superyacht crew rotation

Crew Rotation In The Superyacht Industry – Part II

  • Capt. Malcolm Jacotine
  • October 28, 2020

Following our last post and feedback, we take a deeper look at rotation. We believe the benefits for crew are well understood, so in this piece we focus mainly on how rotation can improve yacht ownership and whether the benefits outweigh any additional costs involved?

With traditional leave arrangements, crew normally take their accrued leave at the end of a contract if a seasonal job or, when a yachts program allows e.g. at the end of the season, during a refit or crossing, or the off-season lay-up period. This approach means crew may work for prolonged periods before a break and, planning for their leave and/or training required for career progression, is very difficult.

Although a yacht can be admired for its aesthetic beauty and technical excellence, ultimately it is the professional crew who are responsible for ensuring the yacht delivers on the dreams and aspirations of an owner. Employing and retaining the very best crew is, without doubt, fundamental to success. And, as the fleet grows and yachts get bigger, the competition for quality crew will only increase; to meet this challenge terms of employment will need to evolve and rotation will become an ever more important consideration for many.

So What is Rotation?

I think the simplest explanation is job-sharing , where, most commonly, two crew share the same job and alternate their time onboard and on leave. This is normally the situation with the most senior crew with work/leave ratios such as 2:2 or 3:3 and other crew on ratios such as 5:1 or 3.1.

Although there may be different variations/ratios, not all crew have to be on the same terms, the general principle is that the yacht is fully manned at all times and leave is properly scheduled – within accepted variances due to a yachts program.

With any job share, especially in positions of leadership and responsibility, one of the challenges is ensuring the two people sharing the job have mutual respect, similar ethics, behaviour and work standards. This dynamic is important as consistency is fundamental to the health of the team. Any major differences can lead to uncertainty and confusion amongst the crew and a breakdown in the team and performance – success, relies on identifying and employing the right crew.

Yacht Availability – Asset Optimisation

Large yachts are a significant investment, and one of the joys of yacht ownership is the freedom to use it without restriction. Therefore, outside of crossings or refit, any time a yacht is unavailable to a yacht owner or, for charter, would seem to be a poor return on the investment.

Even on one season yachts I have seen where the lack of crew has prevented an owner from using their yacht in winter, and there are some stunning days in the winter in the Med! This was frustrating for the owner and something that did not make sense given the investment involved, including the capital costs and operational expenditure.

Rotation ensures that it is the yacht owner who determines when to use the yacht and is not restricted due to crew leave, or quality diminished by use of temporary crew. Lack of crew due to leave commitments would no longer be a reason to curtail use or compromise on safe manning in port.

Temporary Crew

Temporary crew is an option for replacing crew on leave and keeping the yacht available to the owner, though this is not normally the most successful strategy as recruitment is often at short notice and choice may be limited.

Further, there is no guarantee they will perform, have the same professional standards, gel with the crew and/or yacht owner and family. The training and supervision they will require and, repeated every time a temp is used, is a drain on crew resources creating inefficiencies in the team’s performance and the yachts operation. This can have a negative impact on the quality of service, levels of safety, standards of maintenance and the yacht owner’s experience.

Employing temporary crew has repeating costs such as agency fees, salary, uniform and travel and these can be used to offset the additional cost of permanent crew required for rotation.

Crew Retention

It is widely accepted that long periods onboard without a suitable break can lead to fatigue and burnout, especially on busy yachts, and the uncertainty in leave planning and difficulty in having a normal life off the yacht can affect the welfare and well-being of crew. All these are contributing factors to the high turnover of crew that is so often complained about in our industry.

The senior crew are even more exposed to these stresses due to the pressures of their roles. These are the mature/older more experienced crew that others look to for leadership, training and motivation – they are the foundation on which the long-term success of the yacht is built. Many will have reached a point their career and/or life where they may have a family or, in a relationship, and are interested in building a fulfilling life away from the yacht.

Junior crew tend to have different priorities, as alluded to in Part I, so whilst extended leave is not so important, a reasonable amount of leave and having the ability to plan for their time off is still a key influence.

Rotation also provides opportunities for advancement and helps remove another oft cited reason for leaving. For example, it may allow a chief officer to step up to rotational captain, or a 2 nd stewardess to become rotational chief stewardess. It adds to motivation and further helps retain the skills and knowledge built-up through mentoring and their time served onboard.

Although yacht owners may be frustrated by the constant churn of crew, they may not fully appreciate the hard and soft costs involved. The hard costs include such things as recruitment fees, employment setup costs, uniform, training, etc. and easiest to explain. The soft costs, although harder to put a monetary value on, are also important considerations. Arguably, the biggest cost to crew turnover is the loss of knowledge which could be technical, operational or, even personal to the yacht owner and family. There is also the disruption to the team and operation, and the time and effort required to train and supervise new crew on their journey to becoming an integral part of the team. And, all of these could affect a yacht owners enjoyment; something you cannot put a value on!

It’s also difficult to appreciate the importance a yacht owner places on seeing familiar faces amongst the crew; it helps them relax, and gives them comfort in the knowledge that the crew understand their needs and will make their stay flow seamlessly. I have heard familiarity being used as a reason against rotation due to the additional crew, but this should not be a major concern as it doesn’t take long for those crew to be a familiar sight – they just won’t all be onboard at the same time!

Rotation does not completely eliminate crew turnover as there will always be influences outside the control of the yacht but, by incentivising crew through better leave and improved employment prospects, a yacht owner can remove some of the key reasons for leaving.

Yes, But Rotation Is Expensive!

This is often, understandingly, the refrain from yacht owners and rightly so, as the payroll can be between 25% – 40% of the operating budget, and it is frequently the captain who must explain how increasing these costs can be of benefit a yacht owner.

Within any proposal, the crew must also buy-in to the idea and understand that a trade-off may be required on their part. It would seem obvious to anyone that if you work less then you should be paid less? Unfortunately, crew do not always see it this way and some expect to work significantly less days whilst still earning the same money – this stance is often where the idea never even gets off the ground. That being said, there are examples of very generous salaries combined with rotation – there is no standard in yachting!

Once an owner recognises the benefits it is clearly easier to implement prior to employment of the crew, such as during a new-build or before purchase. Changing an operational yacht to a rotational structure is a little more challenging due to the uplift in costs, and any salary negotiations that may be required.

The examples below show how changing annual leave allowances affects the number of days worked per year.

  • 90 days leave per year, plus one day off per week when onboard, effectively works 236 days per year. On 1:1 rotation they work 183 days per year (no day off per week). This is a reduction of 22%.
  • 60 days leave per year, plus one day off per week when onboard, effectively works 261 days per year. On 1:1 rotation they work 183 days per year (no day off per week). This is a reduction of 30%.
  • 38 days leave per year, plus one day off per week when onboard, effectively works 280 days per year. On 5:1 rotation, plus one day off per week when onboard, they work 261 days per year. This is a reduction of 7%.

An interesting point is that a full-time employee in the UK with statutory holiday, public holidays and weekends, effectively works 228 days per year.

The effective workdays is also the number used to calculate the daily pay rate. Using that figure you can see that to keep the rate the same would result in a salary reduction by the same percentage – as mentioned, this is something that crew may find difficult to accept, but may also make the salary uncompetitive.

As an exercise I developed a detailed spreadsheet that compares a ‘normal’ yacht with a crew complement of 19 onboard with average salaries, leave and travel costs, against the same yacht with a ‘rotation’ – the table below summarises the leave differences.

superyacht crew rotation

The junior crew are on a 5:1 rotation which, in general, may suit them better given their different priorities to the senior crew. There is still a good amount of time off to rest and recuperate and, importantly, an ability to plan their leave.

What this detailed examination highligthed is that rotation does not result in a doubling crew costs which, is often the assumption. In this particular case the increase in crew costs is between 8% – 24% depending whether salaries are adjusted for effective workdays, left at the original rates, or negotiated somewhere in-between.

It is clear that there are costs and benefits associated with rotation; although it is important to perform a detailed analysis of all the cost inputs, outputs and variances – this is a fundamental part of any justification. The benefits, apart from the financial savings that can be made through the reduction in temporary crew and crew turnover, are dependent on the value and importance ‘weighting factor’ that an yacht owner places on these, and whether, on balance, these outweigh the costs and add value to the quality of the ownership experience.

superyacht crew rotation

Finally, and worth considering; although rotation is not yet the norm, it is growing trend, especially for the larger yachts – although I have heard of its use on <500gt yachts as well – and more crew will be looking for this in the future – I think most yacht crew would agree that this is a positive change and demonstrates the industries progressive growth and evolving maturity.

As we have mentioned previously, OnlyCaptains are not offering prescriptive solutions, we simply present ideas and suggestions that may offer captains some useful ideas that they can use in their own command and act as a catalyst to further industry discussion – we hope you enjoyed this post and welcome any feedback.

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TALKING POINT: How important is rotation to crew and why?

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Each month, we are sharing a discussion piece written by a member of the maritime industry who can offer a unique or interesting perspective on an aspect of seafarers’ welfare. You can join the conversation on our social media channels – Facebook , LinkedIn and Twitter .

This month, Talking Point guest author Karen Passman explores the results of Impact Crew’s survey into crew turnover in the superyacht industry and discusses why crew rotation is so important.

superyacht crew rotation

Karen has in excess of 20 years’ experience developing managers, leaders and professionals, through facilitation, training, coaching and assessment. She has a passion for developing people which is evident in her positive, enthusiastic and supportive style of delivery. Karen’s expertise traverses the maritime industry and corporate world, where she provides management and leadership development as well as team building and coaching to a wide range of clients. In 2007, Karen launched Impact Crew with the specific purpose of providing development for crew in the unique challenges that working and living at sea create.

In a recent survey within the superyacht sector (conducted by Impact Crew in collaboration with a number of maritime industry professionals), the overwhelming answer to the question ‘How important is rotation?’ was ‘VERY IMPORTANT’.

Increasing crew longevity in the industry has been a passion (although some might call it an obsession) of mine for many years. In 2015, our crew survey found that crew turnover was running at 50% within a 12-month period, and looking at just the junior crew, that figure rose to 69% for deck and 78% for interior.

