What does Motorboat mean?

slang term motorboated

Other definitions of Motorboat:

  • To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and making an audible "brrrr" noise, which sounds like a motorboat.

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How to use the term Motorboat :

It's doubtful she derives much pleasure other than seeing your amusement when you're motorboating.

Oh, motorboat me harder, baby! Yes, just like that!


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What Is a Motorboat Urban Dictionary? (Here’s All You Need To Know)

slang term motorboated

Have you ever heard someone use a phrase that you had never heard before and wondered what it meant? With the rise of the internet, it has become easier for slang words and phrases to spread quickly and widely.

But while these terms may be used in common conversation, they can be hard to understand.

Thats why its important to know about a Motorboat Urban Dictionary, which can provide you with the definition and context of the slang that you hear.

In this article, well cover the definition of a Motorboat Urban Dictionary, the types of slang words and phrases, the benefits of using one, and how to access it.

Well also provide examples of slang words and phrases and discuss some common misconceptions about it.

Finally, well give you some tips for using a Motorboat Urban Dictionary.

Read on to learn all you need to know about a Motorboat Urban Dictionary.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

A motorboat is an urban dictionary term used to describe an activity in which two people press their faces together and make loud motorboat noises.

It is typically done in a humorous manner, often as a way to embarrass someone or to show affection in a light-hearted way.

Motorboat is also sometimes used as a verb to describe the act itself.

Definition of a Motorboat Urban Dictionary

A motorboat urban dictionary is an online resource that provides definitions for slang words and phrases that are popular in urban communities.

Created to be an accessible reference for those who wish to stay up-to-date with the latest slang, the motorboat urban dictionary is designed to provide users with definitions of words related to music, fashion, culture, and other topics.

The motorboat urban dictionary can be used to decipher the language used in urban areas, as well as to gain a better understanding of the terms and phrases that are used in everyday conversations.

It is a great resource for those who want to stay informed and be able to communicate effectively with those around them.

The motorboat urban dictionary is constantly updating and adding new slang words to its database.

This makes it an invaluable resource for those who want to stay current with the latest slang and stay ahead of the curve.

The website also offers users the ability to submit words and phrases they come across in their daily lives, which allows the dictionary to grow and evolve over time.

In addition to providing definitions of words, the motorboat urban dictionary also offers users tips and advice on how to use the slang words they find.

This helps to ensure that users are using the correct terms in the right context and can avoid any potential embarrassing moments.

Overall, the motorboat urban dictionary is a great resource for those who want to stay up-to-date with the latest slang and gain a better understanding of the language used in urban areas.

With its constantly updated database and helpful tips and advice, the motorboat urban dictionary is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to stay informed and communicate effectively.

Types of Slang Words and Phrases

slang term motorboated

A motorboat urban dictionary is a great resource for understanding the unique language used in urban areas.

Slang words and phrases can range from the everyday to the more obscure, and the motorboat urban dictionary covers them all.

It includes words related to music, fashion, culture, and other topics, and provides definitions of each term.

Popular slang words in urban communities include those used to describe individuals, such as dope and fire to refer to someone who is cool or fashionable.

There are also words used to describe a situation, such as lit or turnt, which means that something is exciting or chaotic.

Additionally, there are words that are used to refer to an action, such as flex which means to show off.

The motorboat urban dictionary also includes a wealth of slang terms related to music.

For example, bop is a term used to describe a catchy and energetic song, while bars is a term used to refer to the lyrics of a rap song.

Additionally, the motorboat urban dictionary includes slang terms related to fashion, such as fly which means stylish, and thrift which means to purchase second-hand clothing.

Overall, the motorboat urban dictionary is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with the latest slang used in urban areas.

It covers a wide range of topics, from music to fashion, and provides detailed definitions of each term.

By using the motorboat urban dictionary, you can easily brush up on your street slang knowledge and stay in the know.

Benefits of Using a Motorboat Urban Dictionary

Using a motorboat urban dictionary can be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with the latest slang.

By studying the definitions provided in the dictionary, you can gain a better understanding of the language used in urban areas.

This is especially useful if you are looking to communicate effectively with those in an urban setting.

In addition to providing definitions of popular slang words and phrases, the motorboat urban dictionary can also be a great source of information on music, fashion, culture, and other topics related to urban life.

By studying the definitions and examples provided in the dictionary, you can gain a greater understanding of the way people in urban areas interact and communicate.

This can be incredibly helpful for anyone looking to build relationships in an urban setting.

Another benefit of using a motorboat urban dictionary is that it can help you better understand the language used in pop culture.

The dictionary contains many words and phrases that are popular in music, movies, television shows, and other forms of popular entertainment.

By studying these definitions, you can get a better sense of the language used in popular media and gain a better understanding of what is being said.

Finally, the motorboat urban dictionary is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest slang.

The dictionary is constantly being updated with new words and phrases, so you can be sure that you are always in the know when it comes to the latest slang.

This can be incredibly useful for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the language used in urban areas.

How to Access a Motorboat Urban Dictionary

slang term motorboated

Accessing a motorboat urban dictionary is easy.

Most of these dictionaries are available online, and can be found through search engines or popular social media sites.

The dictionary entries are organized into categories, so you can easily find the word or phrase you are looking for.

Additionally, many of these dictionaries offer additional features such as audio recordings of terms, pronunciation guides, and examples of the proper usage of the slang.

You can also access the motorboat urban dictionary through a mobile app.

