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fusione testa albero attaoco sartie e strallo attacco crocetta terminale crocetta giraflocco basso sportello gavone prua scarico gavone ancora landina sartia attacco strallo tappo scarico interno gavone ancora gancio gavone ancora gancio gavone ancora scassa albero fusione piede albero fascietta attacco vang e gioco randa bozzello incasso cursore attacco boma fascietta albero attacco fusione testa boma vang completo gioco fiocco strozzascotta deriva chiusura pozzetto fusione piede boma tappo scarico doppiofondo strozzascotte awolgif locco gioco completo bozzelli bozzello interno

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38- oblo gavoni laterali 39- svuotataori posteriori (flap) 43- attacco motore int. (gomma) 44- attacco motore est. (gomma) 46'- attacco prolunga timone

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Il Tridente 16', costruito dal cantiere C.N.A. Cantiere Nautico di San Mauro Pascoli (FC), è un'imbarcazione a vela di 5 metri appartenente alla categoria delle “derive collettive” carrellabile, con appendici (deriva e timone) mobili, pertanto utilizzabile da riva.

Il progetto iniziale risalente agli anni '70 nell'ultimo decennio è stato oggetto di un restyling a cura dello Studio Tecnico del cantiere, che ha  provveduto a rendere l'imbarcazione più attuale e performante pur mantenendo le originali caratteristiche di semplicità di gestione e facilità di utilizzo.

Nata per le scuole vela, o per la famiglia dal 2010 è anche protagonista di una nutrita serie di manifestazioni agonistiche di rilevanza internazionale e nazionale come: Trofeo Accademia Navale di Livorno (TAN) Trofeo Morosini di Venezia Campionati Sportivi (MIUR Ministero istruzione, università, ricerca)

tridente 16 sailboat

Tridente 16


Il Tridente 16 è una deriva velica di medie dimensioni, ha una lunghezza pari a 5 metri, armata con fiocco e randa terzarolabile. Il simbolo di classe è per l’appunto un tridente. È prodotta da molti anni dal Centro Nautico Adriatico di San Mauro Pascoli (FC). Lo scafo è a spigolo e di discreta larghezza, ne consegue una forte stabilità di forma che rende il Tridente forse la migliore barca-scuola per iniziazione alla vela nonché una pregevolissima deriva per il campeggio nautico anche se per tale uso risulta leggermente pesante.

Fra le dotazioni, oltre alla tormentina ed alla possibilità di armare uno spinnaker, nella versione da campeggio nautico sono presenti anche dei gavoni di poppa aggiuntivi atti allo stivaggio delle attrezzature da campo. Il tridente è prodotto nella versione a spigolo e nella versione a scafo tondo, quest’ultima con prestazioni sicuramente più velocistiche grazie anche alla velatura full-batten ed allo scafo più idrodinamico dotato di slancio di prua più corto, perdendo però leggermente in stabilità.

La solidità della sua costruzione e la validità del suo progetto fanno si che il Tridente sia fra le derive più longeve e più apprezzate nel panorama della vela su derive.

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Linea Derive

Barche realizzate in vetroresina per durare nel tempo. Robuste, sicure, versatili e al tempo stesso performanti. Create per dare emozioni e un piacere infinito a chi le utilizza.

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Tridente 14'

Tridente 16'.

Tridente 14' ultima nata dall’esperienza dello staff tecnico del C.N.A. in soli 4,30 metri concentra, in un dosato equilibrio, tutte le caratteristiche positive che si desiderano avere in una deriva in vetroresina: sufficientemente leggero per un equipaggio di due persone, robusto, spazioso e comodo senza nulla sacrificare alle prestazioni che sono particolarmente esaltanti al lasco.

Progettato secondo le più moderne tendenze nautiche, con linee d’acqua, piano velico (randa "square top" in laminato steccata) ed appendici di nuovo disegno, Tridente 14' è in grado di soddisfare le esigenze sia dei velisti più esigenti ed esperti, sia delle famiglie che vogliono godere di un’assolata giornata di mare.

Permangono dalla tradizione del cantiere le panche controstampate che si estendono per tutta la lunghezza dell’ampio pozzetto ed i gavoni stagni. Un’ampia gamma di accessori, disponibili su richiesta, lo rendono un’imbarcazione adatta ad affrontare piccole crociere giornaliere o di campeggio nautico.

L’armamento semplice ed intuitivo e la facilità di utilizzo lo rendono particolarmente adatto alle esigenze delle scuole vela e delle strutture turistiche ludico-sportive.


Scafo realizzato in vetroresina rinforzata con struttura in sandwich di termanto e tessuti di vetro biassiali. Albero e boma in alluminio anodizzato, deriva e timone in vetroresina, randa full batten realizzata in laminato, fiocco in dacron. Randa con 1 mano di terzaroli. Fitting di coperta Ronstan. Golfare a prua di traino, bitta a scomparsa, gavone a tenuta stagna, 2 gavoni a poppa stagni. Supporto per motore fuoribordo a poppa.

Scheda tecnica

  • L. F.t. mt. 4,30
  • B. Max mt. 1,70
  • Peso kg. 140
  • Sup. Velica mq. 13
  • Portata persone n. 5 Kg 400
  • Carrello alaggio in alluminio 2 ruote
  • Rullafiocco
  • Telo copribarca
  • Kit trapezio
  • Scaletta bagno
  • Kit rematore

Il Tridente 16' , di facile conduzione, sicuro, spazioso, robusto, performante: è un'imbarcazione a vela di 5 metri in vetroresina appartenente alla categoria delle "derive collettive" carrellabili, con appendici (deriva e timone) mobili, quindi utilizzabile da riva.

Già progetto iniziale di successo risalente agli anni '70 e prodotto per oltre un ventennio, è stato oggetto di un restyling a cura dello Studio Tecnico del cantiere secondo le più moderne conoscenze nautiche. Tridente 16' grazie alle nuove forme di carena e all'armo maggiorato, pur mantenendo le originali caratteristiche di robustezza, semplicità di gestione e facilità di utilizzo, possiede notevoli prestazioni nautiche.

Nata per le scuole vela, per la famiglia, e per l’attività velica ludico-sportiva è oggi una delle derive più diffuse nei circoli velici e nei villaggi-vacanza.

Ampio pozzetto auto svuotante, sedute ergonomiche, gavoni stagni e per l’ancora, nonché una vasta serie di optional a richiesta lo rendono estremamente versatile. Ideale come one-day sailing yacht per chi vuole passare una bella giornata di mare o come protagonista di una nutrita serie di manifestazioni per gli equipaggi più esigenti che vogliono cimentarsi in regata.

Scafo realizzato in vetroresina rinforzata con struttura in sandwich di termanto e tessuti di vetro biassiali. Albero e boma in alluminio anodizzato, deriva e timone in vetroresina, randa e fiocco realizzati in dacron. Randa con 1 mano di terzaroli. Fitting di coperta Ronstan/Viadana. Golfare a prua di traino, 3 bitte in coperta, gavone a tenuta stagna, 2 gavoni a poppa stagni, pozzetto porta ancora, supporto a poppa per fuoribordo.

  • L. F.t. mt. 5,00
  • B. Max mt. 1,92
  • Peso kg. 210
  • Sup. Velica mq. 16
  • Carrello alaggio in alluminio 4 ruote
  • Bottaccio gomma

Tradizione e rinnovamento: Skipper è progettato sulle linee d’acqua del glorioso Tridente Classico a spigolo, rivisto completamente nel piano velico e nel disegno di deriva e timone, rappresenta la continuità della filosofia progettuale del cantiere.

Deriva multifunzionale può essere personalizzata con accessori "Comfort family pack" per rilassanti gite giornaliere o con “Sport pack” che ne esalta le performance veliche, da condividere con la propria famiglia o con gli amici.

Comodità o velocità in sicurezza garantita dalla stabilità della forma dello scafo e dalla possibilità di ridurre la superficie velica anche in navigazione.

L'attrezzatura molto essenziale riduce notevolmente i tempi di armamento, generosa la disponibilità di gavoni e presenti le panche ricavate nel controstampo della coperta che permettono all’equipaggio una seduta ergonomica, mantenendo il perfetto controllo dell’imbarcazione.

Scafo realizzato in vetroresina rinforzata con struttura in sandwich di termanto e tessuti di vetro biassiali. Albero e boma in alluminio anodizzato, deriva e timone in vetroresina, randa e fiocco realizzati in dacron. Randa con 1 mano di terzaroli. Fitting di coperta Ronstan/Viadana. Golfare a prua di traino, 1 bitta di ormeggio, gavone a tenuta stagna, 2 gavoni a poppa stagni. Supporto motore fuoribordo a poppa.

  • L. F.t. mt. 4,00
  • B. Max mt. 1,60
  • Peso kg. 100
  • Sup. Velica mq. 11
  • Portata persone n. 4 Kg 320
  • Albero divisibile

"X" una sigla che ricorda la nomenclatura di progetti misteriosi destinati alla sperimentazione; nelle intenzioni del cantiere“X” è il punto perfetto di incrocio tra divertimento ed emozione, queste sono state le linee guida che ha seguito lo studio tecnico del C.N.A. per la progettazione della deriva X 14' .

Di casa sulle spiagge, nei circoli ed in tanti luoghi di villeggiatura, X 14' è l’imbarcazione a vela ideale per chi vuole veleggiare a "0" problemi. Peso contenuto ed albero divisibile lo rendono adatto al trasporto su auto o camper, pronto a seguirti sempre nelle tue vacanze. L’ampio pozzetto, ed il pratico gavone a tenuta stagna è ideato per il piacere della tua famiglia.

Senza sartie, con deriva basculante e nessun rinvio a poppa, lo rendono facilmente e velocemente armabile. Semplice ed intuitivo è adatto ad essere condotto da una singola persona nonché ad ospitare uno o più passeggeri per belle veleggiate durante le calde giornate estive.

Scafo realizzato in vetroresina rinforzata con struttura in sandwich di termanto e tessuti di vetro biassiali. Albero frazionato e boma in alluminio anodizzato, senza sartie, deriva e timone in vetroresina, randa in dacron. Fitting di coperta Ronstan/Viadana. 1 gavone in pozzetto stagno con contenitore in tessuto.

  • L. F.t. mt. 4,06
  • B. Max mt. 1,46
  • Peso kg. 70
  • Sup. Velica mq. 7,20
  • Portata persone n. 2 Kg 160
  • Armo ridotto Mq. 5,70

Pur non essendo un Optimist One-Design, il Baby Boat mantiene intatte tutte le sue caratteristiche esattamente come erano state pensate dal progettista nell’ormai lontanissimo 1947! Pensata per i bambini, principianti o velisti, che vogliano affrontare la pratica della vela, sia a scopo ludico che sportivo.

Sicura: grazie alla forma dello scafo a bordo alto, la presenza di adeguate riserve di galleggiamento, e la particolare tecnica di costruzione che elimina ogni giuntura, trasferisce al piccolo timoniere un elevato senso di protezione e sicurezza.

La facilità di trasporto e la maneggevolezza sia a terra che in acqua sono molto apprezzate da genitori ed istruttori, favorendone la diffusione sia ad uso familiare che nelle scuole vela e nei villaggi.

Scafo realizzato in vetroresina rinforzata con struttura in sandwich di termanto e tessuti di vetro biassiali. Albero e boma in alluminio anodizzato, deriva in vetroresina, timone in legno, randa realizzata in dacron. Fitting di coperta Ronstan/Viadana. Nr. 1 riserva di galleggiamento a poppa gonfiabile.

  • L. F.t. mt. 2,30
  • B. Max mt. 1,13
  • Peso kg. 40
  • Sup. Velica mq. 3,25
  • Portata persone n. 1

FJ adottato da numerosissime Scuole di vela è stato la palestra formativa per tantissimi velisti di successo. Imbarcazione di dimensioni ridotte a scafo tondo, leggera e veloce, risulta nervosa in navigazione e particolarmente sensibile agli sbalzi di vento. Di aspetto apparentemente mite, richiede all'equipaggio di due persone una particolare attenzione e capacità di reazione man mano che le condizioni meteo marine si fanno più impegnative, regalando però sensazioni entusiasmanti.