Overall, as yet, rotation is not the norm, aside from within the engineering department, many of whom enter yachting having been previously employed in the commercial maritime sector where rotation is standard. The reality is the engineers demand it – if rotation were not on offer, there would be a severe lack of engineers. Interestingly, we are increasingly seeing this demand not just from the most senior crew on board, but the juniors too. Gen Zs (also known as ‘zoomers’, born in the late 1990s and early 2000s) are starting to enter the workplace with a strong work ethic (for the right employer), but also a clear agenda for a life that incorporates a work-life balance and personal wellbeing. So how important is this time off to them? The under-30s surveyed scored the importance of rotation on average 8.4 out of 10, and if that’s not enough evidence, 66% are willing to take a pay cut to have some form of rotation.

Why is this time off so important? Mental health has become a much more spoken-about subject, particularly since ISWAN’s 2018 report ‘ The Welfare of Superyacht Crew ’, which highlighted the challenges superyacht crew face in providing some of the most excellent standards of service that exist. ISWAN’s report found that 80% of women and 54% of men had experienced one or more episodes of work-related stress.

In the recent survey, poor leadership and fatigue (aka ‘burnout’) were identified as the two major contributing factors to work-related stress, with 25% of respondents being attracted to positions based on the amount of leave (or rotation) being offered. The survey also identified that the primary reason (given by 53% of respondents) for junior crew to leave a yacht was due to poor leadership or crew dynamics (which some might argue is the responsibility of the leaders on board – I certainly do!). In business there is a saying: ‘people join an organisation, but leave their manager’. The same appears to be true in maritime. If the leaders on board are not fair, don’t address issues, or allow their fatigue and emotions to run away with them, there is a direct impact on the crew they are ’privileged’ to lead. Once the respect is lost, and the negativity sets in, it is hard to pull back from. Crew simply vote with their feet and leave to have a chance of finding that ‘dream boat’.

Much has changed in yachting over the past 20 years; standards have increased to incredible levels, the size of yachts and range of activities have grown exponentially and the amount of time between guest trips has reduced, with many yacht owners and managers expecting the vessel to be made ready for the next guests within 24 hours. With these high demands, it is not sustainable to ask crew to work five months straight. Some form of rotation or ‘structured leave’ needs to be introduced if we are to prevent crew from ‘burning out’.

A simple and relatively low-cost solution for junior crew is to employ four crew to cover three positions. This enables a 3:1 (monthly) ‘rotation’ – the guests will see the same faces from one season to the next, the experience and knowledge gained is retained and crew have the opportunity to recharge their batteries, see friends and family and take courses, before returning with a fresh spring in their step. The additional cost is outweighed by the benefits, and with improved crew longevity may in fact cost less overall.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ within this very bespoke industry, but perhaps the time has come to start thinking outside the box, to create a sustainable and long-term employment structure, where the quality of leadership is developed to the same extent as the technical skills, and the crew’s mental wellbeing is supported to the same extent as their physical wellbeing.

ISWAN’s Yacht Crew Help offers free, confidential, 24-hour support and guidance to yacht crew around the world. The helpline contact details and further information for crew can be found at .

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Crew Rotation

The additional cost of equivalent service

Proponents of rotational positions cite burn out and the prediction of future crew shortages as rationale for adapting the concept. As in any transition, there are obstacles and drawbacks to altering a standard.

Yachting is a great career with enormous potential for advancement, a generous salary, and a well- traveled life. The most often heard complaint is the personal life compromises that must be made in order to maximize career growth and salary. The concept of rotational assignments has been heralded as the solution for crew to stay aboard and still meet personal obligations and goals. The idea has merit for some positions, but is not the solution for all personnel issues on a yacht.

As engineering became more complex and the market need expanded, engineers were sought from the commercial sector, where there is a tradition of rotation. Since there was market demand (engineers with broad based experience were a hot commodity) and the premise was well established from the commercial market, the concept gained a toehold in yachting. Other senior crew who had industry tenure and family obligations ashore began to express interest for rotation to be extended to other positions - Captain, Chef.

The concept is not completely new. Freelancers have made a career of stepping in for crew during periods of training, family leave, illness. A freelancing career was the traditional way for crew to balance personal life and spend time ashore while creating a “back-up” plan for yachts.

Expanding the pool of candidates in engineering roles represents the good of the rotation concept. Adapting the commercial concept of rotation was a win-win for yachting. The expansion of the labor pool may have augmented the knowledge base in the engine room, and great engineering can create operational economy aboard. Crossover commercial engineers enjoyed a pay bump up and established yacht engineers benefitted from additional down time.

Since engineering does not have daily interface with owners and guests, the change in crew can be invisible to those aboard – whether owner or charter guests. Not without hurdles, the adaptation of rotation still has engine room detractors. Colleagues in the engine room are rarely exactly equal in skill sets, creating friction. Even with additional procedures and attention to checklists, any lack of continuity is potentially dangerous.

Broadening the model to the position of captain is the bad of the rotation concept. Commercial rotations do not sync with the seasons of yachting. On either a privately used or chartered vessel, the Captain is the face and the force of the yacht. The personality of the captain sets the style of communication, drives the staff selection, and establishes the team dynamic aboard. Even relief coverage by the first mate can alter the dynamic of the team. Long tenured captains have a personal relationship with the owner and understand the owner’s objectives for the program.

When the position of Captain rotates, individual distinctions become secondary to checklists and measurable skills. Along with diminishing the central role of the captain, the responsibilities of the yacht begin to shift from captain to the management company – the one constant in a rotating crew.

When does the rotation theory get ugly? The way to a guest’s heart is through their stomach. Any change in chef initiates reaction. The most frequent complaint of charter guests? The food. The assessments of what was wrong runs the gamut: too fancy, too basic, too rich, too bland. It would seem that if a replacement chef has adequate knowledge of preparation, menu planning and provisioning a change should be seamless. However, all the knowledge and skill is secondary to how much the owner or the guests enjoy the menu. When those aboard are not delighted with the dining experience, feedback and requests are generally presented too late to deter the sense of dissatisfaction.

INSET Image Rotation Chart

Yachting is not universally considered a career path. To some extent that is because people come ashore after a certain age to meet family and personal obligations. Rotation could alter that pattern, but there are downsides to the universal application within the yachting industry. Many of the traditions and the positive appeal of working in the industry will be removed with adaptation of the rotation concept throughout the crew. What differentiates one vessel from another is the experience for owners and their guests. The most important qualities of yachting – delivery of luxury service and creation of a magical experience – are not enhanced by the introduction of rotation.

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Managing Yacht Crew Rotations

superyacht crew rotation

Rotational positions began to appear more frequently in the yachting industry in the early 2000’s, receiving plenty of interest from job seeking crew. At that time, they were the envy of every chief engineer or head of department and they were typically snapped up by the most senior crew members.

Rotations are now becoming more common as crew are pushing for more of a work life balance, while owners are keen to retain good crew by providing more favourable employment terms. In most cases, rotational positions are still considered the crème de la crème of opportunities and for crew fortunate enough to land one of these gigs, there is a raft of tools available to ensure rotations work smoothly.

For captains or management, pitching the idea of rotation to an owner is a big step, and chatting with captains who run programs with rotational positions on board, you soon understand there are a number of risks that come into play when having a rotational roster.  

Depending on the structure of the rotation, owners can incur additional salary, insurance, and travel expenses to facilitate a crew rotation. On top of that, as most captains will tell you, it’s another crew member to manage which can be the hardest part of their jobs. 

A big concern for captains is ensuring consistency between the rotating crew. Put two chief engineers in a room, both with 10 years’ experience, and the way they go about their jobs will inevitably be different. From the perspectives of the owner and the captain, they want to be sure the standard of work is consistent, to the same standard and with equal attention to detail. Crew also want to know that the rules that apply to both engineers, rather than having one rule for engineer A and another for engineer B.

Usually with rotational positions there is a handover period where both the inbound and outboard crew go through any outstanding tasks and recap what has happened on board during the previous rotation, and this can range from a couple of hours to a day or two. For the outbound crew member, they may already have one eye on their life off the boat, but handovers are an important process to ensure a smooth transition.

Most rotational employment contracts will stipulate that the outboard crew member should remain available via phone or email at all times. That said, most crew will hope that phone calls are few and far between, which is far more likely if there has been a proper handover before going on leave. 

Successful crews are like a well-oiled machine. Everyone knows their role, departments interact seamlessly and for every situation there is a planned and known process to solve it. A great example is pick up day on charter. Everyone knows exactly what happens and who is responsible for what the day they pick up a charter. There are many factors that contribute to great teamwork, but a big contributor is the sharing of information. Whether it be shipping, yachting or commercial, a smooth operation requires documentation and records.

Sam Matt Engine Room 1200x630

 The most successfully rotational positions we see are those which have good systems in place to document and record information to provide transparency across rotating crew, meaning . smoother rotations and fewer SOS calls while you're on leave.

Documentation methods are always evolving. An old navy engineer I met years ago at the Miami Boat Show had a rotating calendar wheel with the date and jobs he needed to do,  handwritten on paper. It worked by flipping the page at the start of each day to see what tasks were due and he told me it hadn't let him down yet. Fast forward to 2020 and you'll find most vessels have adopted a more digital approach .

Planned maintenance systems are designed to capture information, often contributed by multiple crew members, and are a great way to manage rotations. The most commonly used tools for rotational crew are maintenance logs, daily logs, defect logs and documents and, regardless of which system is in place, the logic remains the same. Capture information as it happens and document all details relevant to the operation of the vessel. This will allow for shorter and more efficient handovers as everything is already logged, so you can properly enjoy your time off the boat.

superyacht crew rotation

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How to retain your superyacht crew

Yacht owners, particularly those who use their boats frequently, like to see the same smiling faces each time they come aboard. Crew are a pretty footloose breed, however, tending to jump ship whenever a better offer or a more exotic itinerary beckons. The challenge that captains and owners face is creating a crew program that provides incentives for crewmembers to stay a few years before moving on.

Surprisingly, savvy captains find that spending the boss’s money on higher salaries is not the answer to retaining crew – or at least, it’s not the whole solution. Rupert Connor, president of yacht management firm Luxury Yacht Group in Fort Lauderdale and Antibes, says that captains who listen to their crewmember’s goals and aspirations typically enjoy better retention rates.