These apps are often free to download, and they allow you to search for the term you are looking for on the go.

The app can be a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest slang, as the app is frequently updated with new words and phrases.

Finally, you can also access the motorboat urban dictionary through books.

Many bookstores carry books that are dedicated to the slang words and phrases used in urban communities.

These books are a great way to build your knowledge of the language, and they can be a useful resource for anyone who wants to stay informed about the latest slang.

Examples of Slang Words and Phrases

The motorboat urban dictionary is an invaluable resource for those looking to stay on top of the latest slang and gain insight into the language of urban communities.

It includes a wide variety of words and phrases related to music, fashion, culture, and other topics.

For example, some words and phrases that are found in the motorboat urban dictionary are bae, flexin, lit, slay, and turnt.

These are all popular slang terms used in urban communities, and the motorboat urban dictionary is the perfect place to find accurate, up-to-date definitions for them.

Additionally, the motorboat urban dictionary also includes a variety of humorous phrases, like on fleek and yasss, which can be used to express approval or excitement.

The motorboat urban dictionary is an invaluable resource for understanding urban communities and the language used there.

Common Misconceptions About Motorboat Urban Dictionary

slang term motorboated

When it comes to Motorboat Urban Dictionary, there are a few misconceptions that are worth clearing up.

First, it is important to note that this dictionary is not just for the urban community.

It is actually a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about the modern language used in various communities around the world.

For example, it includes words from music, fashion, and other cultural topics, so it is not just for urban dwellers.

Another misconception about Motorboat Urban Dictionary is that it is only for those who speak a certain dialect or slang.

This is not the case.

The dictionary is comprehensive and includes conventional words as well as slang.

This means that it is a great resource for those who want to learn the language used in different communities, even if they dont speak the same dialect.

Finally, some people think that Motorboat Urban Dictionary is not a reliable source of information.

This is actually not true.

The dictionary is regularly updated, and all of the definitions are carefully researched and verified.

This means that anyone can trust the information contained in the dictionary.

Tips for Using a Motorboat Urban Dictionary

When using a motorboat urban dictionary, it is important to remember that the definitions provided are not always reliable.

It is best to use multiple sources to get a better understanding of the definition you are looking for.

Additionally, it is important to note that slang is constantly changing, so the definitions provided may not always be up to date.

When looking up a slang term, it is also important to be aware of the context in which it is used.

Different slang words can have different meanings depending on the region, so it is important to be aware of the regional differences.

Additionally, some slang words may be considered offensive or inappropriate, so it is important to be aware of the proper usage and context before using them.

Finally, it is important to remember that not all slang words are appropriate for all situations.

It is best to use slang in situations where it is socially acceptable and not in professional or formal settings.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of the slang terms that are considered offensive or inappropriate, so as to not offend anyone.

Final Thoughts

A motorboat urban dictionary is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to stay up-to-date with the latest slang used in urban areas.

It includes definitions of words and phrases related to music, fashion, culture, and other topics, and can give a better understanding of the language of the city.

With this newfound knowledge, you can join in conversations with friends and family and be seen as an expert in the urban culture.

So what are you waiting for? Check out a motorboat urban dictionary today and start learning the language of the city!

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Slang for motorboating.

As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " motorboating " are listed above. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to " motorboating " (perhaps tenuously). This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works.

You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). Hopefully the related words and synonyms for " motorboating " are a little tamer than average.

The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary . These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary.

Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. bae ). Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk , @HubSpot , and @mongodb .

Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia .

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slang term motorboated

  • 1.1 Alternative forms
  • 1.2 Etymology
  • 1.3 Pronunciation
  • 1.4.1 Translations
  • 1.4.2 See also

English [ edit ]

slang term motorboated

Alternative forms [ edit ]

Etymology [ edit ].

motor +‎ boat

Pronunciation [ edit ]

  • ( UK ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈməʊtəˌbəʊt/
  • ( US ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈmoʊtəˌboʊt/

Noun [ edit ]

motorboat ( plural motorboats )

  • ( nautical ) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard ), but especially a small one.

Translations [ edit ]

See also [ edit ], verb [ edit ].

motorboat ( third-person singular simple present motorboats , present participle motorboating , simple past and past participle motorboated )