FJ , recentemente riscoperto, è una deriva tecnica per eccellenza e come tale attrezzata, completata con l’opzionale "Race pack" è l’ideale per affinare le tecniche di regata. Una barca adatta a soddisfare le esigenze degli sportivi più agguerriti.

Scafo realizzato in vetroresina rinforzata con struttura in sandwich di termanto e tessuti di vetro biassiali. Albero e boma in alluminio anodizzato, deriva e timone in vetroresina, randa e fiocco realizzati in dacron. Fitting di coperta Ronstan/Viadana. Mastra per albero in vetroresina con 2 tasche porta spinnaker.

  • L. F.t. mt. 4,04
  • B. Max mt. 1,78
  • Peso kg. 85
  • Sup. Velica mq. 9,30

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Daysailer-Segelboot Tridente 16' Bugspriet



5 m (16'04" )

1,92 m (6'03" )

16 m² (172 ft²)



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Tridente 14

Tridente 14 - Centro Nautico Adriatico / STW002972

tridente 16 sailboat

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tridente 16 sailboat

Sailboats 16 Ft Boats for sale



Bethany Beach, Delaware


Category Daysailer Sailboats

Length 16.0

Posted Over 1 Month


1980 Gulfstar 50 ft Ketch

1980 Gulfstar 50 ft Ketch

Miami, Florida

Make Gulfstar

Model 50 Ft Ketch

Category Sailboats

1980 Gulfstar 50 ft Ketch Vessel 1980 Gulfstar 50 Ketch - Grace Engine/Fuel Type: Single / diesel Hull Material: Fiberglass Located At: Riviera Beach City Marina, FL 33404 Slip: N54 Price: $225,000 Dimensions LOA: 50 ft Beam: 13 ft 10 in LWL: 39 ft 8 in Maximum Draft: 5 ft 10 in Bridge Clearance: 57 ft Displacement: 35000 lbs Ballast: 12000 lbs Headroom: 6 ft 6 in Engine Engine Power: 100 HP Engine Brand: Yanmar Year Built: 2007 Engine Model: 4JH3HTE Engine Type: Inboard Engine/Fuel Type: Diesel Engine Hours: Less than 500hrs Propeller: 3 blade AutoProp propeller, lubed 9/2016 Drive Type: Direct Drive Transmission: New ZF 25M 9/2016 Tanks Fresh Water Tanks: 1 Fiberglass 220 Gallons Fuel Tanks: 1 Fiberglass 70 Gallons Fuel Tanks: 1 Fiberglass 60 Gallons Holding Tanks: 1 Plastic 10 Gallons Accommodations Number of single berths: 6 Number of double berths: 2 Number of cabins: 3 Number of heads: 2 Seating Capacity: 16 Electronics Raymarine Radar Raymarine Chart Plotter w/Navionics chart card Simrad Depth Sounder Simrad Knot Meter Simrad Wind Indicator and Masthead Sitex GPS CPT Auto Pilot Uniden VHF Ritchie Binnacle Compass Digital TV Antenna Long Range Bullet Wifi Radio Antenna Electrical System Blue Sea 12 Volt DC and 120 Volt AC 2 Bus Panel PN 8086 GoPower 3000 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter GoPower Remote Panel for 3000 Watt Inverter GoPower 75 Amp Converter/Charger 1 Shore Power to Inverter Selector Switch 3 Odyssey PC1800-FT 225 AHR AGM batteries 2 100 Watt Folding Solar Panels 1 30 Amp Solar Controller 1 Remote Timer for Refrigeration Control DC LED Lighting Throughout w/dimmers DC LED Lighting in cabinets and lockers 2 50' 30 Amp 120 Volt shore cords 1 50 Amp 240 Volt AC to 2 30 Amp 120 Volt AC splitter All electrical systems re-wired 2015 Propane safety shut-off switch in galley Hull Solid GPR hull Awlgripped white 1999 Keel: Cut-away cruising keel Cruising Speed: 7 knots Maximum Speed: 11 knots Deck Equipment KiwiGrip Non-Skid Beige decks 2015 Ideal Vertical Windlass with Wildc



New Rochelle, New York



Length 40.0

1997 BENETEAU OCEANIS CC 40 FT.Specs Designer: Groupe Finot - Armel Briand Keel: Bulb Hull Shape: Monohull Dimensions Beam: 12 ft 9 in LWL: 36 ft 9 in Maximum Draft: 5 ft 6 in Displacement: 18740 lbs Ballast: 5300 lbs Headroom: 6 ft 3 in Dry Weight: 18740 lbs Engines Total Power: 50 HP Engine 1: Engine Brand: Yanmar Year Built: 1997 Engine Model: Yanmar Engine Type: Inboard Engine/Fuel Type: Diesel Engine Power: 50 HP Perfect cruising boat Full cockpit enclosure 5 KW NextGen generator with sound shield (super quiet) 2 heads 2 air condition units Main / Forward and Aft Cabin New cockpit cushions Algae X fuel polisher Custom made bunk beds Xantrex Link Pro Battery Monitor Xantrex 40 Smart Battery Charger Fresh Water Tanks: (132 Gallons) Fuel Tanks: (53 Gallons) Flex O Fold Bronze folding prop Asymmetrical Spinnaker and Sock TV / Cd player Digital Fridge / Freezer Thermostat VacuFlush Toilet 35lbs. CQR and 33 Bruce anchors and rope chain Simpson Lawrence chain / rope windless 2 8D Gel Batteries and Separate Starting Battery Back up High Capacity Bilge Pump PHI /PSS Shaft Seal Accommodations Number of single berths: 6 Manufacturer Provided Description: The specification for the Oceanis 40CC: the design of an ideal long-distance cruising yacht for a couple, but with the capability of accommodating four or five people in the greatest comfort. Being on board a powerful, reliable boat that also has high performance is an essential part of the pleasure of cruising. The Oceanis 40CC's hull is remarkable for its long waterline, big volumes and efficient wing-bulb keel. As far as her construction is concerned, there are no compromises: the structural inner mounding, glued and laminated to the hull, distributes any stresses from the rigging and keel. This technology combines reliability and strength and also provides perfectly finished locker interiors that are easy to maintain. One of the principal advantages of a central cockpit is the incomparable safety derived from the height of the cockpit, which is surrounded on all sides. There is a step of the coaming on the Oceanis 40CC to make it easier to get up the two teak-covered bench seats in the cockpit. There is a wheel mounted pedestal in the middle of the cockpit. Genoa and mainsail halyards and the lines for the two furlers are brought back onto powerful stoppers that free the halyard winch, whenever necessary. All handling lines are to hand. The Oceanis 40CC's deck is totally logical, simple and efficient, with steps in the transom (standard bathing ladder), liferaft fixing point on aft coachroof, solid aluminum bulwark the full length of the hull, as well as an aluminum rubbing strake. The numerous opening hatches and Dorade vents are positioned in such a way so as not to impede movement on deck. The chainplates for the upper and lower shrouds, which are positioned right against the coachroof, also leave the side decks completely free for easy access to the foredeck for the sunbathing area and the electric windlass. In the interior, the warm atmosphere (cherry finish) on board the Oceanis 40CC is essential to a good quality of life on board. To starboard, the saloon table and the raised settees ensure a pleasant "sea view" from inside the boat. Opposite to port, is the navigation station: chart table with stowage, bookshelves, 16-function electrical control panel, and all the room you need for on-board electronics. In the forward cabin, your guests have a large double berth, hanging locker, many other lockers and an en suite head compartment. In the passageway to port, which runs alongside the large engine compartment, the Oceanis 40CC's galley has everything you would normally find in the best-equipped kitchens: freezer, refrigerator, double stainless steel sink with hot and cold pressurised water, three-burner gimballed stove and many cupboards and drawers. As for the master cabin, all the incomparable advantages of the centre cockpit in terms of comfort and space have been fully exploited: large double berth with access from both sides, vanity-desk with mirror and lockers, large hanging lockers and your own head compartment with WC and separate shower. The Oceanis 40CC is truly the product of in-depth study into the expectations of ocean-going leisure sailors. A successful marriage of classicism and modern technology. Equipment List Oceanis 40CC Specifications - Standard Equipment On Deck - Stainless steel stemhead fitting with 2 fairleads and roller. - Open stainless steel pulpit - Leroy Sommer 1000W electric windlass with up - down control - Self-bailing anchor well with twin opening hatches and eye bolt for mooring line - Bulwark surrounding the deck with teak cap - 8 anodized aluminum mooring cleats: 2 forward, 2 midships, 4 aft - Forestay chainplate with slats on the stemhead fitting - 2 chromed bronze lower shroud chainplate, 2 Beneteau streamlined chromed bronze shroud chainplates - Anodized aluminum identified fuel and water fillers - Stainless steel stanchions with two sets of covered stainless steel lifelines - Lateral opening lifelines - 4 teak handrails on coachroof - 4 dorade vents - Forward cockpit coaming for windscreen, rigid top or sprayhood - 2 genoa sheet tracks with adjustable cars - 2 genoa sheet turning blocks - Mainsheet track with adjustable car - 1 Lewmar 40C STO halyard and maneuvering winch - 4 Spinlock XL double stoppers for halyards and maneuvering lines - 2 Lewmar 48C STO genoa sheet winches - 1 Lewmar 40C STO mainsheet winch Center Cockpit - Hydraulic steering wheel pedestal mounted or on forward port cockpit bulkhead - Control panel on cockpit bench seat facade - Teak slatted cockpit benches - 1 winch handle box - 2 chromed bronze winch handles - 2 sidedeck lockers (one for propane bottle) - 2 lockers for mooring lines and fenders on transom - Fixing points on aft coachroof for liferaft - 2 - 18-12 S-S backstay chainplates - 2 - 18-12 S-S pushpit with 2 teak seats, closed by sheathed lifelines - Emergency tiller - Transom with teak slatted skirt - Teak slatted step in transom - Folding 18-12 S-S swim ladder with wooden steps - Cockpit shower -- Aluminum rubbing strake either side of hull Spars - Rigging - Keel stepped mast and anodized aluminum boom - Mast with main furling system - 2 sets of spreaders angled aft 10 degrees - Spinnaker pole - Partner fitting with articulated blocks for returning halyards to cockpit Standing Rigging - Stainless steel rigging: upper shrouds, lower shrouds, 2 backstays - Twin groove forestay with Profurl genoa furler - Lateral rigging with discontinuous rigging to first set of spreaders Running Rigging - 1 main halyard, 1 genoa halyard - 1 mainsheet with blocks, 2 genoa sheets - 1 maneuvering line for genoa furler - 1 line for furling main, 1 line for unfurling main - 1 boom halyard - Sails - Furling Dacron main - Furling Dacron genoa with UV protection strip Interior Accommodation - Cherry interior Companionway - 15 mm Altuglass sliding hatch - Twin wooden companionway doors - 2 cherry wood stained handrails - 4 molded wooden steps with anti-skid strip, on polyester engine cover - Hanging locker to starboard of companionway Salon Starboard - Nav. station - Chart table with chart stowage and molded wood fiddle - Bookshelves - Lockers - 12V, 16 functions hinged electrical panel - Hinged panel for onboard electronics - Large tool drawer - Drawers - Seat - Opening 15" x 8" porthole in coaming with curtain - Halogen lamp with independent switch - Red watch light Salon Area - Settee - Lockers along hull sides - Wood hull lining - Reading lights - Fixed 6'7" x 8" porthole with curtain - Vent To Starboard - Raised deck salon for panoramic visibility - Shaped settee with cushions with 5.5" thick, medium density foam and backrests - Salon table with stainless steel base - Lockers and cupboards along hull sides - Wood hull lining - Lockers underneath settee - Halogen lighting with independent switch - Fixed porthole 6'3" x 10" with curtain - Opening Plexiglas panel in coachroof 23" X 23" with curtain - Padded deckhead lining - Bookcase - bar Galley in Port Gangway - Antium work surface with molded wood fiddle - Twin rectangular S-S sinks - Chopping board over sink - Hot - cold water mixer tap - Foot pump for icebox discharge - Trash bin - 3 sliding vegetable baskets - S-S oven with 3 burner gimbaled stove and S-S protection bar - Cutlery drawer - 2 cupboards to port, lockers along the side of hull - Top loading 2 compartment freezer - fridge,with 12V evaporator - 2 opening portholes 15" x 8" in coaming with curtains - Lighting by halogen lamps with independent switches and fluorescent tube - Dust box Aft Owner's Cabin - Central double bed 6'7" x 4'11", 4.7" thick mattress - 2 symmetrical hanging lockers - Stowage space - lockers along side of hull to port and starboard - Lockers - Step either side of the bed for easy access - Vanity - desk with mirror - Wood hull lining - Padded deckhead lining - 2 opening portholes 15" x 8" in coaming with curtains - 1 opening porthole 15" x 8" in transom with curtain - 1 opening porthole in aft coaming 27" x 8" with curtain - 2 dorade type vents - Lighting from halogen lights with independent switches and reading lights Aft Owner's Cabin Head - Compartment molded in one piece to be waterproof and easy to clean - Marine toilet with polyester lid - Bathroom accessories - S-S wash basin with hot - cold water mixer tap - Mirror - Cupboards - lockers - Stall shower with hot - cold water mixer tap - Electric pump for used water - 2 opening portholes in coaming 15" x 8" - Halogen lamp with fluorescent tube Forward Owner's Cabin - 6'3" x 4'7" double bed, 4.7" thick mattress - Drawer and lockers beneath bed - Hanging locker - Wood hull lining - Padded deckhead lining - 1 opening porthole in coaming (23" x 18") with curtain - 1 opening porthole in coaming (13" x 7") with curtain - Halogen lamps with independent switches and reading lights - 1 dressing table with mirror and shelves Forward Head Compartment - One piece molded compartment for waterproofing and easy maintenance - Marine toilet with polyester lid - Bathroom accessories - Wash basin with hot - cold mixer tap - Shower - Mirror, cupboard - Electric pump for discharge of water - Opening porthole in coaming 23" x 18" - Fluorescent tube lighting Engine Compartment - Engine 50 hp diesel - Single lever engine control - Engine chassis integral with hull liner - Engine control panel in cockpit - Engine compartment insulated by lead foam - Space for generator in engine compartment - 53 gal. fuel tank - Fuel - water filter on fuel circuit - Stainless steel shaft protected by skeg - Triple bladed prop Electrical Circuit - 12V Electrical circuit - 2 - 125 amp batteries for service with circuit breaker - 1 - 95 amp engine battery with circuit breaker - 110V-220V 45 amp H battery charger - 12V 16 function Electrical panel with 12V plug - Options conduits - Overhead halogen lighting, reading lights and fluorescent tubes - Cockpit lighting - Navigation lights - Masthead light - Deck spot - 110V-220V shore power plug (specify when ordering) - Electrical panel 110V-220V (specify when ordering) - 4 - 110V-220V sockets (specify when ordering) Water Circuit - Manual bilge pump - Electric bilge pump - 132 gal. fresh water capacity in 2 rigid tanks with hull liner - Valves for tank selection - 11 gal. water heater run off engine and shore power - Pressurized fresh water unit with compression tank - 2 electric discharge pumps for showers Propane Circuit - Box for propane bottles (2 bottles) in side lockers with air vent (conforming to US regulations) - Circuit breaker Miscellaneous - Certificate of Individual Bureau Veritas approval - Maintenance kit - Owner's manual - Owner's briefcase. Oceanis 40CC Optional Equipment - Teak interior - Teak decks - Forward cockpit steering position - Lewmar electric 30EST maneuvering winch - Polyester coachroof dodger - Fixed davits - Engine driven refrigerator - Ardic heating with 3 outlets - Gennaker - Gennaker gear SAILBOAT IS LOCATED IN NEW ROCHELLE NY SAILBOAT IS ON LAND FOR WINTER STORAGE BUT IT CAN BE PUT IN THE WATER FOR POTENTIAL BUYER......

