1960s, Festival is for street and race cars from the present day to the beginnings of the auto industry. It has also become a gathering of auto enthusiasts and a de facto U.K. car show with plenty of car reveals. This year’s Festival included several world debuts, including the Polestar Concept BST , Genesis GV60 Magma , Red Bull RB17 track-only hypercar, and limited-edition Ineos Grenadier Detour .

The event also has a rally stage, an off-road area, a supercar corral, a concours, an auction, and an exhibition for vendors. Like the Goodwood Revival, the enthusiasts who attend the event in their wide variety of classic cars, sports cars, and supercars make the parking lot one of the best car shows you’ll ever see. Each Festival also has an art installation called the centerpiece. This year’s was an homage to 100 years of MG, and featured an MG B on one side seemingly balanced by a new MG Cyberster on the other.

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

How does the racing work?

The theme of this year’s event was Horseless to Hybrid: Innovation Unleashed. It provided a convenient means to categorize cars by era, starting in the early 1900s with wonders like the Beast of Turin, a monstrous 1911 Fiat S76 that employed a 28.4-liter 4-cylinder to chug up the hill, and the 16-cylinder Auto Union Type 52 that Audi recently completed from a design from 1934.

Other classes featured race cars from the early post WWII era to the 1970s, turbocharged race cars from the 1980s, race cars of all stripes from the 1990s, hybrids and electric cars of the current era, 10 Niki Lauda F1 cars, Mercedes-Benz race cars from throughout the brand’s history, Shadow and Joest racers, drift cars, F1 cars from the 1970s to 2017, 20 years of Red Bull race cars, grand prix motorcycles, and dirt bikes, and more.

The various categories gave spectators the chance to get up close and personal with iconic race cars from Le Mans, F1, rallycross, NASCAR, and more.

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

The main attraction is the hillclimb , which is by our estimation, the only no-rules racing in the world. Well, there appears to be one rule: Don’t go too fast with too crazy of a setup. Just ask the team that fields the McMurtry Spéirling , which put up the fastest time ever at the event in 2022 with a time of 39.08. That car, however, is a 1,000-hp electric with 4,400 pounds of vacuum-generated downforce and a weight below 2,200 pounds. It was not allowed to compete this year.

Some of the hillclimb is real racing and some of it isn’t. The annual Shootout is the competition. About half the cars that run the 1.16-mile hill compete for the fastest time and they come from many of the classes. The event runs four days, and the competitors put up times each afternoon. Class winners are crowned during the Saturday session, and the Sunday session determines the overall winner.  The cars run in Sunday in reverse order of their Saturday finish, so the fastest car from Saturday runs last on Sunday.

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed - Photo via Goodwood Festival of Speed Facebook page

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed - Photo via Goodwood Festival of Speed Facebook page

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

Who won the 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed Shootout?

Going into Sunday’s action, three vehicles appeared to be poised to take the crown: the Subaru Family Huckster driven by Travis Pastrana, the 2024 Subaru WRX Project Midnight driven by Scott Speed, and the Ford Supervan 4.2 with Romain Duman as the wheel. The Family Huckster is a built-to-the-hilt homage to the 1983 Subaru GL wagon with the craziest active aero you’ve ever seen. Project Midnight puts a downforce-focused carbon-fiber body on a rallycross race car with a suspension tuned for the tarmac. The electric Supervan put close to 2,000 hp to the pavement through all wheels with 6,000 pounds of downforce to keep it glued to the pavement.

In the competition on Sunday, the Supervan took the crown with a time of 43.987, about 1.1 seconds quicker than on Saturday, while Project Midnight finished second with a time of 46.075, about a second slower than on Saturday. Pastrana erred on the side of aggressive and put the Huckster into a haybale wall, failing to finish.

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

How to best enjoy the Goodwood Festival of Speed

Held in England in July , the weather can be great. It can also turn sour quickly. Expect temperatures in the 70s or 80s, but it can also rain and temps can drop quickly. Bring layers, a hat, and rain poncho or other type of water-resistant jacket (ask me how I know).

Be sure to walk the paddock, check out the parking lot, find a good vantage point for the racing, and look at the program for other displays that interest you. You will get to see your favorite historic cars up close, maybe get a quick chance to chat with one of your racing heroes, and see the coolest cars of yesterday and today in action. What more could an enthusiast ask for?

Subaru provided travel and lodging for Motor Authority to bring you this firsthand report.