  • To ride in a motorboat.
  • 2011 October 10, Molly McCarthy, Stella Blake-Kelly, Peter McCaffrey, “Year In News”, in Salient , Victoria University of Wellington, page 9 : ACT on Campus President Peter McCaffrey allegedly motorboated Heather Roy at the ACT Party offices over the newly-passed piece of legislation.
  • 2012 June 8, “ Underwood takes her 3rd video of year win at CMTs ”, in Bali Post , page 12 : Kellie Pickler pretended to motorboat an imaginary pair of breasts to introduce Little Big Town's performance of “Pontoon,” [ … ]
  • 2013 October 25, “Breast cancer awareness gone too far”, in The Daily Athenaeum , West Virginia University, page 4 : Other promotional events, such as “No Bra” day or the “ motorboating girls for breast cancer awareness” campaign, also take things a little too far.
  • 2013 , "19 Most Lustable Celebs", VIBE , April/May 2013, page 84 : You're blind to the blue Pacific water and glaring sun as your entire face is buried in Sofia's bosom—you're motorboating on a motorboat!
  • 2014 , Madison Holmes, "Big boobs: The bane of my existence", The Orion (Chico State University), 15 October 2014, page A6 : While talking to some dude at a party, he bent over and motorboated me.
  • 2015 , Jill Sorenson, Shooting Dirty , unnumbered page : Tiffany put her hands on Janelle's hips and motorboated her breasts.
  • 2016 July 19, Shane Allison, You're the One I Want: A Novel , Simon and Schuster, →ISBN : Tangela has these huge titties, the kind I like to motorboat .
  • 2013 August 1, Ben Brooks, Lolito , Canongate Books, →ISBN : 'And we can fucking smash his dick in. Elliot's coming. And Hattie.' 'Are you lying?' 'I am not lying.' 'If you are lying, I am going to smash your dick in.' ... Amundsen pushes his whole head into the bowl, motorboating his food.
  • 2021 April 6, Natasha Osiris, Transformed into a Ts-Girl (M2F) by a Dice , AuthorHouse, →ISBN : Immediately I started to lick, to suck, to kiss, to blow and to motorboat her pussy .
  • 2012 07 , Karen Alterisio Nelson, Millions of Reasons to Lie , iUniverse, →ISBN , page 118 : She wanted to straddle him and motorboat him right there. She thought about his chest again, and his lips. His dark eyelashes made his dark chocolate eyes so much darker, especially when they softened with desire.
  • 2017 April 9, Harvey C Gordon, SEXciting PUNography , eBook Partnership, →ISBN : A man who was having trouble recalling an important piece of information put his head between his girlfriend's breasts and had her motorboat him. You might say the man was racking his brain trying to remember.
  • 2019 April 24, Cassandra Dee, Buy Me: A Forbidden Romance , Cassandra Dee Romance: Some guys would have welcomed the opportunity to motorboat his face between two huge bags of saline, enjoying the artificial bounceback.
  • 2020 January 28, Joe Ide, Hi Five , Mulholland Books, →ISBN : “Why didn't you just take your tits out and motorboat him?” “He was nice and polite, okay?” she said. “Something you should learn about. Where's the fucking car?” As good a time as any, Isaiah thought.
  • 2020 August 18, Ashley & JaQuavis, Money Devils 1: A Cartel Novel , St. Martin's Press, →ISBN : It was the same girl from the boat earlier that day, but she was the one driving this go-around. She motorboated his face as he licked away. A petite-framed Latina woman was giving him oral while massaging his sack.
  • 2021 September 1, Goran Radanovic, 10 Erotic Short Stories Vol. 1 , Goran Radanovic, →ISBN , page 51 : He smiled as I motorboated his face between my breasts.
  • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:motorboat .

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  • Post date April 13, 2022

Motorboat (slang)

Type: verb , slang

Pronunciation: /mow-ter- boat /

Also spelled or known as: Motor boat , Motor- boat

Related: Motorboated

What does Motorboat mean?

To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat.

Example sentence: “She let me motorboat her at the party.”

Motorboat in songs :

“If life is a woman, she’s got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ’ em ” – Watsky, IDGAF.

“See them titties , wanna motorboat it” – Childish Gambino, Dream / Southern Hospitality / Partna Dem .

“In a six, told her suck a dick , motorboat her tits ” – A$AP Rocky, Goldie.

“Wish I was big pimpin ’ on a yacht wit Hova But I’m happy that my girl lemme motorboat her” – Lil Dicky, Jewish Flow .

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When I write MOTORBOATING , I mean this:


"Making motor noises when your is head between a woman's breasts"

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  • Jordan: MOTORBOATING .

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  • Meaning of motorboats

motorboats ( English)

  • Plural of motorboat
  • Third-person singular simple present indicative form of motorboat

This is the meaning of motorboat :

motorboat ( English)

Origin & history, alternative forms.

  • ( nautical ) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard ), but especially a small one.
  • ( slang ) To place one's head between a woman's breasts and make the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

Automatically generated practical examples in English:

One person was killed and a second critically injured in a nearly head-on nighttime collision between two motorboats on Lake Havasu along the Colorado River, authorities said Thursday. The Washington Times, 4 June 2020

The 2,400-square-foot home was built back in 1966 and features 200 feet on the river, a private deck and a dock for kayaking or motorboats . Mail Online, 15 October 2020

A small group of Cuban Americans launched motorboats from Miami early Friday, planning to approach Cuba in a show of support for people experiencing hardships on the island. MiamiHerald.com, 23 July 2021

▾  Further examples

Russian troops have resorted to stealing motorboats from local residents as they seek to escape Ukraine's major counteroffensive near the city of Kherson, Ukrainian officials said Friday. The Washington Times, 16 September 2022

Two people have died and three others are missing after two motorboats collided Saturday on a river in coastal Georgia at the start of the long holiday weekend, authorities said. MiamiHerald.com, 28 May 2022

A helicopter and motorboats were deployed in search efforts, including vessels from state firefighters and border police. The Sun, 26 February 2023

▾  Dictionary entries

Entries where "motorboats" occurs:

motorboat : …Swedish: motorbåt‎ (common) Verb motorboat (third-person singular simple present motorboats , present participle motorboating, simple past and past participle motorboated) (slang)…

motor racing : see also motor-racing‎ motor racing (English) Noun motor racing (uncountable) Racing in motor vehicles, such as cars, motorboats , or motorbikes. Translations motor racing - auto…

scafista : scafista (Italian) Noun scafista (masc.) scafista (fem.) A person who maintains and repairs the hulls of ships or aircraft A person who smuggles cigarettes using fast motorboats A…

islandly : …[...] 1981, New Pacific - Volume 6 - Page 18: [...] paddled by lavalava clad men, numerous press motorboats , a few Hobies and windsurfers, and one police motorboat accompanied the…

motor boats : see also motorboats ‎ motor boats (English) Noun motor boats Plural of motor boat

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What Is Motorboarding

Feb 15, 2023

Charlotte Miller

What Is Motorboarding?