Cape Dory 28 ft.  1984

Cape Dory 28 ft. 1984

Houston, Texas

Make Cape Dory

Length 28.0

Cape Dory 28, 1984Length: 28'Engine/Fuel Type:Single / dieselKemah, TXHull Material: FiberglassUS$ $26,500 Designed by Carl Alberg, this Cape Dory 28' has handsome, traditional lines emphasized by a perfect blend of white fiberglass, teak trim and bronze ports. Her self tending club footed jib makes Karma easily sailed to windward, and her full keel provides balance in heavy weather. The tiller keeps you in tune with the wind, and, when moored, lifts out of the way for a more spacious cockpit. If you're looking to sail the bay, with a crew or on your own, this well maintained Cape Dory. New Refit in 2009: Repainted; rewired; new bowsprit;2014: New trans; engine repainted; new teak & holly sole2011: New air condition. New interior cushionsDodger Additional Specs, Equipment and Information:Boat Name Karma DimensionsLOA: 28 ft 2 inBeam: 8 ft 11 inLWL: 22 ft 2 inMinimum Draft: 4 ft 0 inDisplacement: 9000 lbsBallast: 3500 lbs EnginesTotal Power: Diesel Universial M18;15 HP Engine 1:Engine Brand: UniversalYear Built: 1984Engine Model: Model 18Engine Type: InboardEngine/Fuel Type: DieselPropeller:Drive Type: Direct DriveEngine Power: 15 HPNew shifting cables TanksFresh Water Tanks: 2 Plastic (30 Gallons)Fuel Tanks: 1 Aluminum (20 Gallons) Hull, Deck and Cockpittraditional Carl Alberg designed hull, a full keel with attached rudder and tiller steering. The hull is constructed of solid fiberglass laminate and the deck has a balsa core with fiberglass laminate overlay. Eight opening bronze ports and two deck hatches keep the interior cabin airy and cool. The white deck has tan non-skid, and is accented with a teak toe rail. Inside the toe rail is a double lifeline system with stainless steel stanchions, all connecting to a stainless steel bow rail and stern rail. The cabin house top has teak eye brows above the bronze ports, teak hand rails, teak tracks for the companionway sliding hatch and a teak dorade box for the cowl vent.The cockpit can easily accommodate four adults when underway. The mainsheet attaches aft of the cockpit and with the tiller stored up, the cockpit opens up for more guests. Interior Cabin LayoutFrom the cockpit, step down into the salon area. Behind the steps you'll find the galley stainless steel sink. To port is a propane stove; to starboard you'll find the built-in icebox.The salon has a port and starboard settee and dining table. The port settee opens to a double berth; behind is a pilot berth. The starboard settee is a single berth with a storage shelf behind. The dining table folds and can be stored up against the midships wall when not in use.Following the salon is the head to port and a hanging locker to starboard. At the bow is a traditional v-berth; two single berths or with the center filler piece, one double berth.Teak and holly sole throughout and accent high gloss bright work create a warm cozy atmosphere below decks. Rigging, Sails and CanvasSweet Pea is sloop rigged with a self tending club footed jib.Aluminum spars with 3/8" 1x19 Stainless Steel Standing RiggingLewmar #16 two speed winch, port and starboard in cockpitLewmar #6 winch, on cabin topMain Sail, in very good conditionSelf Tending Jib, original 1984 in good conditionLight Air Sail (relatively new in excellent condition)Roller furling gibwisker pole Navigation Equipment and ElectronicsautopilotDepth sounderMarine VHFFluid Damped Magnetic Compassmany extras Electrical SystemTwo 12 volt DC Lead Acid Batteries (Group 31) New 20152 Electrical Panel with 6 circuit breakers ea.Battery switchElectric bilge pumpWeems & Plath Auto Mac 2 Alternator ColtrollerWest Marine Battery Charger Status/Monitor Additional InventoryDanforth Anchor and CQR anchorMOB / Life SlingPropane Grill, attaches to sternStainless Steel Boarding LadderOutboard BracketDocklines and fendersBoat HookFire Extinguisher

