Sir James Dyson's luxury yacht in Cornwall after Boris Johnson text message controversy

The 300ft Nahlin which has turned up in Falmouth was previously part of King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson's abdication romance

  • 17:18, 23 APR 2021
  • Updated 09:02, 24 APR 2021

Sir James Dyson's 1930 luxury yacht Nahlin, moored at Carrick Roads near Falmouth

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Vacuum billionaire Sir James Dyson may well have scarpered to Cornwall to escape the fallout from ‘Textgate’ as his 300ft yacht has been spotted in Falmouth harbour.

One of Britain’s most prominent businessmen has been caught up in what the Labour Party has called “new Tory sleaze” after texts between him and Prime Minister Boris Johnson about tax and the provision of ventilators were made public.

Mr Johnson has said he will publish his text messages and “makes absolutely no apology” for the exchanges with Mr Dyson promising to “fix” tax status for the firm to help build ventilators.

Number 10 sources have accused the PM’s former senior advisor Dominic Cummings of leaking the text messages.

A trip to sunny Cornwall can fix most problems and this might be what Mr Dyson is hoping as his luxury yacht Nahlin is currently in Falmouth , moored on the harbour’s Cross Roads buoy.

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Launched in 1930, she is one of the last large steam yachts constructed in the UK having been built by John Brown & Company at Clydebank and was constructed immediately before the RMS Queen Mary.

In 1936 Nahlin was chartered by King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson for a cruise in the Adriatic Sea, photos from which sparked rumours of the impending abdication. Informal photographs of Edward and Simpson on board together during the cruise were not published in Britain but became front-page news in America.

The yacht was then bought by King Carol of Romania in 1937 and later became a floating restaurant in the country.

Sir James purchased the yacht from Sir Anthony Bamford, chairman of JCB, in 2006. The inventor spent five years comprehensively rebuilding and restoring it and the ship was recommissioned in 2010 as the Nahlin and registered again in Glasgow, Scotland.

Sir James Dyson's 1930 luxury yacht Nahlin, moored at Carrick Roads near Falmouth

The name Nahlin is taken from a Native American word meaning "fleet of foot" and the yacht has a figurehead depicting a Native American wearing a feathered headdress beneath the bowsprit.

She was originally furnished with six en-suite staterooms for guests, a gymnasium, a ladies' sitting room with sea views on three sides, and a library.

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The Nahlin, pictured in 1936.

From Edward VIII to James Dyson: the yacht that tells a tale of British wealth

Ian Jack

The fortunes of industry and a handful of ultra-rich individuals are woven through the history of the Nahlin

I n the early years of this century, soon after he began moving production of his bagless vacuum cleaner from Wiltshire to south-east Asia , James Dyson bought a superb yacht. The Nahlin is exemplary in the beauty of its lines and instructive in its history, though how much of this history Dyson understands or relishes is hard to know. Despite spending a fortune (at least £25m) on its restoration, Dyson has never talked publicly about his yacht, no more than he has about his purchase of Singapore’s most expensive flat (£43m) and its sale soon after, at a loss. For a time, a kind of omertà prevailed about the vessel’s ownership among its team of restorers, though to own and care for such an elegant piece of naval architecture would surely be no shame.

What Dyson certainly knows is that it was on the Nahlin that King Edward VIII and Mrs Wallis Simpson shed any discretion and “came out” as a couple – a relationship reported across the world, though not at the time in Britain – precipitating the crisis that ended with the king’s abdication a few months later, in December 1936. “The cruise of the Nahlin” became an inevitable chapter in any telling of the event, though how the king came to be aboard such a mysteriously named vessel tended to be overlooked. In fact, the name is said to have Native American origins, and reportedly means “fleet of foot” – the yacht’s figurehead wears a chieftain’s headdress – and the king was aboard because the Foreign Office, worried by social unrest in France, had warned against his original plan to rent a villa there.

So instead he rented the Nahlin, to avoid the fuss that a voyage in the royal yacht, the Victoria and Albert, would create and perhaps also because the Nahlin, commissioned only six years earlier, appealed to his appetite for cocktail modernity. Fuss, however, was unavoidable. At Šibenik, the Dalmatian port where the king and Mrs Simpson boarded the yacht, an exuberant crowd of 20,000 turned up and (thanks to reports in the American press) showed as much interest in her as in him; at sea, two Royal Navy destroyers, the Grafton and the Glowworm, accompanied the Nahlin wherever she went – a leisurely August progress down the Adriatic, through the Corinth canal to the Greek islands, and eventually to Istanbul. The “nanny-boats”, as Lady Diana Cooper called them; she and a few other prominent society figures were also aboard, as well as a crew around 60-strong.