Are you curious to know what is motorboarding ? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about motorboarding in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is motorboarding ?

Motorboarding is a slang term used to describe a dangerous and illegal activity where a person, typically a man, places their face between a person’s breasts while riding a motorcycle. This activity is often associated with sexual harassment and assault and can cause serious physical harm to both the motorcyclist and the person being motorboated.

It is important to remember that any sexual activity should always be consensual and safe for all parties involved. Engaging in non-consensual sexual activity is not only illegal but also a violation of basic human rights. It is also crucial to prioritize safety and responsible behavior when engaging in any activity, including those involving vehicles.

Therefore, I strongly advise against participating in motorboating or any other dangerous and non-consensual activity. Instead, let us promote respectful and healthy relationships that prioritize safety, consent, and mutual respect.

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What Is Motor Boarding?

(slang) The act of placing one’s head between a woman’s breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one’s lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

What Does Motorboat Mean In Slang?

Assuming you mean the slang usage rather than the use of a boat with a motor. It means the activity of putting one’s face between a woman’s breasts, and rocking turning one’s head rapidly from side to side while making a noise like a motorboat.

What Does Motor Boat Mean?

: a boat propelled usually by an internal combustion engine.

What Causes Motorboating In Radio?

As with all electronic oscillation, motorboating occurs when some of the output energy from an amplifying device like a transistor or vacuum tube gets coupled back into the input circuit of the device (or possibly into an earlier stage of the amplifier circuit) with the proper phase for the positive feedback.

Is Motorboating A Sport?

motorboating, the sport of navigating a motor-powered vessel on the water. It is done on either fresh- or saltwater and may be competitive or recreational. The first successful motorboat traveled (1887) a few yards on the Seine River in Paris.

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Motorboard Mean

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Examples of motorboat in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'motorboat.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

1890, in the meaning defined above

Dictionary Entries Near motorboat

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“Motorboat.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/motorboat. Accessed 19 Mar. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of motorboat for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of motorboat for Arabic Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about motorboat

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  • cabin cruiser
  • dragon boat
  • rubber dinghy
  • While you can take a motorboat, many people prefer to take the original Venetian taxi, the famous gondola.  

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What does HG mean on TikTok?

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‘It’s my HG’: In case you’re confused, here’s what the acronym ‘HG’ stands for on TikTok

If you're a part of skincare tiktok, you probably already know..

Photo of Allie Hayes

Allie Hayes

Pop Culture

Posted on Mar 18, 2024

Perusing TikTok pretty much always guarantees that you’re going to stumble across some new acronym that has you scratching your head and feeling elderly—no, just me? Okay, have I made it clear that I am very old?

Anyway, if you’ve scrolled through any sort of product recommendation on the platform, you’ve likely come across the acronym “HG,” whether it be among the comments or in the video itself.

So, what does HG mean?

While there are a few meanings for “HG” found online (including “Hot Girl” and “Highly-Gifted”) in the context we’re discussing, “HG” stands for “holy grail.”

Definitely a reference to that cup Indiana Jones hunts down during his last crusade—and, you know, the whole biblical thing—the term “holy grail” dates back to medieval times and Arthurian legend, and is a phrase used when referring to the chalice Jesus Christ drank from during the last supper. However, in the time since, the phrase has come to instead refer to any deeply beloved and highly sought after consumer item.

Use of HG on TikTok

The most typical use for the phrasing is on the make-up and skincare side of TikTok, with fans of specific products christening them their “HG” products. Even the ever-trustworthy Urban Dictionary describes the acronym by saying, “HG can be used as a term in the makeup world, and stands for ‘holy grail.’ It basically means that the product being discussed is someone’s absolute favorite, something they swear by, and a perfect find.”

As stated, this term is easily the most used in the cosmetics and skincare community, with many posting about their “HG mascara” or “HG moisturizer”:

@abbygrayceeex2 I have a lip product addiction and i am TRYING to do better but boy am i failing.. IM JUST A GIRL🙄🫸🏼 #sephorahaul #makeup #holygrailproducts #holygrail #favorite #bestlipproducts #lipgloss #lipoil #makeupfavorites #musthaves #makeupchallenge #makeuptok #foryou #foryoupage #fyp ♬ original sound – abbygrayceee
@hollyjreardon My holy grails fir a deep tan ♬ original sound – Holls
@mikaylanogueira THESE ARE MY HOLY GRAIL PRODUCTS👀👀👀 #makeup #beauty #favorites ♬ original sound – Mikayla Nogueira

Though, it’s not exclusively a phrase used for make-up and skincare products, as it can be used about almost anything that people have strong feelings about, including books:

@georgialovestoread these are my 10 *HOLY GRAIL* book recommendations, ranging from romance, to fantasy-romance, to fantasy! make sure to save this video to reference next time you go book shopping 😉! have you read any of these? what are your holy grail books? #booktok #booktoker #booktokfyp #bookgirlie #bookrecs #booktokbooks #bookrecommendations #holygrailbooks #favoritebooks #5starbooks #5starreads ♬ original sound – Georgia Wilder ౨ৎ
@readwith_jackie here are my favorite of favorites ✨🩷 the romance books i love so much that 5🌟s isn’t enough 📖🥰 #romance #romancebooks #romancereads #romancerecs #books #bookish #booktok #booktoker #bookworm #tbr #kindle #kindleunlimited #kindleunlimitedromance #bookrec #bookrecs #bookrecommendations #2024books #2024bookrecs #2024romancebooks #holygrailbooks #readwithjackie #spicybooks #spicyromance #darkromance #darkromancebooks #smalltownromance #archersvoice #mydarkromeo #outonalimb #thingsweleftbehind #longshot #kyland ♬ original sound – read with jackie 📖✨🩵

And special recipes:

@annabhamm not to be dramatic but this smoothie recipe is life changing #smoothies #smoothierecipe #smoothietok #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningvlogtalking #breakfastofchampions #highproteinsnack #highproteinsweets #highproteinsweettreats ♬ BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S – Cavendish
@bavet_spaghetti Did you already know you can make The Holy Grail at home? 😋 Here’s The Holy Recipe: 🍝 Start with the first BAVET Rollet – Bavet Special sauce. 🧀 Embrace the cheesiness with the second BAVET Rollet – Say Cheese sauce. 🥓 Add bacon, because, well, BACON! 🌰 Elevate the crunch factor with fried onions. 🌶️ Spice it up with some sriracha. Which combo should we make next time? #theholygrail #homemade #food #belgianspaghetti #BAVETRollet #cooking #valpottery ♬ Dance You Outta My Head – Cat Janice

So, there you have it! We all have our “HG” items, and don’t need to be Indiana Jones to find a cup that gives us eternal life—we just need someone on TikTok’s HG moisturizer for that.

The internet is chaotic—but we’ll break it down for you in one daily email. Sign up for the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter  here  to get the best (and worst) of the internet straight into your inbox.

Allie Hayes is an experienced pop culture writer and editor based in New England. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her reading a romance novel, obsessively watching pro wrestling, or taking blurry photos of her two adorable cats.

Allie Hayes

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New slang & emojis: what’s in and what’s out.

According to Words-Rated, 80% of Americans use slang, but one in two Americans have used slang without knowing what it meant. Also, only 69% of millennials feel confident enough to use emojis when flirting.


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100+ Basketball Terms: Modern Slang, Moves, and Rules

  • Basketball Slang
  • Position And Players
  • The Strategies
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Maybe you’re a diehard hoophead. Or maybe you fill out your March Madness bracket based on mascots. You might know the difference between a double bonus , a double-double , and a double dribble . Or between a one-and-one , one-on-one , and and one . But do you know…

  • What’s the difference between a flagrant 1 and a flagrant 2 ?
  • Where does the point in point guard come from?
  • What is a Euro step , exactly?
  • Why is it called the charity stripe ?
  • What is garbage time ?

We’ve compiled a glossary of basketball terminology for the modern game, including a breakdown of official terms and slang as well as explanations of why things are called what they’re called.

Where did the term March madness come from? Find out here.

Basketball slang

  • roundball : a nickname for basketball, which is also commonly called  b-ball .
  • swish : A shot that goes through the hoop without touching the rim or backboard. Often described as nothin’ but net . The slang word splash is sometimes applied to such shots (especially as an interjection when they are made) because the net “splashes” upward like water into which something has dropped. (The term is used in the nickname of sharpshooting backcourt duo Steph Curry and Klay Thompson: the Splash Brothers ).
  • air ball : A missed shot that misses the rim and backboard completely (it literally touches nothing but air). When this happens, fans from the opposing team will inevitably chant “air ball, air ball.”
  • and one : A slang term used to refer to a situation in which a player makes a shot despite being fouled, in which case they get the points from the shot and one free throw. Making the free throw results in a three-point play (or a four-point play, if the shot made during the foul was a three-pointer).
  • flop : An instance of intentionally falling, flailing, or exaggerating contact in order to draw a foul. Also used as a verb.
  • dime : An assist.
  • board : A rebound.
  • hack : To foul, as in Williams hacked Smith on the way to the basket . Sometimes used as a noun.
  • foul trouble : An informal term used to refer to a player or team reaching their foul limit, as in They got in foul trouble late in the game .
  • buzzer beater : Most commonly refers to a shot made right before time runs out in the game (and the buzzer sounds), especially when it’s a game-winning or game-tying shot. The term can also apply to a shot made right before the end of a quarter or before halftime.
  • ankle-breaker : A particularly effective crossover, especially one that causes the defender to slip or fall down.
  • facial : A dunk over a defender, right in their face .
  • posterize : To dunk over a defender spectacularly, as in He just got posterized . The idea is that a photo of the dunk would be the kind to go on a poster.
  • catch a body : To dunk over a defender in a particularly aggressive fashion, as in Morant just caught a body!
  • garbage time : The ending minutes of a lopsided game, when the outcome is no longer in question and mostly bench players are playing.

The positions and players

In the modern game of basketball, many players can’t be neatly classified into one of the five traditional positions. But these five positions are still very commonly used, and each is often referred to with a corresponding number (listed here in descending order according to the typical size of the player who plays that position):

  • center ( 5 )
  • power forward ( 4 )
  • small forward ( 3 )
  • shooting guard ( 2 )
  • point guard ( 1 ): The role of a point guard is to do most of the ball handling (noun: ball handler ) and to help run the offense. Though the ultimate goal of offense is to score points, the point in the name comes from the sense of point referring to a location on the court in the area behind the three-point line, where the point guard spends much of their time.