The Nicest 42’ Aft-Cabin Cruising/Chartering Sailboats - Located in Costa Rica

The Nicest 42’ Aft-Cabin Cruising/Chartering Sailboats - Located in Costa Rica

Make Gulfstream

Model Aft Cabin

Category Cruiser Motorcycles

Length 42.0

The following is from when we had purchased her just two years ago. She is Literally, one of the Nicest 42’ Aft-Cabin GulfStream Blue Water Sailboats Ever Built and in Absolutely Excellent Condition ‘Beautiful & Spacious’, Loaded with Extras including ‘Central-Air Conditioning’ and Costa Rican Flagged. A Perfect Business Opportunity She’s Completely Renovated and Fully Equipped for Live Aboard, Tourist Business or for Comfortable and Safe Extended Cruising She is ‘Beautiful & Spacious’ Inside and Out including ‘Central-Air’ Costa Rican Flagged and offers a Perfect Business Opportunity New Exotic Wood Interior including over $75,000 in Upgrades and Electronics Sailing capabilities: Offshore Cruising and without limitations. This GulfStream-42 is in Excellent ‘Ready to Go’ Condition. She only needs someone to Appreciate and Enjoy Sailing with her. Please see attached pictures for details. She is Flagged and located in Costa Rica, Certified and All Taxed are Up to Date. We purchased this Beautiful Sailboat last year from a local sailor with 20-years of extensive offshore sailing experience but since we have had little time to enjoy her, we have decided to let her go to someone who would appreciate her as much as we have and has more time to enjoy a Lifetime of Wonderful Memories. BOAT DESCRIPTION: COMPLETELY UPGRADED AND FULLY EQUIPPED GulfStream-42 'Center-Cockpit' in Tip-Top Condition. Central Air-Conditioning, 6'8" Head Room with 2 private cabins, Two Full Bathrooms with Private Showers. Walk-through Aft Master Suite. Costa Rica Registered and Flagged. Title transferable through a Costa Rica Corporation. Perfect Income for Tourism. Boat is in overall excellent condition and well prepared for extended blue-water or costal excursions. Electricity is provided by both Shore Power, Solar and her onboard "4.5kw Northern Lights" generator. Interior/Cabin: Central Air-Conditioning provided throughout with a Comfortable and very roomy 'Walkthrough' Aft Cabin Stateroom with private head and shower, Forward V-birth with Private Head and Shower with lots of head room. Enjoy watching Movies or local Television Channels from her ‘Sharp 26" 720p HD LCD Television’. She sleeps 6 with lots of storage, Universal Gas Stove/Oven, fridge/freezer, very Spacious Cockpit, Newly Painted Bottom and Deck. General remarks: All New Navigation Electronics including the INTERPHASE (1,200') Forward Looking Sonar, Garmin 5208 8.4" 'Touch Screen' GPS, Garmin 18" HD Radar. She is an Excellent Sailor, Very Comfortable, Roomy, Extremely Strong and Well Built, Well Kept boat. Perfect for Chartering, Single Handling or as a Spacious Family Boat. Sails: 1992 and in very good condition. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS Description GulfStream built many designs but this one's tough to beat as an outstanding cruising design. Her cutaway full keel and skeg-hung rudder offers uncompromising performance between comfort and stability. She's ready to store your provisions aboard, cast off her lines and make way for an Experience of a Lifetime. Dimensions LOA: 42/00 ft/in LWL: 33/00 ft/in Beam: 12/00 ft/in Maximum Draft: 4/10 ft/in Displacement: 22000 lbs Bridge Clearance: 56/00 ft/in Galley REFRIGERATION/FREEZER: Adler Barbour 2.8A@12vDC STOVE: Universal SS three-burner propane stove with oven (LPG) with GAS ALARM SINK: Single SS WATER SYSTEM: Pressure SEAWATER WASHDOWN WATERMAKER: New and Never Activated Powersurvivor-35 Accommodations A very spacious, cruise-friendly, Live Aboard interior lay-out! Provides Central Air-Conditioning throughout. The Aft Master Stateroom has a full-width KING-SIZE BED with Private head/shower. The Forward Stateroom has a roomy v-berth and storage in lockers, drawers and bins. The guest head is to port. The salon features a H-shaped dinette and a spacious L-shaped galley to port and an adjacent settee to starboard. The navigation stations is center and to starboard. Engine ENGINE: 50Hp Perkins-4107 diesel, completely overhauled 1998 HOURS: 150 hours since rebuild. New April, 2012 Heat Exchanger SPEED: Cruising Speed: 6mph / Maximum Speed: 8mph Electronics CHARTPLOTTER: New Garmin 5208/GSD22 FISH FINDER: Sounder/Fish-Finder BlueChart G2 2012 Garmin Vision VSA002R South America West Coast BlueChart G2 2012 Garmin Vision VUS031R Southwest Caribbean RADAR DOME: Garmin GMR 18 HD 18" Radar Dome DEPTH/TEMP: Garmin B60-12, 12 Degree Tilted Element Transducer VHF: Icom IC-M80 & Garmin VHF 200 Marine Radio HANDHELD Uniden MHS75 New Submersible Two-Way VHF Radio SONAR: 1,200' INTERPHASE COLOR TWINSCOPE FWD LOOKING SONAR STEREO: Dual MXD50 AM/FM/CD Marine Receiver AM/FM/CD WIND SPEED & DIRECTION: Horizon Standard AUTO PILOT: Alpha Marine Spectra "Top of the Line AP" KNOT METER/LOG: Horizon Standard COMPASS: Danforth Constellation (at helm) Electrical ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: 12vDC/120vAC AIR CONDITIONER: Mermaid 16,000btu Air Conditioner GENERATOR: 2008 Northern Lights Generator (710 hrs) BATTERIES: 3-marine deep cycle House Batteries - 2-Starter Batteries - Both New May, 2012) AMP HOURS: 100Ah each BATTERY PARALLEL SWITCH: (2) Yes BATTERY MONITOR: Sterling ProReg D Marine 12/24 Volt Advanced Regulator DOCKSIDE CABLE: 50' 30-amp INVERTER: Power Bright 1,500w (New May, 2012) INTERIOR LIGHTING: 12vDC ALTERNATOR: Powerline Series 25 - 120amp (+ Control) BATTERY CHARGER: Progressive Dynamics 40 AMP Marine Charger PD2140 OTHER: 1-250W Mono-Crystalline Solar Panel Mechanical Equipment PROPELLER: Three-blade bronze BILGE PUMPS: New April, 2012 (1) New Rule 3000 automatic RAW WATER SEA STRAINERS: New April, 2012 Bronze FIRE EXTINGUISHING: Manual dry chemical FUEL FILTERS: (1) Racor STEERING: Wheel, cable to quadrant FUEL SHUT OFFS: Diesel, LPG FRESH WATER COOLING: Yes ENGINE ROOM HEAT EXTRACTOR TRANSMISSION: Hydraulic Borgwarner MASTER TOILET: Thetford Tecma 'Silence Plus' Electric Toilet - (New) GUEST TOILET: Jabsco 'Manual' Toilet - Guest Bathroom (New) HOLDING TANK: None WIND VANE SELFSTEERING: None FIRE SAFE: (New) Sails & Rigging SAILS: 2-Main (extra as backup); 1-Genoa (Roller Furling); Spinnaker ROLLER FURLING: Hood 808-SL (New) TOTAL SAIL AREA: 691 sq. ft. MAST: Aluminum, keel-stepped STANDING RIGGING: SS wire (New) SPINNAKER POLE: (1) WINCHES: (2) Barlow-16 at the mast with Barlow-2 wire main halyard winch. Lewmar 48 2-speed and a single Barlow-16 winch. Deck & Ground Tackle ANCHORS: 45lb. Bruce; 45# CQR, 40lb Grapnel stern anchor TOE RAILS: FG LADDER: Folding SS and Plastic swim BOW PULPIT: SS ANCHOR WINDLESS: 'MAXWELL' (12vDC) ANCHOR TACKLE: Two Forward Compartments. Bay-1: 250' Grade-40 High Test Genuine ACCO Brand Windless Anchor Chain Bay-2: 90' Grade-40 HT ACCO Chain with 300' of 1" Rode DINGHY & MOTOR: 2009 9.5 Caribe-C9 10' Hard Bottom Inflatable with Evenrude 15-h.p. Outboard. Both serviced April, 2012 ANCHOR DAVIT/ROLLER: Double SS LIGHTS: Deck-mount Navigatin, Masthead Tricolor, Spreader COVERS & CURTAINS: Custom aluminum Bimini with full enclosure, cockpit and aft deck awnings LIFELINES & STANCHIONS: Double SS wire on SS stanchions DECK MATERIAL: FRP with integral nonskid BOARDING GATES: P&S Safety Equipment LifeSling Overboard Rescue System 7-Adult & 2-Children Life jackets Exclusions Owners' personal effects She's located in Costa Rica and Import as well as all other Taxes are Fully-Paid and Up-to-Date. FYI: Import Taxes in Costa Rica for Sailboats are 65% of their Book Value. We've Invested over $125,000 since owning her however,she could be yours today for only $109,000 Reasonable Offers Considered.

1979 Hunter 30 FT Sloop Priced to move

1979 Hunter 30 FT Sloop Priced to move

Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania

Make Hunter

Model 30 FT Sloop Priced To Move

1979 Hunter 30 FT Sloop Priced to move This is a 1979 Hunter 30FT Sloop powered with a 27 HP Yanmar 3 GM Diesel Engine! Designed by John Cherubini. Priced to move! SPECIFICATIONS: LOA: 30ftLWL: 25ft-9inBEAM: 10ft-1in DISPLACEMENT: 9700DRAFT: 5ft-2in BRIDGE CLEARANCE: 45ft- 6in BALLAST: 4100 LBS ENGINE: Yanmar 27hp Model: 3GM CRUISING SPEED: 6 MAX SPEED: 7 TANKAGE: Fuel: 12 Water: 30 ACCOMMODATIONS: Traditional layout with a good V-berth forward (V-berth cushions missing), full sized head with shower, hanging locker. In the Salon there are settee berths and a dinette that folds up to the bulkhead. There is an L shaped galley and quarter berth with a small chart table at its head. Headroom 6ft- 4inBeautiful woodwork throughout Ample stowage in drawers and lockers16,700BTU Ocean Breeze Marine AC with heat and Programmable ThermostatGalley with refrig. Box and stoveSwim ladderNice cushions including new cockpit cushionsTeak and Holly sole in SalonCockpit Bimini SAILS AND RIGGING: Standing Rigging 6 years oldRoller Furled JibMain Sail with coverNewer Jib sheetsUpgraded Safety LinesPedestal SteeringFixed Fin ballasted KeelNew complete bottom paintStorm Jib bagged insideLots of Boat related item spares and supplies ELECTRONICS: Two Ship to Shore Radios: ICOM IC-M602 VHF Radio with DSC, AND STANDARD HORIZON VHF RadioShip Compass *** BOAT LOCATED IN: Whitney, Texas (76692) ***

16 ft Capri sail boat and trailer

16 ft Capri sail boat and trailer

Montgomery, Texas

Model Day Sailer

Length 13.0

1987 Capri13 sailboat, sunshine yellow and white. Sail, rudder and removable keel. Very light boat, weighs 128 lbs. All in working order, sold as is, where is. Trailer is old looking and needs painting, but is functional with lights & license. Capri Sailboats was established in 1972 as a Californian-based builder of small to medium sized sailboats. Ideal for leisure sailing, Capri Sailboats offered fiberglass watercrafts only 8 feet in hull length. Operating under the Catalina Yachts company since formulation, the Capri Sailboats brand was disbanded after 1999.

Rebel 16 Mark II Sailboat with Aluminum Trailer

Rebel 16 Mark II Sailboat with Aluminum Trailer

Angola, Indiana

Length 16.6'

Stable fiberglass sailing boat carries six people (or 1170 pounds). Includes trailer, full rigging, and TWO suits of sails. One suit of sails is in like new condition, the other set is in very good condition. Serial number 1929 (built in late sixties to early seventies I believe). The centerboard swings up into the cockpit, so you can change the depth to dock in shallow water. The rudder also swivels up if it hits an obstruction. The trolling motor in the photos is not included. There is, however a permanent motor mount on the stern. The boat will take up to a 5hp motor, but my 30lb. thrust trolling motor drives it around just fine. The boat is located on West Otter Lake, Angola, IN. Buyer with the selling price in cash or Pay Pal payment can drive it away. (Trailer takes an 1 7/8" ball hitch.) The following article from Sailing Magazine gives a great description of Rebel sailboats. You can access the original on SailingMagazine.net. Rebel 16 2008 January 8 By Staff This nimble and tough classic is perfect for a daysail or a day of racing This year the boat that holds claim to being America's first production fiberglass one-design will celebrate its 60th birthday. That the boat is still in production makes this milestone that much more remarkable. In 1948, fresh out of the Navy, Ray Greene began building a 16-foot family daysailer out of his Toledo, Ohio, shop using a revolutionary new material called fiberglass. The design of the boat was based on lines drawn by a local high school drawing instructor by the name of Alvin Younquist. With its wide, 6-foot, 7-inch beam and 110-pound steel centerboard the stable little boat known as the Rebel soon became a hit on the Midwest's inland lakes. And while Greene said he never intended to create a racer, thanks to the boat's performance-courtesy of a large 120-square-foot main and 46-square-foot jib on a fractional rig-it wasn't long before a competitive structure was built around the boat. By 1952 a class association had been firmly established and by 1963 the class boasted 138 active members. Not bad. Fleets started popping up across the Midwest, south into Kentucky and all the way down to Texas. Meanwhile, class members could be found sailing the inland lakes of the Eastern Seaboard from New York to Florida. After 25 years of building the Rebel, with more than 3,000 hulls produced, Greene was ready to call it quits and sold the works to a group of Chicago investors. Production of the Rebel continued at a steady pace during the 1970s, and was done under a number of names: Melling Tool Co., Rebel Industries and finally Spindrift One Designs. After Spindrift folded, the Rebel moved to Michigan in 1988 when Nickels Boat Works of Fenton took over with the production of the Mark V model. Nickels continues to build the Rebel, offering buyers a choice of a daysailer version for $9,860 or the optimum racing version for $11,872 less sails and trailer. A stainless steel centerboard now comes standard with the Rebel. Nickels also continues to be a great source for parts and accessories, as well as information, on the Rebel. One tough Rebel While there have been reports of problems with the foam flotation on older boats becoming waterlogged, that has been less of a problem on boats from the 1970s and later. Other than that, a buyer of a used Rebel should find few issues with the condition of this durable little boat. Indeed, boats 25 years and older will still top regatta leaderboards. "They're well made, very rugged boats that will last forever," said Al Vorel, National Rebel Association Commodore, who has been racing the same boat, No. 3914, for almost 20 years. "You don't have to run out every 5 to 10 years to buy a new boat." This is one of the reasons for the longevity of the class. Boats tend to stay in the family, passed down from parent to child, with the younger generations wanting to keep the racing going. "My mother races, and my daughter sometimes races, so there are times we'll have three generations on the course," Vorel said. This also, of course, keeps a lot of boats off the market, and finding a used Rebel can be a bit of a challenge. But thanks to the Internet, it's possible to locate a few sellers. Prices can vary from just under $1,000 for an older boat in need of some work to $3,000 or more for a later model. Buyers can typically expect to pay in the neighborhood of $1,500 for a pre-Nickels-era boat in good shape. We were fortunate enough to find a late 1970s Rebel listed for sale on www.craigslist.org. Better yet, the seller was within trailering distance. The offer on the boat was $1,400, so we drove out to take a look. The boat was well cared for, kept under a roof winters, and showed no structural damage. Other than some algae stains and scuff marks the finish looked good, and all the gear was there, including the main and jib, which the owner said he bought new about seven years ago. We did see some possible issues, including a rusty, pitted centerboard and a wooden rudder that looked to have some rotting. So we offered to pay the full $1,400 if the owner threw in the trailer, which he originally wanted an extra $200 for. The deal was closed and we drove off with the Rebel in tow. Rebel with a cause With the boat parked in our yard the first item of business we wanted to take care of was the rusty centerboard. Nickels offers a stainless steel replacement board, and we could picture how sweet the boat would look with a shiny new stainless fin. Unfortunately, these centerboards run close to $1,000; more than two-thirds the cost of the entire boat. So such an extravagant purchase didn't make much sense. Instead we set about rehabilitating the old board. We removed, with a bit of difficulty, the 110-pound board and set in on sawhorses. The first step was to remove the old paint using paint stripper, then power sanding. We then slathered on some Duro Naval Jelly to remove the rust, wiping down everything with paper towels then finishing up with a clean, acetone-soaked rag. Next, we filled in the pits and hollows with West Marine Surfacing Putty, and sanded everything smooth. We made certain the blade was fair by running a straight edge along the board. We also further faired the rounded leading edge of the board to within the class rule limits, which prohibit tapering less than 1/16th of an inch and more than one inch in from the leading edge. We then primed the board with several coats of Interlux Primocon primer, which when dried we wet sanded with 400-grit paper, and finished with a couple coats of Interlux VC-17m Extra bottom paint. With the centerboard done, we then turned to the rudder. An ice pick determined the wood was beginning to rot near the lower trailing edge. We probably could have rehabilitated the rudder as well, but since we had saved some money by not replacing the centerboard we decided to spring for a new rudder. We opted for a fiberglass blade, supplied by Nickels for $375. This cost covered just the blade, as the original aluminum rudder cheeks and hardware were still in good shape. While we were on the phone with Nickels, we decided to order all new running rigging to replace the weathered lines the boat came with. This included lines for the cunningham, boom vang, centerboard system, as well as sheets and halyards for both main and jib. The total for 112 feet of ¼-inch line and 105 feet of 5/16-inch line came to $100. Next we took a closer look at the standing rigging. The spars showed no defects, and with a bit of metal polish and elbow grease the rotating mast, boom and aluminum whisker pole looked good as new. The 1-by-9 stainless steel shrouds and forestay also showed no visible defects. We did, however, find the diamond stays on the mast to be tuned rather tight. According to the North Sail's One-Design tuning guide for the Rebel, an overly tight diamond can limit fore and aft mast bend, and can even cause negative pre-bend, where the mast bends forward at the tip. Since we want to have a competitive boat, we loosened the diamond tension and will readjust after doing some sea trials. As we said, we ultimately wanted to race our Rebel and didn't want a slow boat. So obviously the 7-year-old suit of sails had to go. This would be our biggest expense, and a new suit of sails would alone exceed the original cost of the boat. A new main and standard jib (a light air jib is also available) from North Sails set us back $1,615, which included $20 for class royalties but not shipping. Certainly this was a blow to our budget, but we rationalized it by thinking about the fun we would be having with some close racing come summer. Our last order of business was getting our bottom clean and smooth. We first scrubbed the hull down with a detergent then wet sanded everything below the rails to a slick surface with 1,200-grit paper. After a rinse and wipe down with the hose and clean towels we were satisfied we had a slick bottom. We finished off by treating all our hardware and moving bits to a little McLube Sailkote spray. We now have what we feel will be a contender on the course for our racing crew of two. Yet, with the roomy Rebel cockpit that can seat six, we're also looking forward to some lazy summer daysailing when friends and family show up. Either way, we'll certainly get our money's worth from this tough but nimble little classic. LOA 16' 1.5" LWL 15' 10" Beam 6' 7.5" Draft 3' 4" Weight 700 lbs, Sail area 166 sq. ft.