2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed, Chaydon Ford photo


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  1. Average Speed of a Sailboat (Plus Top Speed)

    That being said, the average speed of racing sailboats is 15 knots (17 mph). On the other hand, the average speed of cruising sailboats is 4-6 knots (4.5-7 mph) and can attain a top speed of 7 knots (8 mph). In essence, cruise speeds of over 8 knots are quite normal.

  2. What is the Average Speed of a Sailboat?

    The average speed of a sailboat under power is 4-5 knots (5 mph or 8 km/h). Most sailors switch to engine at sailing speeds below 6 knots, especially when on passage. How fast do racing sailboats go? Racing sailboats can reach speeds of 30 - 50 knots (35-58 mph or 55-92 km/h). The record is set at 65.45 knots (75 mph or 121 km/h).

  3. Average Speed of a Sailboat (How Fast Can a Sailboat Go?)

    1. Hull type. Sailboats with at least two hulls (catamarans) are 25 to 30 percent faster than monohulls, given equal lengths. Hence, if a single-hulled sailboat can go six knots, we can expect a catamaran to have an average speed of 7.5 to 7.8 knots (8.625 to 8.97 MPH or 13.89 to 14.45 KPH).

  4. Average Speed of a Sailboat & Factors That Affect Speed

    Sail Boat Speed. Sailboats have an average speed range of 4 to 6 knots and a sailboat top speed of 7 knots; however, this is an average for all types, and the numbers can change a lot based on the boat model, its hull, along with other factors. For example, racing sailboats go much faster, up to 20 knots with custom designs reaching up to 50 knots.

  5. What Is the Average Speed of a Sailboat (Plus Its Top Speed)?

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    F50 catamarans can travel at up to 50 knots. John G. Mabanglo/EPA. A yacht also makes waves as it pushes the water around and under the hull from the bow (front) to the stern (back) of the boat.

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    Motor sailing was aimed at covering 160 miles a day, with the engine running at 1200 rpm to maintain this. Only on a few occasions was it necessary to speed up to escape weather, when the boat was pushed up to 8 knots and a bit more. Fuel consumption seems to reach an "economical cruise" optimum of about 7 knots at 1500 rpm (see table).

  8. Discover How Fast a Sail Boat Can Really Go

    High-performance sailboats often utilize lightweight materials like carbon fiber, which help reduce weight and increase speed. Fun Fact: The fastest recorded sailboat speed of 68.01 knots (78.36 mph or 126.2 km/h) was achieved by the trimaran " Vestas Sailrocket 2 " in November 2012.

  9. Do Sailboats Have Motors? Types, Speeds & More EXPLAINED

    Sailboats, by definition, are powered by the wind. Nonetheless, most sailboats you see today also have motors. These are called auxiliary engines because the engines are not the primary means of propulsion. Instead, the boat is designed to sail—but when it can't for some reason, it motors as a powerboat would.

  10. What is the Average Speed of a Sailboat? ANSWERED: Measurement, Hulls

    The average speed of the typical monohull sailboat is between six and ten knots. Of course, many factors affect this speed, and some boats are designed to be faster than others. And of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, and some of today's fastest racing sailboats can fly along at speeds over 50 knots!

  11. Sailboat Calculator

    It takes into consideration "reported" sail area, displacement and length at waterline. The higher the number the faster speed prediction for the boat. A cat with a number 0.6 is likely to sail 6kts in 10kts wind, a cat with a number of 0.7 is likely to sail at 7kts in 10kts wind. KSP = (Lwl*SA÷D)^0.5*.05.

  12. Boat Speed Calculator

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    The average cruising sailboat, such as a celebrated Island Packet 420, will sail along at an average speed of between 8 and 12 MPH under most decent circumstances. The world speed record of a sailboat is a bit faster than that, at just over 75 MPH. That breakneck speed was achieved by the Vestas Sailrocket 2 in 2012.

  28. Understanding Your Property Tax Bill Meetings to be Hosted by South

    South Dakota Farm Bureau will present a series of informational meetings about taxes on July 24 and 25 at four locations across South Dakota. The free meetings are open to the public and will include experts from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) and the South Dakota Department of Revenue (DOR).

  29. Flux Marine unveils electric center console boat with a Scout hull

    The result is a 100% electric day boat with room for nine passengers designed for cruising and coastal fishing at sea. The Scout 215 XSF offers a top power output of 150 hp (112 kW) and 100 hp (72 ...

  30. A beginner's guide to the Goodwood Festival of Speed

    How to best enjoy the Goodwood Festival of Speed. Held in England in July, the weather can be great.It can also turn sour quickly. Expect temperatures in the 70s or 80s, but it can also rain and ...