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Bootsservice & Überführung

Datenschutzerklärung, sie möchten ihr boot verkaufen, sie möchten ein boot kaufen,             bootsservice & winterarbeiten, sie benötigen eine überführung, aktuell im angebot, beratung zum verkauf, schlei-yachting - michael flatau   so individuell wie sie ist auch ihre yacht - mein anspruch ist es, die eigenschaften zu erarbeiten, die ihr schiff auszeichnen, um es optimal für den verkauf vorzubereiten, am passenden markt zu platzieren und anschließend die übergabe erfolgreich durchzuführen. als persönlicher berater in fragen des verkaufs ihrer segelyacht arbeite ich eng mit ihnen zusammen und, grenze den zustand ihres objekts präzise ein, sondiere dessen wert und eigenschaften und steigere durch meine empfehlung zu finish-maßnahmen den verkaufswert  , ich erstelle, warte und pflege für sie eine maßgeschneiderte internetpräsenz für ihre yacht auf verschiedenen plattformen und entwerfe ein ansprechendes exposé als pdf zur analogen verwendung, dazu biete ich ein professionelles shooting für hochwertige verkaufsbilder inkl. deren optimaler postproduktion an. ich koordiniere und moderiere besichtigungstermine und vorgespräche in absprache mit ihnen und kümmere mich um eine vollständige erstellung und bearbeitung aller notwendigen dokumente wie z. b. des individuell gestalteteten kaufvertrages, eintragung in das schiffsregister, oder beantragung eines internationalen bootsscheines umschreibung der frequenzzuteilungsurkunde etc., beratung zum kauf, schlei-yachting - michael flatau   sie suchen das passende schiff und sind sich bezüglich des modells noch nicht sicher, oder sie brauchen eine assistenz bei der besichtigung ob trailerboot oder große segelyacht - ich erörtere ihre ansprüche und erwartungen mit ihnen, sodass wir das richtige objekt für sie finden. auch bei der auswahl lasse ich sie nicht allein: wir untersuchen alle wichtigen teile, und ich assistiere ihnen bei der einschätzung des wirklichen wertes einer yacht, damit sie wissen, woran sie sind..

  • Erörterung und Auslotung von Schiffsytpen in Anlehnung an Ihre persönlichen Ansprüche
  • Recherche und Auswahl erster Vorschläge
  • Besichtigung und Beratung vor Ort am Objekt
  • professionelles "Abtasten" eines Objekts und analytisches Gespräch mit dem Verkäufer/der Verkäuferin
  • Nachbereitung und Nachbesprechung en détail und in Ruhe


              ., auch ohne beratung oder verkauf steht ihnen meine expertise bei der auswahl und umsetzung von bootsbaumaßnahmen, bei der planung sowie bei der durchführung von törns zur überführung und bei allem, was mit der werft zusammenhängt, zur verfügung..

broken image

Nammert Yachtversicherung

Bootsbau - Jan Brügge

Segelmacherei - CO-Segel

Segelmacherei - Sonnensegelmacher

hochwertige Bootspolster nach Maß

Individuelle Portraits Ihrer Yacht

Schlei-Yachting - Michael Flatau - Grimsfeld 3 24376 Kappeln   Telefon: +49 (0) 4642 9643844 Mobil: 0176-10301208   Email: [email protected]

Etwa 2-3 Seemeilen weiter landeinwärts befindet sich der Hafen von Maasholm .  Hier ist ein großer Yachthafen und ein bekanntes Fischerdorf. Die beiden Hauptstraße sind wunderschön anzusehen, die netten kleine Häuser wirke ein wenig aus der Zeit gefallen. Urgemütlich. Nach Maasholm kommt der wohl berühmteste Schleihafen: Kappeln. Hier wurde die bekannte Serie" Der Landarzt" gedreht. Im Zentrum gibt es immer noch die "Landarztkneipe" mit Erinnerungen an die Dreharbeiten.  Danach schlängelt sich die Schlei etwas und 2 Seemeilen weiter ist man in Arnis, der kleinsten Stadt in Deutschland. Es gibt nur ca. 300 Einwohner und dennoch hat der Ort das Stadtrecht. 