The Nahlin, moored off Falmouth, Cornwall, April 2021.

Of course, the term yacht is misleading. No sails have ever been involved. The Nahlin, like its bland modern equivalents, was a yacht only in the sense that its sole purpose was its owner’s pleasure, the owner being in this case a Lady Yule. Launched in 1930 from the Clydebank shipyard of John Brown & Co – builder of celebrated liners such as Cunard’s two Queens – it measures 300ft in length and was originally powered by four steam turbines. Characteristically of the steam yacht, of which the Nahlin was among the very last examples, its hull preserves elements of the sailing ship, with a curved clipper bow and a counter stern, each stretching well beyond the waterline. The shape and colour of steam yachts – white hull, cream funnel – made people think of swans. Their costs and months of idleness meant they were an indulgence that only the richest magnates on either side of the Atlantic could afford: JP Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Sir Thomas Lipton.

And Lady Yule? She was thought to be the richest widow in England. How had she come by her money? Jute, was the short answer. A longer one involves a story of British innovation and industrial expansion overseas that Dyson might recognise, beginning in the 1820s when Dundee manufacturers began to look for an alternative to hemp in the making of sacking, rope and sailcloth. Jute was cheap and reliably available from Bengal in British India, but it was tough and brittle and broke easily when it was spun or woven. After years of experiment, it was successfully made pliable by the application of whale oil, of which Dundee as a whaling port had no shortage.

The demand for jute fabric and jute rope boomed, and Dundee enjoyed a near monopoly until the 1870s, when British industrialists began to open jute mills in Bengal itself because, as economic historian Morris D Morris has pointed out, “jute manufacturing was not a complicated process [and] cheap labour was a very great advantage”. Bengal had five jute mills in 1870 and 69 jute mills in 1914, as cheaper Indian-made jute conquered foreign markets previously served by Dundee, and exports of jute cloth from India grew 272 times over the same period; even better was to come with the first world war, when the word “sandbag” must have sounded like a ringing cash register in the inner ear of every Indian jute trader.

The Yule family benefited enormously. Annie Henrietta (Lady) Yule was the daughter of Andrew Yule, the son of a small-town draper in Scotland who arrived in Kolkata (then Calcutta) in 1863 as an agent representing several British firms, and whose family eventually owned tea estates, coalmines, cotton and flour mills, railways, and 2,400 square miles of productive land – as well as the jute mills that Andrew Yule’s nephew and successor, Sir David Yule, had taken an especial interest in expanding. Sir David was a shy workaholic who rarely left Kolkata. Aged 42, he married another Yule, his cousin Annie Henrietta. When he died in 1928, soon after ordering his steam yacht, the Times described him as“one of the wealthiest men, if not the wealthiest man, in the country”.

Where did it all go? Lady Yule and her daughter Gladys made a long and expensive world cruise in the Nahlin in the early 1930s. She invested heavily and sometimes unwisely in the British film industry; she opened a stud farm. She had, in the words of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, “strong religious opinions, a sharp tongue, and imperious habits”. Her attempt to force teetotalism on the Nahlin’ s crew was probably not a success. At any rate she sold the ship to King Carol II of Romania in 1937, after which the Nahlin disappeared from the map of British interests – missing, presumed dead – until an English yacht broker, Nicholas Edmiston, discovered it moored in the Danube as a floating restaurant in the 1990s. It passed briefly through the ownership of another Brexit-supporting tycoon, Sir Anthony Bamford, before Dyson bought it in 2006.

This week, thanks to the wonder of digital ship location, I traced the yacht’s present whereabouts to the Blohm+Voss shipyard in Hamburg; it had reached there from the Caribbean via Gibraltar and Falmouth. Blohm+Voss spent millions of Dyson’s money when the yacht was first restored and re-engined, and it may be there now for its annual overhaul. The shipyard is old and distinguished, and still fills the harbour with the sounds of building and repair work. They even build luxury yachts there; the clients include Roman Abramovich and Vladimir Putin.

Nothing remains of the Nahlin’s birthplace at Clydebank, apart from a large crane that stands useless at the river’s edge. Ships, like bagless vacuum cleaners and jute, are made elsewhere.