The most successful captains, Connor reports, are the ones who, ‘Come in at a review stage and the first thing out of [the captain’s] mouth explains where the crew are on [their] career path and what [that captain] is doing to train them, rather than just saying, “Johnny wants $500 more a month.” If the conversation opens with money, he’s not building a loyal, long-term crew.’

Career Training

Captain Robert Corcoran of the 77m Devonport_ Samar_ firmly believes in on-going professional training for his 23-person crew. Samar’s crew package includes two onshore class courses per year for everyone. Leave to go take the class, which is granted according to the boat’s schedule, is unpaid, but the crew receive a per diem during the course.

‘Fifty per cent of the course fee is reimbursed upon successful completion,’ he says. ‘The other fifty per cent after six months.’

In order to take advantage of this perk, Samar’s crewmembers must sign an agreement saying they will stay with the yacht for at least one year after taking the class.

Crew education aboard Samar doesn’t stop there, however. The yacht also provides on-board training for junior crew.

‘We hold classes in the morning during the off-season. The officers put together a curriculum that includes rules of the road, celestial navigation, things like that,’ Corcoran says. ‘The [officers] really put a lot into it, so there are consequences if [the junior crewmembers] don’t pass.’

On the other hand, crew who pay attention in class can gain real benefits. ‘We had a deckhand who went for his Yachtmaster, and he was the only one of twelve who passed,’ Corcoran reports. ‘Anyone who’s serious about moving up… it gives them a good leg up on their studies later on.”

When it comes to the senior crewmembers, he says, ‘I have no problem teaching the chief officers and the second officers how to run the boat – both the accounting side and taking it on and off the dock. They’ve got to learn sometime, and it’s a great safety feature for both the owner and myself.’

Nurturing the crew’s ambitions to move up in their careers can be a double-edged sword, however. ‘If an opening comes up, we always look to promote from within first,’ Corcoran says.

However, that’s not always possible; sometimes when a crewmember is ready to move up, the next position in rank is filled. As result, after seeing 100 per cent crew retention in 2011, he lost three senior officers this year.

‘The top people get to a place where there is nowhere for them to go,’ he admits. At that level, money can’t match career advancement as an incentive. ‘They all got good jobs, partly due to their longevity on Samar ,’ he reports.

Captains who stay in touch with their crew’s career goals also tend to get more notice when a valued member decides to move on.

‘It’s much easier to replace a stewardess if you know three months in advance of when they are going to leave,’ says Connor. ‘Owners don’t mind transition if it’s planned.’

Work Rotation

For boats that can afford it, rotation programs provide captains with the ability to offer highly competitive vacation packages, as well as compassionate leave, without needing to bring unfamiliar, temporary crew onto the boat.

Samar , for example, operates with roughly 19 full-time crew (plus the owner’s personal staff when he is aboard), but has 23 crewmembers on the payroll.

‘Everybody on the boat except the captain is on rotation,’ Corcoran says.

Samar’s junior deckhands, stewards and stewardesses work five months on and one month off. The chief officers and the chief and second engineers work two months on and two months off.

Beyond that, if any crew want to take extra leave during the off-season at their own expense and the boat is covered, the captain will consider granting that as well.

‘It’s a freer system,’ he says, adding, ‘Crew are paid up all the time on their holiday pay. It’s a very precise formula.’

Another benefit of crew rotation is that the captain doesn’t need to wait until the boat is idle to grant leave.

‘The owner’s not looking to cut back on off-season work. We keep a full crew year-round,’ Corcoran says. ‘It meant hiring an extra deckhand and stew, but they get a month’s holiday after five months of hard work.’

In his experience, crew rotation leads to crew retention.

‘The owner likes having the same people around,’ explains Connor. ‘All these programs cost the same or less than we were paying in [crew] placement fees.’

Living Conditions

On many yachts, particularly smaller vessels, rotation and extra vacation time are simply not an option. However, captains can still boost crew retention by improving their living conditions on board.

Private entertainment systems, such as individual TVs, DVD players or access to the yacht’s movie library and iPod docks mounted in each bunk (complete with headphones, of course), can make a big difference in a crewmember’s enjoyment of his or her time off.

Today, free Wi-Fi is also important to many crew.

‘We’re seeing more and more interviewees ask, “What speed Internet does the boat have?”’ says Connor.

While captains and crew are stuck with the physical dimensions of the yacht’s crew quarters, it helps when you make the best of the space allotted. Assigning a couple to a cabin with a double bed or a large lower bunk they can actually share can be a big incentive to stay with the boat longer, for example.

Food also provides an incentive for crew to stay loyal.

‘We have a really good crew chef, so the food is outstanding, and that helps,’ Corcoran says. ‘We’ve cut out a lot of junk food and buy good quality meats and fish.’ He laughs. ‘They sometimes complain it’s too good.’

Luckily for those weight-conscious crew, Samar’s owner allows the crew access to the yacht’s gym when the guests are not using it.

Although Samar is a dry boat when it comes to the crew, her owner encourages them to get off the boat on evenings when they are off-duty and in port. Corcoran says that more often than not, his crew will hang out as a group ashore.

‘Keeping crew morale high is the key to longevity, and having crew outings like go-karting, paintball, diving, etc., is very important,’ adds Rewi. ‘You want to make the job as enjoyable as possible when can give the long hours requested of them.’

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Yacht Crew Rotational jobs: Good or Bad?

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Yacht crew rotational jobs have almost become the norm these days. Looking back 10 years it was only experienced crew or those in short supply who got rotational positions onboard Superyachts. But things have changed and the trend on many yachts is now towards rotational jobs. Although we all love to have paid time off, there are pros and cons to this and not everyone will agree that there is a negative to having this much paid time off but here goes…

Yacht Crew Rotational jobs: Good or bad for the Superyacht Industry?

Longevity : Lots of us (have) worked on Superyachts for quite a few years. My final job in the industry was rotational and, as a senior crew member, I felt I had earned it. I had done 10 years + and the fact my job was rotational probably kept me in the industry for a few more years.

Reward : A lot of people view yacht crew rotational jobs as a reward for experience and qualifications.

Commitments : Rotation can be a great opportunity for the older crew amongst you who have families etc, as It allows you to stay in the industry for longer AND get on with your life.

Money : It goes without saying that opting for a rotational job on board can essentially double your salary while working half as much for the same amount of money (in a lot of cases).

Entitlement : A lot of yacht crew, no matter what level they are feel they should have a rotational position. This will negatively impact the industry, but more details on that shortly.

Experience : The more time you have off, the less experience you get. Therefore, as junior crew rotation is not always a good thing for your career.

Expensive : Rotation quite literally doubles payroll costs for yachts and so owners need to see a genuine benefit for this.

Falsely inflates salaries : If everyone has rotation all crew are effectively getting paid the same amount for half the work. This therefore falsely creates a very high salary base.

Yacht Crew aboard M/Y Zeal

Is it the way forward?

In a lot of cases, the answer appears to be yes. However, you have to look at both sides of the argument. Owners are happy to pay for extra crew if they see the upside as well as the expense. So, as a yacht owner, you would expect to see a more dedicated crew, longevity, and an improved work ethic. Surely, if you are getting paid the same amount of money for half the time on board you should be working twice as hard? We know this isn’t possible but do you get what I mean here?

Yacht Crew rotational jobs for heads of department only?

Maybe rotational jobs should be strictly limited to heads of departments who have “earned” their rotation? To find yourself in a Captain, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Stewardess or head chef position requires a good deal of commitment and time on the job. So, should it be a goal to strive for? And with the position comes the perks…

But what about yacht crew rotational jobs for Junior recruits?

I was talking to a very experienced Captain recently who believes that time on/ off rotation for the junior crew can have hugely negative effects. Imagine you are in your first year on yachts and get a 2:2 rotation. Although it’s not a common thing to happen when it does, it has a few knock-on effects:

  • You are spoilt for life. You would never even look at another job that doesn’t offer rotation. Maybe a good thing for the yacht you work on but not for career development.
  • How do you get any sea time ? 6 months off per year doesn’t get you as many days at sea.
  • Experience ? It’s very hard to learn anything if you are only at work half the time!
  • Savings . Most crew these days set financial goals (ask Crewfo about this) and make an “escape plan”. Does rotation mean that it takes twice as long to do this? If so, will you be yachting for a lot longer in order to achieve the same thing? Will you ever save any money?
  • Qualifications . If you don’t get the sea time and can’t save, how can you do courses and progress? Will you be the eternal deckhand?

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated but makes sense. The same application doesn’t suit every instance.

Yacht Crew Agents and rotational jobs:

There are plenty of Crew Agents out there who will happily promote the benefits of rotational positions to owners and managers. To a degree this makes sense but there are a lot of exceptions. If I were cynical I would suggest that the promotion of blanket rotation for all crews by crew agents is a simple way to earn more money. Possibly without regard for the long-term effect on the industry. Or owners’ pockets for that matter. But, on the other hand, there is a strong case for pushing this. For all the reasons mentioned earlier. However, one approach does not suit all.

Is there a sensible way to do this?

Yes of course, but it involves looking at all of the following and deciding what is appropriate:

  • Yacht itinerary
  • Needs of the owner
  • Number of crew
  • Current crew turnover
  • Current crew retention programme
  • Onboard structure and departmental setup

Once you have reviewed all this you should have a better idea of what works.

How do you decide if a rotational job as a yachtie is right for you?

As crew, it is worth remembering that what works for some may not work for all. If you are a junior crew member, in your first yacht job, it is very rare you will get a time for time rotation, BUT , it is not unheard of.

However, please bear in mind that this is not the be-all and end-all of yachting. If you are in a position where you need to learn, gain experience and qualifications this type of thing may not work for you until you are in a more senior position. And remember, not everyone has rotation. Far from it in fact. There are literally 1000’s of crew and hundreds of yachts that don’t do this, as it is not practical or relevant.

My advice for green yachties is always to work hard, aim high and consider getting a rotational job later!

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  • Oct 21, 2021

Rotation or job share creates a dynamic of success; the yacht has double the experience for any given position, crew can exchange ideas, brainstorm and come up with new solutions and experiences for the owner.