Wenn man dann weiter segelt Richtung Schleswig, es sind insgesamt ca. 42 Kilometer von Schleimünde bis Schleswig, dann kommen so nette Orte wie Sieseby, Brodersby oder Borgwedel.  Am Ende wartet die Domstadt Schleswig , ehemals Residenzstadt, mit vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie Schloss Gottorf oder dem Schleswiger Dom.

Ausgangshäfen in der Schlei

Yachtcharter Maasholm

Der Sportboothafen Maasholm, an der Schleimündung zur Ostsee, modern und attraktiv, ist ein idealer Ausgangspunkt für Ihren Segeltörn nach Dänemark.

Yachtcharter Kappeln

Der Yachthafen Kappeln liegt am Westufer des Schlei-Fahrwassers, in der Nähe der Kappelner Klappbrücke. Nach einem kurzen Törn entlang der Schlei erwarten Sie die romantischen Häfen in der Dänischen Südsee.

Yachtcharter Arnis

Arnis ist in mancherlei Hinsicht eine ungewöhnliche Stadt. So hat Arnis nur 300 Einwohner und darf sich die kleinste Stadt Deutschlands nennen.

Yachtcharter Schleswig

Die Schlei ist eine langgezogene Förde, also ein Meeresarm der Ostsee und kein Fluss. An ihrem Ende liegt die Domstadt Schleswig.

yachthandel schlei

Michael Schmidt & Partner - Seit 30 Jahren die Adresse Ihrer Wahl


Die Grundlage unseres Erfolges in über 30 jähriger Tätigkeit ist stets, den vielen Interessierten ein ihren persönlichen Wünschen entsprechendes, Neu- oder Gebrauchtboot zu vermitteln.

Wir sehen unsere Aufgabe nicht allein im Handel mit Yachten, sondern in der Vermittlung von Freude am Wassersport und Ihrer Zufriedenheit am neuen Boot.

Unsere Mitarbeiter garantieren Ihnen einen einzigartigen Service, denn sie sind nicht nur kompetente Gesprächspartner, sondern haben auch ein Gespür dafür, was Sie unter Ihrem Wunschboot verstehen.



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© 2024 MICHAEL SCHMIDT & PARTNER Yachthandels GmbH

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Michael Schmidt & Partner

Osterbrooksweg 29

22869 Schenefeld

Neue Telefonnummer Festnetz:

040 60 73 19 63

Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei

Mit Topberatung schnell und sicher buchen.

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  • Kappeln an der Schlei

Ob Schweden, Dänemark oder die deutschen Ostseeinseln: Kappeln an der Schlei wartet mit einem romantischen kleinen Hafen auf, der vom Fjord geschützt wird. Von hier aus sind sämtliche Segelreviere der Ostsee leicht zu erreichen.

yachthandel schlei

Herrliche Landschaften, Erholung am nahe gelegenen Ostseestrand, eine große Anzahl gastronomischer Angebote, Restaurants und Hotels sowie mehrere Anlegestellen für Segelyachten und einen kleinen Hafen – all das bietet Ihnen der Fischereiort für Ihren Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei. Durch die geschützte Lage Kappelns am Fjord und einer hervorragende Infrastruktur vor Ort können Sie Ihren Yachtcharterurlaub sofort nach der Ankunft am Stützpunkt im ruhigen Wasser beginnen. Die direkte Nähe der romantischen Hafenstadt zur Schleimündung in die Ostsee ermöglicht Ihnen anschließend, ihren Urlaub in den wunderschönen Segelrevieren der Kieler Bucht und der dänischen Südsee zu genießen.

Blog | Kappeln an der Schlei

Maasholm (5 km), damp (11 km), eckernförde (22 km), augustenborg (33 km), marina minde (34 km), laboe (34 km), wendtorf (36 km), flensburg (37 km), kiel (40 km), dyvig (insel als) (46 km), top-destinationen, 1a yachtcharter gmbh.

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Classic Sailing Yacht

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Als junges Unternehmen 2017 gegründet haben wir uns auf die Vermittlung von Booten und Yachten spezialisiert. Ausserdem bieten wir Überführungen von Yachten auf dem Seeweg durch erfahrene geeignete Skipper an. Bootsservice Arbeiten runden das Portfolio ab.