16' day sailer w/trlr, cabin, mainsail, and self-furlling jib -- Priced to sell!

16' day sailer w/trlr, cabin, mainsail, and self-furlling jib -- Priced to sell!

Niantic, Connecticut

Make Compac Yacht

Model 16/2 (extended Bow For Larger Jib)

Length 16.2

1988 16.2ft Compac Yacht. Extended bow to accommodate larger jib. Self-furling jib, standard jib, and mainsail all included. Interior and exterior in okay condition. Needs new bottom coat paint. This boat has sailed all over Long Island Sound, from Niantic Bay to Plum Island. My father is done with it and I am trying to pass it on to a new owner. A little bit of work and this boat can be a nice day sailer.

sailboat 33 ft Tarten Ten  Race boat Day Sailor with incredible trailer

sailboat 33 ft Tarten Ten Race boat Day Sailor with incredible trailer

Ada, Michigan

Make S&S

Model Tarten Ten

1978 S&S Tarten Ten in above average condition senior citizen owned. less that 100 actual hours of total actual use. comes with mast, jib, tiller handle and all deck railing is inside the boat. comes with a custom built trailer tri-axle 3 7k rated axles will hold up to 45 ft boat, has extender very heavy duty construction. add 16ft to ease launch. call 616 874 8235 for details paypal used for deposit only unless approved by seller. i do have a heavy duty cradle that is also on a trailer and ready for transport anywhere. the cradle is not offered with this action. may be purchased seperatly. the boat was appraised between 13 and 17 and the trailer was appraised at 10 to 12

sailboat 33 ft Taren Ten  Race boat Day Sailer less than 100 hours diesel motor

sailboat 33 ft Taren Ten Race boat Day Sailer less than 100 hours diesel motor

1978 S&S Tarten Ten in above average condition senior citizen owned. less that 100 actual hours of use. i have a custom built trailer,, has extender very heavy duty construction. add 16ft to ease launch and a cradle that are options to the sale not offered in this post. call 616 874 8235 for details paypal used for deposit only unless approved by seller. have heavy duty cradle available if needed.

1969 Columbian 22 Sailboat

1969 Columbian 22 Sailboat

Patchogue, New York

Make Columbian

Model 22 Sailboat

1969 Columbian 22 Sailboat Thick hulled sailing vessel, sails in great shape, new awlgrip, rated for 8 passengers, shows Bristol, fixed keel draws 3 ft This vessel has sink and marine head below.  No disappointments, call Dave Glover immediately for more info and pixs.  1/19/16 PRICE REDUCTON, MUST SEE

1992 Hunter 37.5 Legend

1992 Hunter 37.5 Legend

Oviedo, Florida

Model 37.5 Legend

1992 Hunter 37.5 Legend Brand new listing. This is a lightly used and good looking Hunter 37.5 Legend with approx. 548 hours on the Yanmar 3HM35F diesel engine. This 37.5 Legend is one of Hunter's optimum size sailboats for comfort, space, strength and sailing performance. Cruise to the Bahamas in this sweet boat with the new Garmin touchscreen Echomap70 GPS and enjoy some island life! Maximum strength is achieved by a bonded full length internal frame and stringer system; chain plates then are anchored to this main frame system to carry the rig loads of this strong performance cruiser. The 12 ft. 10 in. beam and 6' 6" head room provides more than ample space and comfort. The hugh aft athwart berth and forward berth provide comfortable sleeping quarters for 4 adults with provisions for three more people to sleep in the main salon area. A comfortable size head with shower and vanity is located rear of center near master aft berth. The 16,400 lbs. displacement, 5,900 lbs. solid lead wing keel (4 ft. 11 in draft) makes for a comfortable sailing experience. Mystic Quest carries a 75 gal fresh water tank, 35 gal fuel tank and 25 gal holding tank. The vintage of this Hunter Legend still has the rich teak woods with thick teak trim and moldings, ash battens, cedar line lockers, corian galley and vanity counter tops. This is one of the last Hunter models with the costly but preferred full length extended aluminum toe rails. The original natural gas system was converted to propane system with locker and aluminum propane tank, electric solenoid on/off switch in custom teak mounting in galley. Dockside factory installed central AC system with ducts to vents in all boat compartments. Original factory Hood two line headsail furling replaced with Hood single line furling system.  Blister free bottom received 5 coats of Interlux 2000 barrier paint for extended blister free bottom in 2014. In the cockpit ther is top quality waterproof cushions (10) and a custom fitted vinyl cover. A custom designed cockpit table made from weather resistant starboard material. Mast head tri-light and standard running lights with the new touchscreen Garmin Echomap 70 GPS chart system. Ice box was converted to electric refrigeration and microwave is in a custom made teak shelf. The Dutchman's furling system was replaced with lazy jacks. The sails are original sails but are in good condition and were stored inside for most of their life. The auto pilot and wind gauge's are not working. The shower has never been used.

2010 Jeanneau 45 DS

2010 Jeanneau 45 DS

Make Jeanneau

Model 45 DS

2010 Jeanneau 45 DS Dimensions Year: 2010 LOA: 45 ft, Beam: 14 ft 4 in Draft: 5 ft 6in (shoal draft) Displacement: 22932 lbs,Ballast: 6514 lbs Headroom: 6 ft 4 in Accommodations Two Cabin version with two heads, large aft cabin master suite with private head and shower. Mattress with Froli Sleep System.Huge main salon with U shaped dining table. Galley with 3 burner stove and oven, refrigeration and freezer, double sinks, fridge. Beige Ultraleather cushions in main salon, dining table converts settee to double berth. Number of cabins: 2 Number of double berths: 3 Number of heads: 2 2 Electric heads with freshwater flushing or seawater flushing Creature Comfort Air conditioning / Heating reverse cycle -2 units, 9K and 16K reverse cycle Hot water tank with electric and engine heating Galley Double sinks Front and Top loading fridge Deep freezer with separate Compressor 3 burner stove and oven. Microwave Engine Yanmar 4JH4TE 75 Hp Turbo Diesel Engine Hours: approx. 270 Propeller: 3 blade folding propeller (Flexofold) and orig.3 fixed blade propeller as spare Bow Thruster 7 Hp Hull and Deck Wood cockpit floor and seats Wood folding cockpit table, varnished with cover Full Canvas, dodger, bimini, connector, Frame is heavy duty stainless, handrails on Dodger. Electric Anchor Windlass with 2nd control at helm Cockpit Hot and Cold Shower Wheel and Winch and instrument covers Life line gates midship Dual Leather wrapped wheels Sails and Sail Handling Furling main Roller Furling Genoa 140 Percent Electric 53ST Genoa Winches Coach Roof Harken 44ST Electric Winch Port side Coach Roof Harken 44ST Winch Starboard side All lines lead aft to Cockpit thru rope clutches Navigation Equipment Raymarine network with: Chart Plotter -Raymarine E 130W with Platinum charts Autopilot Depth sounder Log-speedometer Wind speed and direction Electronic Compass 4 ST 70 displays, one for autopilot, 3 free programmable VHF -Standard Horizon with DSC and remote mic at helm Magnetic Compass -Two Entertainment Equipment Stereo with Blue Tooth and remote control Bose Speakers in Cabin and cockpit speakers TV set (LED) with separate DVD Player in main salon Tanks Fresh Water: 2 Tanks (162 Gallons) Fuel: 1 Tank (63 Gallons) Holding Tanks: 2 Tanks (34 Gallons) Electrical Electrical Circuit: 12V 110V System with 50 Amp shore power inlet 2000 Watt Magnum Inverter and back-up charger with Remote Control Additional 110 Ah house battery 60 Amp Battery charger LED Navigation lights, LED Deck Light, LED interior lighti

1984 Endeavour 38

1984 Endeavour 38

Deltaville, Virginia

Make Endeavour

1984 Endeavour 38 This 1984 Endeavour 38 Aft Cockpit,"Chameleon" is the definition of solid. She performs like a dream and is built with the state-of-the-art construction methods Endeavour is known for.  Her extraordinary deck space features inboard chainplates and genoa tracks allowing that fine trim for closehauled work.  Electronics on this beautiful boat include:Raymarine Chartplotter/Radar with cards for East Coast, Bahamas, and Eastern CarribeanST60 Wind, Depth, and SpeedAIS West Marine 1000Raymarine Autohelm 7000VHF Icom 502SSB Icom, Tuner, AntennaRadar Reflector The boat's electrical system includes:2 - 80 Watt Solar Panels2- 110 Power Cords with adapters for 35 and 50 AMP ServiceLink 10 MonitorStarting Battery and 410 amp hour House Bank (4 Golf Cart Batteries)Freedom HF 1800 Battery Charger/Inverter This 1984 Endeavour 38 has had a number of updates and upgrades over the years. Some rigging updates are:Profurl Roller Furling NEW in 2009MacPack w/Lazyjacks NEW in 2013Mainsail w/ battens NEW in 2009Inventory includes Genoa 130 and Jib 100NEW Rigging in 2009 Ground Tackle for the boat includes: 65 lb CQR Anchor, 45 lb Claw Anchor, 225 Ft 5/16 G-4 Chain, 100 Ft BBB Chain, 200 Ft Rope, Lewmar Electric Windlass, Jabsco Pro Max 5.0 Raw Water Washdown. Below, you have all your comforts of home! Cruise Air Drop In Air Conditioner, LED Lights throughout, Eno 3 Burner Propane Stove and Oven, and Frigaboat Refrigerator/Freezer. The equipment list for this boat goes on and on! Call Norton Yachts today to find out more on this boat or to schedule an appointment to see her! She is truly a beauty, and she is ready to go sailing!