One dictionary definition of 'rotation' is 'the passing of a privilege or responsibility to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order'. In yachting, crew rotation is both a privilege AND a responsibility. This was certainly the case 10 years ago, yet some might say that a paradigm shift has taken place and far from being a privilege, rotation has become a given and is widely sought after, expected and requested. Three months' work/ three months' leave/paid 12 months, or variations thereof, is what most crew and captains aspire to on yachts over 500gt.

So how does this affect yacht owners? Is it still a subject of debate in 2021? Does anybody continue to question its benefits?

What are the benefits of crew rotation?

As recruiters, we see first hand the benefits to the owners brought by rotation; crew stability, reduced crew turnover, a sense of appeasement within the team and, of course, the possibility to attract high-calibre crew which leads to a satisfied owner and an enhanced guest experience as well as promoting a sense of enjoyment of their yacht.

Given the opportunity, crew will leave a non-rotational position for a rotation and many will quietly start looking for such opportunities within a year of joining a non-rotational job. That's the reality.

Without doubt, rotation contributes to tackling the high crew-turnover issue that burdens our industry. This turnover comes at a cost not to be underestimated. When someone quits a job they get paid their days worked that month, their accrued leave, perhaps their notice in lieu of leave and, with recruitment costs on top. It's not surprising that even someone quite junior on a €3,000 per month salary will end up costing €12,000 to replace. Those are the tip-of-the-iceberg costs and more are lurking in the shadows.

At first glance, rotation does not come cheap either – paying two full-time salaries to have one person on leave at any given time might seem extravagant. However, this instant spreadsheet view doesn't integrate one vital element that I like to call 'future collateral savings'.

I started my recruitment career in London working with stockbrokers, mostly with futures and options traders, and I remember the concept of hedging risks and locking in a price beforehand. Rotation can be envisaged with this concept in mind: paying now to better control – or completely avoid – future expenses.

superyacht crew rotation

Laurence Lewis - President of YPI CREW

How to use crew rotation to avoid future expenses?

High turnover of crew, with perhaps a heavy reliance on temporary crew to fill in gaps, impacts the quality of service, the safety and maintenance of the yacht. The price of losing knowledge in all departments, mostly in engineering and on the deck side, when crew quit their positions is high compared to the cost of having crew on rotation. Also, when well implemented, rotation or job share creates a dynamic of success; the yacht has double the experience for any given position, crew can exchange ideas, brainstorm and come up with new solutions and experiences for the owner.

I recently spoke with a client who, after 20 years of yacht ownership, had decided to offer rotation to all his heads of departments – not just his captains and engineers , but also his officers, chefs and stews . Our society is changing, our collective perception of work and what happiness and fulfilment entails has evolved at both employer and employee level, and COVID-19 has further accelerated this process.

Was this move to offer rotation altruistic? No, the decision was made because it made sense. The owner wished to have the vessel available at all times throughout the year, at very short notice and without compromise in the quality of service. This became challenging to achieve as many of his regular crew took holidays during the off-peak season. Rotation was the obvious solution.

What type of yacht is rotation beneficial for?

Sweeping statements don't apply in an industry where bespoke is the norm, and clearly rotation is not the answer for all yachts. At present, rotation is generally offered on yachts above 500gt and more likely to hire crew with a commercial maritime background for whom rotation is in evidence. A vessel's itinerary and programme are also a consideration; a single-season private yacht doesn't probably warrant rotation for all crew apart from the engineers, for whom rotation is the norm on yachts over 50m.

The cost and benefits of rotation are clearly yacht- and owner-specific, with the best time to address this topic at the build stage or as soon as a purchase is envisaged because setting up a rotation is easier to implement before employing the crew. It will avoid the salary negotiations involved with a change of status and set the high-performance standards from the outset.

Yacht managers and crew recruiters are well positioned to formulate and budget the best way for each owner to build an effective and loyal crew in an employment market where rotation is undeniably picking up momentum. It's an interesting equation. LL

This article was originally published in The Superyacht Owner Report issue 209.

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Superyacht Crew Salaries: First Report Released 

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Written by Maria Korotaeva

Many life-long careers in the yachting industry have begun as a seasonal job or gap year with a desire to visit exotic destinations. The continual change and challenges that come with each new charter group make the positive feedback even more satisfying and those with lifelong wanderlust have a rare opportunity to see some of the world’s most incredible cities and scenery .  

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Seahwak’s Crew

Working on a luxury yacht isn’t without its drawbacks, however: Weeks at a time spent away from home, long working hours in the peak seasons and ensuring that everything runs smoothly when you’re far from the port can all take their toll. When performing tasks that can be as equally trying as they are rewarding, crew members want to assure that their pay reflects the professionalism and high degree of detail that they put into each day.  

Following the launch of free salary-sharing platform in March 2016, YPI CREW has revealed its first report into the salaries paid to the crew on luxury yachts of various sizes.  

Covering the period between 2016/2017, the results not only provide transparency to crew members but help employers to attract and retain individuals with exceptional skills. The occupations covered range from captains to deckhands and compare pay for permanent, private, rotation and charter crew: Find out how the charter industry measures up to the other sectors.  

446 captains submitted information to, and the data revealed that 13% worked on sailing yachts and the other 83% on motor yachts. Captains on larger yachts earned more per month than captains of smaller vessels to create an upward trend, although M/Y captains of 35m-51m superyachts fared particularly well, with a jump in salary from €9,000 per month for 41m-50m yachts up to €13,000 p/m for larger luxury yachts. Private and permanent captains tended to earn the most for their size category, with permanent captains coming out slightly ahead.  

Sailing yacht captains tended to earn the same as on motor yachts for the 0-35m and 35-40m vessels, earned more than motor yacht captains in the 41-50m category by €2,000 per month, and earned less than motor yacht captains by €2,000 in the 51-65m category.  

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Crew aboard Crose Del Sud

Technical Crew  

239 of the 434 technical crew surveyed were chief engineers, and on charter yachts, they earned an excellent salary compared to private, permanent and rotational counterparts on the same-sized yacht: In the 0-35m size category, they earned €6,000 per month compared to €5,500. Salary levelled off in the 80-100m category, with chief engineers on charters earning slightly less than others with a salary of €9,500.  

Second engineers were the most stable across the sectors and received a steady pay of between €48,000, rising to €70,000 on the largest yachts. Second engineers on charter yachts were paid considerably more per month than permanent and private second engineers within the 51-65m and 66-80m categories, earning between €5,000-€10,000 more in the former category and €2,000-€5,000 per month more in the latter.  

Third engineers earned between €2,500 and €5,000 per month, with the pay scale raising incrementally based on yacht size.  

superyacht crew rotation

Luxury superyacht crew

Deck officers

69% of the 224 deck officers who took part in the survey were permanent and 31% rotational. Second and third officers had a greater chance of occupying a rotational position (50% and 70%), making deck officers the most likely crew members to have rotational work. Deck officers on charter yachts tended to earn less than counterparts on similarly-sized vessels, and private and permanent positions provide the most stable throughout.   

Salaries for chief officers on charter yachts ranged from under €4,000 per month on 0-35m vessels to over €8,000 on 81-100m vessels and dropping slightly in the category of 101+m  

Data for 2nd and 3rd officers was more sporadic, and charter position salaries ranged from €3,800 for both positions on yachts 51-65m and upwards.  

Although 127 chefs participated in the survey, results were varied both for yacht sizes and sectors, producing the unusual graph where the head chefs on a 0-35m and 66-80m yacht were earning approximately the same (€4,000 per month) while on other sized charter yachts the head chefs were earning between €5,000 and €8,000. Of the head chefs who submitted data. 85% were permanent and 15% on rotation.  

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Dining aboard superyacht SuRi

Vessel size seemed to play a part in the salary of sous chefs, with each type of employees earning more on larger yachts. 71% were permanent, and 29% were temporary.  

Pursers, Stewards and Stewardesses  

For the 2016/2017 report, only 27 pursers, 68 chief stewards/stewardesses and 27-second stewards/stewardesses provided information, and there are therefore too few results to make solid conclusions about industry salaries in this area. Of the pursers, salary varies from €5,000 per month to €7,000 and remuneration did not have any correlation with the size of the yacht and salary was stable regardless of the type of employment, although results were the most unstable in the 66-80m category.  

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Excellent service onboard

Chief stewards and stewardesses received greater salaries for working on larger yachts, with rotation, permanent and private employment having the most stable salaries and charter crew the most variable: salary on a 51-65m superyacht was €6,500 per month, whereas under €6,000 was paid to stewards and stewardesses aboard 66-80m vessels and smaller yachts.  

The results of the second stewards and stewardesses had the most variability, with charter and rotation crew earning under €3,000 for 66-80m vessels while private and permanent crew earned €5,000.  


Deckhand salaries tended not to vary depending on the size of the vessel, and 93% were permanent and 7% on rotation aboard motor yachts, while sailing yachts had 100%, permanent crew. From the 87 deckhands that contributed to the study, data revealed that salaries tended to range between €2,100 – €3,000 per month, regardless of whether the yacht was a charter, private or permanent. Deckhands on rotation earned €3,000-€9,000 less depending on the size of the yacht.  

The website currently has 2,857 searchable salaries and includes other professions such as bosun and helicopter pilot, as well as the full comprehensive report. Results are searchable at any time, and the next report is due in November 2018.    

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Superyacht Crew Salaries: First Report Released ".

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Retaining crew in the yachting recruitment crisis 23 November 2021

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Currently we are going through unprecedented times (yes, everyone’s favourite phrase over the last 18 months!) in yachting and retaining good crew is now more important than ever before.

The build market is booming, and yachts are selling like hot cakes, even the rust buckets which have sat neglected for years.

The upshot of this is that there’s a recruitment crisis in the sector. All crew have multiple job options if they choose to actively look – certainly at the junior end, less so at the senior end. Their heads are being turned by more and more yachts are offering 3:1 rotation to junior crew. Just this week I have had several clients reach out to me asking for advice on implementing a 3:1.

In my last blog I highlighted the importance of being quick with recruitment . This blog is going to look at things from a slightly different angle. Instead of improving how we recruit yacht crew, how do we hold onto them instead?