Ian Jack is a Guardian columnist

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James Dyson retrofits classic steam yacht

James Dyson retrofits classic steam yacht

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Sir James Dyson, the renowned English industrial designer has refitted a 300 feet classic steam yacht named Nahlin.

The 1930 steam yacht Nahlin was completely restored at Blohm + Voss (B+V), a German yacht building firm. The yacht has been refitted with new diesel engines and period-correct paneling and moldings.

Sir James Dyson, who is best known as the inventor of the Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner, has refurbished the classic yacht and has re-launched it. Nahlin was originally designed by G.L. Watson for a British heiress and was later owned by the Romanian Royal Family. The 1,574 ton Nahlin, which is 91.4m in length and can hold 58 crew and 351 passengers, was built for Lady Annie Henrietta Yule in 1930.

The historic super yacht was involved in the abdication of King Edward VIII, and has spent much of the last 70 years as a floating restaurant on the river Danube until it was reportedly bought by Dyson. It is believed that Dyson has shelled out GBP25 million ($38.7 million) for the retrofit project.



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Nahlin visits the River Dart

Yachting World

  • July 19, 2010

One of the world's finest privately owned yachts - understood to be owned by vacuum cleaner entrepreneur James Dyson - was a visitor to the River Dart last weekend


This is Nahlin, recently re-built by Blohm + Voss in Germany and pictured last week end on the River Dart in Devon. The 300ft long yacht was originally built for Lady Annie Henrietta Yule in 1930 by the John Brown shipyard and was later owned by the Romanian Royal Family. She was also chartered in the 1930s by King Edward VIII and used by him and Mrs Wallis Simpson.

Nahlin was ‘discovered’ some years ago lying on the River Danube by yachting historian Dr. William Collier, who is the owner of the G.L. Watson naval architect firm responsible for Nahlin’s original design. The company has done much of the cataloguing and re-design work necessary to turn Nahlin into a yacht with a modern inventory.

Yacht broker Nicholas Edmiston arranged to have the vessel, which was originally steam-powered, shipped first to Falmouth, then to Liverpool and finally to Germany where the re-fit work has been underway for some years.

It has been reported that Nahlin is now owned by James Dyson of vacuum cleaner fame. #1 for classic wooden boat stories, info, advice & news – updated daily

Dedicated to the study & appreciation of wooden boats. waitematawoodys® was founded upon a desire to tell the stories & a need to archive the history of our classic wooden boats, the craftsman who built them & characters that owned & crewed on them. to share – email your photos, video's & stories to flora mckenzie at [email protected] – special thanks to marine author & historian harold kidd. click the follow button at the bottom right of the page to get email alerts on new & updated stories. ww gets a lot of emails every day – we like that, but sometimes we just can't answer them all, it's not that we're lazy or rude – just busy working on the next story :-) alan houghton – ww founder ©2024.  #1 for classic wooden boat stories, info, advice & news – updated daily

A Woody Weekend


Woody Weekend on the Waitemata

The Waitemata Harbour was a pretty magical place this Labour weekend – we had an impressive collection of wooden classics visiting.

The classic 1929 motor yacht Nahlin, owned by industrial designer / inventor James Dyson is currently berthed alongside the CYA’s Heritage Landing. Nahlin has a very impressive history of ownership & was once ‘The Royal Yacht’ – details on her history & restoration at the link below.

We also had the ‘Tall Ships’ berthed at Princess Wharf for the long weekend & their arrival & departure was very impressive.

At the other end of the scale the super yacht (ship) ‘A’ was anchored in the middle of the harbour, this boat divides people into to camps – love it or hate it – me I love it. One of the crew skills is the ability to abseil – thats how they clean the windows 🙂

And even my favorite woody made it off the marina for 3 days of spring boating.

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Yacht, IMO 1009417

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The current position of NAHLIN is at Aegean Sea reported 10 mins ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Symi, Greece , and expected to arrive there on Jul 25, 15:00 . The vessel NAHLIN (IMO 1009417, MMSI 235075032) is a Yacht built in 1930 (94 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of United Kingdom (UK) .

NAHLIN photo

Position & Voyage Data

Predicted ETA-
Distance / Time-
Course / Speed 
Current draught4.5 m
Navigation Status At anchor
Position received
IMO / MMSI1009417 / 235075032
FlagUnited Kingdom (UK)
Length / Beam94 / 12 m

Map position & Weather

Recent port calls, vessel particulars.