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Sailor Cole Brauer makes history as the first American woman to race solo around the world

Aboard her 40-foot racing boat First Light ,  29-year-old Cole Brauer just became the first American woman to race nonstop around the world by herself.

The New York native pulled into A Coruña, Spain, on Thursday after a treacherous 30,000-mile journey that took 130 days.

She thanked a cheering crowd of family and fans who had been waiting for her on shore.

“This is really cool and so overwhelming in every sense of the word,” she exclaimed, before drinking Champagne from her trophy.

The 5-foot-2 powerhouse placed second out of 16 avid sailors who competed in the Global Solo Challenge, a circumnavigation race that started in A Coruña with participants from 10 countries. The first-of-its-kind event   allowed a wide range of boats to set off in successive departures based on performance characteristics. Brauer started on Oct. 29, sailing down the west coast of Africa, over to Australia, and around the tip of South America before returning to Spain.

Brauer is the only woman and the youngest competitor in the event — something she hopes young girls in and out of the sport can draw inspiration from.

“It would be amazing if there was just one girl that saw me and said, ‘Oh, I can do that too,’” Brauer said of her history-making sail.

It’s a grueling race, and more than half of the competitors have dropped out so far. One struck something that caused his boat to flood, and another sailor had to abandon his ship after a mast broke as a severe storm was moving in.

The four-month journey is fraught with danger, including navigating the three “Great Capes” of Africa, Australia and South America. Rounding South America’s Cape Horn, where the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans meet, is often likened to climbing Mount Everest because of its perfect storm of hazards — a sharp rise in the ocean floor and whipping westerly winds push up massive waves. Combined with the frigid waters and stray icebergs, the area is known as a graveyard for ships, according to NASA. Brauer  said  she was “so unbelievably stoked” when she sailed past Cape Horn in January.

Marco Nannini, organizer of the Global Solo Challenge, said the comparison to scaling Mount Everest doesn’t capture the difficulty of the race. Sailing solo means not just being a skipper but a project manager — steering the boat, fixing equipment, understanding the weather and maintaining one’s physical health.

Nannini cited the relatively minuscule number of people who have sailed around the world solo — 186, according to the International Association of Cape Horners — as evidence of the challenges that competitors face. More than 6,000 people have climbed Mount Everest, according to  High Adventure Expeditions .

Brauer stared down 30-foot waves that had enough force to throw her across the boat. In a scare caught on camera, she badly injured her rib   near the halfway point of the event. At another point, her team in the U.S. directed Brauer to insert an IV into her own arm due to dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea.

She was able to stay in constant communication with members of her team, most of whom are based in New England,   and keep herself entertained with Netflix and video calls with family through Starlink satellites.   That’s also how Brauer was able to use Zoom to connect with NBC News for an interview, while she was sailing about 1,000 miles west of the Canary Islands.

While Brauer was technically alone on First Light, she had the company of 450,000 followers on Instagram, where she frequently got candid about life on an unforgiving sea while reflecting on her journey.

“It all makes it worth it when you come out here, you sit on the bow, and you see how beautiful it is,” she said in an Instagram video, before panning the camera to reveal the radiant sunrise.

Brauer grew up on Long Island but didn’t learn to sail until she went to college in Hawaii. She traded in her goal of becoming a doctor for life on the water. But she quickly learned making a career as a sailor is extremely difficult, with professional racers often hesitant to welcome a 100-pound young woman on their team.

Even when she was trying to find sponsors for the Global Solo Challenge, she said a lot of people “wouldn’t touch her with a 10-foot pole” because they saw her as a “liability.”

Brauer’s message to the skeptics and naysayers? “Watch me.”

“I push so much harder when someone’s like, ‘No, you can’t do that,’ or ‘You’re too small,’” Brauer explained.

“The biggest asset is your mental strength, not the physical one,” Nannini said. “Cole is showing everyone that.”

Brauer hopes to continue competing professionally and is already eyeing another around-the-world competition, but not before she gets her hands on a croissant and cappuccino.

“My mouth is watering just thinking about that.”

Emilie Ikeda is an NBC News correspondent.

Crews continue to search for missing 18-year-old at Indiana state park

Deputies with the Ripley County Sheriff's Office, along with other emergency crews, search for 18-year-old Carson Hughes at Versailles State Park on Friday.

Indiana conservation officers and the Ripley County Sheriff's Office continue to search Versailles State Park Saturday for 18-year-old Carson Hughes of Osgood, Indiana, who was reported missing around 1:30 p.m. Friday .

Officials said his vehicle was found unlocked, with the keys still inside, near the boat ramp, and his kayak was found on the water nearby.

Versailles State Park is Indiana’s second-largest state park. The park has a 230-acre lake and offers seasonal rentals of canoes and kayaks.

The Ripley County Emergency Management Agency issued a statement saying the search for missing Carson Hughes of Osgood, Indiana has over 150 volunteers onsite and officials ask if you are not already there, please refrain from coming to Versailles State Park.

Anyone with information on Carson’s whereabouts is asked to call 812-837-9536.

Enquirer media partner Fox 19 provided this report.

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Novi boat show returns to Suburban Collection Showplace

The Novi boat show returned to Suburban Collection Showplace.


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Aid ship offloading cargo into Gaza; Israel to continue negotiating over cease-fire

Israel’s government warned that Hamas “is continuing to hold to unrealistic demands” as it prepared to review the latest cease-fire proposal Friday. A ship carrying 200 tons of food — the first attempt to deliver aid by way of a maritime corridor — began offloading its cargo into Gaza on Friday. The boat left Cyprus earlier this week, dispatched by the U.S. nonprofit World Central Kitchen, founded by celebrity chef José Andrés , and the Spanish search-and-rescue group Open Arms.

  • At least 20 killed, 150 injured in attack on crowd awaiting aid in Gaza
  • Muslims gather at al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem for tense Ramadan prayers
  • Israel says Hamas has ‘unrealistic demands’ as cease-fire proposal is put forward

Here's what to know:

Here's what to know, live coverage contributors 18.

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3:32 p.m. EDT 3:32 p.m. EDT

3:04 p.m. EDT Bullet Key update 3:04 p.m. EDT

1:50 p.m. EDT 1:50 p.m. EDT

11:34 a.m. EDT 11:34 a.m. EDT

10:12 a.m. EDT Bullet Key update 10:12 a.m. EDT

  • Houthi strike kills 3 civilian mariners, U.S. officials say, the first fatalities in militants’ campaign March 6, 2024 Houthi strike kills 3 civilian mariners, U.S. officials say, the first fatalities in militants’ campaign March 6, 2024
  • Blinken meets with Israel’s Gantz, as cease-fire negotiations continue March 5, 2024 Blinken meets with Israel’s Gantz, as cease-fire negotiations continue March 5, 2024
  • The improbable U.S. plan for a revitalized Palestinian security force March 5, 2024 The improbable U.S. plan for a revitalized Palestinian security force March 5, 2024

8:32 a.m. EDT Bullet Key update 8:32 a.m. EDT

8:15 a.m. EDT 8:15 a.m. EDT

7:33 a.m. EDT 7:33 a.m. EDT

6:33 a.m. EDT Bullet Key update 6:33 a.m. EDT

1:58 a.m. EDT Bullet Key update 1:58 a.m. EDT

1:56 a.m. EDT Bullet Key update 1:56 a.m. EDT

Israel-Gaza war

Israel-Gaza war: Amid dimming hopes that an Israel-Hamas cease-fire and hostage-release deal will be reached before the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan , President Biden has ordered the U.S. military to construct a temporary port and pier on Gaza’s Mediterranean coast to open a new route for providing humanitarian aid.

Middle East conflict: Tensions in the region continue to rise. As Israeli troops aim to take control of the Gaza-Egypt border crossing, officials in Cairo warn that the move would undermine the 1979 peace treaty. Meanwhile, there’s a diplomatic scramble to avert full-scale war between Israel and Lebanon .

U.S. involvement: U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria killed dozens of Iranian-linked militants , according to Iraqi officials. The strikes were the first round of retaliatory action by the Biden administration for an attack in Jordan that killed three U.S. service members .

tridente 16 sailboat

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cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat 44

Overall length : 13.91 m Width : 4.45 m Draft : 2.2 m

... helm will charm new owners and cruising sailors alike. The art of relaxation at sea The agility of the new Dufour 44 sailboat in no way leads to a sacrifice in comfort. Her spacious, luxuriously appointed interior, ...

offshore racing sailboat

offshore racing sailboat 37

Overall length : 10.77 m Width : 3.8 m Draft : 1.9 m

The Dufour 37 is the only yacht in her size range to offer so many living spaces on board. The hull of the Dufour 37, like her big sistership the Dufour 470, is built using the infusion process for correctly controlled weight, greater ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat 390

Overall length : 11.9 m Width : 3.99 m Draft : 1.95 m

The new generation of Dufour sailboats promises to bring you thrills. In line with our expertise, we have developed a high-performance, balanced hull for maximum control and incomparable steering finesse. Unrivalled ...

one design sailboat

one design sailboat SUN FAST 30 ONE DESIGN

Overall length : 10.4 m Width : 2.99 m Draft : 2 m

... racing. A RECYCLABLE PRODUCTION MODEL SAILBOAT A sailboat demonstrating remarkable performance, the Sun Fast 30 One Design is no less respectful of the environment. This is the first production ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat SUN ODYSSEY 350

Overall length : 10.4 m Width : 3.59 m Air draft : 15.85 m

... THE PLEASURE OF SAILING Successor to the Sun Odyssey 349, a tremendous success, this efficient, easy-to-handle cruising sailboat features clever innovations for the comfort of all on board and for the pleasure of sailing. INNOVATIVE ...

racing sailboat

racing sailboat SUN FAST 3300

Overall length : 10.1 m Width : 3.4 m Draft : 1.95 m

AN UNCOMPROMISING RACE BOAT, PROGRAMMED FOR WINNING The Sun Fast 3300 is a contemporary sailboat that is resolutely turned toward racing and high performance. Easy to handle single-handed, double-handed, or fully ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat Impression 43

Overall length : 13.32 m Width : 4.25 m Draft : 1.95, 1.7 m

This Elan yacht has been designed with every comfort in mind. Leisure when cruising is guaranteed. Relaxation and enjoyment are a priority – everything from the large volume, sunbathing areas in the cockpit, an outdoor grill and fridge, ...

fast cruising sailboat

fast cruising sailboat GT6

Overall length : 15.2 m Width : 4.49 m Draft : 2.45 m

As the only sure way to prevent osmosis, and to ensure uniform stiffness, lightness and safety, Elan was one of the first serial yacht manufacturers to adopt the Vacuum-Assisted Infusion Lamination back in 2003. VAIL enables the complete ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat E6

Overall length : 15.3 m Width : 4.49 m Draft : 2.8, 2.4, 2.95 m

With lightness, sports equipment and a myriad of trimming options, these yachts are designed not only to be enjoyed by a cruising family but also to be sailed fast by an ambitious crew. Join a regatta or two and be among the first around ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat C45