Retaining crew vs recruiting crew

Believe it or not, despite being a crew agent and my income being directly attached to making placements, I don’t want my clients to experience turnover. I want them to have stable working environments where the crew stay for years and it’s great for everyone.

Currently Quay Crew and Andrew from The Crew Academy are working closely with a large, well known yacht to improve some aspects of its operation. Together with the family office we have looked at all the costs and hidden costs of recruiting a crew member. This covered everything from obvious things like crew agency fees, flights and uniform to less obvious things like hours the Captain and HOD spend on recruiting to back office costs relating to HR, admin and accountants, etc.

In summary, the list of expenses is long, most of which people won’t even be aware of. So what did we find? That each hire was costing the yacht over $21k. Years ago, a well-known yacht fleet commissioned a report which looked at the cost of a bad hire for them. They arrived at a figure of over $60k. Disclaimer…I haven’t seen the report and don’t know how they arrived at this figure but I was told this by a senior Captain within the fleet who I have an excellent relationship with and see no reason why he would be incorrect.  

The point of my last two paragraphs? To demonstrate it really is better to hold onto your good crew instead of trying to recruit someone. Although not the case for crew who are poor at their job or poor for morale. Definitely get rid of them!

This subject is something I’m passionate about and speak to lots of clients about on a regular basis. Whilst throwing money at the problem can certainly help, improving rotation and salaries only goes so far. If the work environment is toxic, then people will still leave in droves.

The first question as Captain or HOD I would ask of myself is why would someone want to work on this yacht? This DOESN’T relate to salary or leave, it relates to the perks and the benefits of the role and for some yachts, this list is very short.

Some of these things cost money, most of them only cost time and some commitment from the Captain and HODs to implement and embed them into the culture onboard.

In no particular order, and by no means comprehensive, a few ways of retaining crew onboard your superyacht could include:

  • Implementing a training regime where each HOD holds structured training sessions on a regular basis. I would literally timetable it and plan the topics being covered during periods you don’t have guests/boss on.
  • Holding regular one-to-ones with crew and scheduled appraisals every three or six months. The appraisals must look at performance, areas for improvement etc and quantify these things where possible.
  • Looking at the work culture. Is it genuinely a happy, productive work environment? If you aren’t sure do an anonymous survey of the crew. Find out what they really think. Take steps from there. Develop a positive working environment. Lots of things you can do to improve this.
  • Considering onboard health and fitness. I believe a fit and healthy crew perform better, have less mental health issues and will stay on a yacht longer. This isn’t my idea but it’s a great one. I believe it came from Ben Craig Cameron originally. Hire a PT somewhere in the team and have them hold training sessions Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning before work. Start at 7.30am and finish at 8.00am. Everyone who takes part finishes work 30 minutes earlier. Obviously, this can only happen with guests off. But the rest of the time is doable.
  • Giving crew access to the yacht’s facilities and amenities. Let them use the toys during boss/guest-off periods. If they damage them, the privilege is revoked. Simple. Also let them use the crew car/people carrier. This facilitates them getting away from the yacht together for a weekend.

If you are a currently a client of Quay Crew and would like a complete list of ways you can demonstrate added value to crew and improve retention, please email me at [email protected] .

If you would like to become a client and see how we do things differently then please get in contact too.

Finally, if you are currently having a bit of an epiphany and are working with training providers to improve your leadership, team culture, etc then we’d be happy to explain how we can complement all of this by really improving your recruitment process and build some solid foundations to your crew.

Photo credit: serenaandrassy | talesofastewardess

Retaining crew in the yachting recruitment crisis

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 A Chief Stew with 6+ years experience in the superyacht industry. I help aspiring crew confidently land their first job and teach the skills needed to be a stand out YACHT STEW.

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Rotational Yacht Crew Jobs

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When you’re searching for yacht jobs online as a stewardess or deckhand you may have seen jobs advertised as rotational or 3:1 or 2:1 and a lot of questions have popped up around these jobs. So in the blog, we will get clear on what rotational jobs are, how they work, why they are sought after in the industry, and the differences between working as a permanent yacht crew and rotational yacht crew. 

What is a rotational yacht job onboard? 

It’s where you work a set amount of time then have an organized period of leave this can range anywhere between 5 months on and 1 month off to 6 weeks on 6 weeks off.  Rotational jobs are normal for vessels above 3000 gross tones.  

For Junior Stews a 5:1 is the most common and standard rotation. This means that you are on board for 5 months, and have 1 month’s leave. Other rotations for the interior department are  the 3:1 rotation however a little harder to come by… Typically speaking yachts over 100m are likely to offer a 3:1 rotation for the crew. And a 2:2 is more commonly reserved for the more senior Stews onboard.  For those stews with extra skills such as spa therapists, hairdressers, and nurses rotational jobs are easier to come by.   

How do rotational yachting jobs work?

2 crew members share one job onboard so when your time onboard is complete so you’ve done your 3 months you’ll prepare handover notes for your crew member you are swapping out with to carry on their role onboard and they are up to date. This may also come from the chief stew with a briefing.  On departure day you’ll do a full detail of your cabin cleaning it and making the bed for your incoming crew member and You’ll pack away all your belongings in your cabin and put them in your suitcase. Sometimes vessells allow rotational crew to have another bag on board where they can store some items so they don’t have to carry them on leave and then return with them to the boat. However not always depends on the space available for luggage onboard. 

Your flights are also paid for back to your home port (country), and a question popped up the other day as to whether or not you HAVE to fly home on your leave or can you fly to another country and enjoy a holiday. And it all depends on the boat’s policy. I always worked on boats where they would offer crew a flight to the same amount that it would usually cost to fly them home. So for the Aussies and kiwis out there who are over in the states and Europe, this is often one of the most expensive flights so it was great and you could fly anywhere, however, this was not the case for crew from England as if we were in France and they were going on leave it was usually a very cheap flight and they would have to contribute money to their flight allowance if they chose to fly to a different part of the world.  The crew from England would usually save their flights till when we were in the Caribbean so they could use more of the allowance for a holiday. 

Why have rotational yachting roles become sought after? 

Many years ago charter yachts were the most desired boats to be on because of extra tips earned. However, this has recently changed with many recruiters confirming the preferred choice for Stews at all levels is now a rotational yacht job. It means more time with friends and family has never been so important and valued, and perhaps it was something we all took for granted before. It offers more structure so you can plan your life a little easier and maybe be able to attend events back home like weddings etc. It gives you a bit more stability in what feels like a very fast-paced life onboard sometimes. 

In my opinion, it makes your career as a yacht stew or deckhand more sustainable as you know there’s light at the end of the tunnel when you’ve been working so hard you have a date when you know you’re leaving the boat. And that feeling is just as good as drop-off day! You’ll know what I mean when you first experience it.

Do yacht crew get paid when they aren’t even on the boat?

In short, yes! You will continue to receive your superyacht crew salary throughout the year, and although this may not be as much as if you were working on yachts in a permanent role, the trade-off is generally considered well worth it. It means that when you are on board, you’re highly motivated and ready to carry out your yacht crew duties to the highest standard.

Rotation was a big goal of mine, but I have to admit it was a very different environment to working for a few years on a charter yacht. 

D ifferences between working in a rotational position and in a permanent role onboard a charter yacht

  • On the charter yacht, my cabin which I shared with my roomie was our own, we made it into our little private oasis (think fairy lights, photos, pillows, blankets). And when we would go on leave we would always come back to our cabin just as we left it. So we didn’t have to pack up any of our belongings.  When you’re living and working with another crew member you develop a close bond and it’s nice to feel comfortable with that person know their routines etc when you stay with the same crew members in the same cabin.  The boat also didn’t have as many crew coming and going at all times so it felt closer and more like a family environment.
  • Now on rotational jobs, this is completely different in some ways I felt more like a number (I mean yes you have your laundry number, but you also have you’re own bag number to pile your things in when you leave for rotation and you swap in and out so feel more dispensable and maybe not as valued in your role) Just my thoughts. You also swap out with crew members on their rotation so usually on crew change over day there’s about 4 or 5 crew coming in and leaving (this was an 89m yacht) so I found the crew I never got to work with as I was on my rotation I didn’t get a chance to develop a relationship with it was more like hi, bye enjoy your leave. But working on rotation after being in the industry for many years was a blessing, I could plan holidays! I could plan events at home! I had a schedule and it was more work-life balance. I felt more rested as I had a certain amount of time off and when I was back on the boat I was in work mode and felt like I could do a better job.

How to find a rotational yacht crew job as a stewardess?

To start with most rotational interior positions are on private yachts of 100m+. Charter yachts don’t seem to offer rotation as much to stews as they are in the money-making business!  Considering financially it makes sense for them to have just one stew to keep flight costs down.

On Yachts, under 100m you don’t usually see as many rotational positions as they can’t afford to lose a crew member for an extended time. 

When a rotational position opens up it’s good to know you have a really strong CV so that you can be considered for the ‘Yes’ pile. If you’re unsure about yours the Yachting CV my toolkit can help! it has everything you need to make a stand-out cv from cv templates to a full cv review.  As it is a lot harder for green crew to land a rotational role here is a rundown of heads of departments will ask when recruiting for a rotational role. 

  • A good background before yachting, in a relevant industry
  • Roughly 18 months in the industry, (IdIdeallyith 12 months’ longevity on the same yacht)
  • Experience on yachts of a similar size (80m+)
  • Trained in extra skills which bring value to the team, like floristry, cocktails, barista
  • PDSD in hand, and Food Hygiene Level 2 >> Have you considered doing yacht stewradess training? Check out  The Seaworthy Yacht Stewardess Training Course for more infromation on how it can help you start your yacht stew career with confidence.

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I’m a chief stewardess with over 6 years experience working in the superyacht industry on boats up to 88m. I help aspiring yacht crew by propelling them with the know-how and tools to confidently break into the superyacht industry.

Hey, I'm Jess a friendly Yacht Stew here to help!

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By SuperyachtNews 07 Oct 2020

Structure, progression and retention

As well as the various benefits conveyed upon owners, we explore how co-ownership structures have the ability to yield benefits for crews….