IMO number1009417
Vessel NameNAHLIN
Ship typeYacht
FlagUnited Kingdom
Gross Tonnage1377
Summer Deadweight (t)1574
Length Overall (m)90
Beam (m)12
Draught (m)
Year of Build1930
Place of Build
Crude Oil (bbl)-
Gas (m3)-
Classification Society
Registered Owner-
Owner Address-
Owner Website-
Owner Email-
Manager Address-
Manager Website-
Manager Email-

NAHLIN current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of NAHLIN data.

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From Edward VIII to James Dyson: the yacht that tells a tale of British wealth | Ian Jack . An interesting and (as far as I can tell), well-informed read.  


Well-known member

Yes, I’d read that article this morning; a beautiful ship with an interesting history. I also enjoyed the diversion into the ins and outs of manufacturing jute. It was, of course, the idea of using jute to make parachutes that made the provisioning by air of Slim’s army in the Burma campaign possible. There simply wasn’t enough silk to use traditional parachutes, and the huge capacity of jute production in Calcutta made it a simple solution.  



james dyson yacht nahlin

  • LittleSister

I hadn't seen this thread when I posted the same article on the Classic & Wooden Boat forum a few minutes ago. (I blame the rain soaked and very affectionate cat clambering all over me as I try to read the forum.)  


LittleSister said: (I blame the rain soaked and very affectionate cat clambering all over me as I try to read the forum.) Click to expand...

james dyson yacht nahlin

It shows up the current generation of megayachts for the vulgar contraptions that they almost always are.  


johnalison said: It shows up the current generation of megayachts for the vulgar contraptions that they almost always are. Click to expand...

Gary Fox

mjcoon said: You'd think that James Dyson would want something in multicoloured plastic... Click to expand...

james dyson yacht nahlin

Talitha G is at St Tropez during Les Voiles most years. She is gorgeous.  

  • 16 May 2021


Stemar said: Ah well, back to reality - and my Snapdragon Click to expand...
mjcoon said: I fuzzily recollect my first flotilla Click to expand...
Stemar said: Pub to pub, then? Click to expand...

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54 Irwin 1990 Boat For Sale

Asking price: $375,000.

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  • 54' Irwin

Last updated Feb 13, 2024

54' Irwin 1990

A Rare GemRefreshing to find a boat that is lavishly maintainedand constantly upgraded 

VIEW THE 360 DEGREE VIRTUAL TOURThe Irwin 54 is one of the most popular sailing yachts over 50' ever built. Find out why

For over 20 Years, the current owner had an open check book tocontinually upgrade and lovingly care for this amazing yacht 

Over 250 Irwin 52’s and 54’s were built. First introduced in 1976, The Irwin 52 quickly became the  most  popular cruising center cockpit sailboat on the market.  In 1988, the boat evolved into the Irwin 54 with a major redesign of the hull, deck and interior. “Patience“ is one of the last Irwin 54’s and possibly the best ever built.

“Patience” was ordered new by her original owner in 1989 and commissioned in 1990. The concept was to utilize the basic clever design and create a vessel of not just outstanding beauty, but also a yacht that is flawlessly executed and engineered to a standard normally seen only in larger vessels. The spectacular result is not only a "go anywhere" yacht, but also one of absolute luxury, total privacy and short-handed style.

The second owner purchased "Patience" for a two year Caribbean cruise and then sold  her to the  current owner.Current owner has owned this boat for the past 20 years!

Denison Yachting is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Preferred Yachts.

Denison Yacht Sales offers the details of this yacht in good faith but can’t guarantee the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of this boat for sale. This yacht for sale is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal from that yacht market without notice. She is offered as a convenience by this yacht broker to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a specific yacht for sale.


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james dyson yacht nahlin

First-Time Buyer?