  • 2017 Year founded
  • Michael Flatau Company founder
  • Grimsfeld 3
  • DE-24376 Kappeln
  • Get directions
  • Show phone number +49 17610301208
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Yacht Charter Schlei

Search and book yachts and catamarans in schlei.

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Yacht charter from Kappeln or Olpenitz on the Schlei!

Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei

a striking point, the lighthouse at the entrance to the Schlei! 

From here you have an excellent starting position for your yacht charter trip to Denmark, Sweden or the north of the Baltic Sea. The good supply possibilities within walking distance enable you to complete your holiday, equipment or provisions before starting your yacht charter. In case of bad weather you can stay a few days in the Schlei and enjoy the beautiful landscape. Worth a visit is the Schleimuseum in Kappeln. Here all landlubbers can use their imagination to board old boats and traditional sailers and find out about the historical development of local shipping. The museum harbour in Kappeln - with its former freight and fishing vehicles - is a magnet for visitors to the city.

Angelner Museumsbahn Kappeln - Süderbrarup - Germany's northernmost museum railway has been in operation here since 1979. On about 10 - 15 days, especially in the summer months, historic trains with steam locomotives travel through the idyllic landscape.

Here begins your yacht charter - sailing vacation on the Baltic Sea For your Baltic Sea sailing trip there are several new or as good as new sailing yachts available. With us you will find the right ship and charter a good sailing yacht.

A new yacht charter harbour is being built in Olpenitz . The former naval base will be developed into a Baltic Resort. Hotels, holiday homes, apartments and a swimming pool will be built on the 160 hectare site. A holiday paradise with a wonderful view over the Baltic Sea is being created here. The yacht charter base is still under construction. You should remember the name Olpenitz, the harbour is in the best location directly at the Baltic Sea. Many well-known, domestic yacht charter companies are interested to furnish here a further, new support point.

Start today with your planning for a yacht charter from Kappeln or Olpenitz !

Current special offers and last minute offers for yacht charter from Kappeln an der Schlei can be found on our website. Yachtcharter Dagen - your Internet specialist for yacht charter from the Baltic Sea.

Schlei Yacht Charter Regions

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im jaich: Yachthäfen, Yachtservice, Hotel Bremerhaven, Wasserferienwelt Rügen

We would like to welcome you to the smallest town in Germany: Arnis. What used to be an island became a peninsula in the 18th century and lies in the midst of a picturesque landscape. The “Schlei's Pearl” is not only a popular attraction for regional visitors, it's also a real insider's tip for aquatic sport athletes. You can discover the largest fjord in Germany from our harbor or start on a cruise to the Danish Southern Seas. You might not even want to leave our harbour when the weather is good though - so don't say we didn’t warn you!


You can find an overview of all prices for moorings in our yacht harbour here. Our prices include the legal taxes, all changes remain reserved. Binding prices are received in response to booking requests.

  • im-jaich Home Port Arnis Prices 2018

With only 45 hectares and 300 inhabitants, Arnis isn't exactly a large city. Still, what Arnis lacks in size, it makes up for with its idyllic surroundings. The little town on the west coast of the Schlei is only a few kilometres south of Kappeln and has a long history of fishing and shipbuilding. The one long street was founded over 300 years ago, making space for independent stores as well as the town hall with different exhibitions. Bikeways and pedestrian paths in the surrounding area are ideal for discovery tours. Back in Arnis, nothing is better suited to cool down than a quick jump into the Schlei - a beach with a small playground can be found in the town’s south.

Should you decide to trade your sails for a steamer for a day, historic pleasure boats start their tour from one end of the Schlei to another in the nearby town Kappeln.

In Arnis, the "Pearl of the Schlei", you will not only find 35 mooring places, but also coffee & cake in our Café Framo.