There are several other terms applied to players and positions, both individually and collectively, including:

  • backcourt : Collectively refers to the two guards, as in They have the best backcourt in the league . Often used as a modifier, as in backcourt tandem and backcourt play .
  • front court : Collectively refers to the forwards and center.
  • the bench : A collective term for all of a team’s substitute players, as in They’re going to need more help from the bench .
  • sixth man , sixth woman, sixth player : An informal name for the go-to substitute player who comes in most often (so named because they are usually the first non-starter to enter the game first after the “starting five”).
  • inbounder : The player who throws in the inbound pass after a stoppage in play (such as after a score or after the ball has gone out of bounds).

Shots, passes, and other moves

  • jump shot : Informally called a jumper or a J .
  • three-pointer : A shot from behind the three-point line, i.e. from “behind the arc” or “from downtown.” Three-pointers are also called threes , treys , and triples .
  • free throw : The uncontested shot awarded (hence free ) to a player when they’re fouled in the act of shooting or after the opposing team has reached their foul limit. Also commonly called a fou l shot .
  • layup : So called because it’s typically made by “laying” the ball against the backboard to bounce it into the hoop.
  • slam dunk : Perhaps most commonly known as simply a dunk , but also slam , jam , or stuff (all of which can also be used as verbs). Different descriptive words are applied to different styles of dunks, such as reverse , windmill , and 360 .

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The terms layup and slam dunk are often used outside of basketball to refer to easy tasks or surefire outcomes based on the fact that these shots are the least likely to be missed. (Relatedly, shots close to the basket are called high percentage shots .)

  • bank shot : So called because it’s “banked” off the backboard instead of being shot directly into the hoop.
  • fadeaway : A jump shot made while a player is falling away from the basket.
  • post up : To position oneself close to the basket, with one’s back facing the basket, in order to receive a pass, typically to then attempt to turn and shoot. The area of the court close to the basket is called the post (see high post and low post below).
  • step back : A move in which the player with the ball quickly hops backward, lands, and shoots (often moving behind the three-point line in the process).
  • floater : A shot, usually close to the basket, released with a high arc to avoid being blocked by a defender. Sometimes called a teardrop .
  • no-look pass : A pass made without looking at the intended receiver. Often just called a no-look .
  • alley-oop : A high-arcing pass to a leaping player who ideally catches it in the air and dunks it in one motion before landing.
  • crossover : A dribbling move in which a player quickly crosses the ball from one hand to the other while switching direction.
  • Euro step : A multi-step motion typically done while driving to the basket to shoot, in which the dribbler picks up the ball, steps in one direction, then quickly steps in another direction while shifting the ball into a position from which they’ll shoot it. So called because the move was developed in European leagues and popularized in the NBA by European players.

Offensive and Defensive Strategies

  • pick : Basically consists of an offensive player standing stationary to block a defender from pursuing the ball handler or another offensive player cutting to receive the ball.
  • pick-and-roll : A multiplayer offensive maneuver in which one player “sets the pick” and then “rolls” toward the basket to receive a pass from the player whom the pick was set for.
  • backdoor play : A strategy in which a player cuts behind a defender’s back (toward the basket) to catch a pass and (usually) quickly shoot. Cutting this way is called going backdoor .
  • fast break : A fast-moving play in which offensive players quickly move the ball down the court, especially while they have the advantage of numbers (meaning there are more offensive players because their opponents are not yet in defensive position).
  • in transition : Used to describe a team’s (often rapid) movement to their offensive side of the court, as in They’ve hit several threes in transition .
  • man-to-man defense : Consists of each defender guarding a specific offensive player. Also known as man-to-man , man defense , or just man (even often in women’s basketball, since man is used in the general sense of “person”).
  • zone defense : Consists of each defender guarding an area of the court (as opposed to a specific player like in man-to-man). Often simply called zone , as in They’re coming out in zone .
  • full-court press : Consists of defenders pressuring the ball handler the entire length of the court (not just after they cross half-court). The term is also used figuratively outside of basketball to refer to a vigorous effort involving all available resources.
  • take a charge : As a defender, to draw an offensive foul by positioning oneself to take contact from an offensive player (usually one driving to the basket or in the act of jumping to shoot).

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  • free throw line : The line behind which a player stands to shoot free throws. Also known as the foul line . Nicknamed the “charity stripe” since the shots are “free” and uncontested.
  • the paint : The informal but most common name for the rectangular area on the court under the basket (which is often painted a solid color). Also called the lane (as in the free throw lane ).
  • high post, low post : The area near the basket on either side of the paint is called the low post (or the block , in reference to the painted blocks that appear there). The high post is farther away from the basket, around the top corners of the free throw lane (which are called elbows ).
  • top of the key : The area around the free throw line’s half-circle, between that point and the three-point line.
  • baseline : One of the two shorter boundary lines of the court behind the baskets (the longer boundary lines on the sides are called sidelines ). The term is used in phrases such as go baseline , which means to move along the baseline toward the basket.
  • shot clock : The clock that counts down how much time is left for the offense to shoot. If the ball doesn’t hit the rim (resulting in a reset) before the shot clock expires, it’s a shot clock violation , resulting in a turnover (meaning the other team gets possession of the ball). The shot clock is separate from the game clock.
  • game clock : The clock keeps track of time left in the quarter, half, or game.
  • tipoff : the jump ball between two opposing players in the center of the court that begins the game.
  • personal foul : A regular foul—for making illegal contact with another player. Personal fouls committed while on defense are called defensive fouls ; ones committed while on offense are called offensive fouls .
  • bonus or penalty : These terms are applied to the situation in which a team has exceeded their foul limit, when all fouls result in automatic free throws for the other team.
  • one-and-one : In college basketball, the initial bonus situation, in which any foul results in the chance to shoot a free throw; if the shooter makes that first free throw, they are awarded a chance to shoot a second one. (Not to be confused with one-on-one , referring to a head-to-head matchup between two opponents.)
  • double bonus : In college basketball, the secondary bonus situation, in which any foul automatically results in two free throws.