Read our guide to learn the process for buying this 54' Irwin


  • Yacht Details: 54' Irwin 1990
  • Location: Saint Petersburg, FL
  • Engines: Yanmar
  • Last Updated: Feb 13, 2024
  • Asking Price: $375,000
  • Max Draft: 12' 6''

54' Irwin additional information

  • Beam: 15' 4''
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Displacement: 46,000 lb
  • Fuel Tank: 1 x 340|gallon
  • Fresh Water: 1 x 480|gallon
  • Single Berths: 8

A Rare Gem Refreshing to find a boat that is lavishly maintained and constantly upgraded 

VIEW THE 360 DEGREE VIRTUAL TOUR The Irwin 54 is one of the most popular sailing yachts over 50' ever built. Find out why

For over 20 Years, the current owner had an open check book to continually upgrade and lovingly care for this amazing yacht 

Over 250 Irwin 52’s and 54’s were built. First introduced in 1976, The Irwin 52 quickly became the  most  popular cruising center cockpit sailboat on the market.  In 1988, the boat evolved into the Irwin 54 with a major redesign of the hull, deck and interior. “Patience“ is one of the last Irwin 54’s and possibly the best ever built.

“Patience” was ordered new by her original owner in 1989 and commissioned in 1990. The concept was to utilize the basic clever design and create a vessel of not just outstanding beauty, but also a yacht that is flawlessly executed and engineered to a standard normally seen only in larger vessels. The spectacular result is not only a "go anywhere" yacht, but also one of absolute luxury, total privacy and short-handed style.

The second owner purchased "Patience" for a two year Caribbean cruise and then sold  her to the  current owner. Current owner has owned this boat for the past 20 years!

Interior Description

“Patience” sleeps six persons in three private cabins, excluding the main salon, with optional sleeping space in workroom.

She has a stunning interior that really has to be seen to be fully appreciated. (See the 3D Virtual Tour) She was designed and then customized around luxury, quality and functional elegance. The interior is truly gorgeous and maintained in show condition at all times.

Starting forward is VIP Stateroom with centerline queen berth.

Next aft to starboard is the Guest Cabin with a double berth.

The Guest Head is to port and features a separate shower stall and a separate door to the Vip Stateroom and another door that opens into the hallway. 

The huge raised Main Salon features large fixed ports, offering a panoramic view outside. To starboard is another  “L” shaped settee and dining table. Next aft is a desk and breakfast bar.To port is a  “L” shaped settee followed by a large Chart Table. Here is located the electronic switches for AC and DC Systems. A large flatscreen TV is located above and navigation instuments are outboard. An eight bottle wine cooler is located below.

Next aft and down two steps is the Galley. The galley on “Patience” will appeal to any cruising gourmet and is equivalent in size to what you'd expect on boats much larger. The galley provides ample counter space, cabinets and drawers for storage. Opposite the galley is the separate laundry room and complete walk-in workshop. 

  • Full size upright refrigerator with separate top loading freezer (Grunert  120 volt with holding plates)
  • Force 10 3-burner stove with oven (gimbaled)
  • Toaster Oven
  • G.E. full size microwave
  • Built in automatic coffee maker
  • Built in Ice Maker
  • “Blanco” sink with trash chute and cutting board
  • PG safety solenoid valves with leak detector

Across from the galley is the Workshop and Laundry Room. The work bench has cushions to create another berth. The captain and crew are kept in clean clothes by using the full size Miele, 220V, high quality washer and dryer.

The Owner's Stateroom features a centerline queen berth, large hanging locker and numerous drawers and cabinets.

The en-suite Owner's Head has a separate stall shower/tub.

At Chart Table

  • Garmin GPS with color chart plotter, anemometer and sonar 
  • Built-in ICOM SSB radio
  • Built-in Simrad VF radio with wireless remote
  • Four Midland handheld radios
  • Garmin GPSmap XSV chartplotter with radar and sonar
  • RaymarineWindspeed and Direction
  • Raymarine Depth Sounder
  • Raymarine Multifunction Display
  • Raymarine Autopilot 
  •  Garmin Multifunction Display
  • Fusion Radio Control
  • Garmin Radar with mast mounted closed array antenna
  • Raymarine Steering Pedestal Mounted anemometer
  • Raymarine Steering Pedestal Mounted Repeater
  • TCI TV and Sony DVD in Main Salon
  • Samsung TV in forward VIP stateroom, LG DVD player
  • Polariod TV and LG DVD in forward guest room
  • Haier 120 VDC Wine Cooler
  • Fusion stereo Main Salon
  • Fusion stereo in Cockpit
  • Samsung TV and Insignia DVD in aft stateroom
  • Omnidirectional and Satellite TV antennas
  • Engine: Yanmar  4HL-HTE 140 hp turbo diesel engine was rebult in 2017 and shows about 670 Hours
  • Generator : Phaser K4-15 KW  Generator was replaced
  • Spectra Water maker 
  • Vetus 24 Volt DC Thruster
  • Windlass Lighthouse 24 Volt DC
  • Dinghy Davit TNT 24 Volt DC
  • 120 VAC Miele clothes washer/dryer combination