Image for article Structure, progression and retention

By now the benefits of fractional/co-ownership have been well reported and while the structure still has is detractors within the market, it is fair to say that the concept has been proved. No one is saying that this model is suitable for every superyacht owner, nor indeed that it will replace traditional sole-ownership models, nevertheless, it has proved itself to be a legitimate and incredibly flexible alternative. However, putting aside the various benefits bestowed upon those clients that choose to adopt such a structure, the model may yield benefits, especially for superyacht crew, that have been overlooked to date.

“Everybody in the market now knows what fractional ownership is,” starts Matty Zadnikar, CEO of SeaNet Europe. “When I spoke about it four years ago, nobody really thought that it would work because they didn’t truly understand the model. I must say that the situation today has changed somewhat and the majority of people that I am in contact with have heard about it and at least have a basic understanding of the model.”

The lay conception in the superyacht industry is that if an owner wishes to mitigate their costs, then the most effective way to do so is to charter their vessel – such has been the solution for many years. Zadnikar, however, would contend that operating a superyacht commercially is not in fact the most financially beneficial solution in the long-term.

“When people seek to find out about co-ownership, I have come to understand that 75 per cent of the time owners intend to use commercial registration as their financial optimisation because they feel it is the most effective,” continues Zadnikar. “Based on this misconception I have developed a transparent financial comparison between the models of private ownership, sole commercial ownership and co-ownership of 25 or 33 per cent. The assumptions are listed and based on the typical costs associated with the purchase and operation of a 35m motoryacht from an established European brand.”

 To view the SeaNet five-year financial comparisons follow the links below. 

Comparison single owner vs 33% co-owner in a 35M Motor Yacht

Comparison single owner vs 25% co-owner in a 35M Motor Yacht

One of the common criticisms of the co-ownership model is that it doesn’t provide enough flexibility for co-owners in terms of the usage weeks throughout the year’s most popular months. The same criticism, however, can be levelled at commercial operation and the demand for charter weeks. Charter guests, invariably, demand the most popular weeks of the year and, additionally, should an owner wish to use their vessel during these weeks, they are required to pay for the privilege. The solution? If seven weeks of usage isn’t sufficient at 25 per cent, invest in a larger portion of the vessel. A 33 per cent stake, for instance, would confer 9.5 weeks of charter to the given owner. Furthermore, for owners who wish to have total flexibility, then sole private ownership is clearly the favoured model.

A second criticism of the co-ownership model is the fact the vessel is shared between a number of owners. For some reason, the industry at large takes issue with the idea that a superyacht will have to be shared amongst a number of financially interested parties. And yet, when operating a superyacht commercially, the superyacht is shared with an indefinite number of strangers that have no financial interest in the vessel itself. This criticism, one feels, is born out of laziness rather than reality.

Nevertheless, for many UHNWIs private ownership remains the best solution and, for others who wish to sweat their asset hard, commercial operation may yet remain the best option. However, the development of the co-ownership model has yielded further benefits that neither of these models can necessarily claim to match.

“I am not against sole ownership, nor am I against charter, I am simply saying that there is space in the market for a third channel,” continues Zadnikar. “The model is designed to open up the market to another type of buyer, and that is certainly something that the market needs.”

Central to the model’s additional benefit is that all those superyachts that are registered under SeaNet’s co-ownership structure are all professionally managed. A by-product of this business structure is that it has created an environment where crew, in essence, operate within a central business structure and, as a result, have a clear route for career progression and a central, financially invested body for whom their wellbeing is not only ethically preferable but also central to the success of the business.

“Why would an owner want the hassle of managing a boat?” asks Zadnikar. “Within our co-ownership model, every superyacht is full professionally managed and we also have fully rotational crew on each of our four superyachts.”

In  The Superyacht Survey 2020  published by Faststream Recruitment Group earlier this year, one of the key findings from the report where it related to career development and mental well being was the desire on the part of crew to work on board superyachts that had rotational crew. In a world that is more connected than ever before, the constant barrage of social media content and various communication platforms, rather than making crew feel more connected, has led many to feel less connected to their friends and family. For want of a better phrase, various factors have led to superyacht crew experiencing FOMO (the fear of missing out). However, on smaller superyachts rotational positions for junior crew especially are few and far between.

“On each of the superyachts registered under the SeaNet co-ownership model and full managed we have 2x4, 2x5 and 2x7 crew depending on the length of the vessel,” explains Zadnikar. “From a crew perspective, there is an excellent backup structure that will ensure they are able to strike a good work/life balance. Since the conception of our business, we made sure to predefine the yachts in technical terms so that they are optimised for multiple users and extensive use. However, our secondary consideration was ensuring that the crew worked in a professional and considered working environment. In our model, each yacht has rotational crew and each yacht is used for double seasons. They are operational for 36 weeks of the year.”

Another factor that has negatively impacted crew for some time, especially on board lesser-used private vessels, is boredom. While some may opt into the superyacht industry as a means of making quick cash before seeking alternative employment, those who choose the superyacht industry as a bona fide career path do so with the desire to work and to travel. SeaNet’s co-ownership model not only guarantees a significant number of working weeks and travel, it further provides an internal structure through which crew can progress.

“I think that a lot of the problems with crew simply come because the yachts aren’t used enough. The crew gets completely fed up with hanging around the same harbour with nothing happening. If you choose to be a mariner, you want to sail, see things and experience new places. This is exactly why our boats are continuously used, with the addition of rotation to ensure that crew don’t burn out. Typically it will be one or two months on and then one or two months off, so they are still able to have a private life and socialise with their friends and family,” says Zadnikar. “As a result, the proportion of people that leave our boats is very low and of those that have left, it has largely because they were starting families onshore. We retain our people very easily because we spend a lot of money and budget on maintenance so the boats are in excellent shape, everyone is on rotation and we pay a fair salary.”

The crew that first joined a co-owned boat with SeaNet, on board a Benetti Delfino 93’ has stepped up onto a Benetti Medieterraneo 116’ at the same time the owners of the Delfino decided to do the same, adding a further level of continuity to the process.

“I have had stewardesses step up to become chief stewardess on the bigger boats and I have had a chief engineer become captain all within the business structure,” continues Zadnkiar. “Within the company, we have created a growth plan for crew and as the business continues to grow, they will continue to step up in position or onto larger boats, or stick with the owners as they step into new projects.”

One of the most common gripes with superyacht crew is the lack of crew retention on board vessels. The inability to retain crew has much to do with the aforementioned factors, such as rotation schedules, career development opportunities and boredom. While none of these issues can be negated 100 per cent, seemingly SeaNet’s co-ownership and fleet model, as well as yielding many benefits to the right type of owner, can do much to assuage the typical crew gripes.

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Millennials Are Buying Yachts

Ten years from now, Millennials will have taken over the superyacht world. At least that’s the forecast by several experts who are seeing ages of yacht buyers trending younger.

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That trend is expected to continue, according to research from Italian yacht builder Rossinavi and the University of Monaco, with the average age of superyacht buyers decreasing 10 to 15 years over the next decade. That could make Millennials the primary buyers of superyachts.

The topic of younger buyers is a constant discussion in shipyard boardrooms and among designers looking to modify their designs to this changing market. It was also one of the topics at the recent Yachtmaster event in Key West, hosted by Benetti Yachts . Benetti sponsors Yachtmaster events twice a year (the European edition was in Budapest last month) to brief captains and other professionals on new trends in the superyacht industry.

Benetti Yachtmasters 2024

“We have been doing this event for 24 years now,” Benetti Americas manager Nick Bischoff told Robb Report . “The intent is to continue to build relationships with influencers of our current and prospective owners. In the beginning that meant mostly captains, but it’s expanded to include surveyors and owners’ reps, too.” The ultimate goal, says Bischoff, is for participants not only to network, but “put their heads together to create an ever-improving onboard experience both for owners and crew.”

Many seminars focused on the concept of onboard lifestyle, which most brokers and shipyards see as a primary driver for purchasing a yacht. Benetti’s head of product, Sebastiano Vida, also spoke about how lifestyle influences new designs in the yachts.

But Jason Dunbar, a broker and appraisal surveyor with Vessel Value Survey, recommended tough love to the brokers. His discussion about managing expectations for newbie owners included advice about being “realistic” with owners who are flush with cash, but might be new to the superyacht world. If an owner wants a brand-new 120-footer with a crew of six, but has a budget of $8 million, the broker is the one who needs to break the bad news. “A good broker has to tell people ‘Listen, that’s just not going to happen,’” says Dunbar. “That will save a lot of headaches down the road and will hopefully keep a client in boating for the long term.”

Benetti Yachtmaster Even Oasis Deck

A new buyer is often coming off a one-week charter that was magical: perfect weather, a well-oiled boat, and a crew looking forward to a little R&R after hustling all week for the charter guests. “It’s relatively easy to make things work like that one week at a time,” says Dunbar. “But a new owner who wants to use their boat for 10, 15, or 30 weeks, that’s a totally different thing. You may have to tell them they need to hire two crews and rotate them—which will be news to them.” He said that overworking the crew will “burn through humans.” The crew will be miserable, he says, which will make the boat not live up to the owners’ expectations. “The next thing you know these new owners will be long gone from yachting.”

Fraser Yachts CEO Anders Kurtén sees the new buyers as a boon for design creativity in an old-school industry. “It starts with a piece of paper,” he says. “We sit down and start designing these boats for younger clients and we see similar trends. Basically they all want to live their shore-based lives on a yacht.”

The segmented and often claustrophobic interiors of many current superyacht designs, says Dirand, just doesn’t float with the new generation. “Young owners’ preferences are honed by hospitality and a knowledge of architectural trends,” he says.

Azimut Benetti Group

Because of that, wellness centers have become focal points of design. As moguls like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg have made clear as of late, having six-pack abs in middle age is the new Lamborghini. These new owners expect their boats to be designed with beach clubs with gyms, saunas, massage areas that allow owners and guests to work out or relax, amidst warm sun rays and luscious sea breezes.

Kurtén also pointed to green tech as key for the new generation of clients. “We’ve hit a point where a 150-foot sailboat can go across the Atlantic without burning a drop of fuel. And motoryachts can function on battery-only mode, at least when they are close to port,” he says. “That’s important to these new clients—they want to be green. A few years ago that was something you said at a cocktail party, but today it’s a reality for a lot of buyers.”