Virtual Tour

Get acquainted here in advance with our home port Arnis


The perfect Baltic Sea Feeling awaits you in Eckernförde

Boardinghouse Bremerhaven

The best of vacation apartments and hotels in one: Our Boardinghouse Bremerhaven

For Permanent and Temporary Guests

Once you’ve docked at one of our im-jaich marinas, you’ll always come back

Mare Soleil Yachthandel GmbH



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Novotel Moscow City 4 stars Family friendly

Novotel Moscow City - Image 1

88 88 photos/video

83 83 photos/video


Novotel Moscow City

Hotel that makes every moment matter

The Novotel Moscow City is the only hotel in the famous Moscow City business area of the capital among the highest skyscrapers in Europe, with exciting sky decks and restaurants with panoramic views. The hotel is perfect for business and holiday. Rooms with panoramic windows, a restaurant and a bar, the InBalance welness center, 8 conference rooms, and an underground parking are at guests' disposal.

Novotel Moscow City has a good location within walking distance to the one of the largest Afimall City Shopping and Entertainment Mall, Expocenter, Moscow River Embankment and Krasnaya Presnya Park. The Hotel is also easily accessible by the public transport: several subway and public transport stations, including express to Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo International Airports.

Hospitality and high standards of one of the largest hotel operators in the world Accor in a modern business district of Russia. Novotel Moscow City is perfect for relaxation, ideal for business. Welcome!

Take advantage of the opportunity to book a buffet breakfast on the website for the price of 1,700 rubles per person! The cost of the breakfast when paid at the reception and in the MC Traders restaurant is 1,950 rubles per person.

Hotel extras

Free Wi-Fi, newspapers and maps of Moscow. 5 minutes to the Expo Center.

A minute to the Afimall shopping center with lots of shops, cafes, cinemas.

2 minutes to the highest observation deck in Europe and no-limit ice cream.

4 metro stations and Moscow Central Circle station near the hotel.

15-minutes drive to the Kremlin.

Our accommodation(s)

Page out of

Superior Room with queen-size bed

yachthandel schlei

  • 25 m² / 269 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Double bed(s)
  • Views: Courtyard View

From NaN RUB NaN RUB Note  *

Fees and taxes included

1 night | 1 adult

Superior Room with 2 twin beds

yachthandel schlei

  • Bedding 2 x Twin bed(s)
  • Views: City View

Deluxe room with a double bed

yachthandel schlei

Executive Room with king-size bed.

yachthandel schlei

  • 34 m² / 365 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x King size bed(s) and 1 x Double sofa bed(s)

Executive Deluxe Room with double bed and sofa.

yachthandel schlei

  • 40 m² / 430 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x King size bed(s) and 1 x Single sofa bed(s)

Deluxe with a double bed for guests with limited mobility

yachthandel schlei

  • Accessible room

Executive room for guests with limited mobility with King-size bed

yachthandel schlei

  • 33 m² / 355 sq ft

Junior suite for guests with limited mobility with a King-size bed

yachthandel schlei

  • 58 m² / 624 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Double bed(s) and 1 x Double sofa bed(s)

Junior Suite Room with king-size bed and sofa

yachthandel schlei

Suite Room with king-size bed and sofa

yachthandel schlei

  • 54 m² / 581 sq ft

City Suite with 1 King-size bed and sofa

yachthandel schlei

  • 75 m² / 807 sq ft

Hotel location

yachthandel schlei

Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 2, Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya 2, Russia 123112  Moscow Russia

GPS : 55.748069, 37.53685

Contact email [email protected]

Click to copy the email address

Access and transport

Kiev railway station

Railway station

Access: 4.9 km  /  3.04 mi     15 min drive

Tourist attraction

Access: 5.6 km  /  3.48 mi     15 min drive

Historic monument

Access: 6.3 km  /  3.91 mi     15 min drive


Access: 7.5 km  /  4.66 mi     20 min drive

Access: 7.5 km  /  4.66 mi     18 min drive

Shuttle on call, Shuttle scheduled

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Access: 7.5 km  /  4.66 mi     15 min drive


Opera/symphony/concert hall

Access: 8.4 km  /  5.22 mi     20 min drive

"Krasnaya Presnya" park

Access: 2.1 km  /  1.3 mi     15 min walk  /  7 min drive

"Afimall City" shopping center

Shopping district

Access: 200 m  /  0.12 mi     5 min walk

Hotel services

Check-in from 03:00 PM - Check out up to 12:00 PM

  • Wheelchair accessible

Fitness center

  • Air conditioning
  • Meeting rooms
  • 100% Non Smoking Property
  • Room service

yachthandel schlei

MC Traders offers a wide range of delicious international cuisine and cooking classes. The guests can enjoy Early bird breakfast from 4 am; hold a meeting during a business lunch and in the evening relax next to a real fireplace in the bar.