12 Volt System

  • (2) 31 AGM starting batteries for engine and generator
  • (2) 4D house batteries

24 Volt System

  • Group T105 like 6 Volt batteries connected in series

Promariner Pronautic 1260P 12VDC/60 AMP marine grade battery charger digital display in chart table area

 50 Amp Shore Power cord 

  • Promariner Pronautic 1260P 12 Volt Marine Battery Charger
  • 24 Volt Marine Battery Charger
  • Promariner Promar digital display at the chart table
  • Spectra Cape Horn 12 Volt DC Watermaker
  • Water Heater 20 Gallon

The current owner decided to remove the Hood Stoway mast and upgrade the mast and rigging to a custom Seldon mast with a hydraulic furling system around 2010. He has an impressive above deck rig that rivals vessels of a much larger size and higher price range. A lot of thought by the experienced owner went into making “Patience” easy to sail by a couple and enhance the performance.

  • Hydraulic main sail
  • Hydraulic roller furling on Genoa
  • Roller furling on staysail
  • Running rigging for staysail
  • Navtec hydraulic adjuster
  • Whisker Pole
  • (2) #36 Barient 24V electric primary winches (with controls at winch and helm)
  • #27 Barient hydraulic main sheet (with controls at winch and helm)
  • (2) #21 Barient self tailing halyard winches

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  1. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    james dyson yacht nahlin

  2. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    james dyson yacht nahlin

  3. Billionaire Dyson's Luxury Yacht Nahlin in Hamburg

    james dyson yacht nahlin

  4. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    james dyson yacht nahlin

  5. James Dyson's yacht NAHLIN in Gibraltar

    james dyson yacht nahlin

  6. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    james dyson yacht nahlin


  1. Yacht Nahlin besucht Hamburg

  2. Inside the Program: Texas Longhorns team notes from Week 2

  3. James Dyson Award Submission

  4. Yacht Nahlin Blohm&Voss

  5. James Dyson: Overcoming Challenges Through Innovation and Willpower #successmindset #motivation

  6. Ludwig Goransson


  1. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    The Nahlin yacht underwent a transformative journey under the watchful eyes of Sir James and his wife Lady Dyson. Collaborating with the master shipbuilders at Blohm and Voss in Germany, the Dysons dedicated half a decade to meticulously rebuild and restore this heritage vessel. Post-restoration, Nahlin proudly offers luxurious accommodations for up to 12 guests.

  2. Nahlin (yacht)

    Nahlin is a luxury yacht that was built in Scotland in 1930. She was a turbine -powered steam yacht until 2005, when she was re-fitted with a diesel-electric powertrain. Her current owners are Sir James and Lady Dyson.

  3. JAMES DYSON • Net Worth $10 Billion • House • Yacht

    Explore the life and accomplishments of Sir James Dyson, the mastermind behind the bagless vacuum cleaner, and the transformative impact of Dyson company on the household appliance industry. His net worth is $10 billion. He is owner of the yacht Nahlin.

  4. James Dyson's yacht NAHLIN in Gibraltar

    James Dyson 's yacht Nahlin in Gibraltar. The superyacht was built in 1930 for Annie Henrietta Yule. At that time, she was the richest woman in the UK. Other owners of the Nahlin yacht include King Carol II of Romania, yacht broker Nicholas Edmiston, and Sir Anthony Bamford. In 2006 the classic yacht was bought by Sir James Dyson and his wife ...

  5. Vacuum tycoon Sir James Dyson's luxury yacht is in Cornwall

    Sir James Dyson's 1930 luxury yacht Nahlin, moored at Carrick Roads near Falmouth on Friday, April 23 (Image: Greg Martin / Cornwall Live)

  6. World's 100 Largest Yachts 2007 #18: Nahlin

    #18: NAHLIN—300'0"Last summer the London newspaper Evening Standard claimed that James Dyson, the Brit who invented the eponymous bagless vacuum, was prepared to spend $30 million restoring this gentleman's yacht. This was the first time we'd seen a name associated with the yacht, which has been surrounded by secrecy since arriving at Nobiskrug

  7. The Nahlin Luxury Yacht In Fethiye • Turkey's For Life

    Nahlin was one of the last three steam yachts built in the UK and also one of the biggest. She was built in 1929 and launched in 1930 for Lady Annie Henrietta Yule; at the time, the richest woman in Britain. Fast forward to 2014 and Nahlin is now owned by James Dyson; you know, the chap who invented that famous vacuum cleaner and is now doing a ...