Peter Selivanoff, senior yacht service manager for Fraser, also spoke about how owners are seeking highly specialized crews who can perform multiple functions across the yacht.

Navigating these new realities is an important part for the industry to future-proof itself in the competitive realm of ultra-luxury products. This is a place where youth may not spring eternal but, at least for now, it reigns supreme.

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  • Benetti Yachts
  • Yacht Crews

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Yankees get the World Series-winning crew back together to help out in spring training

FILE - Joe Torre speaks as he is inducted into the Braves Hall of Fame before a baseball game between the Atlanta Braves and the Arizona Diamondbacks, July 30, 2022, in Atlanta. Torre was elected vice chairman of baseball’s Hall of Fame, Monday, March 11, 2024. The 83-year-old was elected to the Hall in 2014 and joined the board in 2023. (AP Photo/Butch Dill, File)

FILE - Joe Torre speaks as he is inducted into the Braves Hall of Fame before a baseball game between the Atlanta Braves and the Arizona Diamondbacks, July 30, 2022, in Atlanta. Torre was elected vice chairman of baseball’s Hall of Fame, Monday, March 11, 2024. The 83-year-old was elected to the Hall in 2014 and joined the board in 2023. (AP Photo/Butch Dill, File)

The Texas Rangers watch during the fourth inning of a spring training baseball game against the Milwaukee Brewers, Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Texas Rangers’ Derek Hill is caught stealing by Milwaukee Brewers’ Brice Turang (2) during the second inning of a spring training baseball game, Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

The Texas Rangers and the Milwaukee Brewers compete during the second inning of a spring training baseball game, Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Fans wait for autographs prior to a spring training baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Texas Rangers, Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

The Texas Rangers and the Milwaukee Brewers compete during the fourth inning of a spring training baseball game, Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

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Former Yankees center fielder Bernie Williams was back at camp as guest instructor on Saturday, joining teammate Andy Pettitte and four-time World Series-winning manager Joe Torre.

The trio, all key members of the 1996-2000 Yankees teams that won it all four times, were together behind the cage during batting practice in Tampa, Florida.

Torre arrived Friday for his initial instructor stint and said this was the first he was in uniform at Steinbrenner Field since his final spring training as manager in 2007. He initially wasn’t going to put on his old No. 6, but he changed his mind after being seeing Pettitte and guest instructor Ron Guidry in the coaches room.

Also present was Yankees general manager Brian Cashman , who was an assistant GM in 1996 before being promoted to his current role two years later.

Guidry and guest instructor Willie Randolph were members of the powerhouse late 1970s Yankees teams.

“There’s a lot of wisdom, you know, whether it’s Joe Torre or Bernie Williams or Willie Randolph,” Cashman said.


Miami Marlins right-hander Eury Pérez is undergoing tests for elbow soreness.

The Gocheok Sky Dome is seen ahead of a game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Diego Padres for the MLB World Tour Seoul Series in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, March 20, 2024. South Korean police said they’ve found no explosives at Seoul’s Gocheok Sky Dome after searching the site Wednesday following a reported bomb threat against Los Angeles Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

Pérez left his start after 14 pitches on Wednesday due to a broken nail on his right middle finger. He alerted the training staff that his elbow was sore, and the Marlins said on Saturday that imaging and testing will continue for the next few days.

The 20-year-old Dominican was projected as a top three starter in a Marlins rotation that’s been dealing with injury issues. 2022 NL Cy Young winner Sandy Alcántara will miss the entire season after Tommy John surgery in October; left-hander Braxton Garrett and righty Edward Cabrera are also questionable for opening day.

Cleveland’s pitching problems could be deepening.

Guardians manager Stephen Vogt said reliever Sam Hentges will be shut down for a few days while the team gathers more information on his swollen left middle finger.

Hentges’ injury is the latest for the Guardians, who announced earlier this week that reliever Trevor Stephan and top prospect Daniel Espino will undergo season-ending surgeries and starter Gavin Williams will begin the season on the injured list with a sore elbow.

All that news came in one day.

Hentges has struggled this spring, but the Guardians are counting on him to be part of a bullpen that suddenly has some major questions. The 27-year-old Hentges went 3-2 with a 3.61 ERA in 56 games last season.


Tigers infielder Jace Jung, the team’s top pick in the 2022 amateur draft, hit two homers in Detroit’s Spring Breakout prospects game against the Phillies.

Jung’s first homer came off of Philadelphia’s No. 2 prospect, Mick Abel, and his second was a 412-foot shot against Griff McGarry. Detroit won the game 5-1.

Jung hit 28 homers in the minors last year, when he split time between Single-A and Double-A.


Kole Calhoun, a Gold Glove-winning outfielder during a 12-year career with the Angels, Diamondbacks, Rangers and Guardians, says he is retiring.

“Baseball was always my dream, and to make that my reality fills me with gratitude,” he posted on Instagram on Friday night. “I have loved this game since I can remember so making this announcement weighs heavy on my heart. This day comes for all players eventually and I can honestly say that I have given this game everything I have and I walk away with no regrets.”

Calhoun, 36, was an eighth-round draft choice by the Angels in 2010 who was a lifetime .242 hitter with 179 homers and 582 RBIs. He won a Gold Glove for the Angels in 2015, when he also hit a career-high 26 homers. He was third in the NL with 16 homers in the pandemic-shortened 2020 season.

“I once read that endings are not a bad thing, they just mean that something else is about to begin,” he posted. “Thank you baseball for the memories!!”


The Los Angeles Dodgers have activated veteran right-hander Daniel Hudson to the 40-man roster.

Hudson, 37, missed most of last season because of knee issues, pitching in just three games. The 14-year veteran helped the Washington Nationals win the World Series in 2019.

To make room for Hudson on the roster, the team designated infielder Andre Lipcius for assignment.

The Dodgers open their season against the San Diego Padres on Wednesday in Seoul, South Korea.

AP Sports Writer Tom Withers in Cleveland and AP freelance writer Mark Didtler in Tampa, Florida, contributed to this report.


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Below Deck Loses 2 Crewmembers After a Firing and a Dramatic Season 11 Departure

Below deck 's capt. kerry titheradge fired the first season 11 yachtie during the bravo series' march 18 episode, but that wasn't the only shocking departure. find out who else left the yacht..

The  St. David  is down not one, but two crewmembers.

During Below Deck 's March 18 episode, Captain Kerry Titheradge  fired the first season 11 yachtie when he let Bosun Jared Woodin go for unprofessional behavior, the last straw being an inebriated Jared barging into Stew Barbie Pascual 's cabin the night prior and yelling at Deckhand Kyle Stillie for leaving a mess of loose tobacco on the deck after a night of partying. 

"This is the second time you've gone on the piss and you've had bad behavior," Kerry told his subordinate. "You're in a leadership role. You can't be acting like that. You gotta be above the fray. The way that you're treating these guy is not acceptable."

But it wasn't just the alcohol that was the problem, as Kerry noted Jared's mental state wasn't where it needed to be. "You've got s--t going on, man," he shared. "You're your own worst enemy right now. You need to depart the vessel."

However, Jared agreed his head wasn't in the right place and accepted his termination graciously.

"This ain't the right place for me at the right time," Jared replied, to which Kerry responded, "I don't blame you for that. Take this time and work on yourself. Me keeping you here is a disservice to you."

Before departing the super-yacht, Jared reflected in a confessional, "I thought I was in a good headspace coming into this. I'm really not. And as much as I'd like to be I'm just lying to myself."

But Jared wasn't the only teammate to set sail during the latest episode. Stew Cat Baugh willingly left the ship after admittedly struggling with the job all season long.

"I really wanna push through for you guys," Cat, in tears, told Chief Stew Fraser Olender after receiving a very distressing call from a friend back home in America. "I'm just losing my mind right now."

And Fraser totally understood his crewmember's needs.

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"If you're in a very unhappy place," he told her, "I'd rather you put your health and your mental health before that and we get you the help you need as soon as we can."

In a confessional, Fraser elaborated, "I don't know what is going on, but you can look into someone's eyes sometimes and see that there is no more that they can give. They are going through enough to be incapable and I need to do what's right for her. "

See how the crew copes with the unexpected departures when Below Deck airs Mondays at 9 p.m. on Bravo. And keep reading to look back at the most shocking Below Deck firings ever.

If there's one thing to learn from Camille Lamb 's Below Deck firing, it's to not slack off on the job. That's exactly why the season 10 stew was let go by substitute Captain Sandy Yawn , as Chief Stew Fraser Olender continued to criticize Camille's behavior on board.

From being caught drinking while preparing for a new charter to partying at late hours and more, Fraser informed Captain Sandy that he had reached his "last straw."

"She's the common denominator in all of this," said Captain Sandy. "Great girl, great personality, but at the same time, we have to do what's best for the boat."

Below Deck Adventure 's Kyle Dickard was let go just three episodes into the reality franchise's latest series—which premiered in November 2022. After picking fights with his fellow deckhand Nathan Morley —as well as kissing crew mates in front of guests—Kyle was offered by Captain Kerry Titheradge the opportunity to resign so that his firing would not end up on his personal record.

Kyle took the Captain up on his offer and left the boat after just one charter.

Captain Sandy let bosun Raygan Tyler go during season seven of Below Deck Mediterranean ,  not only for causing the boat to  take a small hit while docking, but also for not stepping up to the plate as a leader.

But Captain Sandy didn't want her firing to discourage the bosun, as she told Raygan, "If I had the time and I wasn't running a boat this size, I would train you. I would teach you."

In addition to onboard romances and failing to follow directions , one of the biggest reasons behind stew Elizabeth Frankini 's Below Deck firing was her infamous laundry room accident , during which made a toxic mess when combining bleach and laundry soap.

"Unfortunately, I didn't know that was so toxic and I feel so bad about it," she told E! News of the incident in December 2020 . "You know, I do feel really bad, especially 'cause Francesca [ Rubi ] did say, 'Take it outside.'"

The bosun and stew were both fired by Captain Jason Chambers for inappropriate behavior after a night of partying with their fellow yachties.