Do you know the meanings behind the WNBA team names?

  • technical foul : A foul for violating a rule of conduct, such as excessively arguing with a ref. Informally known as a T . The phrase T up means for a referee to call a technical foul on a player, as in She’s going to get T’ed up if she doesn’t stop arguing calls .
  • flagrant foul : A foul that involves unnecessary contact, especially contact that risks injury. Often separated into flagrant 1 (for lesser violations) and flagrant 2 (for particularly excessive or dangerous fouls, which can result in ejection).
  • traveling : Taking more steps than allowed before starting one’s dribble or after picking up one’s dribble. An instance of the violation is called a travel or, more informally, a walk (which can also be used as a verb, as in Jones just walked with it ).
  • double dribble : A violation in which the ball is dribbled, touched with two hands at once, and then dribbled again.
  • three-second violation : While on offense, being in the paint for more than the allowed three seconds. The violation is often simply called three seconds .
  • backcourt violation : While on offense, the violation that occurs when the ball or the offensive player with the ball travels back over the half-court line into the opponent’s offensive side of the court.
  • jump ball : A way of putting the ball into play in which it’s tossed into the air by the referee and two opposing players attempt to hit it to a teammate. A jump ball is used to start the game or in instances when two opposing players both possess the ball for several seconds.
  • field goal : Any shot made during gameplay (that is, any shot that isn’t a free throw). The term is used in statistics such as field goal percentage , which measures how often a player makes their shots.
  • turnover : The term for what happens when the offense loses possession of the ball without taking a shot, such as when a defensive player steals it or an offensive player accidentally throws it out of bounds. As a verb, it’s spelled as two words ( turn over ), as in They turned the ball over 12 times in the first half .
  • assist-to-turnover ratio : Indicates how many assists a player has compared to turnovers—a measure of efficiency for ball handlers.
  • triple-double : The name for getting double-digit totals in three major statistical categories, typically points, assists, and rebounds (but sometimes blocks or steals). Getting double-digit totals in two categories is called a double-double ; in four categories, it’s called a quadruple-double .

Fast break to take the quiz

Now that you’ve become a pro at basketball terminology, keep your training up by visiting our word list . You’ll be able to practice with flashcards, spelling quizzes and more. Then, hustle to shoot a high score on our basketball quiz and prove to your friends you’re a baller.

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Barbiecore? Cottagecore? What does 'core' mean in slang and why can't we stop using it

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Merriam-Webster defines " core " as "a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature."

But as a suffix, "-core" has taken on a new life thanks to social media. Maybe you've seen someone describe something as Barbiecore , cottagecore , corecore , the list goes on. Each "-core" has its own unique characteristics.

But what do they all mean? Here's a primer on the "-core" trend.

What does 'core' mean?

Dating back to Middle English, the word "core" has referred to an integral or a defining part of something. For instance, a "core" tenant or principle.

This meaning shapes the modern interpretation of "-core." According to Dictionary.com, the suffix describes and is often associated with specific aesthetics, trends or movements . Almost anything can be used in conjunction with "-core."

The "-core" trend centers around preexisting subcultures or niches. This can include anything from patterns to colors to clothing items. If you really like things that are pink or red and covered in hearts, you might like " lovecore ." If you are a big fan of the mystical, ethereal and magical, " fairycore " could be for you (think butterflies, sparkles and flowers).

Sometimes a "-core" can be hyper-specific, relating to a particular celebrity versus a more general vibe. A "Harry Styles-core" aesthetic might include cherries , pearls and Pleasing merchandise. A "Taylor Swift-core" aesthetic may vary depending on your favorite " era ," or it could feature mirror (disco) balls .

How to use 'core'

Here is how to use "-core" in a conversation:

  • "I love your top, it's so balletcore ."
  • "I'm not a fan of minimalism. I prefer cluttercore ."
  • "Ever since she started watching 'Bridgerton', her aesthetic is very royalcore ."

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  1. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound. n. The sound produced when doing a motorboat.

  2. motorboating

    The act of travelling in a motorboat.· (slang) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.··present participle and gerund of motorboat 2010, Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You, page 183: (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are ...

  3. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

    Urban Dictionary, our modern beacon of slang enlightenment, has an entry for 'motorboat' dating back to 2003. While it's challenging to pinpoint the exact year the term first cropped up, it's clear it's been part of our vernacular for at least a few decades, quietly bubbling under the surface before making a splash in popular culture.