  8. News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  9. James Dyson retrofits classic steam yacht

    Sir James Dyson, who is best known as the inventor of the Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner, has refurbished the classic yacht and has re-launched it. Nahlin was originally designed by G.L. Watson for a British heiress and was later owned by the Romanian Royal Family. The 1,574 ton Nahlin, which is 91.4m in length and can hold 58 crew and 351 passengers, was built for Lady Annie Henrietta ...

  10. Nahlin visits the River Dart

    Nahlin visits the River Dart. One of the world's finest privately owned yachts - understood to be owned by vacuum cleaner entrepreneur James Dyson - was a visitor to the River Dart last weekend ...

  11. James Dyson superyacht in Falmouth, Cornwall amid text row

    Amid a war of words echoing around the corridors of power at Westminster over texts exchanged between Prime Minister Boris Johnson and billionaire Sir James, the British-born inventor, industrialist and entrepreneur, superyacht Nahlin and her crew have kept a low profile.

  12. Superyachtfan

    Amazing photos of the yacht Nahlin. Nahlin is owned by Sir James Dyson, inventor of the Dyson bagless vacuum cleaner. #Dyson has a net worth of US$ 5.8 billion and owns a US$ 70 million #Gulfstream #G650 (G-ULFS). He lives in a large estate named Dodington Park.

  13. A Woody Weekend

    The classic 1929 motor yacht Nahlin, owned by industrial designer / inventor James Dyson is currently berthed alongside the CYA's Heritage Landing. Nahlin has a very impressive history of ownership & was once 'The Royal Yacht' - details on her history & restoration at the link below.

  14. NAHLIN, Yacht

    The current position of NAHLIN is at Aegean Sea reported 13 days ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Marmaris, Turkey, sailing at a speed of 12.4 knots and expected to arrive there on Jun 20, 11:30 . The vessel NAHLIN (IMO 1009417, MMSI 235075032) is a Yacht built in 1930 (94 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of United Kingdom (UK) .

  15. The Nahlin

    From Edward VIII to James Dyson: the yacht that tells a tale of British wealth | Ian Jack. An interesting and (as far as I can tell), well-informed read.

  16. Yacht Nahlin • John Brown • 1930 • Photos & Video

    Photos and videos of James Dyson's yacht Nahlin

  17. Sir JAMES DYSON: The Visionary Behind Dyson's ...

    Explore the life and accomplishments of Sir James Dyson, the mastermind behind the bagless vacuum cleaner, and the transformative impact of Dyson company on the household appliance industry. His net worth is $10 billion. He is owner of the yacht Nahlin.

  18. St. Petersburg Yacht Sales & Service

    St. Petersburg Yacht Sales & Service in St. Petersburg. Find a wide choice of new and used motor and / or sailing boats currently for sale YachtWorld.

  19. Home

    Dream Makers & Yacht Brokers Helping turn your dreams into reality since 1984 Preferred Yachts Display Center Visit Us at the Harborage Marina in Charming Downtown Saint Petersburg see all the yachts Get Results, List With Us Since 1984, Preferred Yachts has Earned a Stellar Reputation, One Client at a Time sellers A Yacht Show…

  20. Do it Now Yacht

    Do it Now is a motor yacht with a length of 30m. The yacht's builder is Horizon Yachts from Taiwan who delivered the superyacht Do it Now in 2017.

  21. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    Dive deep into the history, restoration, and current value of the Nahlin yacht, once owned by the richest woman in the UK and now in the possession of billionaire James Dyson.

  22. 54 Irwin 1990 Saint Petersburg

    Yacht for Sale is a 54 superyacht built by Irwin in 1990. Currently she is located in Saint Petersburg and awaiting her new owners.

  23. NAHLIN Yacht • James Dyson $70M Superyacht

    Tauchen Sie tief in die Geschichte, Restaurierung und den aktuellen Wert der Nahlin-Yacht ein, die einst der reichsten Frau Großbritanniens gehörte und jetzt im Besitz des Milliardärs James Dyson ist.