yachthandel schlei

Located in the hotel lobby, the MC Traders lounge bar is the ideal place to relax. A wide range of drinks and snacks is available to suit all tastes.

yachthandel schlei

4 options for you to chose from depending on your tastes. A snack at reception from 4AM. A buffet breakfast. For those in a hurry, hot drinks, orange juice and croissants served at the bar. Room service.

yachthandel schlei

At our charming wellness and fitness center, you can enjoy our 2 saunas, 2 hammams (Turkish baths), relaxation rooms and massage treatments. Our mission is to make sure you can enjoy complete relaxation.

yachthandel schlei

Meetings & Events

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Our guest reviews

100% genuine reviews from our guests

ALL Rating  4.5/5  2,673 reviews

TripAdvisor Rating  4.5/5  1,820 reviews

Wonderful Stay as always !!

yachthandel schlei

TripAdvisor rating 5.0/5

andyrocks_globe 3/5/2024 TripAdvisor review

During my recent stay at Novotel Moscow City from 9th to 22nd February, I was pleasantly surprised by the warm reception I received from the duty manager Marika. Her friendly demeanor and efficient handling of check-in made me feel welcome and valued as a guest as always. I also want to extend my appreciation to the night manager Maria for her attentiveness and quick response to any requests or concerns I had during my stay. Her professionalism and dedication to ensuring a comfortable experience for guests did not go unnoticed. The F&B Manager Darina and her associate Yulia deserves special recognition for their exceptional service and attention towards the incredible experience. I am extremely glad with the fact that how she is concerned with every details to make the valued guest feel exceptional during the stay. Lastly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards Deputy GM Marina for her overall management of the hotel. Her leadership and commitment to guest satisfaction were evident throughout my stay, and I truly felt well taken care of under her supervision.

Fantastic place

Customer review rating 4.5/5

Anonymous Friends - 1/14/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Good location, near to a big mall ( 4 minutes of walk ) were everything you need is available.

Dear Saud! Thank you for your kind feedback. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your stay with us. Looking forward to welcoming you back. Sincerely, Irina Naumova Quality and Attitude Manager.

Well located

Customer review rating 4.0/5

Vitaly Y. Business - 12/9/2023 Confirmed reviews ALL

1. Process of lamp light replacement should be managed more effectively. 2. It is too noisy in the inner rooms - noise from events (bad sound isolation) 3. All other aspects are on the good level.

Dear Vitaly! Thank you for your kind feedback. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your stay with us. Looking forward to welcoming you back.

well located, good stay

Customer review rating 5.0/5

Davit S. Business - 12/9/2023 Confirmed reviews ALL

Thank you for everything?

Dear Davit! Thank you for your kind feedback. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your stay with us. Looking forward to welcoming you back.

Hotel Novotel Moscow City is my favorite hotel to stay at when I am in Moscow.

yachthandel schlei

Jeremy D 11/25/2023 TripAdvisor review

Hotel Novotel Moscow City is an excellent hotel and a great value for the price, located in Moscow City and next to AfiMall and lots of good restaurants walking distance. It is my favorite hotel to stay at when I am in Moscow. The rooms are comfortable, the sauna and gym are good, and the restaurant and bar in the lobby are convenient. The people who work there are extremely helpful. Catherine Golovanova was working behind the front desk when I had some issues with my flight and she was incredibly helpful and delivered a lot of value on my hotel scheduling issues. That woman has a bright future in the hotel industry - I really believe she would be a great manager for a high end hotel. Extremely helpful in an elegant and diplomatic way. If you are visiting Moscow I strongly recommend a stay in the Hotel Novotel Moscow City.

Dear Jeremy! Thank you very much for your glowing review regarding your stay at Novotel Moscow City! We are thrilled to hear that you have a great impression about your stay, as well as our hotel team and particularly Catherine! It is a pleasure for us to bring comfort and positive emotions to our Guests providing courteous, warm and welcoming service. We are glad that you highly evaluated our work! We are looking forward to welcoming you back at our hotel! Sincerely, Irina Naumova Quality and Attitude Manager.