Overall length : 13.6 m Width : 4.49 m Draft : 1.75, 2.2 m

When we designed the BAVARIA C45, we wanted to create a yacht which people would feel completely at home on – with features like the huge bathing platform, big cockpit and bright saloon – and also a yacht of the utmost flexibility. There ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat VISION 42

Overall length : 12.5 m Width : 4.08 m Draft : 1.62, 2.07 m

With a VISION 42 you will not only experience first class sailing, you will also be a first class sailor! This is made possible by an extraordinary, unique exterior and interior layout. The companionway from the cockpit to the saloon ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat C46

Overall length : 13.95 m Width : 4.7 m

With the new BAVARIA C46, BAVARIA YACHTS announce an impressive addition to their C‐LINE sailing yachts for 2023. The BAVARIA C46 sets new standards in the combination of ample room, excellent sailing characteristics and innovative solutions, ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat nano37

Overall length : 12 m Width : 2.6 m Draft : 2.6 m

Perfection in form rarely comes with such impeccable performance attributes. The wallynano37 is an object of profound beauty, with lines drawn by the redoubtable André Hoek. But in step with Wally’s core values, Hoek’s stunning naval ...


catamaran 50 LUCY

Overall length : 15.2 m Width : 9.1 m Sail area : 167 m²

With amazing amounts of living space and solid performance under sail, the Sunreef 50 Lucy was designed for all-year navigation. Custom-equipped for long cruises with friends and family, this luxury sail catamaran is a unique blend of ...


day-sailer GS BLUE

Overall length : 11 m Width : 3.7 m Draft : 2.2, 1.8 m

The Grand Soleil BLUE, the Grand Soleil 33 feet Daysailer Zero Impact project is a 10 meter sailing boat, a true jewel born from the belief that the initial stride towards sustainability is grounded in quality, ensuring the longevity ...

racing sailboat

racing sailboat ClubSwan 28

Overall length : 10.7 m Width : 2.5 m Draft : 1.8 m

... and dimensions, the boat is easily trailable, and to be rigged and unrigged in few hours only. It is the biggest possible sailboat trailable without excessive complications nor needing a specific permit. The sail plan ...

cruising-racing sailboat

cruising-racing sailboat X4⁹

Overall length : 15.1 m Width : 4.49 m Draft : 2.4, 2.71 m

X-Yachts are pleased to announce the launch of the new X4⁹ the latest addition to the successful 'X' range. The 'X' range displays a true embodiment of the key features, which sets X-Yachts apart from the competition. Truthfully following ...

sport keelboat sailboat

sport keelboat sailboat 5.70

Overall length : 5.7 m Width : 2.53 m Sail area : 17 m²

The Open 5.70 is designed for sailors who have enjoyed exhilarating surfing on dinghies or catamarans and want to once again find the same sensations on a small keelboat. Stark, simple and well manufactured, the Open 5.70 is unsinkable ...


catamaran 1160 RESORT

Overall length : 11.6 m Width : 6.5 m Draft : 1.1 m

This boat remains in a completely unique market of her own: large passenger capacity (43 Pax), but in a low-maintenance and low-cost size. This means fantastic returns relative to the investment, and puts the 1160 RESORT truly in a class ...


catamaran 1370

Overall length : 13.7 m Width : 7.6 m Draft : 1.3, 2.1 m

A PERFECT BALANCE OF PERFORMANCE AND LIFESTYLE Light and nimble through meticulous design and advanced lightweight construction - but crucially, capable of being heavily loaded with the minimum of impact on performance, this cruising ...


catamaran 1260

Overall length : 12.5 m Width : 6.8 m Draft : 1.16 m

A COMFORTABLE INDOOR/ OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE Continuing the line of legendary 12-metre Seawinds, this is the perfect balance of cruising practicality and powerful performance. OPTIMUM BALANCE THE ULTIMATE MID-SIZED OCEAN CRUISER The ...

cruising sailboat

Overall length : 13.55 m Width : 4.5 m Draft : 1.4 m

The POGO44 retains the family spirit of the other models in the POGO range. Like all models in our POGO range, the POGO 44 is built in Vacuum Infusion (100%). Unsinkable foams make the boat "unbreakable", an invaluable safety for long ...

cruising-racing sailboat

cruising-racing sailboat RC

Overall length : 10.26 m Width : 3.5 m Displacement : 3,300 kg

Pogo Launches its Latest Coastal Rocket Pogo Structures announces its new model, designed for IRC and offshore sailing. The Pogo RC is a new design aimed for the coastal and shorthanded racing scene. Pogo Structures Pogo Structures ...

ocean cruising sailboat

ocean cruising sailboat 36

Overall length : 10.86 m Width : 4 m Draft : 1.2 m

The Pogo 36 is the archetype of the new generation cruiser. Hull design and sandwich construction are directly inspired from our offshore racing range. The bright inside layout is extraordinary convinient whether you are mooring or sailing. ...

cruising-racing sailboat

cruising-racing sailboat A44

Overall length : 13.46 m Width : 4.25 m Draft : 3 m

The Advanced Yacht concept has produced a sporty cruiser inspired by light, modern performance opens with powerful waterlines that guarantee effortless planing and generous onboard spaces. Sailing performance was one of the most important ...

racing sailboat

racing sailboat ELITE

Overall length : 7.4 m Width : 1.72 m Draft : 1.1 m

A modern classic style keelboat that is delightful to sail and produces truly tactical racing. Manageable loads and an efficient layout suits both women and men – so the RS Elite class is well known for outstanding events and a strong ...

sport keelboat sailboat

sport keelboat sailboat VENTURE CONNECT

Overall length : 4.9 m Width : 2 m Draft : 0.9, 0.3 m

This is the self-righting keelboat version of the RS Venture, with a lifting bulb keel for exceptional security and seaworthiness. Its large, self-draining cockpit makes the RS Venture Connect perfectly suited to unforgettable family ...

sport keelboat sailboat

sport keelboat sailboat VENTURE CONNECT SCS

Sailing is an amazingly liberating experience. The award-winning RS Venture Connect SCS makes it possible for almost anyone – and that means a lot to us. Many boats have been modified for para sailing. We like to think the RS Venture ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat OVNI 370

Overall length : 11.95 m Width : 3.99 m Draft : 3.08, 0.92 m

... OVNI 400. She is answering to the challenge initiated by the shipyard: to design a 100% aluminium lifting keel (centreboard) sailboat , integrating the design criteria of long range cruising (A category certification). Jointly ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat OVNI 430

Overall length : 12.9 m Width : 4.36 m Draft : 0.85, 3.4 m

With our experience and expertise in blue-water cruising sailboats , we collaborated with the MORTAIN & MAVRIKIOS and CBA design offices to create the OVNI 430. The OVNI 430 is part of our new generation of boats offered ...


catamaran OVNICAT 48

Overall length : 14.5 m

Architect : MORTAIN & MAVRIKIOS Overall lenght : 14,50 m Maximum beam : 7,75 m Draught : 1,35 m Lost motion : 13 500 kg Sail area near : 127 m2 Mainsail : 84,5 m2 Genoese : 54,5 m2 Approval C.E. category : A Engines : 2 x 50 ...

ocean cruising sailboat

ocean cruising sailboat RM1070

Overall length : 10.7 m

Perfect combination of elegance, comfort and functionality, the RM1070 reveals at first glance very attractive lines

fast cruising sailboat

fast cruising sailboat RM890+

Overall length : 8.9 m

... comes to her shape and sporty look. Her seaworthiness remains intact on the RM890+, clearly an easy to handle lively sailboat , , should it be in light airs or in a gusty breeze. A comfort concentrate Below deck ...

ocean cruising sailboat

ocean cruising sailboat RM970+

Overall length : 9.7 m

A willingness to do more beautiful, faster, more comfortable


trimaran 880

Overall length : 8.8 m Width : 6.8 m Draft : 0.45, 1.6 m

This is the legitimate heir to the trimaran revolution started by the Hall-of-Fame F-27 way back in 1986. The pinnacle of trimaran design, this all-new built from the ground up Corsair has full boat systems, an aft cabin to sleep 5 in ...


trimaran PULSE 600

Overall length : 6 m Width : 4.5 m Draft : 0.22, 1.2 m

A new one design 20' Corsair - more compact and affordable than ever before, to appeal to modern sailors and families who can now join the growing Corsair community. GET YOUR PULSE RACING IN EVEN THE LIGHTEST OF WINDS The Pulse 600 ...


trimaran 760

Overall length : 7.4 m Width : 5.46 m Draft : 0.3, 1.6 m

The 24' Corsair has been an enormous success across more than 3 decades of production. However this newest model has received a radical redesign by our partners at Perus Yacht Design, making her the best 24' Corsair yet. SLIDING POPTOP COMFORTABLE ...

classic sailboat

classic sailboat DAYSAILOR 42

Overall length : 42'03"

The Old World elegance of the Hinckley DS42 is immediately apparent in her 13 feet of overhangs and carbon fiber spars meticulously painted to a wood-like finish. The cockpit, while maintaining a traditional feel, accommodates 6-8 passengers ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat 41.2

Overall length : 12.5 m Width : 3.92 m Draft : 2, 1.8 m

After the great success of the Saare 38.2, which was presented as a special 2-person yacht at the Boot in Düsseldorf in 2019, the Saare 41.2 will follow in 2023. The Saare 38.2 thrilled many sailors and customers, as well as the specialist ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat 47

Overall length : 14.28 m Width : 4.2 m Draft : 2.2 m

The foredeck of the new Saare 47 belongs to your guests, fellow sailors, children or grandchildren. The bathroom offers an elegant vanity unit, a lengthwise toilet with a holding tank and a separable shower area. Of course, the wastewater ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat 41cc

Overall length : 12.5 m Width : 3.92 m Draft : 2 m

The Saare 41cc was the first model from Saare Yachts. In 2007/2008 this yacht was developed by the Finn Karl Johan Strahlmann and the first two boats were built. In September 2008, the YACHT test crew was in Tallinn and tested hull number ...

classic sailboat

classic sailboat Gazelle des îles 2022

Overall length : 3.9 m Width : 1.45 m Draft : 0.55 m

For sailing enthusiasts, the versatile sails and electric motor (optional) give you controlled power. For small crews and families, have an adventure around the islands no matter what the sea throws at you. Ballasted Gaff Sloop Versatile ...


catamaran Vision 444

Overall length : 13.5 m Width : 7.6 m Draft : 1.15 m

There is an unmistakable feeling of certainty one gets from owning a Vision 444. Certainty that it will keep its good looks, sailing appeal and investment value for decades. And certainty that you made the right choice. The Vision ...

cruising sailboat

cruising sailboat 35DS

Overall length : 10.6 m Width : 3.48 m Draft : 1.98 m

We asked our existing and future customers what they wanted in a 35 ft deck saloon yacht, we listened and 10 years ago we developed a yacht like no other, the Sirius 35DS “Is this the best boat ever built?” – this is how Chris Beeson ...

ocean cruising sailboat

ocean cruising sailboat 40DS

Overall length : 12.9 m Width : 4.08 m Draft : 2.3 m

Never before have we been able to offer you as much as we can on our 40DS. The 40DS is for those who don’t want to compromise; until now on a Sirius, you could have either a large workshop or a large central cabin, with our 40DS you can ...


catamaran 37

Overall length : 10.9 m

With the Aventura 37, the shipyard signs one of its greatest successes. It incorporates the innovative square / cockpit concept already present on the old models of the brand, associated with a modern, elegant and innovative design signed ...


catamaran 37 DC

Overall length : 10.9 m Width : 5.94 m Draft : 1.2 m

The A37 Day-charter, designed by Lasta Design Studio, is Aventura Catamarans' latest addition for 2022. This 37-foot catamaran, with a capacity of up to 28 people, is specially designed for yachting professionals who want to go on day trips.


catamaran 45

Overall length : 13.5 m Width : 7.5 m Draft : 1.4 m

Aventura Catamarans has once again entrusted Lasta Design with the design of an exceptional unit: the Aventura 45 Sail, our new flagship. The result lives up to the ambitions we had set for ourselves: clean lines and a treatment of the ...


day-sailer Tridente 16'

Overall length : 5 m Width : 1.92 m Sail area : 16 m²

The Tridente 16' is easy to steer, safe, spacious, sturdy and high-performance: The Tridente 16’ is a 5-metre fibreglass sailing boat in the category of "collective dinghies" with trolleys and mobile appendages (fin and rudder) for use ...


catamaran NAVIS 45

Overall length : 14 m Width : 7.53 m Draft : 1.5 m

The first model in the NAVIS range. Rational and efficient with its fine water lines and a reasonable weight, it openly displays its sailing objective in light winds. Like the rest of the range, its design and construction in infused ...


catamaran NAVIS 50

Overall length : 15.25 m Width : 8 m Draft : 1.8 m

Always rational and efficient with its fine water lines and a reasonable weight, it openly displays its sailing objective in light winds. Like the rest of the range, its design and construction in infused flat sandwich panels give it ...


catamaran NAVIS 55

Overall length : 17.5 m Width : 8.67 m Draft : 1.9 m

NAVIS 55 Overall lentgh : 17.50 Width : 8.67 A larger catamaran for private and charter use offering separate outstanding living spaces for the comfort of all guests.