  4. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    A slang term for the act of pushing your face between breasts, rocking your head back and forth, and blowing outward, simulating the noise of a boat's motor. Other definitions of Motorboat: To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and ...

  5. What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here's What You Need To Know)

    Motorboating is the act of pressing one's face into someone's chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound. It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture. The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

  6. What Is a Motorboat Urban Dictionary? (Here's All You Need To Know)

    Short Answer. A motorboat is an urban dictionary term used to describe an activity in which two people press their faces together and make loud motorboat noises. It is typically done in a humorous manner, often as a way to embarrass someone or to show affection in a light-hearted way.

  7. Slang for motorboating (Related Terms)

    Slang for motorboating. As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " motorboating " are listed above. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "motorboating" are: flapjacking, schooner, yachting, motorbate, and mud bogging. There are 125 other synonyms or words related to motorboating listed above.

  8. motorboat

    Verb [ edit] motorboat (third-person singular simple present motorboats, present participle motorboating, simple past and past participle motorboated) To ride in a motorboat. ( slang, intransitive, transitive) To press one's face between (another person's breasts ); to press one's face between the breasts of (another person).

  9. Motorboat

    To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat. Example sentence: "She let me motorboat her at the party.". Motorboat in songs: "If life is a woman, she's got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ' em " - Watsky, IDGAF. "See them titties, wanna motorboat it ...

  10. MOTORBOATING Definition & Usage Examples

    Motorboating definition: . See examples of MOTORBOATING used in a sentence.

  11. motorboating: meaning

    motorboating What does motorboating‎ mean? motorboating (English)Noun motorboating (uncountable). The act of travelling in a motorboat. The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to sideVerb motorboating. Present participle of motorboat; 2010, Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You, page 183: (He is ...


    Wrong answers score 0 points. 🏆 If you beat one of the top 3 scores, you will be invited to apply for the Hall of Fame. In a text, MOTORBOATING means Making motor noises when your is head between a woman's breasts. This page explains how MOTORBOATING is used on messaging apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, X (Twitter), and ...

  13. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    The amount of motorboating you can do to a woman, preferably on a scale of 1 to 10.

  14. Motorboating Definition & Meaning

    Motorboating definition: The act of travelling in a motorboat .

  15. Definitions of motorboated

    motorboated: Urban Dictionary [ home, info ] (Note: See motorboat as well.) Definitions from Wiktionary ( motorboat) noun: (nautical) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard), but especially a small one. verb: To ride in a motorboat. verb: (slang, intransitive, transitive) To press one's face between (another person's breasts ...

  16. motorboat noun

    Definition of motorboat noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  17. motorboats: meaning, translation

    Verb. motorboat ( third-person singular simple present motorboats, present participle motorboating, simple past and past participle motorboated) ( slang) To place one's head between a woman's breasts and make the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

  18. What Is Motorboarding?

    Motorboarding is a slang term used to describe a dangerous and illegal activity where a person, typically a man, places their face between a person's breasts while riding a motorcycle. This activity is often associated with sexual harassment and assault and can cause serious physical harm to both the motorcyclist and the person being motorboated.

  19. MOTORBOAT Definition & Usage Examples

    Motorboat definition: . See examples of MOTORBOAT used in a sentence.

  20. Motorboat Definition & Meaning

    motorboat: [noun] a boat propelled usually by an internal combustion engine.

  21. How To Use "Motorboat" In A Sentence: Mastering the Term

    "We have motorboated in this area before." 3. Active and Passive Voice: "Motorboat" can be used in both active and passive voice constructions: Active Voice: "He motorboats the boat." Passive Voice: "The boat is motorboated by him." Parts Of Speech. In terms of parts of speech, "motorboat" can function as both a noun and a verb.


    MOTORBOAT meaning: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.


    MOTORBOAT definition: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.

  24. Teachers, parents see benefits of slang in the classroom, survey says

    Nearly 40% of parents would take class on slang. Survers also found that nearly 2 in 5 parents of K-12 students would be interested in taking a class on the study of slang terms.

  25. What Does HG Mean On TikTok? The Term's Use And History

    Even the ever-trustworthy Urban Dictionary describes the acronym by saying, "HG can be used as a term in the makeup world, and stands for 'holy grail.' It basically means that the product ...

  26. 'No cap' meaning: Understanding and using the slang term

    Here is the meaning and how to use the slang "no cap". What does 'no cap' mean? " No cap " means "no lie" or "for real", according to Dictionary.com. "Cap" is another word for lie, so "no cap ...

  27. 'Boy mom' term explained: What it means and why it's cringey

    The term itself is slang to refer to a specific kind of parent who is perceived as being overly fixated on their male children, often to the detriment of other female children or people in their ...

  28. New slang & emojis: What's in and what's out

    According to Words-Rated, 80% of Americans use slang, but one in two Americans have used slang without knowing what it meant. Also, only 69% of millennials feel confident enough to use emojis when ...

  29. 100+ Basketball Terms To Understand The Sport

    The court. free throw line: The line behind which a player stands to shoot free throws.Also known as the foul line.Nicknamed the "charity stripe" since the shots are "free" and uncontested. the paint: The informal but most common name for the rectangular area on the court under the basket (which is often painted a solid color).Also called the lane (as in the free throw lane).

  30. What does 'core' mean? Examining the slang and how it shapes aesthetics

    Dating back to Middle English, the word "core" has referred to an integral or a defining part of something. For instance, a "core" tenant or principle. This meaning shapes the modern ...