Luke Jones was let go after getting into Stew Margot Sisson 's bed naked while she was drunk and unconscious. Laura Bileskaine also made unwanted advances on Deckhand Adam Kodra despite him telling her he was not interested in hooking up.

Jason made it known that consent was a must, and sent both crewmembers packing.

Tensions between stew Lexi Wilson and Chef Mathew Shea came to a head during an explosive dinner fight on season six of Below Deck Mediterranean , during which Lexi told Matt that his parents "should've aborted you." That was the last straw for Captain Sandy, who fired her not long after the incident.

Deckhand Tom Pearson said "bon voyage" to Below Deck Sailing Yacht after getting let go by Captain Glenn Shephard . Tom hit his last strike with the Captain after failing to report that the boat's anchor was dragging during heavy winds one night, causing a potential safety risk for everyone on board.

"It had to be done. It was such a grievous thing that he dropped the ball there, he had to go, and we had to just be man down and live with it, you know?" Captain Glenn said of the decision  on Watch What Happens Live. "So, obviously, you don't want to do that, but yeah, it had to happen."

Some people are picky eaters, but Below Deck Down Under' s Ryan McKeown was quite the picky chef, as he would judge guests'  food requests  and fail to take  criticism from Captain Jason Chambers , as well.

Perhaps Ryan's Below Deck exit is one of the franchise's most memorable, as he mooned Jason and viewers on his way off the boat.

Below Deck Down Under stew Magda Ziomek 's firing was another case of slacking on the job. After constantly being on her phone texting or video chatting with her boyfriend, Chief Stew Aesha Scott decided to replace Magda before the end of the charter season.

Below Deck Mediterranean 's Peter Hunziker was fired from the series in June 2020 after he shared an offensive post on social media.

"Peter Hunziker of Below Deck Mediterranean has been terminated for his racist post," Bravo wrote in a statement at the time. "Bravo and 51 Minds are editing the show to minimize his appearance for subsequent episodes."

Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier was let go by Captain Sandy on Below Deck Mediterranean after boson Malia White discovered her co-star possessed undeclared Valium and a vape pen, the former of which Hannah claimed was for her anxiety.

"If I could do it all over again, I would've just declared them as soon as I came on board," Hannah stated in an August 2020 interview with E! News. "It was definitely not something that was intentional. I wasn't trying to hide anything.

Below Deck Mediterranean 's Delaney Evans left just as quickly as she arrived. After initially being brought on during season six to help out Chief Stew Katie Flood , Katie determined that Delaney was doing more harm than good, choosing to let her go after just one charter.

"I think she was overwhelmed with the situation, and I think that, you know, in her mind, the best solution to the situation was just to go back to what they had before," Delaney told Bravo Insider of Katie's decision. "I think she was just overwhelmed with everything that was going on and all the feedback she was getting."

Deckhand Shane Coopersmith was a bit in over his head on season eight of Below Deck , as he was let go for failing to know basic skills, reporting late for duty and taking naps on the job.

Chaos in the kitchen led to Captain Lee Rosbach letting Chef Leon Walker go on season three of Below Deck . After an oven fire broke out , Lee placed the blame on Chief Stew Kate Chastain but was ultimately the one sent home.

Like several of the franchise's stars, Below Deck 's Chris Brown  was fired  during season five for failing to fully perform his duties. After being let go by Captain Lee, Chris shared some parting words as he left the boat, stating , "Who gives a s--t?"

Chef Mila Kolomeitseva was fired by Captain Sandy on season four of Below Deck Mediterranean after failing to use her cooking skills to produce top-quality food for guests—including some not-so-nice nachos .

"Of course it makes me feel awful," Mila said of her departure . "People like me who have big egos sometimes have to be put down to earth a little bit. But it makes me feel like I want to work even harder."

Sometimes people just don't work well together. That's exactly why Captain Lee fired Chandler Brooks during season six of Below Deck , telling the boson, "I don't think it's a good fit."

(E! and Bravo are both part of the NBCUniversal family)

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NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 completed the agency’s seventh  commercial crew rotation mission to the International Space Station on Tuesday after splashing down safely in a Dragon spacecraft off the coast of Pensacola, Florida. The international crew of four spent 199 days in orbit.

NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli , ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Andreas Mogensen , JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) astronaut Satoshi Furukawa, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov, returned to Earth splashing down at 5:47 a.m. EDT. Teams aboard SpaceX recovery vessels retrieved the spacecraft and its crew. After returning to shore, the crew will fly to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

“After more than six months aboard the International Space Station, NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 has safely returned home,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “This international crew showed that space unites us all. It’s clear that we can do more – we can learn more – when we work together. The science experiments conducted during their time in space will help prepare for NASA’s bold missions at the Moon, Mars, and beyond, all while benefitting humanity here on Earth.”

The Crew-7 mission lifted off at 3:27 a.m. Aug. 26, 2023, on a Falcon 9 rocket from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. About 30 hours later, Dragon docked to the Harmony module’s space-facing port. Crew-7 undocked at 11:20 a.m. Monday, March 11, to begin the trip home.

Moghbeli, Mogensen, Furukawa, and Borisov traveled 84,434,094 miles during their mission, spent 197 days aboard the space station, and completed 3,184 orbits around Earth. The Crew-7 mission was the first spaceflight for Moghbeli and Borisov. Mogensen has logged 209 days in space over his two flights, and Furukawa has logged 366 days in space over his two flights.

Throughout their mission, the Crew-7 members contributed to a host of science  and maintenance activities and technology demonstrations. Moghbeli conducted one spacewalk, joined by NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara, replacing one of the 12 trundle bearing assemblies on the port solar alpha rotary joint, which allows the arrays to track the Sun and generate electricity to power the station.

The crew contributed to hundreds of experiments and technology demonstrations, including the first study of human response to different spaceflight durations, and an experiment growing food on the space station.

This was the third flight of the Dragon spacecraft, named Endurance. It also previously supported the Crew-3 and Crew-5 missions. The spacecraft will return to Florida for inspection and processing at SpaceX’s refurbishing facility at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, where teams will inspect the Dragon, analyze data on its performance, and process it for its next flight.

The Crew-7 flight is part of NASA’s  Commercial Crew Program  and its return to Earth follows on the heels of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 launch, which docked to the station March 5, beginning another science expedition.

The goal of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program is safe, reliable, and cost-effective transportation to and from the International Space Station and low Earth orbit. This already is providing additional research time and has increased the opportunity for discovery aboard humanity’s microgravity testbed for exploration, including helping NASA prepare for human exploration of the Moon and Mars.

Learn more about NASA’s Commercial Crew program at:

Joshua Finch Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1100 [email protected]

Steve Siceloff Kennedy Space Center, Florida 321-867-2468 [email protected]

Leah Cheshier Johnson Space Center, Houston 281-483-5111 [email protected]

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Below Deck Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock

C urious about where to watch Below Deck Season 2 online ? You’ve come to the right place. Below Deck is a widely watched TV show that tracks the day-to-day experiences of crew members living and working on a superyacht throughout its charter season. Each season showcases a new yacht and its crew, exploring beautiful locales like the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Thailand, and Tahiti.

Here’s how you can watch and stream Below Deck Season 2 via streaming services such as Peacock.

Is Below Deck Season 2 available to watch via streaming?

Yes, Below Deck Season 2 is available to watch via streaming on Peacock .

In this series, viewers get an insider’s view of what it takes to run a high-end charter yacht, focusing on service, team interactions, personal connections, and the obstacles the crew encounters while serving their wealthy guests.

The crew of Below Deck Season 2: Ohana includes Lee Rosbach, the Captain, Ben Robinson, the Chef, and Kate Chastain, the Chief Stewardess, among others.

Watch Below Deck Season 2 streaming via Peacock

Below Deck Season 2 i s available to watch on Peacock. Peacock streams an extensive array of beloved TV series, exclusive originals, and live TV stations, featuring worldwide hits such as The Office, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Modern Family, and Downton Abbey, among others, all available for your viewing pleasure on any device you prefer.

You can watch via Peacock by following these steps:

  • Go to
  • Click ‘Get Started’
  • $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (premium)
  • $11.99 per month or $119.99 per year (premium plus
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Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of TV, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo Shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus is the same plan but with no ads (save for limited exclusions), along with allowing users to download select titles and watch them offline and providing access to your local NBC channel live 24/7.

Below Deck’s synopsis is as follows:

“The upstairs and downstairs worlds collide when this young and single crew of “yachties” live, love, and work together onboard a luxurious mega yacht while tending to the ever-changing needs of their wealthy, demanding charter guests.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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Below Deck Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock


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    Open Space, Eco-Friendly Tech: What a Rising Class of Millennial Superyacht Owners Looks For Surveys predict that, 10 years from now, the average age of a superyacht buyer will be 35 to 40 ...

  25. Yankees get the World Series-winning crew back together to help out in

    Yankees get the World Series-winning crew back together to help out in spring training. ... The 20-year-old Dominican was projected as a top three starter in a Marlins rotation that's been dealing with injury issues. 2022 NL Cy Young winner Sandy Alcántara will miss the entire season after Tommy John surgery in October; left-hander Braxton ...

  26. Below Deck Loses 2 Crew After a Firing and a Dramatic Departure

    Below Deck's Capt. Kerry Titheradge fired the first season 11 yachtie during the Bravo series' March 18 episode, but that wasn't the only shocking departure. Find out who else left the yacht.

  27. SpaceX launches eighth long-duration crew for International Space

    Designated Crew 8, the mission marks the eighth long-duration ISS team that NASA has flown aboard a SpaceX launch vehicle since the private rocket venture founded in 2002 by billionaire Elon Musk ...

  28. Splashdown! 's SpaceX Crew-7 Finishes Mission, Returns to Earth

    NASA's SpaceX Crew-7 completed the agency's seventh commercial crew rotation mission to the International Space Station on Tuesday after splashing down safely in a Dragon spacecraft off the coast of Pensacola, Florida. The international crew of four spent 199 days in orbit. NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Andreas Mogensen, JAXA (Japan Aerospace ...

  29. Below Deck Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock

    The crew of Below Deck Season 2: Ohana includes Lee Rosbach, the Captain, Ben Robinson, the Chef, and Kate Chastain, the Chief Stewardess, among others. Watch Below Deck Season 2 streaming via Peacock