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Sailboats are designed to be propelled by the wind. Most modern sailboats have an auxiliary engine to facilitate docking and mooring.

Several types exist: - Day-sailers (day boats, weekenders) are small craft intended for day trips or short cruises. - Cruising sailboats are primarily used for recreation and exploration. - Cruiser-racers offer performance sufficient for regattas, while remaining comfortable enough for cruising. - Racing boats are designed for regattas and ocean racing. - Traditional or classic vessels include older boats and those built along traditional lines.

Most modern sailboats are made of polyester fiberglass, though some are aluminum. Racers are often built using carbon/epoxy or other composites for improved performance. Wooden boats are becoming rarer, with the exception of luxury models.

Choice will depend on intended use. Budget and/or the availability of a berth will determine the vessel's length and the quality of equipment and features.

- Uses natural energy - Unlimited range

- Safe handling requires experience - Draft limits access to shallow waters - Monohulls heel while underway

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Taiwanese citizen found dead after boat capsize off Indonesia

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Anti-landing barricades are pictured on the beach, with China's Xiamen city in the background, in Kinmen

U.N. agency in Gaza says one in three children under 2 is acutely malnourished

One in three children under age 2 in northern Gaza is now acutely malnourished and famine is looming, the main U.N. agency operating in the Palestinian enclave said on Saturday.

Мemorial service for late Bulgarian Patriarch Neophyte in Sofia


  1. SURREALISTAS "Surrealistas" (Audiosingle)

  2. Fitting the Genoa to major Tom ⛵️

  3. The boat that David and I built

  4. 2023 Tahoe T-16 sport boat

  5. FPV Sort Video

  6. RC Sailboat Sea Cret


  1. Day-sailer

    The Tridente 16' is easy to steer, safe, spacious, sturdy and high-performance: The Tridente 16' is a 5-metre fibreglass sailing boat in the category of "collective dinghies" with trolleys and mobile appendages (fin and rudder) for use when launching from the shore. The original design proved a success back in the 70s and was produced for ...

  2. Dinghy line

    The Tridente 16' is easy to steer, safe, spacious, sturdy and high-performance: The Tridente 16' is a 5-metre fibreglass sailing boat in the category of "collective dinghies" with trolleys and mobile appendages (fin and rudder) for use when launching from the shore.. The original design proved a success back in the 70s and was produced for over twenty years; recently, it has been reworked by ...

  3. Tridente 16 : STW000275 : the SailingTheWeb sailboat datasheet

    The Tridente 16 produced by the builder Centro Nautico Adriatico and designed by Paolo Cori, is a dinghy for sailing school, rigged Sloop ... read more on Sailing The Web, the ultimate sailboat database ... boat type. dinghy. purpose. sailing school. equipment. Sloop. hull material. fiberglass. production type. XXXXXXX production period. 0000 ...

  4. Tridente 16 : STW000275 : the SailingTheWeb sailboat datasheet

    The Tridente 16 produced by the builder Centro Nautico Adriatico and designed by Paolo Cori, is a dinghy for sailing school, rigged Sloop ... read more on Sailing The Web, the ultimate sailboat database ... If you find some wrong or lacking data of this boat, you can propose an update. TECHNICAL FORUM: Tridente 16. Login to ask questions.

  5. Tridente 16, idle sail 2020

    Chill afternoon sail for the beauty of it. No drama, just father and son sail on sailboat Tridente 16 from 2011. Location Kvarner bay, between island Sv. Mar...

  6. tridente_16

    All CNA Cantiere Nautico catalogs and brochures. Pedal Boat CAPRI LINE 2019. 36 Pages. phantom 16'. 3 Pages. x_14. 2 Pages. flying_junior. 3 Pages.

  7. Classe Tridente Tridente 16"

    La barca - Tridente 16". Il Tridente 16', costruito dal cantiere C.N.A. Cantiere Nautico di San Mauro Pascoli (FC), è un'imbarcazione a vela di 5 metri appartenente alla categoria delle "derive collettive" carrellabile, con appendici (deriva e timone) mobili, pertanto utilizzabile da riva. Il progetto iniziale risalente agli anni '70 nell ...

  8. Tridente 16

    Il Tridente 16 è una deriva velica di medie dimensioni, ha una lunghezza pari a 5 metri, armata con fiocco e randa terzarolabile. Il simbolo di classe è per l'appunto un tridente. È prodotta da molti anni dal Centro Nautico Adriatico di San Mauro Pascoli (FC). Lo scafo è a spigolo e di discreta larghezza, ne consegue una forte stabilità ...

  9. Day-sailer, Day-sailer sailboat

    day-sailer Tridente 16' with bowsprit. day-sailer. Tridente 16' Overall length: 5 m Width: 1.92 m Sail area: 16 m ... This boat introduces a custom layout with a very slick line and with two big benches that characterizes it. It's designed both for a daily use and regatta, with hidden manoeuvres under the deck and cockpit. ...

  10. Linea Derive

    Il Tridente 16', di facile conduzione, sicuro, spazioso, robusto, performante: è un'imbarcazione a vela di 5 metri in vetroresina appartenente alla categoria delle "derive collettive" carrellabili, con appendici (deriva e timone) mobili, quindi utilizzabile da riva.. Già progetto iniziale di successo risalente agli anni '70 e prodotto per oltre un ventennio, è stato oggetto di un restyling ...

  11. Monohull sailboats,Daysailers

    The Tridente 16' is easy to steer, safe, spacious, sturdy and high-performance: The Tridente 16' is a 5-metre fibreglass sailing boat in the category of "collective dinghies" with trolleys and mobile appendages (fin and rudder) for use ...

  12. Daysailer-Segelboot

    Beschreibung. Der Tridente 16', leicht zu segeln, sicher, geräumig, robust, leistungsstark: Es handelt sich um ein 5 Meter langes Fiberglas-Segelboot, das zur Kategorie der „Kollektiv-Jollen" gehört, trailerbar ist, über bewegliche Anhänge (Schwert und Ruder) verfügt und somit vom Ufer aus eingesetzt werden kann.

  13. CNA Segelboot Tridente 16 new for sale 48537

    Information about the Sailboat 48537 for sale. Offer to buy CNA Segelboot Tridente 16 48537 new for sale. CNA Segelboot Tridente 16 is a Sailboat with 4 m in length and a motor. Photos of CNA Segelboot Tridente 16 on sale and features of the CNA Segelboot Tridente 16 (Sailboat, 48537) that is on sale can be purchased from iNautia.com.

  14. deriva tridente 16 in Pto Bordighera

    Second-hand deriva tridente 16 with engine, 5.28 m in length, and m beam length. Second-hand deriva tridente 16 in Porto di Bordighera, Liguria (Italy). Sale of Sailboats reference 67515. ... deriva tridente 16. Sailboat from the year 2004 - 5,28m length - in Porto di Bordighera, ...

  15. Tridente 16 CNA in Lazio

    Technical data sheet of the second-hand Sailboats for sale. Second-hand Tridente 16 CNA with engine, 5 m in length, and m beam length. Second-hand Tridente 16 CNA in Lazio (Italy). Sale of Sailboats reference 66555

  16. Sail Trident boats for sale

    1971 Trident 24. US$5,111. ↓ Price Drop. Boatshed Suffolk | River Orwell, United Kingdom. Request Info. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price.

  17. Tridente 14 : STW002972 : the SailingTheWeb sailboat datasheet

    Tridente 14 - Centro Nautico Adriatico / STW002972 Edit Print Favorite sailboats The Tridente 14 produced by the builder Centro Nautico Adriatico, is a dinghy for sailing school, rigged Sloop

  18. Trident boats for sale

    Trident 44 Passenger Tour Boat 1 Listing. Trident 4512 1 Listing. Trident By Condition. All New Trident 7 Listings. Used Trident 19 Listings. Your Search Clear all filters. Make: Trident Remove Filter make:trident; Filter Boats By. Condition All New (7) New - Available for Order (2) New - In Stock/On Order (5) All In Stock - New and Used (24)

  19. Trident boats for sale

    Trident is a yacht manufacturer that currently has 17 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 5 new vessels and 12 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers and boat dealerships mainly in the following countries: United States, Lebanon, Slovenia, Spain and Canada. YachtWorld offers a diverse array of models, showcasing a comprehensive ...

  20. Sailboats 16 Ft Boats for sale


  21. TRIDENT 24

    16 to 20 would indicate reasonably good performance; above 20 suggests relatively high performance. SA/D = SA (ft²) ÷ [Disp (lbs) / 64]^.666 Bal./Disp.: A Ballast/Displacement ratio of 40 or more translates into a stiffer, more powerful boat that will be better able to stand up to the wind. Bal./Disp = ballast (lbs)/ displacement (lbs)*100

  22. Double-handed sailing dinghy Tridente 14'

    Tridente 14' is the most recent creation of the experienced technical staff of C.N.A.. At just 4.30 metres in length it combines, in a balanced manner, all the positive characteristics you would expect of a fibreglass dinghy: it is light enough for a two-person crew, and sturdy, spacious and comfortable without compromising on the performance that makes it a delight to row.

  23. Sailor Cole Brauer makes history as the first American woman to race

    March 7, 2024, 5:27 AM PST. By Emilie Ikeda. Aboard her 40-foot racing boat First Light , 29-year-old Cole Brauer just became the first American woman to race nonstop around the world by herself ...

  24. Crews continue to search for missing 18-year-old at Indiana state park

    0:04. 0:51. Indiana conservation officers and the Ripley County Sheriff's Office continue to search Versailles State Park Saturday for 18-year-old Carson Hughes of Osgood, Indiana, who was ...

  25. Biden Admin to Americans Stuck in Haiti: Yeah, About That

    Biden Admin to Americans Stuck in Haiti: Yeah, About That - Borrow a Boat

  26. Novi boat show returns to Suburban Collection Showplace

    The Novi boat show returned to Suburban Collection Showplace. 50 ... 16 hours ago Watch: Local 4 News at 6 p.m. : Mar 15, 2024. 16 hours ago Watch: Local 4 News at 5 p.m. : Mar 15, 2024.

  27. Aid ship offloading cargo into Gaza; Israel to continue negotiating

    The boat left Cyprus earlier this week, dispatched by the U.S. nonprofit World Central Kitchen, founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, and the Spanish search-and-rescue group Open Arms.

  28. Sailboat, Open sailboat

    The Tridente 16' is easy to steer, safe, spacious, sturdy and high-performance: The Tridente 16' is a 5-metre fibreglass sailing boat in the category of "collective dinghies" with trolleys and mobile appendages (fin and rudder) for use ...

  29. Taiwanese citizen found dead after boat capsize off Indonesia

    March 15, 20248:30 PM PDTUpdated 5 min ago. JAKARTA, March 16 (Reuters) - A Taiwanese citizen missing for days following a passenger boat capsize off the Indonesia's capital Jakarta was found dead ...