In partnership with  TripAdvisor

Web-users rating

Other web-users rate our hotel

  • 847 reviews 9.4/10 Location
  • 1,410 reviews 7.3/10 Room
  • 1,222 reviews 8.8/10 Service
  • 18 reviews 4.7/10 WiFi
  • 868 reviews 9.6/10 Breakfast
  • 497 reviews 7.8/10 Cleanliness
  • 230 reviews 7.8/10 Vibe
  • 141 reviews 5.7/10 Amenities
  • 106 reviews 9.5/10 Location
  • 188 reviews 7.1/10 Room
  • 168 reviews 9.1/10 Service
  • 141 reviews 9.6/10 Breakfast
  • 56 reviews 7.2/10 Cleanliness
  • 9 reviews 5.6/10 Amenities
  • 114 reviews 9.6/10 Location
  • 198 reviews 6/10 Room
  • 147 reviews 8.2/10 Service
  • 122 reviews 9.3/10 Breakfast
  • 65 reviews 7.3/10 Cleanliness
  • 64 reviews 5.7/10 Comfort
  • 25 reviews 5.1/10 Amenities
  • 41 reviews 9.2/10 Location
  • 115 reviews 6.6/10 Room
  • 80 reviews 8.2/10 Service
  • 50 reviews 9.8/10 Breakfast
  • 38 reviews 7.9/10 Cleanliness
  • 6 reviews 5.4/10 Amenities
  • 35 reviews 9.5/10 Location
  • 59 reviews 6.9/10 Room
  • 52 reviews 8.7/10 Service
  • 33 reviews 9.7/10 Breakfast
  • 25 reviews 8.1/10 Cleanliness


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Price from: 1 night for 1 person in the room category identified within the same price range, excluding additional services and breakfast. This refers to the lowest public price, including all taxes ( VAT and tourist tax included) for the accommodation concerned, found on site today, for a one-night stay in the next 20 days . Varies according to period and availability. The price is only guaranteed at the time of booking. All bookings (foreign) are payable in the local currency where the hotel is situated. Only the amount confirmed during the booking in the hotels local currency is guaranteed. An estimated conversion in your local currency may be given for reference but is not part of the contract. Your bank may charge you bank fees and/or exchange fees at the time of payment.

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Moscow's High Rise Bohemia: The International Business District With No Business

yachthandel schlei

  • Written by Dario Goodwin
  • Published on March 17, 2015

The Moscow International Business Center (Also known as Moskva-City ) was meant to be Russia ’s ticket into the Western world. First conceived in 1992, the district at the edge of Moscow’s city center is intended to contain up to 300,000 inhabitants, employees and visitors at any given moment and, when completed, will house over 4 million square meters of prime retail, hotel and office space to create what the Russian government desired most from this project: an enormous financial district that could dwarf London’s Canary Wharf and challenge Manhattan . Twenty three years later though, Moscow-based real estate company Blackwood estimates that as much as 45% of this new space is entirely vacant and rents have plummeted far below the average for the rest of Moscow. The only press Moskva-City is attracting is for tenants like the High Level Hostel , a hostel catering to backpackers and other asset-poor tourists on the 43rd floor of the Imperia Tower , with prices starting at $25.50 for a bed in a six-person room. This is not the glittering world of western high finance that was envisioned back in the post-Soviet 90s; but what has it become instead?

yachthandel schlei

As one might expect from a project of this sheer ambition, Moskva-City has a troubled past. The economic crash in 2008 hit Russia hard enough to evict the previous Mayor of Moscow , Yuri Luzhkov, who had been a cheerleader for the district, and replace him with the considerably more austere Sergei Sobyanin, who famously declared that the whole idea was an “urban planning mistake.” But as recently as 2013, the Wall Street Journal was triumphantly claiming that Moskva-City had risen from the dead, citing 80% occupancy rates and glowing quotes from industry insiders claiming that Moskva-City was the "place to be." Driven by record highs in oil prices, Moscow looked poised to become the next Dubai .

Instead, Moscow is now in the grip of an economic winter prompted by western sanctions and drops in the price of oil. The large financial groupings that Moskva-City was meant to shelter have been warned off by their inability to issue credit to international markets, for example - but Moskva-City isn’t just an Empire State Building left empty by the Great Depression.

A fundamental problem that is holding Moskva back compared to the rest of Moscow is the simple fact that currently, getting to Moskva-City is nigh-on impossible at peak hours. Moscow has long been plagued with transport problems, ever since the government failed to match the dramatic expansion of the city with a dramatic expansion of the transport system after the Second World War. Despite being only 2.5 miles from the Kremlin , Moskva-City is only just inside the ring road that bounds the city center and which acts as the only real transport link to it (and as a result, is clogged by construction vehicles.) A railway and metro hub has been finished, but so far only runs a one-stop shuttle service to the closest Metro station that is actually integrated with the rest of Moscow Metro. The isolation of the outer districts is a large, negative part of the Moscow psyche, and it’s not surprising that this is driving away the globetrotting financial elite this project was meant to attract.

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The project is managed by architectural practice No.6, which is a constituent part of the large Moscow based practice Mosproject-2 , which is itself a public corporation headed up by Mikhail Vasilyevich Posokhin, who is apparently the “People’s Architect of Russia.” Despite all this state involvement, the project has still managed to become bogged down in bureaucratic infighting - each lot is managed and developed individually, which has led to developers competing for occupants by slashing rates.

Much has been written about the way modern financial districts and towers that inhabit them can be unwelcoming, forbidding or even hostile by design, but the skyscrapers of Moskva-City seem even less friendly than usual. The site - a former stone quarry, chosen out of necessity as the only place in the city center where a new district could be plausibly constructed - is isolated both physically and visually, leaving the cluster a stark anomaly on the city skyline. Even the names seem more imposing than optimistic now: Imperia, City of Capitals , Steel Peak.

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The Mercury City Tower , so far the tallest completed building on the site, is officially “a strong reference to Russian constructivism, [which] gives the tower a strong vertical thrust similar to the one found in New York's Chrysler building .” It would be easy to criticize the Mercury City Tower for picking ‘inspirations’ that are so totally opposed to each other - The Chrysler building the defining emblem of American pre-crash confidence and Constructivism created with the express purpose (especially architecturally) of extending the Bolshevik revolution into a social revolution - but the way they smash those two inspirations together is almost beautifully ironic.

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Even though the High Level Hostel is less an asset to a financial district than it is a PR problem, it’s been a huge success since opening in September, already ranked 27th out of 766 hostels in Moscow by TripAdvisor. According to the management agency for Moskva-City , 58% of the new occupant signings this year have been non-financial, including a number of small to medium size businesses. Other areas of office space have been occupied by a restaurant and a culinary school, while another space has been redeveloped into a 6,000 seat theater.

While Moskva-City is failing to be a financial district that could take on the world, it’s inadvertently becoming a humanized space catering to the very groups that the Russian economic miracle left behind. Taking advantage of rents lower than the rest of Moscow , the world class facilities and the sheer desperation of the developers, the humanization of Moskva-City could well create the world’s first high-rise bohemia.

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Of course, these are not spaces designed for a community, or even for people: these are spaces designed for money, and there’s little scope for changing something that seems so baked into the design of Moskva-City . The High Level Hostel is trading off of the irony of being a hostel in a banking tower, but it’s perfectly possible that at some point people will no longer find this joke funny (especially in a building that seems hostile to the very idea of humor). The isolation of Moskva, even though it allowed this community to spring up in the first place, is just as detrimental to a humanized district as it is to a financial one: even bohemians need to move around the city, or the district risks becoming a black-spot instead of a hot-spot.

Moskva-City’s isolation won’t last forever. The end of construction will open the roads up to traffic, and plans to properly integrate the spur lines of the Metro in this area into the wider system are well under way. The integration of the district will inevitably push up rents, and the Russian economy will eventually boom once again. When that happens, Moskva-City is prime territory to be reconquered by the giants of international finance, and it seems unlikely that the municipal or national governments would want to step in to protect this accidental district. For now, though, the towers capture perfectly this moment of Russia ’s schizophrenic understanding of its place in the world.

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